1,235 research outputs found


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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the Brazilian state fiscal consolidation in the period 1986-2001. For that propose, we apply the duration models methodology. Henceforth, we try to list the main features that can explain the probability of the continuity of a state fiscal adjustment conditional to the duration of this adjustment up to this moment. The non-parametric results suggest that the probability of the continuity of a fiscal consolidation falls dramatically after the first year and even more after the second one. The parametric analysis shows that there is a core of relevant variables, such as: the Number of Fails, the ratio Personal Costs/Net Current Revenue, the dummy variable to the years before the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, the dummy variable to the years after the refinance law 9496/97 and the Polarization of the Political Colligation in the states.

    Factors affecting the student evaluation of teaching scores: evidence from panel data estimation

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    We use a random-effects model to find the factors that affect the student evaluation of teaching (SET) scores. Dataset covers 6 semesters, 496 undergraduate courses related to 101 instructors and 89 disciplines. Our empirical findings are: (i) the class size affects negatively the SET score; (ii) instructors with more experience are better evaluated, but these gains reduce over time; (iii) participating in training programs, designed to improve the quality of teaching, did not increase the SET scores; (iv) instructors seem to be able to marginally 'buy' a better evaluation by inflating students' grade. Finally, there are significant changes in the rankings when we adjust the SET score to eliminate the effects of variables beyond instructors' control. Despite these changes, they are not statistically significant.Este trabalho emprega um modelo de efeitos aleatórios para estimar os principais fatores determinantes na avaliação de professores por estudantes. Os dados compreendem 496 cursos na graduação, relacionados a 101 diferentes professores e 89 disciplinas, durante 6 semestres letivos. Os principais resultados obtidos são: (i) o tamanho das salas de aula afeta negativamente a nota recebida pelo professor; (ii) professores mais experientes são mais bem avaliados, mas estes ganhos são decrescentes ao longo do tempo; (iii) a participação em programas de treinamento, desenhados para melhorar a qualidade do ensino, não afetam as notas recebidas pelos professores; (iv) a avaliação recebida pelos professores é marginalmente influenciada pela nota dada aos alunos durante o curso. Finalmente, os dados mostram mudanças significativas no ranking dos professores, quando são feitos ajustes para eliminar os efeitos de variáveis fora do controle dos professores. Entretanto, estas mudanças não são estatisticamente significativas

    Research enchancing the quality of teaching: Econometric evidence from Brazil

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    Este artigo reporta evidência de que as atividades de pesquisa tendem a melhorar a avaliação recebida dos professores pelos alunos (SET) com uma defasagem temporal. Além disso, os resultados sugerem que as atividades de pesquisa sejam complementares às atividades de ensino. As atividades de pesquisa parecem afetar a qualidade do ensino no momento em que são realizadas, indicando um ganho na realização conjunta das atividades de ensino e pesquisaWe find evidence that the process of doing research increases the professor’sknowledge andenhances thestudent evaluationof teaching (SET) with a lag. Moreover, the results suggest that research activity seems to be complementary to teaching. The research activity seems to increase the quality of teaching at the moment that it is put in place, i.e., both activities can be seen as ’mutually reinforcing

    “Terror e Miséria no Terceiro Reich": o olhar brechtiano sobre o nazismo

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Este trabalho investiga o diálogo entre a peça teatral Terror e Miséria do Terceiro Reich, de Bertolt Brecht (1935-1938) e o contexto histórico no qual foi criada, a Alemanha Nazista. Percebemos que nela não existe dualidade entre judeus e nazistas (alemães), ademais o autor ao construir seus personagens evidencia a pluralidade da sociedade daquele período: judeus sofriam com o nazismo, assim como alemães eram perseguidos ou se beneficiavam do regime. Desvendar tal emaranhado e as contradições pulsantes desta sociedade plural por intermédio da análise desta obra é a síntese do desafio aqui assumido

    Estimating a theoretical model of state banking competition using a dynamic panel: the Brazilian case

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    In this paper we set up a model of regional banking competition based on Bresnahan (1982), Lau (1982) and Nakane (2002). The structural model is estimated using data from eight Brazilian states and a dynamic panel. The results show that on average the level of competition in the Brazilian banking system is high, even tough the null of perfect competition can be rejected at the usual significance levels. This result also prevails at the state level: Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco and Minas Gerais have high degree of competition.O presente artigo propõe um modelo regional de competição bancária baseado nas contribuições de Bresnahan (1982), Lau (1982) e Nakane (2002). O modelo estrutural formuladoé estimado utilizando as informações para oito estados brasileiros e um painel dinâmico. Os resultados mostram que, na média, o nível de competição no sistema bancário brasileiro é alto, embora a hipótese nula de competição perfeita possa ser rejeitada aos níveis usuais de significância. De uma forma geral, este padrão também prevalece nos estados: Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco e Minas Gerais têm elevado grau de competição

    A projeção do capital brasileiro para a República Oriental do Uruguai no Segundo Reinado

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    O trabalho procura explorar a natureza da atuação econômica com fins políticos do Império Brasileiro no Uruguai de 1850 a 1880, a fim de verificar elementos estruturais e conjunturais que permitam conceituá-la ou não como imperialista. Com isso, destaca-se a posição do Estado brasileiro a partir dos interesses do Barão do Mauá, analisando também sua relação com o Império e como a ascensão de Mitre ao governo argentino e a Guerra do Paraguai afetaram a sua atuação e, dessa forma, a política externa brasileira no Uruguai. A partir de investigações acerca do período intervencionista do Segundo Império, na segunda metade do século XIX, questiona-se a tese do imperialismo brasileiro no Uruguai

    Emergency removal of transplanted graft due to the failure of clinical treatment of serious acute rejection in case of small bowel transplantation: case report

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    Introduction: Intestinal transplantation is a complex procedure that has become more common in recent years. It can be performed isolated or with other organs of the digestive tract, which characterizes a multivisceral transplantation. Its indication mainly involves patients with irreversible intestinal failure, submitted or not to an enterectomy, and who have complications from parenteral nutrition. Among the main difficulties after transplantation is the immunosuppressive therapy, since the small intestine is an extremely immunogenic organ. Insufficient immunosuppression may cause graft rejection, but excessive immunosuppression may lead to Graft vs. Host Disease, where the intestine’s own immune cells attack Host organs. In Brazil, however, the practical experience with this type of surgery and with the management of immunosuppressive therapy is restricted because of the reduced number of small bowel transplants performed. Objective: To report a case of small bowel transplantation with graft rejection and necessity of surgical removal of the graft. Case Report: A male patient, 21 years old, presented a complicated acute appendicitis in July 2015, being submitted to appendectomy and right colectomy. After the operation, he developed thrombosis and intestinal infarction. This complication affected more than 90% of the patient’s small bowel, requiring extensive enterectomy. The patient developed short bowel syndrome and relied on parenteral nutrition. After 7 months in the home parenteral nutrition regimen, the patient underwent small bowel transplantation due to complications of parenteral nutrition. Immunosuppressive therapy was based on the use of tacrolimus. The patient presented no intercurrences until the 6th postoperative month, when he developed systemic histoplasmosis, staying 33 days in the intensive care unit. He presented resolution of the condition with itraconazole. At the 18th postoperative month, he was admitted with fever and intense diarrhea. The ileoscopy examination showed intestinal ulcers and loss of villi. Graft biopsies were consistent with severe acute T cell mediated rejection. The patient was transferred to our institution to treat the rejection. The combined use of increased tacrolimus, pulse therapy with methylprednisolone, use of thymoglobulin and use of monoclonal antibody against tumor necrosis factor alpha were not effective. The patient`s general condition deteriorated and he had to be submitted to urgent removal of the transplanted graft. The patient returned to the parenteral nutrition regimen and underwent reconstruction of the digestive tract with anastomosis between jejunum and transverse colon 5 months after grafting. Currently, he is in outpatient follow-up using home parenteral nutrition