3,996 research outputs found

    Grandparenthood, grandchild care and depression among older people in 18 countries

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    Due to the increasing central role of grandparenthood in later life, sound knowledge about its effects on older people’s health is more and more important. This paper examines the impact of becoming a grandparent, having more grandchildren, and engaging in grandchild care on depressive symptoms. Moreover, based on the structural ambivalence theory, we expect that such effects differ across contexts as (grand)childcare is differently organised across Europe. Taking advantage of the longitudinal structure of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), we estimate fixed-effects models. Our results show that women face a decline in depressive symptoms when becoming grandmothers, but neither an increase in the number of grandchildren nor changes in grandchild care are associated with changes in depressive symptoms. The analyses by country highlight differences across Europe, without, however, drawing a clear pattern. Our results show that depression consequences of grandparenthood also vary between countries characterised by similar roles of grandparents. This suggests the need to make available more refined questions about grandparenthood in surveys on older people.Aufgrund der zunehmend zentralen Rolle von Großelternschaft im späteren Leben wird fundiertes Wissen zu deren Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit älterer Menschen immer wichtiger. Dieses Papier untersucht die Auswirkungen des Übergangs in die Großelternschaft der Geburt weiterer Enkelkinder sowie des Engagements in der Enkelkinderbetreuung auf depressive Symptome. Überdies erwarten wir auf der Grundlage der Theorie der strukturellen Ambivalenz, dass sich die Stärke dieser Effekte zwischen verschiedenen Kontexten unterscheidet, da die (Enkel-)Kinderbetreuung innerhalb Europas unterschiedlich organisiert ist. Unter Nutzung der Längsschnittstruktur des Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) schätzen wir Fixed-Effects-Modelle. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Frauen einen Rückgang der depressiven Symptome erleben, wenn sie erstmals Großmütter werden, aber weder eine Erhöhung der Anzahl der Enkelkinder noch Veränderungen in der Enkelkinderbetreuung sind mit Veränderungen der depressiven Symptomatik verbunden. Die Analysen nach Ländern zeigen Unterschiede innerhalb Europas auf, ohne dass jedoch ein klares Muster zu erkennen ist. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die depressionsbezogenen Folgen einer Großelternschaft auch zwischen Ländern variieren, in denen die Rollen der Großeltern ähnlich geprägt sind. Dies legt nahe, dass in Umfragen unter älteren Menschen die Fragen zur Großelternschaft weiterentwickelt werden müssen

    Forever young? Prevalence and correlates of feeling old

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    Counting the number of birthdays a person has experienced from birth until a certain point in time i.e. chronological age, is a crude measure of ageing. Individuals with the same chronological age and health, may have different perceptions of ageing. We use a unique dataset, representative of the Italian population aged 65-74, to explore the factors associated with the perception of feeling old

    Magnetic Reconnection Driven by Thermal and Non-thermal Particle Energy Densities

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    Magnetic reconnection is usually associated with conversion of magnetic energy into particle acceleration or thermal energy. However, a specific reconnection process driven by plasma pressure gradients was identified in Ref. [1] with a consistent theory of (non-ideal) MHD m0=1 modes in well confined plasmas. This process, based on an Ohm's law contribution to the electron balance equations, remains the basis for the explanation of the observed sawtooth oscillations of the central plasma pressure and for the inferred magnetic field structures due to fishbone oscillations [2] associated with injected high energy particle populations. A novel process [3] expected to have a wide range of applications concerns magnetic reconnection sustained by a significant gradient of the longitudinal electron temperature and based on the electron thermal energy balance equation rather than on an Ohm's law. A comparison is made with the Biermann Battery concept considering that the growth of reconnection depends on the particle density gradient in addition to that (aligned with it) of the electron temperature

    COVID-19 precautionary behaviors and vaccine acceptance among older individuals: The role of close kin

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    The family plays a central role in shaping health behaviors of its members through social control and support mechanisms. We investigate whether and to what extent close kin (i.e., partner and children) matter for older people in taking on precautionary behaviors (e.g., wearing a mask) and vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe. Drawing on data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), we combine its Corona Surveys (June to September 2020 and June to August 2021) with pre-COVID information (October 2019 to March 2020). We find that having close kin (especially a partner) is associated with a higher probability of both adopting precautionary behaviors and accepting a COVID-19 vaccine. Results are robust to controlling for other potential drivers of precautionary behaviors and vaccine acceptance and to accounting for coresidence with kin. Our findings suggest that policymakers and practitioners may differently address kinless individuals when promoting public policy measures

    Changes in Grandparental Childcare During the Pandemic and Mental Health: Evidence From England

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    OBJECTIVES: Policies aiming at reducing rates of hospitalization and death from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) encouraged older people to reduce physical interactions. In England, until July 2021, provision of care for grandchildren was allowed only under very limited circumstances. Evidence also suggests that reduced face-to-face interactions took a toll on mental health during the pandemic. This study aims to investigate associations between changes in grandchild care provision during the first 8/9 months of the pandemic and grandparents' mental health. METHODS: Using prepandemic data from Wave 9 (2018/2019) and the second COVID-19 substudy (November/December 2020) of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, we first describe changes in grandchild care provision during the pandemic to then investigate, using regression models, associations between changes in grandchild care provision and mental health (depression, quality of life, life satisfaction), while controlling for prepandemic levels of the outcome variables. RESULTS: About 10% of grandparents stopped looking after grandchildren altogether during the first 9 months of the pandemic, with 22% reporting an overall decrease in the amount of grandchild care provided. Compared to grandparents who mostly maintained unchanged their grandchild care provision, those who stopped altogether and those who mostly reduced the amount of grandchild care provided were more likely to report poorer mental health, even accounting for prepandemic health. DISCUSSION: While measures to limit physical contact and shield older people were necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19, policymakers should acknowledge potential adverse consequences for mental health among grandparents who experienced changes in their roles as grandchild caregivers

    Localizzazione e internazionalizzazione dei servizi di incrocio domanda/offerta di lavoro di Jopla S.r.l SB: tra traduzione umana e traduzione automatica

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    This thesis has been written as a result of the Language Toolkit project, organised by the Department of Interpreting and Translation of Forlì in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Romagna. The aim of the project is to facilitate the internationalisation of small and medium enterprises in Romagna by making available to them the skills acquired by the students of the Faculty of Specialized Translation, who in turn are given the opportunity to approach an authentic professional context. Specifically, this thesis is the outcome of the 300-hour internship envisaged by the project, 75 of which were carried out at Jopla S.r.l. SB. The task assigned to the student was the translation into French of the Jopla For You web app and the Jopla PRO mobile app. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter provides a general description of the Language Toolkit project and it focuses on the concept of translation into a non-native language. The second chapter outlines the theoretical context in which translation is set. Subsequently, the focus shifts to the topics of text, discourse, genre and textual typology, alongside a reflection on the applicability of these notions to web texts, and an analysis of the source text following Nord's model. The fourth chapter is dedicated to a description of the resources used in the preparation and translation phases. The fifth chapter describes the macro and micro strategies employed to carry out the translation. Furthermore, a comparative analysis between the human translation and the one provided by Google Translator is delivered. This analysis involves two methods: the first one follows the linguistic norms of the target language, while the second one relies on the error categorisation of the MQM model. Finally, the performance of Google Translate is investigated through the comparison of the results obtained from the MQM evaluation conducted in this thesis with the results obtained by Martellini (2021) in her analysis

    Tools for the development of a benthic quality index for Italian lakes

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    In this paper, we propose a methodology to develop a benthic quality index useful for Italian lakes. The existing data about benthic macroinvertebrates of the Italian lakes were collected over a period of 50 years, but only a few lakes such as the Maggiore and the Mergozzo have been intensely studied. Some large lakes such as Lake Como are still almost uninvestigated. In total, 570 benthic macroinvertebrate taxa were identified; of which 373 belong to Chironomidae and 85 to Oligochaeta. With the aim of relating environmental variables with macrobenthos assemblages, we carried out a canonical correlation analysis (CANON) using a database that included 1060 sampling points. Both environmental (13 variables describing morphometry and hydrochemistry) and biological data (57 taxa) were available, but only taxa present in at least 10 samples were selected for data analysis. Three canonical variates were ecologically significant. The first one was correlated with conductivity, pH and alkalinity and accounted for 20% of the total variation. The second one was positively correlated with total phosphorus and N-NH4, and inversely with dissolved oxygen, and accounted for 18% of the total variation. The third one showed a direct correlation with maximum lake depth and volume and an inverse correlation with water temperature, and accounted for 17% of the total variation. A Trophic Status Index (TSI), based on the table 11 of the Italian Law 152/99 (without including chlorophyll), was calculated by ranking percent oxygen saturation, transparency and total phosphorus. TSI was used to test a Benthic Quality Index for Italian Lakes (BQIL) which is proposed in the present paper. The algorithm considered three steps. First, the means of three variables were calculated: percent oxygen saturation, transparency and total phosphorus weighted by the taxa abundances. These values are interpreted as optimum for each taxon and used to assign an indicator weight (BQIW). Second, the mean of these three variables was calculated for each taxon (mean BQIW). Third, the mean BQIW was multiplied by taxa abundance and divided by the total number of specimens present at each site for which the BQIL was obtained. Using a regression between BQIL and TSI values, lake sites were assigned to 5 quality classes as required by the Italian Law 152/99 and the WFD 2000/60/CE. This assignment must be considered as tentative, because different lake types should be considered separately to develop an index. At present the lack of information from different lake typologies hinders the development of a more sophisticated index such as the French Lake Biotic Index (LBI).Studio iniziale per la messa a punto di una metrica (indice di qualit?) delle acque dei laghi Italiani con l\u27utilizzo del macrobenthos per l\u27assegnazione dei suddetti laghi a 5 categorie di qualit?, cos? come previsto dalla Direttiva Quadro sulle Acque (WFD 2000/60/CE). Sono presentati dati abiotici (parametri considerati dalla Legge 152/99) e biotici che sono risultati correlati all\u27idrochimica lacustre. Nel lavoro si evidenziano carenze sulla presenza di alcune tipologie lacustri presenti in Italia

    Platform, container, environment. 2019 Shenzhen Biennale as innovation in practice

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    In a time of supra-national economic, political and social crises, the architectural profession is acknowledged as necessitating of a fundamental restructuring in order to gain both renewed relevance as a discipline (Awan, Schneider and Till 2009; Till 2014, 9-11) and sustainability as day-to-day practice (Deamer and Bernstein 2010; Deamer 2015; etc.). A tendency to diversify the products of architectural practice - i.e. beyond buildings - is facilitated by a constantly increasing number of curatorial outlets - i.e. Triennales, Biennales - allowing to increase the perceived pace of innovation (Papastergiadis and Martin 2011, 45–62). The paper looks at the curatorial process of the 2019 Shenzhen Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism as a way to access a select sample of internationally mobile contemporary practices whose work is produced at the intersection between profession, academia, and independent research. Drawing on literature pertaining to the concept of communities of practice (Amin and Roberts 2008, 353-369; Faulconbridge 2010, 2842–2858), ethnography of practice (Yaneva 2009) and feminist theory (Frichot and Runting 2015, 397-411), we question the agency of the Biennale and similar curated events as facilitating environments entailing the reconceptualization of design practice (O’Neill & Wilson 2015; Szacka 2019). In order to do so, we look at the practices that populate the exhibition, how they self-represent and how they employ the exhibition to maximize the possibility of producing innovation. Finally, we select a small number of installations that appear the most resilient to contingencies, and analyze their trajectories outside of the Biennale in order to understand the way specific networks are built and effects are achieved, within platforms that are indeed part of day-to-day practice, rather than existing outside of it

    Oxidation effects in antiaggregogenic properties of Epigallocatechingallate

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    Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG), the most abundant flavonoid in green tea, has been extensively studied for its potential in the treatment of amyloid related disorders. This molecule was found to modulate abnormal protein self-assembly, reducing resulting cellular toxicity. EGCG is known to suppress or to slow down the aggregation processes of several proteins, thus supporting the idea that general mechanisms regulate its anti-aggregogenic effects and, interestingly, in the oxidised form it demonstrated an higher efficiency in reducing protein aggregation with respect to intact molecule. We here investigate the effects of intact and oxidized EGCG the thermal aggregation pathway of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), a well-known model protein whose aggregation processes are known in details. By means of different spectroscopic methods, we evaluate similarities and differences of the two molecules during protein aggregation. Different solution conditions are investigated, close and away from the isoelectric point of the protein, with the aim of eliciting the role of electrostatics in the observed EGCG-Protein interaction and in the supramolecular assembly which are dramatically dependent on solution conditions
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