31 research outputs found

    Effects of olive scale (Parlatoria oleae (Colvée)) attack on yield, quality and fatty acid profile of virgin olive oil

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    Olive scale (Parlatoria oleae (Colvée)) is a common pest in Mediterranean olive orchards which primarily causes damage on olive fruits. The quality of virgin olive oil is strongly related to the health status of the olive fruits from which is extracted. In this paper the effects of olive scale (Parlatoria oleae (Colvée)) attack on the oil yield, chemical and sensorial quality, as well as on the fatty acid profile of virgin olive oil were studied. Olive fruits (Olea europea L.) from Bova cultivar (Istria, Croatia) were collected and divided into different groups according to the presence or absence of infestation by the olive scale. Olive scale attack did not induce ripening process nor stimulate oil synthesis in the infested fruits. Healthy and infested fruit groups were processed separately to produce corresponding olive oils. As regards the oil acidity, the oil samples obtained from infested fruits had similar values as samples obtained from healthy fruits. However, olive scale attack led to slight oxidative deterioration of oil, but had no effect on sensory characteristics of obtained olive oils. Fatty acid profile was slightly affected by olive scale attack: an increase of linoleic (about 13 %) and palmitoleic acid (about 8 %), but a decrease of oleic (about 3 %) and stearic acid (about 4 %) in oils obtained from infested fruits was detected. Oleic to linoleic ratio was lower in oils obtained from infested fruits indicating its lower oxidative stability

    Analysis of Croatian wild and cultivated grapevine diversity by genotyping by sequencing

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    Minor varieties represent a significant part of the grapevine germplasm (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. vinifera) in Croatia. During the long history of grape cultivation in insular, coastal and continental Croatia, numerous local varieties were cultivated, many of which are still used today. There are also several populations of wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris Hegi Gmel) that have survived until the present in natural sites. Here, we developed a single primer enrichment technology (SPET) panel consisting of 61,308 probes for targeted sequencing of the V. vinifera gene space. In doing so, we examined a total of 28,092 gene models, 88.2% of all predicted genes, interrogating an average of 19 Mb nucleotides per individual genome, which corresponds to 4% of the haploid genome length. This is the first time that SPET-based sequencing has been applied to Croatian grapevine germplasm to generate multilocus genotype data of 126 cultivated accessions and 50 wild specimens. We identified 531,900 variants sites, 208,802 of which reside in coding sequences, 140,836 in introns, 118,416 in UTRs, and 63,424 in the nearby intergenic space that revealed the presence of 33 clonally propagated specimens representing both synonymies and clones within local varieties (22) as well as synonymies between local and international varieties (11), mostly from neighbouring countries. To investigate possible contribution of wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris Hegi Gmel) to the development of present cultivars, four wild grapevine populations were included. None of the cultivated varieties showed close kinship with local wild specimens. This study opens new possibilities for studying the genetic diversity of Croatian grapevine germplasm and provides additional information with respect to SSR genotyping and phenotyping

    Ampelographic characterisation of grapevine accessions denominated 'RefoĆĄk', 'Refosco', 'Teran' and 'Terrano' (Vitis vinifera L.) from Slovenia, Croatia and Italy

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    Grapevines denominated 'Refoƥk', 'Refosco', 'Teran' and 'Terrano have been cultivated in the area of western Slovenia, north-western Croatia and north-eastern Italy for centuries. Despite historical documents reporting the longstanding tradition of grapevine cultivation and winemaking, the denomination and origin of these varieties is still questionable. The aims of this work were to study the genetic identity and relationship of the grapevine accessions denominated 'Refoƥk', 'Refosco', 'Teran' and 'Teranno' that have been traditionally cultivated in Slovenia, Croatia and Italy. For this purpose, 9 SSR loci were analysed to fingerprint 53 accessions with denominations or similar true-to-type morphologies of 'Refoƥk' and 'Teran'. The grapevine variety 'Refoƥk' cultivated in Slovenia and most accessions denominated 'Teran' in Croatia showed identical genotypes in all analysed SSR markers, and can therefore be used as synonyms. Five accessions showed identical genotypes to 'Refosco dal peduncolo rosso' variety, however five other genotyped accessions suggested individual profiles, and can be characterized as clonal mutants of true-to-type 'Refoƥk'/'Teran'. Accessions 'Sladki Teran' and 'Ref5/31' shared 56 % and 61 % of the alleles with true-to-type profiles of 'Refoƥk'/'Teran' and their parentage analysis strongly suggested a full-siblings relationship. Obtained results contribute to the understanding of the genetic diversity of grapevine varieties cultivated in this part of Europe

    Ampelographic and genetic characterization of Croatian grapevine varieties

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    Before the Phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae) crisis in Croatia more than 400 grape varieties were under cultivation. Today their number is drastically decreased. Recently, many efforts in the preservation of grapevine biodiversity were undertaken: detailed inventory of varieties in different wine-growing regions, establishing of national and regional collections and their systematic ampelographic and genetic characterisation. This paper shows results of multiannual ampelographic and genetic research concerning Croatian grapevines considered as autochthonous varieties. After identification, many synonyms and homonyms were detected and unique genotypes were selected. Basic data of them are shown: description (according to OIV descriptors) and genetic profiles (9 SSR loci), growing area and status of vulnerability. Also, genetic relationship based on the shared allele distance is computed from SSR data. Results show certain level of similarity among varieties, and classify Croatia as important gene-pool in Europe. Some additional accessions which were detected and introduced into collections recently are still being investigated and characterized so that the here presented list of Croatian native grapevine cultivars is not final

    Impact of Leaf Removal, Applied Before and After Flowering, on Anthocyanin, Tannin, and Methoxypyrazine Concentrations in ‘Merlot’ (Vitis viniferaL.) Grapes and Wines

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    7siThe development and accumulation of secondary metabolites in grapes determine wine color, taste, and aroma. This study aimed to investigate the effect of leaf removal before flowering, a practice recently introduced to reduce cluster compactness and Botrytis rot, on anthocyanin, tannin, and methoxypyrazine concentrations in Merlot' grapes and wines. Leaf removal before flowering was compared with leaf removal after flowering and an untreated control. No effects on tannin and anthocyanin concentrations in grapes were observed. Both treatments reduced levels of 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine (IBMP) in the grapes and the derived wines, although the after-flowering treatment did so to a greater degree in the fruit specifically. Leaf removal before flowering can be used to reduce cluster compactness, Botrytis rot, and grape and wine IBMP concentration and to improve wine color intensity but at the expense of cluster weight and vine yield. Leaf removal after flowering accomplishes essentially the same results without loss of yield. © 2016 American Chemical Society.reservedmixedSivilotti, Paolo; Herrera, Jose Carlos; Lisjak, Klemen; BaĆĄa Česnik, Helena; Sabbatini, Paolo; Peterlunger, Enrico; Castellarin, Simone DiegoSivilotti, Paolo; Herrera, Jose Carlos; Lisjak, Klemen; BaĆĄa Česnik, Helena; Sabbatini, Paolo; Peterlunger, Enrico; Castellarin, Simone Dieg

    Intensidades da poda seca e do desbaste de cacho na composição da uva Cabernet Sauvignon.

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    A pesquisa foi realizada durante quatro anos, num vinhedo de Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.), em Bento Gonçalves-RS. O objetivo foi determinar o efeito das intensidades da poda seca e do desbaste de cacho em variĂĄveis relacionadas aos componentes de produção da videira e Ă  composição do mosto de uva. Os tratamentos consistiram em dois nĂ­veis de poda seca - curta e longa - e quatro de desbaste de cacho (%) - 0; 25; 50 e 75 -; com cinco repetiçÔes. O delineamento experimental foi o em blocos casualizados, com os tratamentos em parcelas subdivididas. Os resultados mostram que a poda seca e o desbaste de cacho tiveram efeito altamente significativo na produtividade do vinhedo que, na mĂ©dia dos quatro anos, variou de 10.971 kg/ha ? poda curta, 75% de desbaste ? a 32.819 kg/ha ? poda longa, 0% de desbaste. Houve, tambĂ©m, efeito significativo na produtividade por gema, peso de ramos podados por gema e por hectare, ĂĄrea foliar/peso fresco do fruto e produtividade/peso de ramos podados. Entretanto, o efeito nas variĂĄveis relacionadas a açĂșcar e acidez do mosto da uva foi pouco expressivo. O componente 1 da anĂĄlise de componentes principais discriminou o tratamento poda curta a 75% de desbaste de cacho dos tratamentos poda longa-0% de desbaste e poda longa-25% de desbaste

    Osservazione e analisi delle prime produzioni linguistiche in contesto naturalistico: sperimentazione di un dispositivo per la raccolta dati a distanza

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    Introduzione: La situazione pandemica ha limitato l’utilizzo delle tecniche di ricerca osservative – essenziali nell’analisi dei processi di interazione adulto-bambino – rendendo necessari specifici adattamenti e nuovi strumenti per la raccolta dati a distanza. Nell’ambito di un progetto sui primi processi di acquisizione lessicale nell’ambiente familiare, questo studio affronta il problema utilizzando un approccio osservativo multi-metodo che include un dispositivo di raccolta e analisi di dati linguistici in contesto naturalistico (LENA, Language ENvironment Analysis System) e si propone una prima sperimentazione dello stesso nel contesto italiano. Metodo: I partecipanti sono 35 bambini (16 F) tra i 9 e i 15 mesi (M= 11.4, SD= 2.12). Lo studio ha utilizzato tre modalitĂ  di raccolta dati, adattate secondo le regole di emergenza sanitaria: a) il dispositivo LENA per rilevare le caratteristiche dell’ambiente acustico (parlato rivolto al bambino, rumore, silenzio, presenza dispositivi elettronici) e le produzioni vocali dei bambini in assenza di un osservatore (lo strumento, sterilizzato, veniva consegnato alle famiglie, precedentemente preparate, con foglio di istruzioni illustrate); b) due videoregistrazioni di 10 min di interazione adulto- bambino a casa, realizzate dai genitori appositamente istruiti via Zoom; c) il questionario PVB (vers. it. Del MacArthur-Bates CDI), compilato in modalitĂ  remota dai genitori. Le registrazioni sono state trascritte e analizzate utilizzando, rispettivamente, i software ELAN e CLAN. Risultati: Le produzioni vocali dei bambini e le caratteristiche dell’ambiente acustico sono state registrate con LENA per una media di 737 min (12.5 ore) di una o piĂč giornate del bambino. L’analisi semi-automatica di LENA mostra che il parlato rivolto al bambino corrisponde al 21.91% del tempo (DS = 4.83); l’esposizione a TV o dispositivi elettronici al 2.86% (DS = 3.31); il parlato non significativo/rumori al 75.23%. Riguardo al parlato del bambino (Child Vocalization Count o CVC), il dispositivo stima 3.24 produzioni al minuto (DS = 1.22), media che aumenta con l’etĂ . Per calcolare l’accuratezza di questa misura calcolata da LENA, segmenti di registrazioni LENA di 12 bambini sono stati trascritti manualmente per un totale di 90 min per bambino. Le analisi mostrano che il numero di produzioni vocali calcolate dall’algoritmo di LENA correla significativamente con quello della trascrizione manuale (p = .04). Inoltre, il numero di parole prodotte rilevate con il PVB correla sia con il CVC (p = .05) sia con i tokens calcolati dalle videoregistrazioni (p = .009). Discussione: L’utilizzo di un approccio multi-metodo inclusivo di LENA permette una stima attendibile del parlato del bambino anche in assenza dell’osservatore nel contesto. L’utilizzo di LENA offre nuove risorse per la ricerca in contesto naturalistico, sebbene un’approfondita analisi di validitĂ  e affidabilitĂ  dello strumento sia necessaria nel contesto italiano

    Early leaf removal has a larger effect than cluster thinning on grape phenolic composition in cv. teran

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    This study aimed to assess the effects of early leaf removal (ELR) and cluster thinning (CT) on vegetative growth, yield components, and berry composition of Teran (Vitis vinifera L.) grown in the Istria region of Croatia. Both treatments were compared with an untreated control (UC) during the 2012 and 2013 growing seasons. ELR involved the removal of six basal leaves at the preflowering stage, while in CT, 35% of clusters were removed at the onset of veraison. Both ELR and CT resulted in lower yield per vine compared to UC (22 and 37% less, respectively), and in greater Brix at harvest (+1.3 and +1.0, respectively). The concentration of total phenolics in grapes increased by 19% in ELR and by 6% in CT compared to UC, while total anthocyanin concentrations increased only in ELR (+20% versus UC). Despite greater yield and a lower leaf area-to-yield ratio compared to CT, ELR achieved higher total anthocyanin and phenolic concentration, suggesting that ELR is more suitable than CT for the production of high-quality Teran grapes. \ua9 2017 by the American Society for Enology and Viticulture