737 research outputs found

    On the Lagrangian structure of 3D consistent systems of asymmetric quad-equations

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    Recently, the first-named author gave a classification of 3D consistent 6-tuples of quad-equations with the tetrahedron property; several novel asymmetric 6-tuples have been found. Due to 3D consistency, these 6-tuples can be extended to discrete integrable systems on Z^m. We establish Lagrangian structures and flip-invariance of the action functional for the class of discrete integrable systems involving equations for which some of the biquadratics are non-degenerate and some are degenerate. This class covers, among others, some of the above mentioned novel systems.Comment: 21 pp, pdfLaTe

    Diffraction effects in the Recoil-Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions of Halomethanes

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    Citation: Bomme, C., Anielski, D., Savelyev, E., Boll, R., Erk, B., Bari, S., . . . Rolles, D. (2015). Diffraction effects in the Recoil-Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions of Halomethanes. 635(11). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/635/11/112020We have measured the Recoil Frame-Photoelectron Angular Distributions (RF-PADs) for inner-shell photoionization of CH3F, CH3I and CF3I halomethane molecules for photoelectron energies up to 300 eV detected within a 4? solid angle in the gas-phase. For high kinetic energies, the RF-PADs are dominated by diffraction effects that encode information on the molecular geometry. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Effects of Age of Onset of Tonic-Clonic Seizures on Neuropsychological Performance in Children

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    Forty-eight children (aged 9 to 15 years) with tonic-clonic seizures were administered a neuropsychological test battery. The children with seizures of early onset (before age 5) were significantly impaired relative to the children with later onset on 8 of the 14 measures in the battery. The deficits were seen on tasks whose requirements included the repetition of a simple motor act, attention and concentration, memory, and complex problem solving. These findings emphasize the need for further research to determine the causal factors of the greater dysfunction seen in the early onset group. RÉSUMÉ Quarante huit enfants ÁgÉs de 9 À 15 ans souffrant de crises Épileptiques tonico-cloniques ont ÉtÉÉtudiÉs avec une batterie de tests neuropsychologiques. Pour huit des quatorze mesures de cette batterie de tests les enfants dont les cirses avaient dÉbutÉ prÉcocÉment (avant cinq ans) se sont avÉrÉs Étre signiflcativement dÉtÉriorÉs par rapport À ceux dont les crises avaient dÉbutÉ plus tardivement. Les dÉficits se sont manifestÉs pour des tÁches nÉcessitant la rÉpÉtition d'un acte moteur simple, attention et concentration, mÉmoire et capacitÉÀ rÉsoudre des problÈmes complexes. Ces rÉsultats mettent l'accent sur la nÉcessitÉ de poursuivre les recherches afin de dÉterminer les facteurs responsables de la plus grande dysfonction observÉe chez les enfants dont l'Épilepsie a dÉbutÉ tÔt dans la vie. RESUMEN Se ha aplicado una bateria de tests neuro-psicolÓgicos a 48 niÑos de 9 a 15 aÑos de edad que padecÍan ataques tonico-clÓnicos. Los niÑos con ataques de comienzo precoz (antes de los 5 aÑos) mostraron incapacidades significativas compareÁndolos con niÑos con comienzos mÁs tardios en 8 de los 14 tests de la bateria. Los defectos fueron detectados en las pruebas cuyos requisitos incluÍan la repeticiÓn de un acto motor simple, atenciÓn y concentraciÓn, memoria y resoluciÓn de problemas complejos. Estos hallazgos indican la necesidad de continuar la inves-tigaciÓn para determinar los factores causales de la mayor disfunciÓn observada en el grupo de comienzo precoz. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 48 Kinder (9 bis 15 Jahre alt) mit tonisch-klonischen KrÄmpfen wurden mit einer neuropsychologischen Testbatterie untersucht. Die Kinder mit einem FrÜhbeginn der AnfÄlle (vor dem Alter von 5 Jahren) zeigten sich bei 8 von 14 Tests der Serie deutlich beeintrÄchtigt im VerhÄltnis zu Kindern mit spÄterem Anfallsbeginn. Die Defekte traten bei Aufgaben auf, die folgende AnsprÜche stellten: Wiederholung einer einfachen motorischen Handlung, Aufmerksamkeit und Konzentration, GedÄchtnis und komplexes ProblemlÖsen. Diese Befunde deuten auf die Notwendigkeit weiterer Untersuchungen, um die ursÄchlichen Faktoren der grÖßeren Funktionseinbuße zu bestimmen, die bei Patienten mit frÜhem Anfallsbeginn beobachtet wird.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65238/1/j.1528-1157.1981.tb04102.x.pd

    Imaging Molecular Structure through Femtosecond Photoelectron Diffraction on Aligned and Oriented Gas-Phase Molecules

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    This paper gives an account of our progress towards performing femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron diffraction on gas-phase molecules in a pump-probe setup combining optical lasers and an X-ray Free-Electron Laser. We present results of two experiments aimed at measuring photoelectron angular distributions of laser-aligned 1-ethynyl-4-fluorobenzene (C8H5F) and dissociating, laseraligned 1,4-dibromobenzene (C6H4Br2) molecules and discuss them in the larger context of photoelectron diffraction on gas-phase molecules. We also show how the strong nanosecond laser pulse used for adiabatically laser-aligning the molecules influences the measured electron and ion spectra and angular distributions, and discuss how this may affect the outcome of future time-resolved photoelectron diffraction experiments.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, Faraday Discussions 17

    Оценка эффективности управления деятельностью предприятия

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    Целью исследования является оценка эффективности управления деятельностью предприятия как интегрального показателя, то есть управления совокупностью деятельностей, таких как производственная, инвестиционная, инновационная, маркетинговая и финансовая

    α decay of 97249Bk and levels in 95245Am

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    α decay of 249Bk has been investigated by measuring its α and γ-ray spectra, both in singles and in coincidence modes. The α spectrum of a freshly purified 249Bk sample was measured with a high-resolution, double-focusing magnetic spectrometer. γ singles, γ-γ coincidence, and γ-α coincidence spectra were also recorded. The absolute intensity of the 327.45-keV γ ray has been determined to be (1.44±0.08)×10-5% per 249Bk decay. Assignments of previously known single-particle states were confirmed. A new rotational band was identified in the α singles spectrum and Am K x rays have been observed in its decay. This single-particle state, with an energy of 154 keV, has been assigned to the 3/2-[521] Nilsson state. This is the lowest excitation energy for this orbital in any Am nucleus. More precise energies and intensities of the 249Bk α groups and γ-ray transitions are provided

    Jitter-correction for IR/UV-XUV pump-probe experiments at the FLASH free-electron laser

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    Citation: Savelyev, E., Boll, R., Bomme, C., Schirmel, N., Redlin, H., Erk, B., . . . Rolles, D. (2017). Jitter-correction for IR/UV-XUV pump-probe experiments at the FLASH free-electron laser. New Journal of Physics, 19, 13. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/aa652dIn pump-probe experiments employing a free-electron laser (FEL) in combination with a synchronized optical femtosecond laser, the arrival-time jitter between the FEL pulse and the optical laser pulse often severely limits the temporal resolution that can be achieved. Here, we present a pump-probe experiment on the UV-induced dissociation of 2,6-difluoroiodobenzene (C6H3F2I) molecules performed at the FLASH FEL that takes advantage of recent upgrades of the FLASH timing and synchronization system to obtain high-quality data that are not limited by the FEL arrival-time jitter. Wediscuss in detail the necessary data analysis steps and describe the origin of the timedependent effects in the yields and kinetic energies of the fragment ions that we observe in the experiment

    Missense Mutation in Exon 2 of SLC36A1 Responsible for Champagne Dilution in Horses

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    Champagne coat color in horses is controlled by a single, autosomal-dominant gene (CH). The phenotype produced by this gene is valued by many horse breeders, but can be difficult to distinguish from the effect produced by the Cream coat color dilution gene (CR). Three sires and their families segregating for CH were tested by genome scanning with microsatellite markers. The CH gene was mapped within a 6 cM region on horse chromosome 14 (LOD = 11.74 for θ = 0.00). Four candidate genes were identified within the region, namely SPARC [Secreted protein, acidic, cysteine-rich (osteonectin)], SLC36A1 (Solute Carrier 36 family A1), SLC36A2 (Solute Carrier 36 family A2), and SLC36A3 (Solute Carrier 36 family A3). SLC36A3 was not expressed in skin tissue and therefore not considered further. The other three genes were sequenced in homozygotes for CH and homozygotes for the absence of the dilution allele (ch). SLC36A1 had a nucleotide substitution in exon 2 for horses with the champagne phenotype, which resulted in a transition from a threonine amino acid to an arginine amino acid (T63R). The association of the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with the champagne dilution phenotype was complete, as determined by the presence of the nucleotide variant among all 85 horses with the champagne dilution phenotype and its absence among all 97 horses without the champagne phenotype. This is the first description of a phenotype associated with the SLC36A1 gene

    Optical and electrical characteristics of (LiCl)x(P2O5)1-x glass.

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    Homogeneous (LiCl) x (P2O5)1 − x glasses were synthesised using a melt-quenching method for x = 0.1–0.6 in the interval of 0.05. The amorphous structure of the samples was evident by the X-ray diffraction spectrum. The short range structures of the binary phosphate samples were examined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, whilst the density of the samples was measured as supportive data for the investigations. The results of refractive indices as measured using an ellipsometer reveal the homogeneity of samples and was found to depend on the glass composition. The electrical properties of the glasses were investigated by ac impedance spectroscopy from 10 mHz to 1 MHz for temperatures ranging from room temperature to 573 K. An estimation of the bulk resistivity was obtained by taking the intercepts on the real axis at low frequencies of the complex impedance plot. The dc conductivities derived from the reciprocal of resistivity values were found to obey the Arrhenius relationship, and its activation energy shows a decreasing trend with the increase in LiCl content in the glass. Lastly, an equivalent circuits consisting of real and complex capacitors is proposed to describe the dielectric response of the glass

    Roles of AP-2 in clathrin-mediated endocytosis.

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    The notion that AP-2 clathrin adaptor is an essential component of an endocytic clathrin coat appears to conflict with recent observations that substantial AP-2 depletion, using RNA interference with synthesis of AP-2 subunits, fails to block uptake of certain ligands known to internalize through a clathrin-based pathway