35 research outputs found

    COVID-19 symptoms at hospital admission vary with age and sex: results from the ISARIC prospective multinational observational study

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    Background: The ISARIC prospective multinational observational study is the largest cohort of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. We present relationships of age, sex, and nationality to presenting symptoms. Methods: International, prospective observational study of 60 109 hospitalized symptomatic patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 recruited from 43 countries between 30 January and 3 August 2020. Logistic regression was performed to evaluate relationships of age and sex to published COVID-19 case definitions and the most commonly reported symptoms. Results: ‘Typical’ symptoms of fever (69%), cough (68%) and shortness of breath (66%) were the most commonly reported. 92% of patients experienced at least one of these. Prevalence of typical symptoms was greatest in 30- to 60-year-olds (respectively 80, 79, 69%; at least one 95%). They were reported less frequently in children (≤ 18 years: 69, 48, 23; 85%), older adults (≥ 70 years: 61, 62, 65; 90%), and women (66, 66, 64; 90%; vs. men 71, 70, 67; 93%, each P < 0.001). The most common atypical presentations under 60 years of age were nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain, and over 60 years was confusion. Regression models showed significant differences in symptoms with sex, age and country. Interpretation: This international collaboration has allowed us to report reliable symptom data from the largest cohort of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19. Adults over 60 and children admitted to hospital with COVID-19 are less likely to present with typical symptoms. Nausea and vomiting are common atypical presentations under 30 years. Confusion is a frequent atypical presentation of COVID-19 in adults over 60 years. Women are less likely to experience typical symptoms than men

    Analyse fonctionnelle de la protéine Enhancer of zeste, SlEZ2, chez la tomate Solanum lycopersicum

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    Analyse fonctionnelle de la protéine Enhancer of Zeste, SlEZ2, chez la tomate, Solanum lycopersicumLes protéines Polycomb, initialement découvertes chez la drosophile, ont récemment caractérisées chez les plantes où elles remplissent des fonctions essentielles au cours du développement de la plante. Chez la drosophile, les protéines polycomb (PcG) agissent sous forme de trois complexes multi-protéiques : PRC1, PRC2 et PhoRC. Seulement, deux de ces complexes ont été identifiés chez les plantes : un orthologue fonctionnel du complexe PRC1 (PRC1-like) et PRC2. Le complexe PRC2 maintien la chromatine dans un état condensé et intervient dans le contrôle du développement des fleurs, des graines, des fruits et des feuilles. Chez la tomate Solanum lycopersicum, le complexe PRC2 est composé de trois protéines polycomb : SlEMF2 (EMbryotic Flower), SlFIE (Fertilization Independent Endosperm) and SlE(Z) (Enhancer of Zeste). Les protéines SlE(Z) portent l’activité histone méthyl transférase qui permet la mise en place de la marque répressive H3K27me3. Chez la plante modèle, Arabidopsis thaliana, cette marque joue un rôle essentiel au cours du développement de la plante Afin d’étudier le rôle du complexe PRC2 dans le développement du fruit et de la plante de tomate, et plus particulièrement de la protéine SlE(Z), nous avons identifié trois gènes codant les protéines SlE(Z) : SlEZ1, SlEZ2 et SlEZ3. Au laboratoire, il a récemment été montré que la protéine SlEZ1 intervient au cours du développement floral (How Kit et al., 2010). L’objectif de ce travail est de déterminer la fonction de la protéine SlEZ2 au cours du développement du fruit et de la plante de tomate. Pour cela, nous avons analysé des plantes transgéniques sous exprimant le gène SlEZ2, orthologue au gène CURLY LEAF d’A. thaliana, par stratégie RNAi. Ce travail indique que la protéine SlEZ2 est impliquée dans la croissance de la plante de tomate, ainsi que dans le développement des feuilles, des fleurs et des fruits. Les plantes transgéniques présentent des phénotypes pléiotropes tels que des fleurs et des feuilles modifiées, un fort taux d’avortement des fruits, des fruits de texture et de couleur altérées ainsi qu’une réduction de la taille des plantes. De plus, nous avons identifiés quatre gènes ciblés par la protéine SlEZ2 dont l’expression est dérégulée dans les feuilles. Il s’agit de deux gènes à MADS box, TAG1 et TAGL1, ainsi que de deux gènes KNOX, LeT6 et TKN4.Functional analysis SlEZ2, a tomato Enhancer of zeste proteinPolycomb proteins, first discovered in Drosophila, have been identified in plants and play essential functions in plant development. In Drosophila, polycomb proteins (PcG) acts as a complex and three have been identified: PRC1, PRC2 and PhoRC. However, only two polycomb complexes have been identified in plants: like-PCR1 and PRC2. The PCR2 complex maintain chromatin in a closed state and control flower, seed, fruit and leaf development.In tomato Solanum lycopersicum, PRC2 is composed by three polycomb proteins SlEMF2 (EMbryotic Flower), SlFIE (Fertilization Independent Endosperm) and SlE(Z) (Enhancer of Zeste)(Enhancer of Zeste). SlE(Z) proteins have a methyltransferase activity that puts in place an repressive epigenetic mark a trimethylation of lysine 27 histone 3. In plant model, Arabidopsis thaliana, this mark plays an essential role in plant development but little is known about PRC2 role in plant and fruit development of tomato. In order to unravel the function of the E(z) protein in the control of tomato fruit and plant development, we have characterized three E(z) encoding genes, namely SlEz1, SlEz2 and SlEZ3. In a recent work, we reported that SlEZ1 protein plays a role in flower development (How Kit at al., 2010). The aim of this present study was to determine the function of the SlEZ2 protein in plant and fruit development. We present our results focusing on RNAi transgenic plants which underexpressed SlEZ2 gene, homologue of Curly Leaf Arabidopsis gene. This analysis indicates that SlEZ2 protein is implicated in tomato plant growth and affects also leaf, flower and fruit development. Phenotypes include abnormal flowers and leafs, fruit development abortion, altered fruit colour and texture and plant of reduced size. Moreover, we characterize four target genes of SlEZ2 genes in leaves which present a deregulated expression : TAG1, TAGL1, LeT6 and TKN4

    Analyse fonctionnelle de la protéine Enhancer of zeste, SlEZ2, chez la tomate Solanum lycopersicum

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    Analyse fonctionnelle de la protéine Enhancer of Zeste, SlEZ2, chez la tomate, Solanum lycopersicumLes protéines Polycomb, initialement découvertes chez la drosophile, ont récemment caractérisées chez les plantes où elles remplissent des fonctions essentielles au cours du développement de la plante. Chez la drosophile, les protéines polycomb (PcG) agissent sous forme de trois complexes multi-protéiques : PRC1, PRC2 et PhoRC. Seulement, deux de ces complexes ont été identifiés chez les plantes : un orthologue fonctionnel du complexe PRC1 (PRC1-like) et PRC2. Le complexe PRC2 maintien la chromatine dans un état condensé et intervient dans le contrôle du développement des fleurs, des graines, des fruits et des feuilles. Chez la tomate Solanum lycopersicum, le complexe PRC2 est composé de trois protéines polycomb : SlEMF2 (EMbryotic Flower), SlFIE (Fertilization Independent Endosperm) and SlE(Z) (Enhancer of Zeste). Les protéines SlE(Z) portent l’activité histone méthyl transférase qui permet la mise en place de la marque répressive H3K27me3. Chez la plante modèle, Arabidopsis thaliana, cette marque joue un rôle essentiel au cours du développement de la plante Afin d’étudier le rôle du complexe PRC2 dans le développement du fruit et de la plante de tomate, et plus particulièrement de la protéine SlE(Z), nous avons identifié trois gènes codant les protéines SlE(Z) : SlEZ1, SlEZ2 et SlEZ3. Au laboratoire, il a récemment été montré que la protéine SlEZ1 intervient au cours du développement floral (How Kit et al., 2010). L’objectif de ce travail est de déterminer la fonction de la protéine SlEZ2 au cours du développement du fruit et de la plante de tomate. Pour cela, nous avons analysé des plantes transgéniques sous exprimant le gène SlEZ2, orthologue au gène CURLY LEAF d’A. thaliana, par stratégie RNAi. Ce travail indique que la protéine SlEZ2 est impliquée dans la croissance de la plante de tomate, ainsi que dans le développement des feuilles, des fleurs et des fruits. Les plantes transgéniques présentent des phénotypes pléiotropes tels que des fleurs et des feuilles modifiées, un fort taux d’avortement des fruits, des fruits de texture et de couleur altérées ainsi qu’une réduction de la taille des plantes. De plus, nous avons identifiés quatre gènes ciblés par la protéine SlEZ2 dont l’expression est dérégulée dans les feuilles. Il s’agit de deux gènes à MADS box, TAG1 et TAGL1, ainsi que de deux gènes KNOX, LeT6 et TKN4.Functional analysis SlEZ2, a tomato Enhancer of zeste proteinPolycomb proteins, first discovered in Drosophila, have been identified in plants and play essential functions in plant development. In Drosophila, polycomb proteins (PcG) acts as a complex and three have been identified: PRC1, PRC2 and PhoRC. However, only two polycomb complexes have been identified in plants: like-PCR1 and PRC2. The PCR2 complex maintain chromatin in a closed state and control flower, seed, fruit and leaf development.In tomato Solanum lycopersicum, PRC2 is composed by three polycomb proteins SlEMF2 (EMbryotic Flower), SlFIE (Fertilization Independent Endosperm) and SlE(Z) (Enhancer of Zeste)(Enhancer of Zeste). SlE(Z) proteins have a methyltransferase activity that puts in place an repressive epigenetic mark a trimethylation of lysine 27 histone 3. In plant model, Arabidopsis thaliana, this mark plays an essential role in plant development but little is known about PRC2 role in plant and fruit development of tomato. In order to unravel the function of the E(z) protein in the control of tomato fruit and plant development, we have characterized three E(z) encoding genes, namely SlEz1, SlEz2 and SlEZ3. In a recent work, we reported that SlEZ1 protein plays a role in flower development (How Kit at al., 2010). The aim of this present study was to determine the function of the SlEZ2 protein in plant and fruit development. We present our results focusing on RNAi transgenic plants which underexpressed SlEZ2 gene, homologue of Curly Leaf Arabidopsis gene. This analysis indicates that SlEZ2 protein is implicated in tomato plant growth and affects also leaf, flower and fruit development. Phenotypes include abnormal flowers and leafs, fruit development abortion, altered fruit colour and texture and plant of reduced size. Moreover, we characterize four target genes of SlEZ2 genes in leaves which present a deregulated expression : TAG1, TAGL1, LeT6 and TKN4

    Analyse fonctionnelle de la protéine Enhancer of zeste, SlEZ2, chez la tomate Solanum lycopersicum

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    Analyse fonctionnelle de la protéine Enhancer of Zeste, SlEZ2, chez la tomate, Solanum lycopersicumLes protéines Polycomb, initialement découvertes chez la drosophile, ont récemment caractérisées chez les plantes où elles remplissent des fonctions essentielles au cours du développement de la plante. Chez la drosophile, les protéines polycomb (PcG) agissent sous forme de trois complexes multi-protéiques : PRC1, PRC2 et PhoRC. Seulement, deux de ces complexes ont été identifiés chez les plantes : un orthologue fonctionnel du complexe PRC1 (PRC1-like) et PRC2. Le complexe PRC2 maintien la chromatine dans un état condensé et intervient dans le contrôle du développement des fleurs, des graines, des fruits et des feuilles. Chez la tomate Solanum lycopersicum, le complexe PRC2 est composé de trois protéines polycomb : SlEMF2 (EMbryotic Flower), SlFIE (Fertilization Independent Endosperm) and SlE(Z) (Enhancer of Zeste). Les protéines SlE(Z) portent l activité histone méthyl transférase qui permet la mise en place de la marque répressive H3K27me3. Chez la plante modèle, Arabidopsis thaliana, cette marque joue un rôle essentiel au cours du développement de la plante Afin d étudier le rôle du complexe PRC2 dans le développement du fruit et de la plante de tomate, et plus particulièrement de la protéine SlE(Z), nous avons identifié trois gènes codant les protéines SlE(Z) : SlEZ1, SlEZ2 et SlEZ3. Au laboratoire, il a récemment été montré que la protéine SlEZ1 intervient au cours du développement floral (How Kit et al., 2010). L objectif de ce travail est de déterminer la fonction de la protéine SlEZ2 au cours du développement du fruit et de la plante de tomate. Pour cela, nous avons analysé des plantes transgéniques sous exprimant le gène SlEZ2, orthologue au gène CURLY LEAF d A. thaliana, par stratégie RNAi. Ce travail indique que la protéine SlEZ2 est impliquée dans la croissance de la plante de tomate, ainsi que dans le développement des feuilles, des fleurs et des fruits. Les plantes transgéniques présentent des phénotypes pléiotropes tels que des fleurs et des feuilles modifiées, un fort taux d avortement des fruits, des fruits de texture et de couleur altérées ainsi qu une réduction de la taille des plantes. De plus, nous avons identifiés quatre gènes ciblés par la protéine SlEZ2 dont l expression est dérégulée dans les feuilles. Il s agit de deux gènes à MADS box, TAG1 et TAGL1, ainsi que de deux gènes KNOX, LeT6 et TKN4.Functional analysis SlEZ2, a tomato Enhancer of zeste proteinPolycomb proteins, first discovered in Drosophila, have been identified in plants and play essential functions in plant development. In Drosophila, polycomb proteins (PcG) acts as a complex and three have been identified: PRC1, PRC2 and PhoRC. However, only two polycomb complexes have been identified in plants: like-PCR1 and PRC2. The PCR2 complex maintain chromatin in a closed state and control flower, seed, fruit and leaf development.In tomato Solanum lycopersicum, PRC2 is composed by three polycomb proteins SlEMF2 (EMbryotic Flower), SlFIE (Fertilization Independent Endosperm) and SlE(Z) (Enhancer of Zeste)(Enhancer of Zeste). SlE(Z) proteins have a methyltransferase activity that puts in place an repressive epigenetic mark a trimethylation of lysine 27 histone 3. In plant model, Arabidopsis thaliana, this mark plays an essential role in plant development but little is known about PRC2 role in plant and fruit development of tomato. In order to unravel the function of the E(z) protein in the control of tomato fruit and plant development, we have characterized three E(z) encoding genes, namely SlEz1, SlEz2 and SlEZ3. In a recent work, we reported that SlEZ1 protein plays a role in flower development (How Kit at al., 2010). The aim of this present study was to determine the function of the SlEZ2 protein in plant and fruit development. We present our results focusing on RNAi transgenic plants which underexpressed SlEZ2 gene, homologue of Curly Leaf Arabidopsis gene. This analysis indicates that SlEZ2 protein is implicated in tomato plant growth and affects also leaf, flower and fruit development. Phenotypes include abnormal flowers and leafs, fruit development abortion, altered fruit colour and texture and plant of reduced size. Moreover, we characterize four target genes of SlEZ2 genes in leaves which present a deregulated expression : TAG1, TAGL1, LeT6 and TKN4.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Metabolic engineering of Isoprenoid biosynthesis

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    Isoprenoids constitute one of the largest families of natural compounds. They play essential functions in plant growth and development and furnish compounds of high interest for humans. Here, we present the current knowledge on isoprenoid metabolism before describing the strategies that have been used for isoprenoid metabolic engineering. We discuss the advantages and drawbacks of using microorganisms and plants as cell platform for the production of isoprenoids of interest

    Epigenetic analysis of wild tomato species

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) which forms a small monophyletic clade within the large Solanaceae family has been chosen as a model system for studying the Solanaceae genome, as well as fruit development and ripening, and crop domestication. Though many efforts have been devoted to the analysis of the genetic diversity of tomato species, little work has focused on the epigenetic diversity in this clade, although there is a general agreement that epigenetic processes play essential role in the phenotypic diversity in animal and plant system. The present project is aimed at analyzing the epigenetic diversity in a subset of wild tomato species. The Solanum lycopersicum clade presents a favorable situation for such a study as it is constituted of diploid plants sharing a high degree of genomic syntheny. This study was focused on tomato Polycomb group genes of the Enhancer of Zeste family, which consists in three genes (SlEZ1, SlEZ2, SlEZ3). SlEZ1 and SlEZ2 genes were previously shown to be involved in the control of fruit and flower development of the domesticated tomato (How Kit A et al, 2010), whereas the role SlEZ3 remains unknown. Our analysis includes the comparative analysis of SlE(Z) gene sequences, as well as the study of their expression during tomato fruit development. Interestingly the analysis of SlEZ2 gene in red-fruited species compared to green-fruited species revealed major differences in fruit DNA methylation and fruit gene expression profiles. These differences were correlated with the presence of a retrotransposon in the SlEZ2 promoter region in red-fruited species specifically

    Epigenetic analysis of wild tomato species

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) which forms a small monophyletic clade within the large Solanaceae family has been chosen as a model system for studying the Solanaceae genome, as well as fruit development and ripening, and crop domestication. Though many efforts have been devoted to the analysis of the genetic diversity of tomato species, little work has focused on the epigenetic diversity in this clade, although there is a general agreement that epigenetic processes play essential role in the phenotypic diversity in animal and plant system. The present project is aimed at analyzing the epigenetic diversity in a subset of wild tomato species. The Solanum lycopersicum clade presents a favorable situation for such a study as it is constituted of diploid plants sharing a high degree of genomic syntheny. This study was focused on tomato Polycomb group genes of the Enhancer of Zeste family, which consists in three genes (SlEZ1, SlEZ2, SlEZ3). SlEZ1 and SlEZ2 genes were previously shown to be involved in the control of fruit and flower development of the domesticated tomato (How Kit A et al, 2010), whereas the role SlEZ3 remains unknown. Our analysis includes the comparative analysis of SlE(Z) gene sequences, as well as the study of their expression during tomato fruit development. Interestingly the analysis of SlEZ2 gene in red-fruited species compared to green-fruited species revealed major differences in fruit DNA methylation and fruit gene expression profiles. These differences were correlated with the presence of a retrotransposon in the SlEZ2 promoter region in red-fruited species specifically