198 research outputs found

    Individualismo y comunidad profesional en los establecimientos escolares en España. Limitaciones y posibilidades

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    Cuando los profesionales comparten su saber hacer práctico sobre los aprendizajes de los estudiantes, como muestra la investigación, eso tiene un impacto en la calidad de la educación. No obstante, en los establecimientos escolares españoles domina una cultura de solipsismo docente, falta de trabajo en colaboración, como ha documentado la investigación y los informes internacionales (Teaching and Learning International Survey – TALIS). Para diagnosticar los grados de cultura de aprendizaje compartido hemos adaptado y validado uno de los mejores instrumentos existentes (el cuestionario Professional Learning Community Assessment-Revised – PLCA-R) y aplicado a una muestra representativa en Andalucía. Recogemos algunos de los resultados referidos a esta dimensión. Finalmente discutimos los resultados y señalamos implicaciones y líneas de acción para reconstruir las escuelas como comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje

    Efectos de la globalización en las vidas profesionales del profesorado

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    This paper examines some of the problems associated with how globalization is reshaping the teaacher's professional lives, focusing on their effect on the crisis in secondary teachers' professional identity. Globalization, as Ulrich Beck points out, is experienced as a new modernity. School crisis and its professionals is associated with the crisis of modernity. Teaching in the knowledge society involves the following paradox: in loco parentis, restructuring teaching work, individualization and recognition deficits, performativity and professional practice. Finally, it offers some guidelines to reaffirm the role of schools and teachers in the new globalized modernity.El artículo examina algunos de los problemas asociados a cómo la  globalización está afectando a las vidas profesionales del profesorado, en particular a la crisis de identidad del profesorado de secundaria. La globalización, como señala Ulrich Beck, se vive como una nueva modernidad. La crisis de la escuela y de sus profesionales va asociada a la crisis de la modernidad. Enseñar en la sociedad del conocimiento supone las siguientes paradojas: en lugar de las familias, reestructuración del trabajo docente, individualización y deficits de reconocimiento, performatividad y ejercicio profesional. Finalmente, se señalan algunas líneas para resituar el papel de la escuela y del profesorado en la nueva modernidad globalizada

    Un currículum común consensuado en torno al marco europeo de competencias clave. Un análisis comparativo con el caso francés

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    A central issue to agree on education is, to say the French wording, “what is it that children should definitely learn during compulsory education?” .This question, simple but fundamental, has not always been the core of the educational reforms and possible agreements on education.  A favorable opportunity, which would have allowed overcoming looks homemade and interests, which could have represented the European Reference Framework (Key Competences for Lifelong Learning), around which articulate a core curriculum. Has been lost, as on other occasions, the opportunity.  However, as the output to the expected repeal of the LOMCE, can be nothing new alternative Act, perhaps the opportunity to retake it. The French case, which will follow up is a good example.Una cuestión central a consensuar en educación es, por decirlo en formulación francesa, “qué deben aprender los niños durante la escolaridad obligatoria”. Este cuestión, sencilla pero fundamental, no siempre ha sido el núcleo de las reformas educativas y de los posibles pactos para un consenso educativo. Una ocasión propicia, que hubiera permitido superar las miradas caseras e intereses particulares, lo podría haber representado el Marco Europeo (European Framework) de Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, en torno a la cual articular un consenso curricular. Se ha perdido, como en otras ocasiones, la oportunidad. No obstante, como la salida a la previsible derogación de la LOMCE, no puede ser otra nueva ley alternativa, tal vez sea la ocasión para retomarla. El caso francés, que seguiré de cerca, es un buen ejemplo

    La Educación para la Ciudadanía en el currículum de la LOE

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    Citizenship education, well understood, is not task only of a subject. Besides, it understands the key competences and, particularly, the civic and social competence; is task of whole school and, beyond, corresponds to the community. The paper describes these four dimensions (subject, key competences, vhole school, community).La Educación para la Ciudadanía, bien entendida, no es tarea sólo de una asignatura. Además, comprende las competencias básicas y, particularmente, la competencia social y cívica; es tarea de toda la escuela y, más allá, corresponde a toda la comunidad. El artículo describe estas cuatro dimensiones (asignatura, competencias básicas, toda la escuela, comunidad)

    Pode o direito ser automatizado? : o uso de algoritmos à luz da hermenêutica jurídica

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2017.O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar, sob o prisma da hermenêutica jurídica, movimentos de automação da prática do direito. Tem-se que a tecnologia da informação apresentou enormes avanços nos últimos anos, possibilitando a automação até mesmo de atividades classificadas como propriamente humanas. Entre elas, funções características à prática do direito, tais como a redação jurídica e a tomada de decisões. Porém, o intento de padronizar petições ou decisões judicias pode trazer riscos ao exercício de uma adequada interpretação e consequente aplicação do direito. Para o alcance do objetivo estipulado, o primeiro capítulo contextualiza o avanço da utilização de tecnologia para o desempenho de atividades cognitivas, e aborda modelos que procuraram padronizar o raciocínio jurídico, entre eles o sistema ROSS Intelligence, que utiliza inteligência artificial para pesquisar a literatura jurídica, o COMPAS, usado para calcular a probabilidade de reincidência de réus em estados dos EUA, e a denominada ciência da previsão legal quantitativa. O segundo capítulo estabelece o marco teórico, tratando da concepção de uma hermenêutica jurídica a partir do pensamento de Ronald Dworkin, Hans-Georg Gadamer e Klaus Günther. Em Dworkin, evidencia-se a relevância de se incorporar argumentos de princípio para a solução de casos jurídicos difíceis, e percebe-se a necessidade de uma concepção de Estado de Direito efetivamente centrada nos direitos. Esse enfoque revela o direito como atitude interpretativa e construtiva, voltada ao conceito de coerência num sentido mais amplo. Consoante Gadamer, elucida-se não haver método capaz de produzir verdade, especialmente quando se quer entender as ciências do espírito. Nesse campo, situa-se a compreensão de textos, e sob tal ótica deve ser considerada a atividade hermenêutica. Já o ensinamento de Günther salienta a necessidade de se estabelecer uma cisão discursiva entre os juízos de fundamentação e de adequação das normas jurídicas. Com isso, um juízo de adequação seria possível apenas caso a caso, considerando as condições específicas extraídas de cada situação concreta. A partir desse referencial, o terceiro capítulo analisa os movimentos de automação da prática do direito sob o enfoque da hermenêutica jurídica, e propõe que a utilização de algoritmos na prática do direito não é adequada sob a perspectiva da adequada hermenêutica. Elaborou-se reflexão a respeito dos métodos de inteligência artificial atualmente aplicados ao direito, e asseverou-se que algoritmos são um tipo de texto, também passíveis de interpretação. Refletiu-se sobre os instrumentos de avaliação de risco de reincidência, afirmando-se que estes não substituem o juízo de adequação próprio da aplicação do direito. Foi realizada aproximação da temática com o ordenamento pátrio, e notou-se que a avaliação sobre a possiblidade de reincidência é permitida ou exigida em certos casos, porém mediante o exercício do juízo de adequação da norma à situação concreta, considerando todas as suas características. O conjunto de reflexões desenvolvidas no presente trabalho, portanto, reforça o argumento de que uma adequada hermenêutica deve prevalecer às soluções automatizadas no tocante à prática do direito, especialmente quando este é considerado veículo da igualdade.The present work aims to analyze, from the perspective of legal hermeneutics, automation movements of the practice of law. Information Technology showed enormous advances in the last years, even allowing the automation of properly human activities. Among them, functions that are characteristic of the practice of law, such as legal writing and decision making. However, the attempt to standardize legal practice may pose risks to the exercise of an appropriate interpretation and application of the law. To reach the stipulated aim, the first chapter contextualizes the advances in the use of technology in cognitive activities and present models that seek to standardize legal reasoning. Among them, ROSS Intelligence system, which uses artificial intelligence to research legal literature, COMPAS system, used to calculate the probability of recidivism of defendants in US states, and the so-called science of quantitative legal prediction. The second chapter establishes the theoretical framework, dealing with the conception of legal hermeneutics from the thought of Ronald Dworkin, Hans-Georg Gadamer, and Klaus Günther. In Dworkin, it is evident the importance of incorporating arguments of principle for the solution of hard cases, and the necessity of a “rights” conception of the rule of law. This approach reveals law as an interpretive and constructive attitude, focused on the concept of coherence in a broader sense. According to Gadamer, there is no method capable of producing truth, especially when one wants to understand moral sciences. In this field lies the understanding of texts, and from such perspective, hermeneutics must be considered. Günther's teaching emphasizes the need to introduce a distinction between justification and application of norms. Thus, the appropriateness of a norm can be determined only on a case-by-case basis, considering the specific conditions extracted from each concrete situation. From this reference, the third chapter analyzes the automation movements of the practice of law under the approach of legal hermeneutics and proposes that the use of algorithms is not adequate from the perspective of appropriate hermeneutics. Reflection on the artificial intelligence methods currently applied to the law has been elaborated, and it has been asserted that algorithms are a type of text, and then can be interpreted like one. On the instruments for recidivism risk assessment, this work argues that these tools do not replace the judgment of appropriateness in law application. The work carried out an approximation of this theme with the Brazilian Law and noted that the evaluation of recidivism probability is allowed or even required in certain cases, but through the judgment of appropriateness of the norm to the concrete situation, considering all its characteristics. The reflections developed in the present work, therefore, reinforces the argument that an appropriate hermeneutics should prevail to the automated solutions in the practice of law, especially when we understand law as a vehicle of equality

    Characterization and Valorization of Norm Wastes for Construction Materials

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    The recycling of waste generated by industrial production processes is a topic of considerable environmental and economic interest. The minimization of waste disposal, avoiding its direct release into the environment, generates environmental benefits for industries in addition to the manufacture of the main product. Some of these wastes, measured by their radioactive element content, may be considered as naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM). Two of these NORMs are phosphogypsum (PG) and ilmenite mud (IM) come from the fertilizer industry and TiO2 pigment industry, respectively. This chapter discusses the viability of valorization and/or recycling of PG and IM in the manufacture of sulfur polymer cement/concrete, Portland cement, and ceramic materials

    Gestión Financiera y Nivel de Endeudamiento en las MiPymes: Caso Provincia de Santa Elena, 2022

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    The main objective of this research is to analyze the financial management and level of indebtedness in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Santa Elena Peninsula in 2022. This study arises from the limited existing knowledge about financial management and its impact on the level of indebtedness of MSMEs, as well as the opportunities for access to formal credit. The methodology employed involved analyzing the financial situation of MSMEs, evaluating their access to formal financing, and examining the barriers that limit their growth. The results revealed that MSMEs in Santa Elena face difficulties in accessing financing, in addition to high operating costs and a lack of specialized financial knowledge. Based on these findings, it is suggested that financial training and advisory services, along with governmental support in accessing financing, can be key factors for the success and growth of these enterprises. These measures could help overcome restrictions in access to financing and improve financial management in MSMEs, thus promoting their sustainable development in the Santa Elena Peninsula.La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal es analizar la gestión financiera y el nivel de endeudamiento en las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (MiPymes) de la Península de Santa Elena en el año 2022. Este estudio surge debido al escaso conocimiento existente sobre la gestión financiera y el impacto que tiene en el nivel de endeudamiento de las MiPymes, así como las oportunidades de acceso a créditos formales. La metodología empleada consistió en analizar la situación financiera de las MiPymes, evaluar su acceso a financiamiento formal y examinar las barreras que limitan su crecimiento. Los resultados revelaron que las MiPymes en Santa Elena se enfrentan a dificultades para acceder a financiamiento, además de altos costos operativos y una falta de conocimientos financieros especializados. En base a estos hallazgos, se sugiere que la capacitación y asesoría financiera, junto con el apoyo gubernamental en el acceso a financiamiento, pueden ser factores clave para el éxito y crecimiento de estas empresas. Estas medidas podrían ayudar a superar las restricciones en el acceso a financiamiento y mejorar la gestión financiera en las MiPymes, promoviendo así su desarrollo sostenible en la Península de Santa Elena

    Imprevidência e sujeição política: endividamento e crise do setor público gaúcho nos anos 80

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    The public debt of The State of Rio Grande do Sul is examined as an outcome of a twofold process performed by the State itself and its enterprises. On the one hand, the Central Administration debt results of two movements. First, the reduction of tax income as a result of economic support for private enterprises and second, the growing of public expenditure due to imprudent political decisions. On the other hand, the state corporations of telephone, energy and sewerage made a debt that grew from overestimated investments and from devaluation of their services' prices. From the middle eighties public indebtedness became extremely hard to deal with.The public debt of The State of Rio Grande do Sul is examined as an outcome of a twofold process performed by the State itself and its enterprises. On the one hand, the Central Administration debt results of two movements. First, the reduction of tax income as a result of economic support for private enterprises and second, the growing of public expenditure due to imprudent political decisions. On the other hand, the state corporations of telephone, energy and sewerage made a debt that grew from overestimated investments and from devaluation of their services' prices. From the middle eighties public indebtedness became extremely hard to deal with

    Salmantinae lecturae

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    Sign.: [calderón]6, 2[parágrafo]6, A-Z6, 2A-2Z6, 3A-3M6, 2N2.Texto a dos col.Port. orlada con esc. xil. de la Orden de Predicadores.La h. de grab. calc. va situada a continuación de la port

    Electrochemical characterization of biodeterioration of paint films containing cadmium yellow pigment

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    [EN] The voltammetry of microparticles (VMP) methodology was used to characterize the biological attack of different bacteria and fungi to reconstructed egg tempera and egg linseed oil emulsion paint films containing cadmium yellow (CdS), which mimic historical painting techniques. When these paint films are in contact with aqueous acetate buffer, different cathodic signals are observed. As a result of the crossing of VMP data with attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM), these voltammetric signals can be associated with the reduction of CdS and different complexes associated to the proteinaceous and fatty acid fractions of the binders. After biological attack with different fungi (Acremonium chrysogenum, Aspergillus niger, Mucor rouxii, Penicillium chrysogenum, and Trichoderma pseudokoningii) and bacteria (Arthrobacter oxydans, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, and Streptomyces cellulofans), the observed electrochemical signals experience specific modifications depending on the binder and the biological agent, allowing for an electrochemical monitoring of biological attack.Financial support from the MINECO Projects CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P and CTQ2014-53736-C3-2-P which are supported with ERDF funds is gratefully acknowledged. The authors also wish to thank Dr. José Luis Moya López, Mr. Manuel Planes Insausti, and Mrs. Alicia Nuez Inbernón (Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politècnica de València) for technical support.Ortiz-Miranda, A.; Domenech Carbo, A.; Domenech Carbo, MT.; Osete Cortina, L.; Valle-Algarra, FM.; Bolivar Galiano, F.; Martin Sanchez, I.... (2016). Electrochemical characterization of biodeterioration of paint films containing cadmium yellow pigment. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. 20(12):3287-3302. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10008-016-3349-6S328733022012Ratledge C (1994) Biochemistry of microbial degradation. Springer, BerlinCaneva G, Nugari MP, Salvadori O (2008) Plant biology for cultural heritage, the Getty Conservation Institute, Los AngelesSterflinger K (2010) Fungi: their role in deterioration of cultural heritage. Fungal Biol Rev 47–55 and references thereinGargani G (1968) Fungus contamination of Florence art masterpieces before and after the 1966 disaster. In: Walters AH, Elphick JJ (eds) Biodeterioration of materials. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 252–257Seves AM, Sora S, Ciferr O (1996) The microbial colonization of oil paintings—a laboratory investigation. Int Biodeter Biodegr. 37:215–224Tiano P (2002) Biodegradation of cultural heritage: decay mechanisms and control methods. 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