38 research outputs found

    Adverse events associated with intraocular injection of anti-VEGF(bevacizumab) in retinal vein ccclusion: a case report

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    Introduction: Antiangiogenic agents are often administered for treatment of Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO). Among them, Bevacizumab has noticeable antiangiogenic and antiedemigenic properties and possesses great capacity to penetrate the retinal tissue, particularly in pathological circumstances characterized by altered external or internal blood-retinal barrier.Bevacizumab has an optimal bio-efficacy based on inhibition of the activity of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). Nonetheless, despite its efficacy, here we describe the adverse effects associated with intraocular injection of bevacizumab in a patient affected by retinal vein occlusion. Case presentation: We present a case report of an 11-year old Caucasian malesubject affected by BRVO in his left eye. The patient underwent an intra-vitreal (i.v.) injection of bevacizumab 100 (1.25 mg/0.05ml). After that, the patient was monitored over time through a series of analyses including Ocular Coherence Tomography, Fluorangiography, Bulbar Ultrasound, Angio MRI BCVA scores and Intra Ocular Pressure. Results: Immediately after the i.v. injection, the patient experienced a strong and relentless pain radiating from the left ocular orbit, caused by a serious and unexpected malignant glaucoma and phthisis bulbi. Furthermore, the patient did not show any sign of improvement in visual function in the follow-up and at last required an ophthalmic prosthesisas a result of a subatrophic and hypotonic eyeball. Conclusion: This case report suggests that i.v. injections of anti-VEGFs should be considered wit

    Suspensory materials for surgery of blepharoptosis: a systematic review of observational studies

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    Background Frontalis suspension surgery is considered the procedure of choice in cases of blepharoptosis. Among all the materials used in this type of surgery, ophthalmic and plastic surgeons prefer to use autologous Fascia Lata. However, during years, other autogenous and exogenous materials have been introduced. Objectives The aim of this study was therefore that of systematically reviewing the functional results and the rate of complications of different synthetic materials, as compared to autogenous Fascia Lata. The primary objective was to determine the rates of Successful Surgeries (SSs) of these materials. The secondary objective was to assess the onset of complications. The following materials were investigated: Fascia Lata, Mersilene, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and Silicon. Data Source and Methods Following the Prisma procedure, on January 30th, 2016 we used the following electronic databases to select the studies: MEDLINE and Scopus. Results The search strategy retrieved 48 publications that met the eligibility criteria of the systematic review. All studies were non-comparative. PTFE (n = 5) showed the best rate of SSs among the materials compared (statistically significant). Surgeries performed with autogenous Fascia Lata (n = 19) had a 87% rate of success those performed with Mersilene (n = 12)had 92% and those performed with Silicon (n = 17)88%. PTFE had the best outcome, with 99% success rate. As for complications, surgeries performed with PTFE had a higher rate of suture infections (1.9%) as compared to Fascia Lata, but lower incidence for all other complications. Conclusions Although most studies were good quality cohort studies, the overall quality of this evidence should be regarded as low due to their non-comparative design. Our data suggest that PTFE seems to be the most valid alternative material for frontalis suspension surgery, with low recurrence rates and good cosmetic and functional results

    Traumi oculari al pronto soccorso oculistico. Ricerca condotta presso la Clinica Oculistica del Policlinico Umberto I di Roma su 81.825 casi in 10 anni. La prevenzione è sempre fondamentale per evitare danni oculari.

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    Abstract Obiettivo Determinare gli esiti funzionali a distanza dei traumi oculari gravi contusivi e perforanti che hanno necessitato di intervento chirurgico. Metodi Studio retrospettivo, effettuato tra gennaio 2003 e marzo 2013, di 672 pazienti con macrotraumi oculari, giunti al Pronto Soccorso (PS) della Clinica Oculistica, Dipartimento di Oftalmologia del Policlinico Umberto I di Roma. In particolare abbiamo focalizzato l’attenzione sui pazienti con traumi oculari contusivi o “a bulbo chiuso” e perforanti (ferite, corpo estraneo intraoculare – CEIO –, scoppio del bulbo) o “a bulbo aperto”. Risultati Il numero degli accessi per trauma è stato di 81.825 in 10 anni, di cui 672 (0,82%) con un macrotrauma che ha necessitato di intervento medico e chirurgico. Più frequenti (445; 66,18%) i traumi contusivi rispetto ai perforanti (227; 33,82%). Dei perforanti, 105 (46,3%) hanno avuto uno scoppio del bulbo che, assieme ai CEIO (67; 29,7%), sono le principali cause di prognosi infausta per l’occhio traumatizzato. Tra le complicanze più frequenti ci sono state, in ordine, quelle corneali (abrasioni ecc.) (94,2%), l’ipoema (86,3%) e la commotio retinae (edema di Berlin, 85,8%). Gli esiti funzionali a 6 mesi sono variati da visus normale (≤10/10 e >6/10) in 441 pazienti (65,7%), fino a cecità assoluta (MM, PL, NPL) in 57 pazienti (8,3%). L’OTS (ocular trauma score) e la tempestività d’intervento sono risultati essere un indice prognostico importante. Conclusioni Gli esiti funzionali (acuità visiva finale)dei traumi oculari contusivi e perforanti sono incrementabili con l’adeguatezza e la tempestività dell’intervento chirurgico del trauma in sé e delle complicanze che possono presentarsi contemporaneamente o successivamente. I traumi costituiscono una delle principali cause di ipovisione o cecità monoculare nei soggetti giovani adulti

    Metrics for monitoring patients progress in a rehabilitation context: a case study based on wearable inertial sensors

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    Inertial data can represent a rich source of clinically relevant information which can provide details on motor assessment in subjects undertaking a rehabilitation process. Indeed, in clinical and sport settings, motor assessment is generally conducted through simple subjective measures such as a visual assessment or questionnaire given by caregivers. As part of a mobile health application, wireless sensors such as inertial measurement units and associated data sets can help provide an objective and empirical measure of a patient’s progress through rehabilitation using on body sensors. In this publication, several metrics in different domains have been considered and extrapolated from the 3D accelerometer and angular rate data sets collected on an impaired subject with knee injury, via a wearable sensing system developed at the Tyndall National Institute. These data sets were collected for different activities performed across a number of sessions as the subject progressed through the rehabilitation process. Using these data sets, a novel and effective method has been investigated in order to define a single score indicator which can provide accurate quantitative analysis of the improvement of the subject throughout their rehabilitation. The indicator compares impaired and unimpaired limb motor performance. The present work proves that the defined score indicator can be taken into account by clinicians to study the overall patients’ condition and provide accurate clinical feedback as to their rehabilitative progress

    MIRTO: an open-source robotic platform for education

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    This paper introduces the MIddlesex RoboTic platfOrm (MIRTO), an open-source platform that has been used for teaching First Year Computer Science students since the academic year 2013/2014, with the aim of providing a physical manifestation of Software Engineering concepts that are often delivered using only abstract or synthetic case studies. In this paper we provide a detailed description of the platform, whose hardware specifications and software libraries are all released open source; we describe a number of teaching usages of the platform, report students’ projects, and evaluate some of its aspects in terms of effectiveness, usability, and maintenance

    Novel Medicinal Mushroom Blend as a Promising Supplement in Integrative Oncology: A Multi-Tiered Study using 4T1 Triple-Negative Mouse Breast Cancer Model

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    Abstract: Although medicinal mushroomextracts have been proposed as promising anti-cancer agents, their precise impacts on metastatic breast cancer are still to be clarified. For this purpose, the present study exploited the eect of a novel medicinal mushroom blend, namely Micotherapy U-care, in a 4T1 triple-negative mouse breast cancer model. Mice were orally administered with Micotherapy U-care, consisting of a mixture of Agaricus blazei, Ophiocordyceps sinensis, Ganoderma lucidum, Grifola frondosa, and Lentinula edodes. The syngeneic tumor-bearing mice were generated by injecting 4T1 cells in both supplemented and non-supplemented mice. After sacrifice 35 days later, specific endpoints and pathological outcomes of the murine pulmonary tissue were evaluated. (i) Histopathological and ultrastructural analysis and (ii) immunohistochemical assessment of TGF-ß1, IL-6 and NOS2, COX2, SOD1 as markers of inflammation and oxidative stress were performed. The QoL was comparatively evaluated. Micotherapy U-care supplementation, starting before 4T1 injection and lasting until the end of the experiment, dramatically reduced the pulmonary metastases density, also triggering a decrease of fibrotic response, and reducing IL-6, NOS, and COX2 expression. SOD1 and TGF-ß1 results were also discussed. These findings support the valuable potential of Micotherapy U-care as adjuvant therapy in the critical management of triple-negative breast cancer

    Trypan Blue Dye Enters Viable Cells Incubated with the Pore-Forming Toxin HlyII of Bacillus cereus

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    Trypan blue is a dye that has been widely used for selective staining of dead tissues or cells. Here, we show that the pore-forming toxin HlyII of Bacillus cereus allows trypan blue staining of macrophage cells, despite the cells remaining viable and metabolically active. These findings suggest that the dye enters viable cells through the pores. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that trypan blue may enter viable cells. Consequently, the use of trypan blue staining as a marker of vital status should be interpreted with caution. The blue coloration does not necessarily indicate cell lysis, but may rather indicate pore formation in the cell membranes and more generally increased membrane permeability

    Evaluating quality in healthcare organizations: the experience of the performance plan in Lombardy region

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    In 2011 Lombardy Region introduced a performance measurement, evaluation and accountability system that has to be adopted by all Public Healthcare Organizations operating within its boundaries. The system is based on a performance plan methodology that includes the quality perspective as one of the perspectives needed to evaluate and communicate organizational results. The paper, based on the analysis of all performance plans produced by Lombardy Public Healthcare Organizations highlights the results achieved in terms of: compliance between regional guidelines and organizational practices, and in terms of measures really used in order to evaluate different quality issues