1,997 research outputs found

    Passive phloem loading and long-distance transport in a synthetic tree-on-a-chip

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    Vascular plants rely on differences of osmotic pressure to export sugars from regions of synthesis (mature leaves) to sugar sinks (roots, fruits). In this process, known as M\"unch pressure flow, the loading of sugars from photosynthetic cells to the export conduit (the phloem) is crucial, as it sets the pressure head necessary to power long-distance transport. Whereas most herbaceous plants use active mechanisms to increase phloem concentration above that of the photosynthetic cells, in most tree species, for which transport distances are largest, loading seems to occur via passive symplastic diffusion from the mesophyll to the phloem. Here, we use a synthetic microfluidic model of a passive loader to explore the nonlinear dynamics that arise during export and determine the ability of passive loading to drive long-distance transport. We first demonstrate that in our device, phloem concentration is set by the balance between the resistances to diffusive loading from the source and convective export through the phloem. Convection-limited export corresponds to classical models of M\"unch transport, where phloem concentration is close to that of the source; in contrast, diffusion-limited export leads to small phloem concentrations and weak scaling of flow rates with the hydraulic resistance. We then show that the effective regime of convection-limited export is predominant in plants with large transport resistances and low xylem pressures. Moreover, hydrostatic pressures developed in our synthetic passive loader can reach botanically relevant values as high as 10 bars. We conclude that passive loading is sufficient to drive long-distance transport in large plants, and that trees are well suited to take full advantage of passive phloem loading strategies

    Caspase I-related protease inhibition retards the execution of okadaic acid- and camptothecin-induced apoptosis and PAI-2 cleavage, but not commitment to cell death in HL-60 cells

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    We have previously reported that the putative cytoprotective protease inhibitor, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 (PAI-2), is specifically cleaved during okadaic acid-induced apoptosis in a myeloid leukaemic cell line (Br J Cancer (1994) 70: 834–840). HL-60 cells exposed to okadaic acid and camptothecin underwent morphological and biochemical changes typical of apoptosis, including internucleosomal DNA fragmentation and PAI-2 cleavage. Significant endogenous PAI-2 cleavage was observed 9 h after exposure to okadaic acid; thus correlating with other signs of macromolecular degradation, like internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. In camptothecin-treated cells, PAI-2 cleavage was an early event, detectable after 2 h of treatment, and preceding internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. The caspase I selective protease inhibitor, YVAD-cmk, inhibited internucleosomal DNA fragmentation and PAI-2 cleavage of okadaic acid and camptothecin-induced apoptotic cells. YVAD-cmk rather sensitively and non-toxically inhibited camptothecin-induced morphology, but not okadaic acid-induced morphology. In in vitro experiments recombinant PAI-2 was not found to be a substrate for caspase I. The results suggest that caspase I selective protease inhibition could antagonize parameters coupled to the execution phase of okadaic acid- and camptothecin-induced apoptosis, but not the commitment to cell death. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Supportive interventions to improve physiological and psychological health outcomes among patients undergoing cystectomy: A systematic review

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    Background Our understanding of effective perioperative supportive interventions for patients undergoing cystectomy procedures and how these may affect short and long-term health outcomes is limited. Methods Randomised controlled trials involving any non-surgical, perioperative interventions designed to support or improve the patient experience for patients undergoing cystectomy procedures were reviewed. Comparison groups included those exposed to usual clinical care or standard procedure. Studies were excluded if they involved surgical procedure only, involved bowel preparation only or involved an alternative therapy such as aromatherapy. Any short and long-term outcomes reflecting the patient experience or related urological health outcomes were considered. Results 19 articles (representing 15 individual studies) were included for review. Heterogeneity in interventions and outcomes across studies meant meta-analyses were not possible. Participants were all patients with bladder cancer and interventions were delivered over different stages of the perioperative period. The overall quality of evidence and reporting was low and outcomes were predominantly measured in the short-term. However, the findings show potential for exercise therapy, pharmaceuticals, ERAS protocols, psychological/educational programmes, chewing gum and nutrition to benefit a broad range of physiological and psychological health outcomes. Conclusions Supportive interventions to date have taken many different forms with a range of potentially meaningful physiological and psychological health outcomes for cystectomy patients. Questions remain as to what magnitude of short-term health improvements would lead to clinically relevant changes in the overall patient experience of surgery and long-term recovery

    Transformation of spin information into large electrical signals via carbon nanotubes

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    Spin electronics (spintronics) exploits the magnetic nature of the electron, and is commercially exploited in the spin valves of disc-drive read heads. There is currently widespread interest in using industrially relevant semiconductors in new types of spintronic devices based on the manipulation of spins injected into a semiconducting channel between a spin-polarized source and drain. However, the transformation of spin information into large electrical signals is limited by spin relaxation such that the magnetoresistive signals are below 1%. We overcome this long standing problem in spintronics by demonstrating large magnetoresistance effects of 61% at 5 K in devices where the non-magnetic channel is a multiwall carbon nanotube that spans a 1.5 micron gap between epitaxial electrodes of the highly spin polarized manganite La0.7Sr0.3MnO3. This improvement arises because the spin lifetime in nanotubes is long due the small spin-orbit coupling of carbon, because the high nanotube Fermi velocity permits the carrier dwell time to not significantly exceed this spin lifetime, because the manganite remains highly spin polarized up to the manganite-nanotube interface, and because the interfacial barrier is of an appropriate height. We support these latter statements regarding the interface using density functional theory calculations. The success of our experiments with such chemically and geometrically different materials should inspire adventure in materials selection for some future spintronicsComment: Content highly modified. New title, text, conclusions, figures and references. New author include

    A mathematical and computational review of Hartree-Fock SCF methods in Quantum Chemistry

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    We present here a review of the fundamental topics of Hartree-Fock theory in Quantum Chemistry. From the molecular Hamiltonian, using and discussing the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, we arrive to the Hartree and Hartree-Fock equations for the electronic problem. Special emphasis is placed in the most relevant mathematical aspects of the theoretical derivation of the final equations, as well as in the results regarding the existence and uniqueness of their solutions. All Hartree-Fock versions with different spin restrictions are systematically extracted from the general case, thus providing a unifying framework. Then, the discretization of the one-electron orbitals space is reviewed and the Roothaan-Hall formalism introduced. This leads to a exposition of the basic underlying concepts related to the construction and selection of Gaussian basis sets, focusing in algorithmic efficiency issues. Finally, we close the review with a section in which the most relevant modern developments (specially those related to the design of linear-scaling methods) are commented and linked to the issues discussed. The whole work is intentionally introductory and rather self-contained, so that it may be useful for non experts that aim to use quantum chemical methods in interdisciplinary applications. Moreover, much material that is found scattered in the literature has been put together here to facilitate comprehension and to serve as a handy reference.Comment: 64 pages, 3 figures, tMPH2e.cls style file, doublesp, mathbbol and subeqn package

    Metal-enhanced fluorescence of colloidal nanocrystals with nanoscale control

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    Engineering the spectral properties of fluorophores, such as the enhancement of luminescence intensity, can be achieved through coupling with surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures This process, referred to as metal-enhanced fluorescence, offers promise for a range of applications, including LEDs, sensor technology, microarrays and single-molecule studies. It becomes even more appealing when applied to colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals, which exhibit size-dependent optical properties, have high photochemical stability, and are characterized by broad excitation spectra and narrow emission bands. Other approaches have relied upon the coupling of fluorophores (typically organic dyes) to random distributions of metallic nanoparticles or nanoscale roughness in metallic films. Here, we develop a new strategy based on the highly reproducible fabrication of ordered arrays of gold nanostructures coupled to CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals dispersed in a polymer blend. We demonstrate the possibility of obtaining precise control and a high spatial selectivity of the fluorescence enhancement process

    Low Mate Encounter Rate Increases Male Risk Taking in a Sexually Cannibalistic Praying Mantis

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    Male praying mantises are forced into the ultimate trade-off of mating versus complete loss of future reproduction if they fall prey to a female. The balance of this trade-off will depend both on (1) the level of predatory risk imposed by females and (2) the frequency of mating opportunities for males. We report the results of a set of experiments that examine the effects of these two variables on male risk-taking behavior and the frequency of sexual cannibalism in the praying mantis Tenodera sinensis. We experimentally altered the rate at which males encountered females and measured male approach and courtship behavior under conditions of high and low risk of being attacked by females. We show that male risk taking depends on prior access to females. Males with restricted access to females showed greater risk-taking behavior. When males were given daily female encounters, they responded to greater female-imposed risk by slowing their rate of approach and remained a greater distance from a potential mate. In contrast, males without recent access to mates were greater risk-takers; they approached females more rapidly and to closer proximity, regardless of risk. In a second experiment, we altered male encounter rate with females and measured rates of sexual cannibalism when paired with hungry or well-fed females. Greater risk-taking behavior by males with low mate encounter rates resulted in high rates of sexual cannibalism when these males were paired with hungry females

    The Fate of Chrysotile-Induced Multipolar Mitosis and Aneuploid Population in Cultured Lung Cancer Cells

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    Chrysotile is one of the six types of asbestos, and it is the only one that can still be commercialized in many countries. Exposure to other types of asbestos has been associated with serious diseases, such as lung carcinomas and pleural mesotheliomas. The association of chrysotile exposure with disease is controversial. However, in vitro studies show the mutagenic potential of chrysotile, which can induce DNA and cell damage. The present work aimed to analyze alterations in lung small cell carcinoma cultures after 48 h of chrysotile exposure, followed by 2, 4 and 8 days of recovery in fiber-free culture medium. Some alterations, such as aneuploid cell formation, increased number of cells in G2/M phase and cells in multipolar mitosis were observed even after 8 days of recovery. The presence of chrysotile fibers in the cell cultures was detected and cell morphology was observed by laser scanning confocal microscopy. After 4 and 8 days of recovery, only a few chrysotile fragments were present in some cells, and the cellular morphology was similar to that of control cells. Cells transfected with the GFP-tagged α-tubulin plasmid were treated with chrysotile for 24 or 48 h and cells in multipolar mitosis were observed by time-lapse microscopy. Fates of these cells were established: retention in metaphase, cell death, progression through M phase generating more than two daughter cells or cell fusion during telophase or cytokinesis. Some of them were related to the formation of aneuploid cells and cells with abnormal number of centrosomes

    Telephone follow-up of patients after radical prostatectomy : a systematic review

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    Objective: to assess and summarize the best scientific evidence from randomized controlled clinical trials about telephone follow-up of patients after radical prostatectomy, based on information about how the phone calls are made and the clinical and psychological effects for the individuals who received this intervention. Method: the search was undertaken in the electronic databases Medline, Web of Science, Embase, Cinahl, Lilacs and Cochrane. Among the 368 references found, five were selected. Results: two studies tested interventions focused on psychological support and three tested interventions focused on the physical effects of treatment. The psychoeducative intervention to manage the uncertainty about the disease and the treatment revealed statistically significant evidences and reduced the level of uncertainty and anguish it causes. Conclusion: the beneficial effects of telephone follow-up could be determined, as a useful tool for the monitoring of post-prostatectomy patients.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)

    Neutrophils in cancer: neutral no more

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    Neutrophils are indispensable antagonists of microbial infection and facilitators of wound healing. In the cancer setting, a newfound appreciation for neutrophils has come into view. The traditionally held belief that neutrophils are inert bystanders is being challenged by the recent literature. Emerging evidence indicates that tumours manipulate neutrophils, sometimes early in their differentiation process, to create diverse phenotypic and functional polarization states able to alter tumour behaviour. In this Review, we discuss the involvement of neutrophils in cancer initiation and progression, and their potential as clinical biomarkers and therapeutic targets
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