1,255 research outputs found

    Spin-resolved spectroscopy of the intermediate polar DQ Her

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    We present high-speed spectroscopic observations of the intermediate polar (IP) DQ Herculis. Doppler tomography of two He I lines reveals a spiral density structure in the accretion disc around the white dwarf (WD) primary. The spirals look very similar to the spirals seen in dwarf novae during outburst. DQ Her is the first well-established IP in which spirals are seen, which are in addition likely persistent because of the system's high mass transfer rate. Spiral structures give an alternative explanation for sidebands of the WD spin frequency that are found in IP light curves. The Doppler tomogram of He II lambda 4686 indicates that a large part of the emission is not disc-like. Spin trails of spectra reveal a pulsation in the He II lambda 4686 emission that is believed to result from reprocessing of X-rays from the WD's magnetic poles in the accretion flow close to the WD. We confirm the previous finding that the pulsation is only visible in the redshifted part of the line when the beam points to the back side of the disc. The absence of reprocessed light from the front side of the disc can be explained by obscuration by the front rim of the disc, but the absence of extra emission from the blueshifted back side of the disc is puzzling. Reprocessing in accretion curtains can be an answer to the problem and can also explain the highly non-Keplerian velocity components that are found in the He II lambda 4686 line. Our spin trails can form a strong test for future accretion curtain models, with the possibility of distinguishing between a spin period of 71 or 142 s. Spin trails of data taken at selected orbital phases show little evidence for a significant contribution of the bright spot to the pulsations and allow us to exclude a recent suggestion that 71 s is the beat period and 70.8 s the spin period

    First principles studies of modulated Co/Cu superlattices with strongly and weakly exchange biased Co-monolayers

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    First-principles calculations have been performed in order to determine effective exchange integrals between {\it strongly} and {\it weakly} exchange-coupled Co monolayers in certain modulated periodic CoCu2/CoCunCoCu_2/CoCu_n-type superlattices with three non-equivalent Co planes, which have not yet been studied hitherto. For 3≀n≀63\le n\le 6 we find that the two non-equivalent exchange integrals have opposite signs, i.e.~the strong coupling is antiferromagnetic and the weak coupling ferromagnetic, and differ for n≠4n\ne 4 from each other by one order of magnitude. It is shown that the results depend on the system as a whole and could not be obtained from separate parts. Finally we suggest that ''spin valve'' systems of such kind should be considered when trying to obtain good magneto-resistance together with low switching-fields.Comment: LaTex, 9 pages, including two .eps-figure

    Job search requirements for older unemployment: Transitions to employment, early retirement and disability benefits

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    We use a recent policy change in the Netherlands to study how changes in search requirements for the older unemployed affect their transition rates to employment, early retirement and sickness/disability benefits. The reform, becoming effective on January 1 2004, requires the elderly to formally report their job search efforts to the employment office in order to avoid a (temporary) cut in benefits. Before the new law was passed, unemployed individuals were allowed to stop all search activity at the moment they turned 57.5. Estimating various duration models using difference-in-difference and regression discontinuity approaches, we find that for several groups of individuals who are affected by the policy change, the stricter search requirements significantly increases their entry rate into employment. However, we also find evidence of a higher outflow to sickness/disability insurance schemes, a presumably unwanted side-effect of the policy change

    An empirical analysis of the time allocation of Italian couples: Are Italian men irresponsive?

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    This paper analyzes the time allocation of Italian spouses to paid work, childcare and household work. The literature suggests that Italian husbands contribute the least to unpaid household work, relative to other European countries, while Italian women have the lowest market employment rates. We model the three different time uses simultaneously for the two spouses within each household, allowing for corner solutions and correlations in the unobservables across the system of six equations. To estimate the model we use data drawn from the 2002-03 Italian Time Use Survey, combined with earnings information taken from the 2002 Bank of Italy Survey. We conclude that Italian husbands’ time allocation responds to their wife’s attributes: in particular, husbands’ housework time increases with the wage of their wife. On the contrary, the own wage effect is significantly negative for housework of women. Childcare time of fathers increases with own wage and with the presence of small children and this is true both for weekdays and weekends

    Investigating magnetic activity of F stars with the it Kepler mission

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    The dynamo process is believed to drive the magnetic activity of stars like the Sun that have an outer convection zone. Large spectroscopic surveys showed that there is a relation between the rotation periods and the cycle periods: the longer the rotation period is, the longer the magnetic activity cycle period will be. We present the analysis of F stars observed by Kepler for which individual p modes have been measure and with surface rotation periods shorter than 12 days. We defined magnetic indicators and proxies based on photometric observations to help characterise the activity levels of the stars. With the Kepler data, we investigate the existence of stars with cycles (regular or not), stars with a modulation that could be related to magnetic activity, and stars that seem to show a flat behaviour.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of IAU Symposium 302 'Magnetic fields through stellar evolution', 25-30 August 2013, Biarritz, Franc

    The COMPTEL instrumental line background

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    The instrumental line background of the Compton telescope COMPTEL onboard the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory is due to the activation and/or decay of many isotopes. The major components of this background can be attributed to eight individual isotopes, namely 2D, 22Na, 24Na, 28Al, 40K, 52Mn, 57Ni, and 208Tl. The identification of instrumental lines with specific isotopes is based on the line energies as well as on the variation of the event rate with time, cosmic-ray intensity, and deposited radiation dose during passages through the South-Atlantic Anomaly. The characteristic variation of the event rate due to a specific isotope depends on its life-time, orbital parameters such as the altitude of the satellite above Earth, and the solar cycle. A detailed understanding of the background contributions from instrumental lines is crucial at MeV energies for measuring the cosmic diffuse gamma-ray background and for observing gamma-ray line emission in the interstellar medium or from supernovae and their remnants. Procedures to determine the event rate from each background isotope are described, and their average activity in spacecraft materials over the first seven years of the mission is estimated.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, 22 pages, 21 figure

    XMM-Newton observations of the spiral galaxy M74 (NGC 628)

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    The face-on spiral galaxy M74 (NGC 628) was observed by XMM on 2002 February 2. In total, 21 sources are found in the inner 5' from the nucleus (after rejection of a few sources associated to foreground stars). Hardness ratios suggest that about half of them belong to the galaxy. The higher-luminosity end of the luminosity function is fitted by a power-law of slope -0.8. This can be interpreted as evidence of ongoing star formation, in analogy with the distributions found in disks of other late-type galaxies. A comparison with previous Chandra observations reveals a new ultraluminous X-ray transient (L_x \~ 1.5 x 10^39 erg/s in the 0.3--8 keV band) about 4' North of the nucleus. We find another transient black-hole candidate (L_x ~ 5 x 10^38 erg/s) about 5' North-West of the nucleus. The UV and X-ray counterparts of SN 2002ap are also found in this XMM observation.Comment: submitted to ApJL. Based on publicly available data, see http://xmm.vilspa.esa.es/external/xmm_news/items/sn_2002_ap/index.shtm

    COMPTEL observations of the Virgo blazars 3C 273 and 3C 279

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    We report the main MeV properties (detections, light curves, spectra) of the Virgo blazars 3C 273 and 3C 279 which were derived from a consistent analysis of all COMPTEL Virgo observations between 1991 and 1997

    Perpendicular transport and magnetization processes in magnetic multilayers with strongly and weakly coupled magnetic layers

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    Within the framework of a two-band tight-binding model, we have performed calculations of giant magnetoresistance, exchange coupling and thermoelectric power (TEP) for a system consisting of three magnetic layers separated by two non-magnetic spacers with the first two magnetic layers strongly antiferromagnetically exchange-coupled. We have shown how does the GMR relate with the corresponding regions of magnetic structure phase diagrams and computed some relevant hysteresis loops, too. The GMR may take negative values for specific layers thicknesses, and the TEP reveals quite pronounced oscillations around a negative bias.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, submited to Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material
