259 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to conceptualize pre-service mathematics teachers’ responding to students’ ideas, one of the codes of Contingency unit of Knowledge Quartet, while teaching limit concept. The participants were four pre-service secondary mathematics teachers. The data were obtained from the lesson plans, the video records of the participants’ lessons, and the semi-structured interviews. When the data were analysed, the seven sub-codes of the pre-service teachers’ responding to students’ ideas were determined. These sub-codes were named as (a) repeating students’ ideas, (b) approving students’ ideas, (c) explaining and expanding students’ ideas, (d) answering students’ questions, (e) asking how students’ reached their ideas, (f) correcting mistakes in students’ ideas, and (g) ignoring students’ ideas. It is thought that these sub-codes would be helpful to examine pre-service mathematics teachers’ responding to students’ ideas in a detail way.  Article visualizations

    Reflections of mathematics student teachers’ knowledge related to the purposes of the curriculum on their limit teaching

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı; matematik öğretmeni adaylarının Ortaöğretim Matematik Dersi Öğretim Programının amaçlarına yönelik bilgilerinin gerçek sınıf ortamlarındaki limit öğretimlerine yansımalarını incelemektir. Araştırma ortaöğretim matematik öğretmenliği son sınıfında öğrenim görmekte olan dört öğretmen adayı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler; katılımcıların limit kavramına yönelik hazırladıkları ders planlarından, bu derslerin video kayıtlarından ve yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşmelerin ses kayıtlarından derlenmiştir. Katılımcıların öğretim programının amaçlarına yönelik bilgilerinin limit öğretimlerine yansımaları; günlük yaşamla ilişkilendirme, farklı öğrenme alanlarıyla ilişkilendirme, matematiksel düşünme ve akıl yürütmeyi sağlama, iletişim kurma becerisini geliştirme, matematik dilini kullanma, matematik ile sanatı ilişkilendirme ve teknolojiyi etkin kullanma başlıkları altında şekillenmiştir.The aim of the study is to examine reflections of the mathematics student teachers’ knowledge related to the purposes of the national mathematics curriculum on their limit teaching. The participants were four mathematics student teachers in the final year of their program. The data were obtained from participants’ lessons plans, video recordings of their lessons in which they taught the concept of limit, and semi-structured interviews. The reflections of the mathematics student teachers’ knowledge related to the purposes of the mathematics curriculum on their limit teaching was composed of under the titles of relating real life with limit concept, relating with different areas, providing mathematical thinking and reasoning, improving ability to communicate, using mathematical language, relating mathematics with art, and using technology effectively

    Investigating Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge through Microteaching

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how pre-service mathematics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge was reflected in their microteaching. Twenty preservice secondary mathematics teachers participated in the study. The participants formed groups of two, three or four people of their choice, resulting in six groups in total. Each group designed and conducted a microteaching on a topic of their choice. The videotapes of the groups’ microteaching and their lesson plans constituted the data set for the study. We analyzed the data per the components of the pedagogical content knowledge framework outlined by various researchers. We found that the preservice mathematics teachers in general were knowledgeable about different instructional strategies and the curriculum about the topic of their microteaching, but their knowledge of learners was relatively poor. Implications for teacher education are discussed

    Matematik Öğretmenlerinin Model Oluşturma Etkinliği Tasarım Süreçlerinin İncelenmesi: Obezite Problemi

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    The purpose of this case study is to examine the design process of the Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) named Obesity Problem designed by four mathematics teachers and the MEA itself in the framework of MEA designing principles. The data are the MEA and the transcriptions of the records videotaped in the design process. The records were analyzed using content analysis and the MEA was analyzed using document analysis. The MEA was completely appropriate for the reality, model construction, construct documentation and model generalization principles, and partially appropriate for the self evaluation principle. The effective prototype principle could not be identified. The teachers starting the design process from real life situations constructed a generalizable and appropriate model for the students.değerlendirme prensibine bir ölçüde uygun bulunmuştur. Etkili prototip prensibinin varlığı belirlenememiştir. Tasarıma gerçek yaşam durumlarından yola çıkan öğretmenler, genellenebilir bir model oluşturmaya ve MOE‟nin öğrencilerin seviyesine uygun olmasına özen göstermişlerdir. Bu çalışmayla ortaöğretim seviyesinde matematik derslerinde kullanılabilecek bir MOE‟nin matematik öğretmenleri tarafından tasarlanması sağlanarak, ilgili alana katkı sağlamak hedeflenmişti


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    Özel durum çalışması niteliğindeki bu araştırmanın amacı, İzmir ili merkez ilçelerinden birinin İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü tarafından düzenlenen hizmet içi eğitim seminerine katılan matematik öğretmenlerinin öğrenme etkinliklerine yönelik görüşlerini ve deneyimlerini betimlemektir. Seminere farklı mesleki deneyime sahip ilk ve ortaöğretimin farklı sınıf seviyelerinde görev yapmakta olan on sekiz matematik öğretmeni katılmıştır. Katılımcılara seminer öncesinde öğrenme etkinliklerine ilişkin görüşlerini ve deneyimlerini belirlemeye yönelik sekiz adet açık uçlu sorunun yer aldığı bir görüş formu verilmiştir. Söz konusu form aracılığıyla yazılı olarak elde edilen veriler nitel olarak analiz edilmiş ve bulgular semineri gerçekleştiren ilk iki yazarın gözlem notları ile desteklenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda öğretmenlerin etkinlik kavramına ilişkin görüş ve deneyimlerinin oldukça sınırlı olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışmanın matematik eğitimcilerine, matematik öğretmenlerine ve öğrenme etkinlikleri ile ilgili yapılacak araştırmalara yararlı bilgiler sağlayacağı ve yeni matematik öğretim programının etkin biçimde uygulanabilmesine katkıda bulunacağı düşünülmektedir. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this case study is to describe opinions and experiences of mathematics teachers who attended the in-service education seminar organized by the Board of County Education of Izmir towards learning activities. Eighteen mathematics teacher (twelve women, six men) serving different grades with varied professional experiences in primary and secondary school were participated to the seminar. A form which consists of eight open-ended questions aiming at determining opinions and experiences about learning tasks was given to the participants before the seminar. Data obtained from this form at issue were analyzed qualitatively and findings were supported with the help of observation notes of the first and the second authors. At the end of the study it was seen that the mathematics teachers‟ opinions and experiences related to the learning tasks were very limited. It is thought that this study will provide useful information to mathematics teachers, mathematics educators and future researches related to learning tasks and will contribute to implementing the new mathematics curriculum efficiently

    Supporting novice mathematics teachers: The impact of an e- mentoring and video-based professional development program on teachers? noticing skills

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    Karadeniz Technical University Scientific Research Foundation [7178]The study was supported by Karadeniz Technical University Scientific Research Foundation with the project number 7178.This paper focuses on e-mentoring of novice mathematics teachers as professional development, and reports findings of the e-mentoring practices enriched with videos to improve noticing skills of novice teachers. A single group pre- and post-test study was conducted with the participation of 17 mentees, novice middle school mathematics teachers. Participants' noticing skills were assessed through a whole-class teaching video shown to them before and after the intervention. The responses of the teachers to the video assessment were analyzed considering attending, interpreting and decision-making dimensions of noticing. The results revealed that the ementoring program improved the novice mathematics teachers' noticing skills significantly in all dimensions.WOS:000978797700007Emerging Sources Citation IndexarticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılmayan - HAYIRMayıs2023YÖK - 2022-2