16,526 research outputs found

    Cantilever-based Resonant Microsensors with Integrated Temperature Modulation for Transient Chemical Analysis

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    This work introduces a resonant cantilever platform with integrated temperature modulation for real-time chemical sensing. Embedded heaters allow for rapid thermal cycling of individual sensors, thereby enabling real-time transient signal analysis without the need for a microfluidic setup to switch between analyte and reference gases. Compared to traditional mass-sensitive microsensors operating in steady state, the on-chip generation of signal transients provides additional information for analyte discrimination

    Unconventional Uses of Microcantilevers as Chemical Sensors in Gas and Liquid Media

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    The use of microcantilevers as (bio)chemical sensors usually involves the application of a chemically sensitive layer. The coated device operates either in a static bending regime or in a dynamic flexural mode. While some of these coated devices may be operated successfully in both the static and the dynamic modes, others may suffer from certain shortcomings depending on the type of coating, the medium of operation and the sensing application. Such shortcomings include lack of selectivity and reversibility of the sensitive coating and a reduced quality factor due to the surrounding medium. In particular, the performance of microcantilevers excited in their standard out-of-plane dynamic mode drastically decreases in viscous liquid media. Moreover, the responses of coated cantilevers operating in the static bending mode are often difficult to interpret. To resolve these performance issues, the following emerging unconventional uses of microcantilevers are reviewed in this paper: (1) dynamic-mode operation without using a sensitive coating, (2) the use of in-plane vibration modes (both flexural and longitudinal) in liquid media, and (3) incorporation of viscoelastic effects in the coatings in the static mode of operation. The advantages and drawbacks of these atypical uses of microcantilevers for chemical sensing in gas and liquid environments are discussed

    Unconventional Uses of Cantilevers for Chemical Sensing in Gas and Liquid Environments

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    Microcantilevers used as (bio)chemical sensors are usually coated with a chemically sensitive layer. The coated devices operate either in a static bending regime or in a dynamic flexural mode. While the coated devices operate generally well in both the static and dynamic mode, they do suffer from certain shortcomings depending on the medium of operation and the application, including lack of selectivity and of reversibility of the sensitive coating and a reduced quality factor due to the surrounding medium. In particular, the performance of microcantilevers excited in their standard out-of-plane dynamic mode drastically decreases in viscous liquid media. Moreover, the responses of coated cantilevers operating in the static bending mode are often difficult to interpret. To resolve those performance issues, unconventional uses of microcantilever are reviewed in this paper, which consist of the use of the dynamic mode without sensitive coating, the use of in-plane (flexural and longitudinal) vibration modes in liquid media, and fully accounting for the viscoelastic effects of the coatings in the static mode of operation. The advantages and drawbacks of these unconventional uses of microcantilevers for chemical sensing in gas and liquid environments are discussed

    Observation of correlated spin-orbit order in a strongly anisotropic quantum wire system

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    Quantum wires with spin-orbit coupling provide a unique opportunity to simultaneously control the coupling strength and the screened Coulomb interactions where new exotic phases of matter can be explored. Here we report on the observation of an exotic spin-orbit density wave in Pb-atomic wires on Si(557) surfaces by mapping out the evolution of the modulated spin-texture at various conditions with spin- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. The results are independently quantified by surface transport measurements. The spin polarization, coherence length, spin dephasing rate, and the associated quasiparticle gap decrease simultaneously as the screened Coulomb interaction decreases with increasing excess coverage, providing a new mechanism for generating and manipulating a spin-orbit entanglement effect via electronic interaction. Despite clear evidence of spontaneous spin-rotation symmetry breaking and modulation of spin-momentum structure as a function of excess coverage, the average spin-polarization over the Brillouin zone vanishes, indicating that time-reversal symmetry is intact as theoretically predicted

    Variable sediment oxygen uptake in response to dynamic forcing

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    Seiche-induced turbulence and the vertical distribution of dissolved oxygen above and within the sediment were analyzed to evaluate the sediment oxygen uptake rate (JO2), diffusive boundary layer thickness (δDBL), and sediment oxic zone depth (zmax) in situ. High temporal-resolution microprofiles across the sediment-water interface and current velocity data within the bottom boundary layer in a medium-sized mesotrophic lake were obtained during a 12-h field study. We resolved the dynamic forcing of a full 8-h seiche cycle and evaluated JO2 from both sides of the sediment-water interface. Turbulence (characterized by the energy dissipation rate, ε), the vertical distribution of dissolved oxygen across the sediment-water interface (characterized by δDBL and zmax), JO2, and the sediment oxygen consumption rate (RO2) are all strongly correlated in our freshwater system. Seiche-induced turbulence shifted from relatively active (ε = 1.2 × 10-8 W kg-1) to inactive (ε = 7.8 × 10-12 W kg-1). In response to this dynamic forcing, δDBL increased from 1.0 mm to the point of becoming undefined, zmax decreased from 2.2 to 0.3 mm as oxygen was depleted from the sediment, and JO2 decreased from 7.0 to 1.1 mmol m-2 d-1 over a time span of hours. JO2 and oxygen consumption were found to be almost equivalent (within ~ 5% and thus close to steady state), with RO2 adjusting rapidly to changes in JO2. Our results reveal the transient nature of sediment oxygen uptake and the importance of accurately characterizing turbulence when estimating JO2

    On the Complexity of Solving Zero-Dimensional Polynomial Systems via Projection

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    Given a zero-dimensional polynomial system consisting of n integer polynomials in n variables, we propose a certified and complete method to compute all complex solutions of the system as well as a corresponding separating linear form l with coefficients of small bit size. For computing l, we need to project the solutions into one dimension along O(n) distinct directions but no further algebraic manipulations. The solutions are then directly reconstructed from the considered projections. The first step is deterministic, whereas the second step uses randomization, thus being Las-Vegas. The theoretical analysis of our approach shows that the overall cost for the two problems considered above is dominated by the cost of carrying out the projections. We also give bounds on the bit complexity of our algorithms that are exclusively stated in terms of the number of variables, the total degree and the bitsize of the input polynomials

    Experimental demonstration of painting arbitrary and dynamic potentials for Bose-Einstein condensates

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    There is a pressing need for robust and straightforward methods to create potentials for trapping Bose-Einstein condensates which are simultaneously dynamic, fully arbitrary, and sufficiently stable to not heat the ultracold gas. We show here how to accomplish these goals, using a rapidly-moving laser beam that "paints" a time-averaged optical dipole potential in which we create BECs in a variety of geometries, including toroids, ring lattices, and square lattices. Matter wave interference patterns confirm that the trapped gas is a condensate. As a simple illustration of dynamics, we show that the technique can transform a toroidal condensate into a ring lattice and back into a toroid. The technique is general and should work with any sufficiently polarizable low-energy particles.Comment: Minor text changes and three references added. This is the final version published in New Journal of Physic

    On the convergence of an iterative formulation of the electromagnetic scattering from an infinite grating of thin wires

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    Contraction theory is applied to an iterative formulation of electromagnetic scattering from periodic structures and a computational method for insuring convergence is developed. A short history of spectral (or k-space) formulation is presented with an emphasis on application to periodic surfaces. The mathematical background for formulating an iterative equation is covered using straightforward single variable examples including an extension to vector spaces. To insure a convergent solution of the iterative equation, a process called the contraction corrector method is developed. Convergence properties of previously presented iterative solutions to one-dimensional problems are examined utilizing contraction theory and the general conditions for achieving a convergent solution are explored. The contraction corrector method is then applied to several scattering problems including an infinite grating of thin wires with the solution data compared to previous works

    Physiological functions of the mitochondrial uncoupling proteins UCP2 and UCP3

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    Evidence for the physiological functions of UCP2 and UCP3 is critically reviewed. They do not mediate adaptive thermogenesis, but they may be significantly thermogenic under specific pharmacological conditions. There is strong evidence that the mild regulated uncoupling they cause attenuates mitochondrial ROS production, protects against cellular damage, and diminishes insulin secretion. Evidence that they export fatty acids physiologically is weak. UCP2 and UCP3 are important potential targets for treatment of aging, degenerative diseases, diabetes, and perhaps obesity