728 research outputs found

    1.5. Enhancing Archaeological Data Collection and Student Learning with a Mobile Relational Database

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    In 2011, the Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológico Regional Ancash (PIARA) inaugurated an archaeological field school that employed a comprehensive digital data collection protocol. Students learned to record data on iPads using our customized relational databases for excavation, human skeletal analysis, and artifact classification. The databases integrated digital media, such as vector drawings and annotated photos. In a final research project, the students used the tablet system to analyze excavation contexts and artifacts, visualize relationships between the data, conduct literature reviews, and present their findings. This chapter discusses how students develop a greater comprehension of archaeological concepts and stronger research skills when they collect and analyze data using a relational database. More precisely, it argues that the database develops more perceptive archaeologists who can immediately recognize and interpret relationships between archaeological materials, contexts, and features. The technology, then, not only aids in-field planning and interpretation, but also cultivates analytical thinking.https://dc.uwm.edu/arthist_mobilizingthepast/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Variability and Intra-Specific Classification of Lima Bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) from Timor Island based on Morphological Characters

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    Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) is a species of beans which originating from the regions of Central America and Andes Mountains. Lima bean in Timor Island is underutilized although these plant growth there and have many variations. This study aims to determine the diversity of lima beans on Timor Island based on morphological characters. Samples were collected by survey methods from three districts on the island of Timor. Morphological traits related to the vegetative and flowering stages and mature seeds morphology were scored using the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute lima bean descriptors with a soft modification. The similarity index is calculated using the General Similarity Coefficient Gower formula. The dendogram is generated from cluster analysis using the Unweighted Pair Group Methods using Arithmetic Average (UPGMA) method. Furthermore, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to determine the role of each morphological character used. The dendogram shows that 23 collected accessions are divided into two main clusters with a 57% similarity index. The two clusters are distinguished based on the presence or absence of secondary colors and secondary patterns in the seed organs. Then, each main cluster is divided into two subclasses based on the character of the pigmentation stem, the length of the terminal leaflets, flower color, and seed type

    MTOR cross-talk in cancer and potential for combination therapy

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    The mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) pathway plays an essential role in sensing and integrating a variety of exogenous cues to regulate cellular growth and metabolism, in both physiological and pathological conditions. mTOR functions through two functionally and structurally distinct multi-component complexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2, which interact with each other and with several elements of other signaling pathways. In the past few years, many new insights into mTOR function and regulation have been gained and extensive genetic and pharmacological studies in mice have enhanced our understanding of how mTOR dysfunction contributes to several diseases, including cancer. Single-agent mTOR targeting, mostly using rapalogs, has so far met limited clinical success; however, due to the extensive cross-talk between mTOR and other pathways, combined approaches are the most promising avenues to improve clinical efficacy of available therapeutics and overcome drug resistance. This review provides a brief and up-to-date narrative on the regulation of mTOR function, the relative contributions of mTORC1 and mTORC2 complexes to cancer development and progression, and prospects for mTOR inhibition as a therapeutic strategy

    First-line erlotinib and fixed dose-rate gemcitabine for advanced pancreatic cancer

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    AIM: To investigate activity, toxicity, and prognostic factors for survival of erlotinib and fixed dose-rate gemcitabine (FDR-Gem) in advanced pancreatic cancer. METHODS: We designed a single-arm prospective, multicentre, open-label phase II study to evaluate the combination of erlotinib (100 mg/d, orally) and weekly FDR-Gem (1000 mg/m2, infused at 10 mg/m2per minute) in a population of previously untreated patients with locally advanced, inoperable, or metastatic pancreatic cancer. Primary endpoint was the rate of progression-free survival at 6 mo (PFS-6); secondary endpoints were overall response rate (ORR), response duration, tolerability, overall survival (OS), and clinical benefit. Treatment was not considered to be of further interest if the PFS-6 was < 20% (p0 = 20%), while a PFS-6 > 40% would be of considerable interest (p1 = 40%); with a 5% rejection error (α = 5%) and a power of 80%, 35 fully evaluable patients with metastatic disease were required to be enrolled in order to complete the study. Analysis of prognostic factors for survival was also carried out. RESULTS: From May 2007 to September 2009, 46 patients were enrolled (male/female: 25/21; median age: 64 years; median baseline carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9): 897 U/mL; locally advanced/metastatic disease: 5/41). PFS-6 and median PFS were 30.4% and 14 wk (95%CI: 10-19), respectively; 1-year and median OS were 20.2% and 26 wk (95%CI: 8-43). Five patients achieved an objective response (ORR: 10.9%, 95%CI: 1.9-19.9); disease control rate was 56.5% (95%CI: 42.2-70.8); clinical benefit rate was 43.5% (95%CI: 29.1-57.8). CA 19-9 serum levels were decreased by > 25% as compared to baseline in 14/23 evaluable patients (63.6%). Treatment was well-tolerated, with skin rash being the most powerful predictor of both longer PFS (P < 0.0001) and OS (P = 0.01) at multivariate analysis (median OS for patients with or without rash: 42 wk vs 15 wk, respectively, Log-rank P = 0.03). Additional predictors of better outcome were: CA 19-9 reduction, female sex (for PFS), and good performance status (for OS). CONCLUSION: Primary study endpoint was not met. However, skin rash strongly predicted erlotinib efficacy, suggesting that a pharmacodynamic-based strategy for patient selection deserves further investigation

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Karangan Narasi Menggunakan Metode Quantum pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Malaka Barat

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    Abstract This study aims to obtain empirical data about learning to write narrative essays in class VII SMP Negeri 1 Malaka Barat with the Quantum learning method. Classroom action research went through two cycles which carried out using the cycle model of Stephen Kemmis. This research was conducted through four stages as follows: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The results of the study stated that in the first cycle the average score was 61.31, 6 students who finished with a completeness percentage of 31.57% while students who did not complete as many as 13 students with a completeness percentage of 68.42%. While the average value of students in the second cycle is 92.36 of 19 students all completed with a percentage of completeness of 100%. The implications of the results of this study indicate that the application of the Quantum method is very effective and can improve learning achievement in writing narrative texts for students of SMP Negeri 1 Malaka Barat. Keywords: Writing skill, Narrative Essay, Quantum Metho

    Pendapatan Pengrajin Tenun Ikat “Ina Ndao” Di Kelurahan Naikoten I Kecamatan Kota Raja Kupang

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    Rumah Tenun Ikat “INA NDAO” telah menghasilkan produk kerajinan berupa kain tenun dengan bentuk yang beragam. Bentuk-bentuk yang dimaksud misalnya, motif Buna, Sotis dan Motif ikat. Harga jual dari masing-masing motif bervariasi. Selain dalam bentuk kain  ikat juga dimodifikasi menjadi baju, topi, rompi dan tas yang dapat langsung di pasarkan. Terdapat 20 orang tenaga kerja yang menghasilkan kerajinan tenun ikat. Untuk 14 orang tenaga kerja memiliki penghasilan di atas Upah Minimum Provinsi karena mereka telah mampu menghasilkan produk kerajinan dalam jumlah banyak dan motif yang bervariasi dalam sebulan sedangkan untuk empat orang tenaga kerja memiliki pendapatan di bawah dari UMP. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kerajinan yang dihasilkan dalam jumlah yang terbatas. Pemerintah dan swasta diharapkan memberikan perhatian dan dukungan terhadap pengembangan usaha yang bersifat promosi hasil kerajinan yang bernuansa budaya

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Tawas Pada Air Sumur Terhadap Daya Tetas Telur Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti Di Laboratorium

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    ENGLISHDengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) still be public health problem that was quite serious in Indonesia. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is caused by dengue virus and transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The main breeding place of Ae. aegypti is the water container that does not relate directly to the ground, like a cistern, jars and other containers which contain of clean and clear water. Beside of that the other factor contribute to the survival of Ae. aegypti is the water that is free from chemicals. Alum is widely used by the Indonesian community as water purifier because of its use is very cheap and easily obtained. This research objectives were 1). To determine if alum effect on hatchability of Ae. aegypti eggs in the laboratory. 2). To know the LC50 and LC90 of alum on the hatchability Ae. aegypti eggs. The research design is a Post Test Only Control Group Design, with 7 treatments of various concentrations of alum and four replicates. Alum concentration were used 2.8 g/l, 1.96 g/l, 1.37 g/l, 0.96 g/l, 0.67 g/l, 0.47 g/l, 0.33 g/l, 0.23 g/l and 0.16 g/l. The data were analyzed using Kruskall Waillis test, and to determine of LC50 and LC90 probit analysis was used. Result showed that the alum in well water can reduce hatchability of Ae. aegypti eggs, if provided in the highest concentration of 2.8 g/l. There were significant differences at various alum concentration on the percentage of Ae. aegypti eggs hatching. The higher concentration of alum, it makes the numbers of eggs hatched smaller. Data processing with probit analysis program showed that the inhibition of eggs hatching by 50% at concentrations of 0.19616 g / l and 90% at concentrations of 0.40088 g / l. Based on these results alum can be used as an alternative in a decrease of Ae. aegypti density.INDONESIADemam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) sampai saat ini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang cukup serius di Indonesia. Demam Berdarah Dengue disebabkan oleh virus dengue dan ditularkan oleh nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Tempat perindukan utama Ae. aegypti adalah penampungan air dalam rumah tangga maupun alamiah yang tidak berhubungan dengan tanah. Faktor lain yang berperan untuk kelangsungan hidup Ae. aegypti adalah air yang bebas dari bahan kimia. Tawas banyak digunakan keluarga Indonesia sebagai penjernih air karena sangat murah dan mudah diperoleh. Tujuan penelitian adalah : 1). untuk mengetahui apakah tawas berpengaruh pada daya tetas telur Ae. aegypti di Laboratorium? 2). Mengetahui LC 50 dan LC 90 dari tawas terhadap daya tetas telur Ae.aegypti. Rancangan penelitian adalah Post Test Only Control Group Design, dengan 7 perlakuan yaitu berbagai konsentrasi tawas dan 4 kali ulangan. Konsentrasi tawas yang digunakan adalah (2,8gr/l), (1,96gr/l), (1,37gr/l), (0,96gr/l), (0,67gr/l), (0,47gr/l), (0,33gr/l), (0,23gr/l) dan (0,16gr/l). Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji Kruskall Waillis dan untuk mengetahui LC50 dan LC90 digunakan Analisis Probit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tawas pada air sumur dapat menurunkan daya tetas telur Aedes aegypti jika diberikan dalam konsentrasi yang adekuat yaitu 2,8gr/l. Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada berbagai dosis tawas terhadap presentase penetasan telur Ae. aegypti. Makin tinggi konsentrasi tawas makin sedikit jumlah telur yang menetas. Hasil pengolahan data dengan program analisis probit menunjukkan bahwa daya hambat terhadap penetasan telur sebesar 50% pada konsentrasi 0,19616 gr/l dan daya hambat tawas terhadap penetasan telur sebesar 90% pada konsentrasi 0,40088 gr/l. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut tawas dapat di gunakan sebagai alternatif dalam penurunan kepadatan Ae.aegypti

    Biogeographic evaluation of the dragonflies and damselflies in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula

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    Insects are one of the most diverse groups of animals in terrestrial ecosystems, and are thus a good model system to study macrogeographic patterns in species' distributions. Here we perform a biogeographical analysis of the dragonflies and damselflies in the Valencian Country (Eastern Iberian Peninsula). We also compare the species present in this territory with those in the adjacent territories of Catalonia and Aragon, and with those present in the whole Iberian Peninsula. Furthermore, we update the list of species of dragonflies and damselflies in the Valencian territory (65 species), and discuss the current status of two of them: Macromia splendens and Lindenia tetraphylla. Our results highlight that the Valencian Country has a higher proportion of Ethiopian elements but a lower proportion of Eurosiberian elements than Catalonia and Aragon. We also emphasize the importance of volunteer work in providing new knowledge on this group of iconic insects, and the relevance of museum collections in preserving them. The role of climate change in the distribution of Odonata is also discussed

    Di-μ-oxido-bis­[(1,4,8,11-tetra­aza­cyclo­tetra­decane-κ4 N,N′,N′′,N′′′)dimangan­ese(III,IV)] bis­(tetra­phenyl­borate) chloride acetonitrile disolvate

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    The title compound, [Mn2O2(C10H24N4)2](C24H20B)2Cl·2CH3CN, is a mixed-valent MnIII/MnIV oxide-bridged mangan­ese dimer with one chloride and two tetra­phenyl­borate counter-anions. There are two non-coordinated mol­ecules of acetonitrile in the formula unit. A center of inversion is present between the two metal atoms, and, consequently, there is no distinction between MnIII and MnIV metal centers. In the Mn2O2 core, the Mn—O distances are 1.817 (3) and 1.821 (3) Å. The cyclam ligand is in the cis configuration. The chloride counter-anion resides on a center of symmetry, whereas the tetra­phenyl­borate counter-anion is in a general position. The cyclam ligand is hydrogen bonded to the acetonitrile as well as to the chloride anion. One of the phenyl rings of the anion and the acetonitrile solvent molecule are each disordered over two sets of sites