927 research outputs found

    Quantification of the Individual Characteristics of the Human Dentition

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    The considerations for admissibility suggested by the Daubert trilogy challenge forensic experts to provide scientific support for opinion testimony. The defense bar has questioned the reliability of bitemark analysis. Under an award from the U. S. Department of Justice, via the Midwest Forensic Resource Center, a two-year feasibility study was undertaken to quantify six dental characteristics. Using two computer programs, the exemplars of 419 volunteers were digitally scanned, characteristics were measured, and frequency was calculated. The study demonstrates that there were outliers or rare dental characteristics in measurements. An analysis of the intra-observer and inter-observer consistency demonstrated a high degree of agreement. Expansion of the sample size through collaboration with other academic researchers will be necessary to be able to quantify the occurrence of these characteristics in the general population. The automated software application, Tom\u27s Toolbox, developed specifically for this research project, could also provide a template for precisely quantifying other pattern evidence

    Etiology of ‘sinus headache’. Moving the focus from rhinology to neurology. A systematic review

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    ‘Sinus headache and/or facial pain’ (SH) is a common complaint encountered by otorhi-nolaryngologists, neurologists and general practitioners. However, several studies suggested that the majority of those cases may be attributed to primary headaches (i.e., migraine and tension-type headache (TTH). The purpose of this review is to evaluate the etiology of SH. The first part in-cludes cross-sectional studies analyzing the prevalence of respective diagnoses in subjects with SH. The majority of these publications indicate that migraine and TTH are the most prevalent causes of SH, although most of these studies were conducted in a clinical setting. The second part of this review included treatment trials in subjects with SH. The findings from this part of the review show that SH without rhinosinusitis responds well to pharmacotherapy targeted at primary headaches. This observation further supports a neurologic etiology of the majority of SH cases

    Incorporation of tungsten metal fibers in a metal and ceramic matrix

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    Tungsten fibers have high tensile strength but a poor oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures. Using this first characteristic and to prevent oxidation of tungsten coated composite materials in which the primary requirement: reinforcement against destruction or deformation, was studied on tungsten fibers and tungsten wires which were coated by applying the metal and ceramic powders via plasma spraying device in plasma generator WSP®. Deposition took place in an atmosphere of Ar + 7 % H2, sufficient to reduce the oxidized trace amounts of tungsten

    Thermal stability of phosphate coatings on steel

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    The work was validated thermal stability of zinc, manganese and tri-cations phosphate coatings on steel, made from commercial phosphating bath type Pragofos. Thermogravimetric data dehydration of scholzite, phosphophylite and hureaulite coatings in the temperature range 160 °C – 400 °C define the conditions for applying paints with higher firing temperature or thermal spraying ceramic coatings

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Atraktif Berbasis Multiple Intelligences Tentang Pemantulan Cahaya pada Cermin

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penerapan model pembelajaran atraktif berbasis multiple intelligences dalam meremediasi miskonsepsi siswa tentang pemantulan cahaya pada cermin. Pada penelitian ini digunakan bentuk pre-eksperimental design dengan rancangan one group pretest-post test design. Alat pengumpulan data berupa tes pilihan ganda dengan reasoning. Hasil validitas sebesar 4,08 dan reliabilitas 0,537. Siswa dibagi menjadi lima kelompok kecerdasan, yaitu kelompok linguistic intelligence, mathematical-logical intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, bodily-khinestetic intelligence, dan musical intelligence. Siswa membahas konsep fisika sesuai kelompok kecerdasannya dalam bentuk pembuatan pantun-puisi, teka-teki silang, menggambar kreatif, drama, dan mengarang lirik lagu. Efektivitas penerapan model pembelajaran multiple intelligences menggunakan persamaan effect size. Ditemukan bahwa skor effect size masing-masing kelompok berkategori tinggi sebesar 5,76; 3,76; 4,60; 1,70; dan 1,34. Penerapan model pembelajaran atraktif berbasis multiple intelligences efektif dalam meremediasi miskonsepsi siswa. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan pada materi fisika dan sekolah lainnya

    Percent Fat Mass Increases with Recovery, But Does Not Vary According to Dietary Therapy in Young Malian Children Treated for Moderate Acute Malnutrition.

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    BackgroundModerate acute malnutrition (MAM) affects 34.1 million children globally. Treatment effectiveness is generally determined by the amount and rate of weight gain. Body composition (BC) assessment provides more detailed information on nutritional stores and the type of tissue accrual than traditional weight measurements alone.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to compare the change in percentage fat mass (%FM) and other BC parameters among young Malian children with MAM according to receipt of 1 of 4 dietary supplements, and recovery status at the end of the 12-wk intervention period.MethodsBC was assessed using the deuterium oxide dilution method in a subgroup of 286 children aged 6-35 mo who participated in a 12-wk community-based, cluster-randomized effectiveness trial of 4 dietary supplements for the treatment of MAM: 1) lipid-based, ready-to-use supplementary food (RUSF); 2) special corn-soy blend "plus plus" (CSB++); 3) locally processed, fortified flour (MI); or 4) locally milled flours plus oil, sugar, and micronutrient powder (LMF). Multivariate linear regression modeling was used to evaluate change in BC parameters by treatment group and recovery status.ResultsMean ± SD %FM at baseline was 28.6% ± 5.32%. Change in %FM did not vary between groups. Children who received RUSF vs. MI gained more (mean; 95% CI) weight (1.43; 1.13, 1.74 kg compared with 0.84; 0.66, 1.03 kg; P = 0.02), FM (0.70; 0.45, 0.96 kg compared with 0.20; 0.05, 0.36 kg; P = 0.01), and weight-for-length z score (1.23; 0.79, 1.54 compared with 0.49; 0.34, 0.71; P = 0.03). Children who recovered from MAM exhibited greater increases in all BC parameters, including %FM, than children who did not recover.ConclusionsIn this study population, children had higher than expected %FM at baseline. There were no differences in %FM change between groups. International BC reference data are needed to assess the utility of BC assessment in community-based management of acute malnutrition programs. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01015950