568 research outputs found

    Sites of Lu(III) sorbed to and coprecipitated with hectorite

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    Microtopography of the barite (001) face during growth: AFM observations and PBC theory

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    Under moderate supersaturation conditions, crystal growth on the barite (0 0 1) surface takes place by the development of two-dimensional nucleation simultaneously with the advancement of molecular-height cleavage steps on the surface. The most frequent growth steps have a height of a half-unit cell, as has been predicted by periodic bond chain (PBC) theory, and they are parallel to the S1 2 0T PBC directions. Along opposite directions the velocity of S1 2 0T growth steps is strongly anisotropic. Moreover, the directions of fast growth alternate for successive elementary growth layers. The anisotropy of the growth rates can be explained by taking into account the crystallographic features and orientation of the complete PBC within each (0 0 2) elementary growth slice. On the other hand, the alternation of the fast growth direction for S1 2 0T steps in successive d002 growth layers is related to the existence of a 21 screw axis perpendicular to the (0 0 1) surface. Two-dimensional nucleation on the barite (0 0 1) surface is characterized by the development of islands with a circular sector shape and half-unit cell in height. The two-dimensional islands nucleated on the initial surface show the same orientation. As growth proceeds, islands coalesce and a homogeneous layer with a thickness of 3.5 A is formed. Nucleation on this new surface produces islands oriented in the opposite sense to those in the previous layer. Goniometric measurements and X-ray di€raction experiments conÞrm that the straight edges of the islands are parallel to the [1 2 0] and [1 2 0] crystallographically equivalent directions. The third side of each island is curved, rough and tangent to [010]. Both the morphology and development of two-dimensional nuclei on the barite (001) face clearly indicate that the growth process is structurally controlled. The asymmetry of [120], [120] and [010] PBCs and their crystallographic features can be considered as responsible for the geometry and spread of the circular sector islands formed on each elementary (002) growth layer

    Retention of technetium-99 by grout and backfill cements: Implications for the safe disposal of radioactive waste

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    Technetium-99 (99Tc) is an important radionuclide when considering the disposal of nuclear wastes owing to its long half-life and environmental mobility in the pertechnetate (Tc(VII)) redox state. Its behaviour in a range of potential cement encapsulants and backfill materials has been studied by analysing uptake onto pure cement phases and hardened cement pastes. Preferential, but limited, uptake of pertechnetate was observed on iron-free, calcium silicate hydrates (C–S–H) and aluminate ferrite monosulphate (AFm) phases with no significant adsorption onto ettringite or calcium aluminates. Diffusion of 99Tc through cured monolithic samples, representative of cements being considered for use in geological disposal facilities across Europe, revealed markedly diverse migration behaviour, primarily due to chemical interactions with the cement matrix rather than differential permeability or other physical factors. A backfill cement, developed specifically for the purpose of radionuclide retention, gave the poorest performance of all formulations studied in terms of both transport rates and overall technetium retention. Two of the matrices, pulverised fuel ash: ordinary Portland cement (PFA:OPC) and a low-pH blend incorporating fly ash, effectively retarded 99Tc migration via precipitation in narrow, reactive zones. These findings have important implications when choosing cementitious grouts and/or backfill for Tc-containing radioactive wastes

    Monazite-Type SmPO4_{4} as Potential Nuclear Waste Form: Insights into Radiation Effects from Ion-Beam Irradiation and Atomistic Simulations

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    Single-phase monazite-type ceramics are considered as potential host matrices for the conditioning of separated plutonium and minor actinides. Sm-orthophosphates were synthesised and their behaviour under irradiation was investigated with respect to their long-term performance in the repository environment. Sintered SmPO4_{4} pellets and thin lamellae were irradiated with 1, 3.5, and 7 MeV Au ions, up to fluences of 5.1 × 1014^{14} ions cm−2^{-2} to simulate ballistic effects of recoiling nuclei resulting from α-decay of incorporated actinides. Threshold displacement energies for monazite-type SmPO4_{4} subsequently used in SRIM/TRIM simulations were derived from atomistic simulations. Raman spectra obtained from irradiated lamellae revealed vast amorphisation at the highest fluence used, although local annealing effects were observed. The broadened, but still discernible, band of the symmetrical stretching vibration in SmPO4 and the negligible increase in P–O bond lengths suggest that amorphisation of monazite is mainly due to a breaking of Ln–O bonds. PO4_{4} groups show structural disorder in the local environment but seem to behave as tight units. Annealing effects observed during the irradiation experiment and the distinctively lower dose rates incurred in actinide bearing waste forms and potential α-radiation-induced annealing effects indicate that SmPO4_{4}-based waste forms have a high potential for withstanding amorphisation

    Microtomography-based Inter-Granular Network for the simulation of radionuclide diffusion and sorption in a granitic rock

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    Field investigation studies, conducted in the context of safety analyses of deep geological repositories for nuclear waste, have pointed out that in fractured crystalline rocks sorbing radionuclides can diffuse surprisingly long distances deep into the intact rock matrix; i.e. much longer distances than those predicted by reactive transport models based on a homogeneous description of the properties of the rock matrix. Here, we focus on cesium diffusion and use detailed micro characterisation data, based on micro computed tomography, along with a grain-scale Inter-Granular Network model, to offer a plausible explanation for the anomalously long cesium penetration profiles observed in these in-situ experiments. The sparse distribution of chemically reactive grains (i.e. grains belonging to sorbing mineral phases) is shown to have a strong control on the diffusive patterns of sorbing radionuclides. The computed penetration profiles of cesium agree well with an analytical model based on two parallel diffusive pathways. This agreement, along with visual inspection of the spatial distribution of cesium concentration, indicates that for sorbing radionuclides the medium indeed behaves as a composite system, with most of the mass being retained close to the injection boundary and a non-negligible part diffusing faster along preferential diffusive pathways.Peer reviewe

    Gamma and pulsed electron radiolysis studies of CyMe4BTBP and CyMe4BTPhen: Identification of radiolysis products and effects on the hydrometallurgical separation of trivalent actinides and lanthanides

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    The radiolytic stability of the highly selective ligands CyMe4BTBP and CyMe4BTPhen against ionizing gamma radiation was studied in 1-octanol solution. CyMe4BTBP and CyMe4BTPhen are important extractants for a potential treatment of used nuclear fuel. They were studied under identical experimental conditions to directly compare the effects of gamma and pulsed electron radiolysis on the ligands and systematically study the influence of structural changes in the ligand backbone. Distribution ratios of Am3+, Cm3+ and Eu3+, the residual concentration of CyMe4BTBP and CyMe4BTPhen in solution, and the formation of radiolysis products were studied as a function of absorbed gamma dose and presence of an acidic aqueous phase during irradiation. Quantitative and semi-quantitative analyses were used to elucidate the radiolysis mechanism for both ligands. Addition products of alpha-hydroxyoctyl radicals formed through radiolysis of the 1-octanol diluent to the ligand molecules were identified as the predominant radiolysis products. These addition products also extract trivalent metal ions, as distribution ratios remained high although the parent molecule concentrations decreased. Therefore, the utilization time of a solvent using these extractants under the harsh conditions of used nuclear fuel treatment could be considerably longer than expected. Understanding the radiolysis mechanism is crucial for designing more radiation resistant extractants

    Chemical and structural investigations on uranium oxide-based microparticles as reference materials for analytical measurements

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    The analysis of individual micrometre- and submicrometre-sized particles collected by IAEA’s safeguards inspectors on swipe samples during in-field verification activities requires the implementation of a sustainable quality control system such as suitable microparticulate reference materials. To this end, pure and neodymium-doped uranium oxide-based microparticles utilising an aerosol-based particle production process were prepared. SEM/EDX measurements confirmed the monodispersity of the produced microspheres as well as the incorporation of 15 mol% Nd into the compound particles. The timeline of structural investigations mirror the ongoing alteration of particles being stored under laboratory atmosphere. While results from in-SEM Raman (CEA, DAM) on microparticles after two years storage time point to the formation of U3O8 and a minor fraction of schoepite phase (hydrated UO3), in U L3-edge XAFS after four months storage time and U M4-edge HR-XANES after ten months storage time spectra (INE-Beamline and ACT station @ KIT synchrotron radiation source) mainly U(IV) and U(V), respectively, was observed. These results provide new insight into ageing mechanism of the microparticles after preparation. From these results important conclusions with respect to storage conditions and shelf life of the reference particles can be drawn. The first batch of pure U-oxide microparticles produced in Juelich was successfully certified regarding the isotopic composition and the U amount per particle and applied in an international laboratory exercise NUSIMEP-9

    Rare-Earth Orthophosphates From Atomistic Simulations

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    Lanthanide phosphates (LnPO4) are considered as a potential nuclear waste form for immobilization of Pu and minor actinides (Np, Am, and Cm). In that respect, in the recent years we have applied advanced atomistic simulation methods to investigate various properties of these materials on the atomic scale. In particular, we computed several structural, thermochemical, thermodynamic and radiation damage related parameters. From a theoretical point of view, these materials turn out to be excellent systems for testing quantum mechanics-based computational methods for strongly correlated electronic systems. On the other hand, by conducting joint atomistic modeling and experimental research, we have been able to obtain enhanced understanding of the properties of lanthanide phosphates. Here we discuss joint initiatives directed at understanding the thermodynamically driven long-term performance of these materials, including long-term stability of solid solutions with actinides and studies of structural incorporation of f elements into these materials. In particular, we discuss the maximum load of Pu into the lanthanide-phosphate monazites. We also address the importance of our results for applications of lanthanide-phosphates beyond nuclear waste applications, in particular the monazite-xenotime systems in geothermometry. For this we have derived a state-of-the-art model of monazite-xenotime solubilities. Last but not least, we discuss the advantage of usage of atomistic simulations and the modern computational facilities for understanding of behavior of nuclear waste-related materials

    Motor expertise modulates the unconscious processing of human body postures

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    Little is known about the cognitive background of unconscious visuomotor control of complex sports movements. Therefore, we investigated the extent to which novices and skilled high-jump athletes are able to identify visually presented body postures of the high jump unconsciously. We also asked whether or not the manner of processing differs (qualitatively or quantitatively) between these groups as a function of their motor expertise. A priming experiment with not consciously perceivable stimuli was designed to determine whether subliminal priming of movement phases (same vs. different movement phases) or temporal order (i.e. natural vs. reversed movement order) affects target processing. Participants had to decide which phase of the high jump (approach vs. flight phase) a target photograph was taken from. We found a main effect of temporal order for skilled athletes, that is, faster reaction times for prime-target pairs that reflected the natural movement order as opposed to the reversed movement order. This result indicates that temporal-order information pertaining to the domain of expertise plays a critical role in athletes’ perceptual capacities. For novices, data analyses revealed an interaction between temporal order and movement phases. That is, only the reversed movement order of flight-approach pictures increased processing time. Taken together, the results suggest that the structure of cognitive movement representation modulates unconscious processing of movement pictures and points to a functional role of motor representations in visual perception
