270 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Antidiabetic Role of Parkinsonia aculeata (Caesalpineaceae)

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    This paper reports the characterization of the antidiabetic role of a hydroethanolic extract from Parkinsonia aerial parts (HEPA), in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats, treated with HEPA (125 and 250 mg/kg; p.o.). Oral glucose tolerance test, acute oral toxicity test and preliminary phytochemical analyses were performed. The diabetic rats treated with HEPA showed a significant reduction in serum and urinary glucose, urinary urea and triglyceride levels, as compared to the diabetic untreated group. However, in the normal treated groups, a significant reduction was found only in serum triglyceride levels. In all treated diabetic groups, an improvement in hepatic glycogen was observed, as well as a decrease in liquid intake and urinary volume, and an enhancement in the weight of skeletal muscles (soleus and extensor digitorum longus), kidneys and epididymal adipose tissue. Nevertheless, body and liver weights were ameliorated only in the diabetic group treated with HEPA (250 mg/kg). Moreover, oral glucose tolerance was higher in animals treated with HEPA, while results also showed that HEPA could be considered toxicologically safe. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of tanins, flavonoids and steroids in HEPA. In conclusion, P. aculeata presents an antidiabetic activity and other beneficial effects that ameliorate diabetes and associated complications


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    The organizers of the 2014 World Cup promised that it would generate benefits for Brazil. However, this promise was met with incredulity and protests on the part of Brazilian society. Starting from an understanding of the hardening of these different positions as a conflict of interests around the practices and systems of control of life, this article analyzes the biopolitical war that ensued throughout the organization of the Brazil World Cup. Based on the political theory of Hardt and Negri and the method of Foucault’s Discourse Analysis, this study analyzes a set of 779 documents. These reveal, on the one hand, an attempt by the government to control public opinion. On the other hand, the article shows the development of a resistance of society to this government action. This dynamic reveals how the 2014 World Cup has played a role in Brazil’s current democratic crisis.Los organizadores de la Copa del Mundo de 2014 prometieron que ella generaría beneficios para Brasil. Sin embargo, esta promesa generó incredulidad y protestas por parte de la sociedad brasileña. A partir de una comprensión del endurecimiento de estas diferentes posiciones como un conflicto de interés en torno a las prácticas y sistemas de control de la vida, este artículo analiza la guerra biopolítica desarrollada lo largo de la organización de la Copa del Mundo de Brasil. Basado en la teoría política de Hardt y Negri y el Análisis del Discurso de Foucault como un método, el trabajo analiza un conjunto de 776 documentos. Ellos revelan, por un lado, un intento del gobierno por controlar la opinión pública. Por otra parte, el artículo muestra el desarrollo de una resistencia de la sociedad a esa acción gubernamental. Esta dinámica revela cómo la Copa del Mundo de 2014 ha jugado un papel en la crisis democrática brasileña actual.Guerra biopolítica e crise de representação democrática na copa do mundo 201

    The Role of Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) in Insulin Resistance and Diabetes

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    In obesity, insulin resistance (IR) and diabetes, there are proteins and hormones that may lead to the discovery of promising biomarkers and treatments for these metabolic disorders. For example, these molecules may impair the insulin signaling pathway or provide protection against IR. Thus, identifying proteins that are upregulated in IR states is relevant to the diagnosis and treatment of the associated disorders. It is becoming clear that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is an important component of the pathophysiology of IR, with increased levels in most common IR conditions, including obesity. HGF has a role in the metabolic flux of glucose in different insulin sensitive cell types; plays a key role in β-cell homeostasis; and is capable of modulating the inflammatory response. In this review, we discuss how, and to what extent HGF contributes to IR and diabetes pathophysiology, as well as its role in cancer which is more prevalent in obesity and diabetes. Based on the current literature and knowledge, it is clear that HGF plays a central role in these metabolic disorders. Thus, HGF levels could be employed as a biomarker for disease status/progression, and HGF/c-Met signaling pathway modulators could effectively regulate IR and treat diabetes

    Objetos de ensino e o patrimônio cultural de ciência e tecnologia no Brasil e em Portugal: contribuições sobre levantamentos e inventários como instrumentos de preservação em escolas de ensino médio

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    O trabalho faz reflexões sobre o patrimônio cultural no âmbito das escolas de ensino médio, analisando algumas iniciativas de levantamentos e de valoração dos objetos de ensino enquanto bens culturais. Para tanto, buscamos traçar um perfil analítico de projetos de inventário desse patrimônio cultural no Brasil e em Portugal. A partir das lentes da ciência e tecnologia, utilizou- se a revisão bibliográfica e os contatos com as instituições como metodologia para compararo estado de pesquisas de inventário sobre estes objetos. Observou-se que as iniciativas aqui estudadas são assimétricas, necessitando ser padronizadas e aprofundadas de forma a alcançar as diferentes modalidades de ensino e, consequentemente, obter resultados mais consistentes e efetivos do ponto de vista da preservação. No entanto, percebe-se que existe um movimento crescente de identificação e preservação desses artefatos nos dois países.This study offers some reflections about cultural heritage in secondary schools, analyzing some initiatives to survey and enhance the value of teaching objects as cultural assets. An analytical profile of inventories of cultural heritage at secondary schools in Brazil and Portugal is presented. Considering the perspective of science and technology heritage, the methodology involved a literature review and direct contact with institutions to survey and compare the state of inventory-based research of such objects. The initiatives studied here were found to be asymmetrical, requiring standardization and more in-depth analysis to encompass different types of education, thus obtaining more consistent and effective results from a preservation perspective. Nonetheless, there is a growing movement to identify and preserve these artifacts in both countries

    Production and quality of pineapple juice with mint powder by foam-mat drying

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    The objective of this work was to produce pineapple juice with powdered mint, using the foam layer drying process, and to evaluate the quality of the final product. For the formation of the foam, 2% (w/w) of Super Liga Neutra and Emustab were added to the pineapple and mint juice and subjected to agitation in a domestic mixer for 15 minutes; then, it was spread on trays forming a thin layer of 1.0 cm thick whose drying conditions were 60, 70 and 80 ºC. With the experimental data of the drying kinetics of pineapple and mint juice, drying curves were drawn whose models adjusted to the data were: Exponential of two terms, Henderson & Pabis and Page. The final product was evaluated for pH parameters, titratable acidity, water content, total solids, soluble solids, ascorbic acid, solubility, and color (L *, a * and b *). The Page model was the one that best fit the experimental data on the drying of pineapple juice with mint, at all temperatures, as it has a higher coefficient of determination (R²), indicating that this model satisfactorily represents the drying phenomenon of pineapple with mint. It was evidenced that, the increase of the drying temperature, resulted in the reduction of acidity and water content, and at the same time an increase in the content of soluble solids. And, the samples dehydrated at a temperature of 70 ºC showed greater stability in the ascorbic acid content, and less darkening.Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, produção de suco de abacaxi com hortelã em pó, utilizando o processo de secagem em camada de espuma, e avaliar a qualidade do produto final. Para a formação da espuma foi adicionado, ao suco de abacaxi com hortelã, 2% (m/m) de Super Liga Neutra e Emustab, e submetida à agitação em batedeira doméstica, durante 15 minutos; em seguida, esta foi espalhada sobre bandejas formando uma camada fina de 1,0 cm de espessura cujas condições de secagem foram de 60, 70 e 80 ºC. Com os dados experimentais da cinética de secagem do suco de abacaxi com hortelã foram traçadas curvas de secagem cujos modelos ajustados aos dados, foram: Exponencial de dois termos, Henderson & Pabis e Page.  O produto final foi avaliado quanto aos parâmetros de pH, acidez titulável, teor de água, sólidos totais, sólidos solúveis, ácido ascórbico, solubilidade, e cor (L*, a* e b*). O modelo de Page foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados experimentais da secagem do suco de abacaxi com hortelã, em todas as temperaturas, por apresentar maior coeficiente de determinação (R²), indicando que este modelo representa satisfatoriamente o fenômeno de secagem do suco de abacaxi com hortelã. Foi evidenciado que, o aumento da temperatura de secagem, resultou na redução da acidez e teor de água, e ao mesmo tempo aumento do teor de sólidos solúveis. E, as amostras desidratadas em temperatura 70 ºC apresentaram maior estabilidade no conteúdo de ácido ascórbico, e menor escurecimento.&nbsp

    Perfil epidemiológico das emergências traumáticas assistidas por um serviço pré-hospitalar móvel de urgencia

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    Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of the traumatic emergencies assisted by a mobile prehospital emergency service in Northeastern Brazil. Methods: Documentary and quantitative study, performed from the patients’ records of the emergencies between January and June 2014, consisting the sample of 1,960 records. A structured questionnaire to collect data was used, and the analysis was by descriptive statistics. Results: There was predominance of Traffic Accidents (TA) – 67.7%; falls (17.1%); and perforation by firearms (6.8%). The most involved were men (76.2%), framed in the age group young adults (46.6%) and the largest number of occurrences was in the weekend (37.4%). Among them, 58.1% had mild trauma and 44.0% did not suffer polytrauma. There was neglect in relation to the annotation of the Glasgow coma scale in 39.0% of cases. Conclusion: Among the traumatic emergencies, TA occurred mostly on Sunday, involving male young adults. One emphasizes that the negligence of professionals regarding basics notes in the patients' records are responsible for generating difficulties for the development of researches. Moreover, with regard to judicial proceedings, it is notorious that there is not documentary support concerning the provided assistance.Objetivo: Describir el perfil epidemiológico de las emergencias traumáticas asistidas por un servicio de urgencia prehospitalaria móvil en el Nordeste de Brasil. Métodos: Estudio documental y cuantitativo, realizado a partir de registros de asistencia de las urgencias entre enero y junio de 2014 y la muestra se compone de 1.960 fichas. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado para recopilación de datos y el análisis fue por estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Destacaron los Accidentes de Tráfico (AT) - 67,7%; caídas (17,1%); y perforación por armas de fuego (6,8%). La mayoría de los involucrados eran hombres (76,2%), encuadrados en el grupo de edad jóvenes adultos (46,6%) y el mayor número de ocurrencias fue el fin de semana (37,4%). De éstas, 58,1% tuvieron traumatismo leve y el 44,0% no sufrió politraumatismo. Se observó que hubo negligencia con respecto a la anotación de la escala de coma de Glasgow en 39,0% de los casos. Conclusión: Entre las emergencias traumáticas atendidas, los AT ocurrieron en mayor proporción en domingo, involucrando adultos jóvenes de sexo masculino. Se destaca que la negligencia de los profesionales en cuanto a las anotaciones básicas en losl registros de asistencia son responsables por generar dificultades para el desarrollo de la investigación. Y con respecto a los procesos judiciales, está claro que no hay soporte documental en cuanto a la asistencia prestada.Objetivo: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico das emergências traumáticas assistidas por um serviço pré-hospitalar móvel de emergência do Nordeste do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo documental e quantitativo, realizado a partir das fichas de atendimento das emergências entre janeiro e junho de 2014, sendo a amostra composta por 1.960 fichas. Utilizou-se um questionário estruturado para a coleta de dados e a análise foi por estatística descritiva. Resultados: Houve destaque para os Acidente de Trânsito (AT) - 67,7%; quedas (17,1%); e perfuração por arma de fogo (6,8%). A maioria dos envolvidos eram homens (76,2%), enquadrados no grupo etário jovens adultos (46,6%) e o maior número de ocorrências foi no fim de semana (37,4%). Destes, 58,1% tiveram trauma leve e 44,0% não sofreram politraumatismo. Observou-se que houve negligência em relação a anotação da escala de coma de Glasgow em 39,0% dos casos. Conclusão: Entre as emergências traumáticas atendidas, os AT ocorreram em maior proporção no domingo, envolvendo jovens adultos do sexo masculino. Ressalta-se que a negligência dos profissionais quanto às anotações básicas nas fichas de atendimento são responsáveis por gerar dificuldades para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas. E, no que diz respeito aos processos judiciais, é notório que não há respaldo documental quanto a assistência prestada

    Avaliação da doença periodontal em adultos na população quilombola

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    The aim of this epidemiological study was to analyze the periodontal status of the adult quilombola population from Sergipe. It was appraised 29 subjects belonging to community aged 35-44 years. Oral epidemiological survey was conducted using a standardized case report form to investigate the occurrence of periodontal disease using the Community Periodontal Index (CPI) for assessing the periodontal condition regarding healthiness, bleeding and presence of calculus or purse. Statistical analysis was conducted for estimating the prevalence of periodontal disease in the age group studied and chi-square test to check for significant differences in the relationships studied. The results showed that among adult quilombola population from Patioba village, Japaratuba-SE, Brazil was the prevalence of periodontal disease, which is considered high (75.86%), being higher in the 1st and 6th sextants mouth. One may emphasize the need for health policies with greater focus on oral health promotion for the quilombola of Sergipe.El objetivo de este estudio epidemiológico ha sido analizar el estado periodontal de la población adulta quilombola de Sergipe. Se evaluaron 29 sujetos de la comunidad de un grupo de edad de 35 a 44 años. Una encuesta epidemiológica bucal se llevó a cabo mediante un formulario clínico estandarizado para investigar la aparición de la enfermedad periodontal a través del Índice Periodontal Comunitario (CPI), que permite  evaluar el estado periodontal en relación a la salubridad, el sangrado y la presencia de cálculo o bolsa. El análisis estadístico fue realizado para estimar la prevalencia de la enfermedad periodontal en el grupo de edad estudiado, y el test chi-cuadrado para verificar las diferencias significativas en las relaciones investigadas. Los resultados mostraron que entre la población adulta de la ciudad quilombola de la villa Patioba - Japaratuba – SE, Brasil hubo  prevalencia de la enfermedad periodontal, considerada alta (75,86%), siendo mayor en el 1º y 6º sextantes bucales. Se destaca la necesidad de las políticas de salud con un mayor enfoque en la promoción de la salud oral para los quilombolas de Sergipe.O objetivo deste estudo epidemiológico foi analisar a condição periodontal de população adulta quilombola sergipana. Foram avaliados 29 sujeitos pertencentes à comunidade na faixa etária de 35 a 44 anos. Foi realizado levantamento epidemiológico bucal com utilização de uma ficha clínica padronizada para investigar a ocorrência de doença periodontal utilizando o Índice Periodontal Comunitário (CPI) que permite avaliar a condição periodontal quanto à higidez, sangramento e presença de cálculo ou bolsa. A análise estatística foi conduzida com cálculo da prevalência da doença periodontal na faixa etária estudada, e teste qui-quadrado para verificar as diferenças significativas das relações pesquisadas. Os resultados apontaram que entre os adultos da população quilombola do povoado Patioba, em Japaratuba-SE, Brasil, houve prevalência da doença periodontal, considerada alta (75,86%), sendo maior no 1º e 6º sextantes bucais. Ressalta-se a necessidade de políticas de saúde com enfoque maior na promoção de saúde bucal para os quilombolas sergipanos.

    Milling of the Phosphate Rock Flotation Circuit Circulating Load Aiming Production Increase and Iron Content Reduction in the Final Concentrate

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    Phosphorus has its main application in the production of phosphoric acid, being the apatite series its main ore. The Brazilian main phosphorus reserves are igneous, as is the case of Catalão alkaline dome, were Copebras/CMOC International has operations. The content of P2O5 in the ROM has been reduced over the years and, as a consequence, the content of the contaminants in the concentrate, produced by flotation, which enhances the difficulty in the phosphoric acid production. Only traces of arsenic, iron, and heavy metals can be present in high-purity phosphoric acid. The circulating load of the Copebras’ phosphate rock flotation circuit was submitted to bench scale flotation tests with addition of a milling step were carried out in order to increase the recovery of P2O5 and the reduction of the Fe2O3 content to values below 5%. Samples were collected from the flow composed by the scavenger concentrate and cleaner tail, with d95 \u3c208 \u3eμm and average content of 26.2% of P2O5 and 13% of Fe2O3 (6% hematite, 5% goethite, 1% magnetite, and 1% ilmenite) and comminuted in a pilot pant rod mill. Three samples with different d95 (2O3 content (for the sample with d95 \u3c150 \u3eμm). The industrial implementation of a milling stage of the flotation circulation load and a subsequent flotation of this material has the potential to increase the overall process efficiency by approximately 5.5%, resulting in a production increase of 62,000 tons/year of phosphate rock concentrate, with higher quality than the one currently produced. The phosphate rock flotation tailings feeds a niobium processing plant, a co-product of extreme importance due to its economic value. The proposed circuit increased the niobium liberation degree and its content in the produced tailings, which will probably lead to a higher recovery of the same