67 research outputs found

    Evaluation of multidrug resistance-1 gene C>;T polymorphism frequency in patients with asthma

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    OBJECTIVES:Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disease characterized by bronchial hyperresponsiveness and airflow obstruction. Genetic and oxidative stress factors, in addition to pulmonary and systemic inflammatory processes, play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of asthma. The products of the multidrug resistance-1 gene protect lung tissue from oxidative stress. Here, we aimed to evaluate the association between the multidrug resistance-1 gene C>;T polymorphism and asthma with regard to oxidative stress-related parameters of asthmatic patients.METHODS:Forty-five patients with asthma and 27 healthy age-matched controls were included in this study. Blood samples were collected in tubes with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. DNA was extracted from the blood samples. The multidrug resistance-1 gene polymorphism was detected by polymerase chain reaction and a subsequent enzyme digestion technique. The serum levels of total oxidant status and total antioxidant status were determined by the colorimetric measurement method.RESULTS:The heterozygous polymorphic genotype was the most frequent in both groups. A significant difference in the multidrug resistance-1 genotype frequencies between groups indicated an association of asthma with the TT genotype. A significant difference between groups was found for wild type homozygous participants and carriers of polymorphic allele participants. The frequency of the T allele was significantly higher in asthmatic patients. The increase in the oxidative stress index parameter was significant in the asthma group compared with the control group.CONCLUSIONS:The multidrug resistance-1 gene C/T polymorphism may be an underlying genetic risk factor for the development of asthma via oxidant-antioxidant imbalance, leading to increased oxidative stress

    Shifts in appraisal dimensions as mediators of efficiency of reappraisal in emotion regulation

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    Üks viis oma emotsiooni reguleerida on kasutada ümberhindamist ehk muuta oma tõlgendust emotsiooni tekitanud olukorrast. Kuigi tõlgendusdimensioonide rolli ümberhindamises on ammu teadvustatud, pole seda ideed ümberhindamise uurimisel seni kasutatud. Käesoleva uurimistöö eesmärk on uurida, kas ja kuivõrd võivad muutused tõlgendusdimensioonidel vahendada ümberhindamise mõju emotsiooni regulatsioonile. Igapäevaelus ettetulevate emotsioonide reguleerimise mõõtmiseks kasutati 7 päeva jooksul kogemuse väljavõtte meetodit. Tekstisõnumiga teavitades paluti uuritavatel kella 11, 13 ja 15 ajal täita küsimustiku päevane osa ning kell 19 küsimustiku õhtune kokkuvõtlik osa. Regressioonanalüüsidega uuriti tõlgendusdimensioonide muutuse ja emotsiooni muutuse vahelisi seoseid ning medieerimisanalüüsiga uuriti, kas ja kuivõrd tõlgendusdimensioonide muutused vahendavad ümberhindamise kasutamise mõju emotsioonide muutusele. Uuringus osales 181 inimest vanuses 18-52 aastat ( M =28.25; SD =7.75), kellest 85% olid naised. Saadud tulemused kinnitasid, et kolme analüüsitud emotsiooni - viha, ärevuse, lõõgastuse - muutused on arvestatavas osas seletatavad muutustega kindluse, olulisuse, eesmärgipärasuse, vastutuse ja kontrolli tõlgendusdimensioonidel. Tulemused näitavad ka, et eesmärgipärasus on universaalne tõlgendusdimensioon, mille hinnang tõuseb nii negatiivse emotsiooni vähendamisel kui ka positiivse emotsiooni suurendamisel. Medieerimisanalüüsid näitasid ainult lõõgastuse puhul, et tõlgendusdimensioonid vahendavad ümberhindamise kasutamise ja emotsiooni muutuse vahelist seost ning seda läbi muutuste eesmärgipärasuse, vastutuse ja kontrolli tõlgendusdimensioonidel. Käesolev uuring demonstreerib tõlgendusdimensioonide väärtust ümberhindamise käigus toimuvate kognitiivsete protsesside mõistmisel. Kuna tulemused on eripalgelised, vajab küsimus täiendavat uurimist

    Accurately localizing the thyroid tissue in mature cystic teratoma of ovary by single-photon emission computerized tomography/computerized tomography

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    A 30-year-old woman with hyperthyroidism was admitted to hospital. Although increased thyroid function was found, the gland was normal in ultrasonography (USG). Additionally, thyroid iodine uptake and Tc-99m pertechnetate scintigraphy was normal. Abdomen USG detected a cystic pelvic mass in left ovary. A whole-body scan was performed 48 hours after oral ingestion of 29.6 MBq (0.8 mCi) I-131 (iodine-131) revealed a round structure located to the left lower abdomen. Iodine uptake was detected in this cyst which was compatible with functional thyroid tissue demonstrated by SPECT/CT. The patient was underwent surgical operation and histopathology confirmed mature cystic teratoma. Accurate localization and depiction of thyroid tissue in ovary mass was provided with SPECT/CT

    Accurately localizing the thyroid tissue in mature cystic teratoma of ovary by single-photon emission computerized tomography/computerized tomography

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    A 30-year-old woman with hyperthyroidism was admitted to hospital. Although increased thyroid function was found, the gland was normal in ultrasonography (USG). Additionally, thyroid iodine uptake and Tc-99m pertechnetate scintigraphy was normal. Abdomen USG detected a cystic pelvic mass in left ovary. A whole-body scan was performed 48 hours after oral ingestion of 29.6 MBq (0.8 mCi) 1-131 (iodine-131) revealed a round structure located to the left lower abdomen. Iodine uptake was detected in this cyst which was compatible with functional thyroid tissue demonstrated by SPECT/CT. The patient was underwent surgical operation and histopathology confirmed mature cystic teratoma. Accurate localization and depiction of thyroid tissue in ovary mass was provided with SPECT/CT