8 research outputs found

    Modelling the effects of transglutaminase and l-ascorbic acid on substandard quality wheat flour by response surface methodology

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    Over the past decade, extreme variations in climatic conditions have been observed, which in combination with inadequate agro techniques lead to decreased quality of mercantile wheat, i.e. flour. The application of improvers can optimise the quality of substandard wheat flour. This paper focuses on systematic analysis of individual and interaction effects of ascorbic acid and trans-glutaminase as dough strengthening improvers. The effects were investigated using response surface methodology. Transglutaminase had much higher linear effect on the rheological and fermentative properties of dough from sub-standard flour than L-ascorbic acid. Both transglutaminase and L-ascorbic acid additions had a significant linear effect on the increase of bread specific volume. Effects of transglutaminase and ascorbic acid are dependent on the applied concentrations and it is necessary to determine the optimal concentration in order to achieve the maximum quality of the dough and bread. Optimal levels of tested improvers were determined using appropriate statistical techniques, which applied the desirability function. It was found that the combination of 30 mg/kg of transglutaminase and 75.8 mg/kg of L-ascorbic acid achieved positive synergistic effects on rheological and fermentative wheat dough properties, as well on textural properties and specific volume of bread made from substandard quality flour

    Umidade e congelamento de grãos de amaranto e sua capacidade de expansão térmica

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do teor de umidade, da temperatura de armazenamento e do momento da hidratação de grãos de amaranto (Amaranthus cruentus L. ) sobre sua capacidade de expansão térmica, bem como comparar as composições químicas de grãos crus e pipocados. Os atributos diâmetro médio ponderado, volume de expansão, densidade, rendimento, quantidade descartada e tempo de residência de grãos da variedade BRS Alegria foram avaliados de acordo com três teores de umidade (9,5, 11,5 e 13,5%), duas formas de armazenamento, temperatura ambiente de ±28ºC e congelado a -18ºC, e dois momentos de hidratação, antes e após congelamento. Utilizou-se chapa metálica aquecida a 215ºC para pipocar os grãos. Grãos congelados com umidade de 13,5% tiveram maior diâmetro médio ponderado e volume de expansão, e menor densidade e tempo de residência. A umidade de 13,5% proporcionou os maiores rendimentos e expansão dos grãos. O armazenamento a -18ºC produziu pipocas maiores e mais leves do que em condições ambientais. As pipocas apresentaram redução nos teores de proteínas e fibras insolúveis e aumento nos de lipídeos e fibras solúveis, em relação ao grão cru. O congelamento dos grãos a -18ºC e sua hidratação a 13,5% de umidade favorecem o pipocamento de grãos de amaranto, com produção de pipocas de melhor qualidade

    Status quo and future research challenges on organic food quality determination with focus on laboratory methods

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    Organic food quality determination needs multi-dimensional evaluation tools. The main focus is on the authentication as an analytical verification of the certification process. New fingerprinting approaches such as ultra-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, direct analysis in real time–high-resolution mass spectrometry as well as crystallization with and without the presence of additives seem to be promising methods in terms of time of analysis and detecting organic system-related parameters. For further methodological development, a system approach is recommended, which also takes into account food structure aspects. Furthermore, the authentication of processed organic samples needs more consciousness, hence most of organic food is complex and processed

    Hulled wheats: A review of nutritional properties and processing methods

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    There is renewed interest in adopting hulled wheats (emmer, einkorn, and spelt) into our food system, because of their nutritional qualities and improved organoleptic properties. Current research findings have been concisely put together in this review to show the extent of the current and past work in this area and suggest additional research areas. Breeding programs for hulled wheats have received a great deal of attention, and their research findings have shown potential to generate genotypes with improved qualities. More work is required to investigate the changes in nutritional and structural composition of hulled wheats during and after processing and to develop suitable processing methods