455 research outputs found

    A new one parameter deformation of the exponential function

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    Recently, in the ref. Physica A \bfm{296} 405 (2001), a new one parameter deformation for the exponential function exp{κ}(x)=(1+κ2x2+κx)1/κ;exp{0}(x)=exp(x)\exp_{_{\{{\scriptstyle \kappa}\}}}(x)= (\sqrt{1+\kappa^2x^2}+\kappa x)^{1/\kappa}; \exp_{_{\{{\scriptstyle 0}\}}}(x)=\exp (x), which presents a power law asymptotic behaviour, has been proposed. The statistical distribution f=Z1exp{κ}[β(Eμ)]f=Z^{-1}\exp_{_{\{{\scriptstyle \kappa}\}}}[-\beta(E-\mu)], has been obtained both as stable stationary state of a proper non linear kinetics and as the state which maximizes a new entropic form. In the present contribution, starting from the κ\kappa-algebra and after introducing the κ\kappa-analysis, we obtain the κ\kappa-exponential exp{κ}(x)\exp_{_{\{{\scriptstyle \kappa}\}}}(x) as the eigenstate of the κ\kappa-derivative and study its main mathematical properties.Comment: 5 pages including 2 figures. Paper presented in NEXT2001 Meetin

    La naturaleza jurídica de la excomunión

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    Collective participation at the service of cultural heritage: user-generated content in Portuguese memory institutions

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    The 2030 Agenda, set at the 2015 UN Summit, sets out the Sustainable Development Goals covering economic, cultural, environmental and social development. These goals set out a plan for all countries to actively engage in making the world better. These are a set of 17 objectives that have a universal ambition, are integrated and indivisible and require a global partnership between public and private institutions, governments and civil society. Sustainable development is a fundamental and overarching goal on which people are based and their ability to aggregate into common and community goals. Around the heritage, regarding GLAM institutions, calls for the intervention of the people of the community in the virtual platforms, with the help of Web 2.0 that introduced new ways of relationship between the information services and their users (real and potential), paving the way for user-generated content. At the same time, the emergence and development of the citizen science movement has consolidated this trend of openness, availability of collections and unmediated liaison with citizens (users and non-users), contributing to the evolution of new ways of conceiving the representation of information. This trend is visible all over the GLAM sector, especially in the West, on various platforms (wikis, blogs, Flickr, websites, etc.) with very interesting results. The aim of this paper is to identify and map these trends in Portugal and to verify if they are (or not) in line with their foreign counterparts. It is concluded by the still incipient but growing trend in Portugal, which can be partly explained by the fact that the coordinating services of the GLAM areas do not take position or develop projects within the web 2.0

    Synchronised firing patterns in a random network of adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuron model

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    Acknowledgements This study was possible by partial financial support from the following Brazilian government agencies: CNPq, CAPES, and FAPESP (2011/19296-1 and 2015/07311-7). We also wish thank Newton Fund and COFAP.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Effect Of Refrigeration On Tensile Bond Strength Of Three Adhesive Systems.

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the tensile bond strengths of three adhesive systems applied to dentin at refrigerated and room temperatures. Ninety bovine incisor teeth were obtained, embedded in self-cured acrylic resin, abraded on a lathe under water spray and polished to 400 and 600 grit to form standardized dentin surfaces before randomly assigning to six groups (n = 15). The adhesive systems Scotchbond Multi-Purpose, Single Bond and Prime & Bond NT were applied to dentin according to the manufacturers' instructions at refrigerated temperature (4 degrees C) and at room temperature (23 degrees C), before bonding resin-based composite (Z 100). The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 degrees C for 24 hours and submitted to tensile bond strength tests on a universal testing machine (EMIC DL-2000) at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The resulting data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance and Tukey's test. No statistical differences were found when the adhesive systems were applied at refrigerated and room temperatures. Scotchbond Multi-Purpose and Single Bond had significantly stronger tensile bond strengths than Prime & Bond NT at room and refrigerated temperatures (p < 0.01). Scotchbond Multi-Purpose and Single Bond were statistically similar. No adverse effects upon tensile bond strength were observed when adhesive systems were taken directly from refrigerated storage.122757

    Dados abertos e Ciência Cidadã em Instituições de Memória

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    O movimento da ciência aberta, fundamentado nas declarações de Budapeste (2002), Bethesda (2003) e Berlim (2003), e alinhado com os Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, definidos pela ONU em 2015, visa o acesso à literatura científica através da disponibilização livre e generalizada de dados científicos na WWW. Nas instituições de memória a disponibilização de conteúdos em acesso aberto visa a ligação com os utilizadores, numa nova forma de relacionamento beneficiada pela utilização das plataformas da Web 2.0 e projetos de ciência cidadã. O objetivo deste artigo é identificar e mapear as tendências de dados abertos e projetos de ciência cidadã no Arquivo, Biblioteca e Museu nacionais e verificar se estão (ou não) alinhadas com suas contrapartes estrangeiras. Conclui-se pela tendência ainda incipiente, mas crescente, em Portugal, o que pode ser parcialmente explicado pelo facto de os serviços de coordenação destas áreas não promoverem projetos na Web 2.0

    Brief report: High frequency of biochemical markers for mitochondrial dysfunction in autism: no association with the mitochondrial aspartate/glutamate carrier SLC25A12 gene

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    In the present study we confirm the previously reported high frequency of biochemical markers of mitochondrial dysfunction, namely hyperlactacidemia and increased lactate/pyruvate ratio, in a significant fraction of 210 autistic patients. We further examine the involvement of the mitochondrial aspartate/glutamate carrier gene (SLC25A12) in mitochondrial dysfunction associated with autism. We found no evidence of association of the SLC25A12 gene with lactate and lactate/pyruvate distributions or with autism in 241 nuclear families with one affected individual. We conclude that while mitochondrial dysfunction may be one of the most common medical conditions associated with autism, variation at the SLC25A12 gene does not explain the high frequency of mitochondrial dysfunction markers and is not associated with autism in this sample of autistic patients

    A inserção das plantas medicinais enquanto prática da enfermagem: um crescente desafio

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    Brasil cuenta con un patrimonio gen&eacute;tico y cultural de valor equivalente al 20% de las especies de plantas en el planeta. Esta biodiversidad est&aacute; siendo utilizada con fines terap&eacute;uticos desde los albores de la humanidad, donde el ser humano, a trav&eacute;s de las plantas medicinales, comenz&oacute; a buscar en la naturaleza la cura de enfermedades y el alivio de los s&iacute;ntomas perjudiciales para su salud. En esta perspectiva, la Organizaci&oacute;n Mundial de la Salud, reconociendo la necesidad de combinar el potencial herbario de Brasil con la &nbsp;atenci&oacute;n primaria de salud, incorpor&oacute; las plantas medicinales en el &aacute;mbito sanitario, estableciendo las pol&iacute;ticas gubernamentales enfocadas en la transversalidad de las acciones p&uacute;blicas en salud. En este sentido, se propone una reflexi&oacute;n sobre la aplicaci&oacute;n del cuidado a trav&eacute;s de la inserci&oacute;n de plantas medicinales como terapia complementaria en la enfermer&iacute;a, desaf&iacute;os y percepciones. Se observa que uno de los factores que dificultan esta iniciativa es la lentitud en la aprobaci&oacute;n de los estudios cient&iacute;ficos relacionados con el uso de plantas con fines terap&eacute;uticos, unido al escaso n&uacute;mero de profesionales de la salud que act&uacute;an de forma comprometida y multidisciplinar, convirtiendo el conocimiento popular en saberes cient&iacute;ficos con el fin de rescatar el patrimonio cultural valorando el medio ambiente como parte indisociable de la persona. &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; O Brasil possui um patrim&ocirc;nio gen&eacute;tico e cultural significativo correspondente a 20% das esp&eacute;cies vegetais do planeta. Esta biodiversidade est&aacute; sendo utilizada para fins terap&ecirc;uticos desde os prim&oacute;rdios da humanidade, onde o ser humano, atrav&eacute;s da ades&atilde;o das plantas medicinais, passou a buscar na natureza a cura de enfermidades e o al&iacute;vio de sintomas prejudiciais &agrave; sua sa&uacute;de. Nesta perspectiva, a Organiza&ccedil;&atilde;o Mundial de Sa&uacute;de, reconhecendo a necessidade de unir o potencial herb&aacute;rio do Brasil &agrave; aten&ccedil;&atilde;o b&aacute;sica em sa&uacute;de, incorporou as plantas medicinais no &acirc;mbito sanit&aacute;rio, estabelecendo, para tanto, diretrizes governamentais com foco na transversalidade das a&ccedil;&otilde;es p&uacute;blicas em sa&uacute;de. Sob este aspecto, prop&otilde;e-se uma reflex&atilde;o acerca da implementa&ccedil;&atilde;o do cuidado atrav&eacute;s da inser&ccedil;&atilde;o das plantas medicinais enquanto terapia complementar no campo da enfermagem, desafios e percep&ccedil;&otilde;es. Observa-se que um dos fatores que dificultam esta iniciativa &eacute; a lentid&atilde;o na apropria&ccedil;&atilde;o dos estudos cient&iacute;ficos vinculados &agrave; utiliza&ccedil;&atilde;o das plantas para fins terap&ecirc;uticos, associado ainda, ao reduzido n&uacute;mero de profissionais de sa&uacute;de que atuam de forma comprometida e multidisciplinar, transformando os conhecimentos populares em saberes cient&iacute;ficos, de modo a resgatar a heran&ccedil;a cultural valorizando o meio enquanto parte indissoci&aacute;vel do indiv&iacute;du