21,994 research outputs found

    Compatibility and stability of hyoscine n-butyl bromide and furosemide admixtures for use in palliative care

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    In order to avoid separate injections, admixtures of drugs are frequently used in palliative care settings. There are different factors that can influence the compatibility and stability of the mixture: drug type, concentration, solvent, container, temperature and light. There are some mixtures of drugs with proven stability, but there is lack of evidence about the stability and compatibility of the combination of hyoscine N-butyl bromide and furosemide.Universidad de MĂĄlaga,Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tec

    Studying the interaction between microquasar jets and their environments

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    In high-mass microquasars (HMMQ), strong interactions between jets and stellar winds at binary system scales could occur. In order to explore this possibility, we have performed numerical 2-dimensional simulations of jets crossing the dense stellar material to study how the jet will be affected by these interactions. We find that the jet head generates strong shocks in the wind. These shocks reduce the jet advance speed, and compress and heat up jet and wind material. In addition, strong recollimation shocks can occur where pressure balance between the jet side and the surrounding medium is reached. All this, altogether with jet bending, could lead to the destruction of jets with power <1036erg/s<10^{36} \rm{erg/s}. The conditions around the outflow shocks would be convenient for accelerating particles up to ∌\sim TeV energies. These accelerated particles could emit via synchrotron and inverse Compton (IC) scattering if they were leptons, and via hadronic processes in case they were hadrons.Comment: 4 pages. Contribution to the proceedings of High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows, held in Dublin, Ireland, September 24-28, 200

    Non-linear Relaxation of Interacting Bosons Coherently Driven on a Narrow Optical Transition

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    We study the dynamics of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of 174^{174}Yb atoms coherently driven on a narrow optical transition. The excitation transfers the BEC to a superposition of states with different internal and momentum quantum numbers. We observe a crossover with decreasing driving strength between a regime of damped oscillations, where coherent driving prevails, and an incoherent regime, where relaxation takes over. Several relaxation mechanisms are involved: inelastic losses involving two excited atoms, leading to a non-exponential decay of populations; Doppler broadening due to the finite momentum width of the BEC and inhomogeneous elastic interactions, both leading to dephasing and to damping of the oscillations. We compare our observations to a two-component Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) model that fully includes these effects. For small or moderate densities, the damping of the oscillations is mostly due to Doppler broadening. In this regime, we find excellent agreement between the model and the experimental results. For higher densities, the role of interactions increases and so does the damping rate of the oscillations. The damping in the GP model is less pronounced than in the experiment, possibly a hint for many-body effects not captured by the mean-field description.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; supplementary material available as ancillary fil

    Clock spectroscopy of interacting bosons in deep optical lattices

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    We report on high-resolution optical spectroscopy of interacting bosonic 174^{174}Yb atoms in deep optical lattices with negligible tunneling. We prepare Mott insulator phases with singly- and doubly-occupied isolated sites and probe the atoms using an ultra-narrow "clock" transition. Atoms in singly-occupied sites undergo long-lived Rabi oscillations. Atoms in doubly-occupied sites are strongly affected by interatomic interactions, and we measure their inelastic decay rates and energy shifts. We deduce from these measurements all relevant collisional parameters involving both clock states, in particular the intra- and inter-state scattering lengths

    Exploring Particle Acceleration in Gamma-Ray Binaries

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    Binary systems can be powerful sources of non-thermal emission from radio to gamma rays. When the latter are detected, then these objects are known as gamma-ray binaries. In this work, we explore, in the context of gamma-ray binaries, different acceleration processes to estimate their efficiency: Fermi I, Fermi II, shear acceleration, the converter mechanism, and magnetic reconnection. We find that Fermi I acceleration in a mildly relativistic shock can provide, although marginally, the multi-10 TeV particles required to explain observations. Shear acceleration may be a complementary mechanism, giving particles the final boost to reach such a high energies. Fermi II acceleration may be too slow to account for the observed very high energy photons, but may be suitable to explain extended low-energy emission. The converter mechanism seems to require rather high Lorentz factors but cannot be discarded a priori. Standard relativistic shock acceleration requires a highly turbulent, weakly magnetized downstream medium; magnetic reconnection, by itself possibly insufficient to reach very high energies, could perhaps facilitate such a conditions. Further theoretical developments, and a better source characterization, are needed to pinpoint the dominant acceleration mechanism, which need not be one and the same in all sources.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the 13th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics and Detectors for Physics Applications (Villa Olmo, Como 3-7 October 2011

    Person to Person in Norway

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    While still in the midst of their study abroad experiences, students at Linfield College write reflective essays. Their essays address issues of cultural similarity and difference, compare lifestyles, mores, norms, and habits between their host countries and home, and examine changes in perceptions about their host countries and the United States. In this essay, Amber Hay describes her observations during her study abroad program at Telemark University College in BĂž, Norway

    Remote sensing observatory validation of surface soil moisture using Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer E, Common Land Model, and ground based data: Case study in SMEX03 Little River Region, Georgia, U.S.

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    Optimal soil moisture estimation may be characterized by intercomparisons among remotely sensed measurements, ground‐based measurements, and land surface models. In this study, we compared soil moisture from Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer E (AMSR‐E), ground‐based measurements, and a Soil‐Vegetation‐Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) model for the Soil Moisture Experiments in 2003 (SMEX03) Little River region, Georgia. The Common Land Model (CLM) reasonably replicated soil moisture patterns in dry down and wetting after rainfall though it had modest wet biases (0.001–0.054 m3/m3) as compared to AMSR‐E and ground data. While the AMSR‐E average soil moisture agreed well with the other data sources, it had extremely low temporal variability, especially during the growing season from May to October. The comparison results showed that highest mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) were 0.054 and 0.059 m3/m3 for short and long periods, respectively. Even if CLM and AMSR‐E had complementary strengths, low MAE (0.018–0.054 m3/m3) and RMSE (0.023–0.059 m3/m3) soil moisture errors for CLM and soil moisture low biases (0.003–0.031 m3/m3) for AMSR‐E, care should be taken prior to employing AMSR‐E retrieved soil moisture products directly for hydrological application due to its failure to replicate temporal variability. AMSR‐E error characteristics identified in this study should be used to guide enhancement of retrieval algorithms and improve satellite observations for hydrological sciences

    The development of power specific redlines for SSME safety monitoring

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    Over the past several years, there has been an increased awareness in the necessity for rocket engine health monitoring because of the cost and complexity of present and future systems. A current rocket engine system, the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME), combines a limited redline system with closed-loop control of the engine's thrust level and mixture ratio. Despite these features, 27 tests of the SSME have resulted in major incidents. A SSME transient model was used to examine the effect of variations in high pressure turbopump performance on various engine parameters. Based on analysis of the responses, several new parameters are proposed for further investigation as power-level specific redlines

    Super-Resolution for Overhead Imagery Using DenseNets and Adversarial Learning

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    Recent advances in Generative Adversarial Learning allow for new modalities of image super-resolution by learning low to high resolution mappings. In this paper we present our work using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) with applications to overhead and satellite imagery. We have experimented with several state-of-the-art architectures. We propose a GAN-based architecture using densely connected convolutional neural networks (DenseNets) to be able to super-resolve overhead imagery with a factor of up to 8x. We have also investigated resolution limits of these networks. We report results on several publicly available datasets, including SpaceNet data and IARPA Multi-View Stereo Challenge, and compare performance with other state-of-the-art architectures.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, WACV 2018 submissio
