711 research outputs found

    Maintenance Knowledge Management with Fusion of CMMS and CM

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    Abstract- Maintenance can be considered as an information, knowledge processing and management system. The management of knowledge resources in maintenance is a relatively new issue compared to Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) and Condition Monitoring (CM) approaches and systems. Information Communication technologies (ICT) systems including CMMS, CM and enterprise administrative systems amongst others are effective in supplying data and in some cases information. In order to be effective the availability of high-quality knowledge, skills and expertise are needed for effective analysis and decision-making based on the supplied information and data. Information and data are not by themselves enough, knowledge, experience and skills are the key factors when maximizing the usability of the collected data and information. Thus, effective knowledge management (KM) is growing in importance, especially in advanced processes and management of advanced and expensive assets. Therefore efforts to successfully integrate maintenance knowledge management processes with accurate information from CMMSs and CM systems will be vital due to the increasing complexities of the overall systems. Low maintenance effectiveness costs money and resources since normal and stable production cannot be upheld and maintained over time, lowered maintenance effectiveness can have a substantial impact on the organizations ability to obtain stable flows of income and control costs in the overall process. Ineffective maintenance is often dependent on faulty decisions, mistakes due to lack of experience and lack of functional systems for effective information exchange [10]. Thus, access to knowledge, experience and skills resources in combination with functional collaboration structures can be regarded as vital components for a high maintenance effectiveness solution. Maintenance effectiveness depends in part on the quality, timeliness, accuracy and completeness of information related to machine degradation state, based on which decisions are made. Maintenance effectiveness, to a large extent, also depends on the quality of the knowledge of the managers and maintenance operators and the effectiveness of the internal & external collaborative environments. With emergence of intelligent sensors to measure and monitor the health state of the component and gradual implementation of ICT) in organizations, the conceptualization and implementation of E-Maintenance is turning into a reality. Unfortunately, even though knowledge management aspects are important in maintenance, the integration of KM aspects has still to find its place in E-Maintenance and in the overall information flows of larger-scale maintenance solutions. Nowadays, two main systems are implemented in most maintenance departments: Firstly, Computer Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS), the core of traditional maintenance record-keeping practices that often facilitate the usage of textual descriptions of faults and actions performed on an asset. Secondly, condition monitoring systems (CMS). Recently developed (CMS) are capable of directly monitoring asset components parameters; however, attempts to link observed CMMS events to CM sensor measurements have been limited in their approach and scalability. In this article we present one approach for addressing this challenge. We argue that understanding the requirements and constraints in conjunction - from maintenance, knowledge management and ICT perspectives - is necessary. We identify the issues that need be addressed for achieving successful integration of such disparate data types and processes (also integrating knowledge management into the “data types” and processes)

    Sharing Stress With a Robot: What Would a Robot Say?

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    With the prevalence of mental health problems today, designing human-robot interaction for mental health intervention is not only possible, but critical. The current experiment examined how three types of robot disclosure (emotional, technical, and by-proxy) affect robot perception and human disclosure behavior during a stress-sharing activity. Emotional robot disclosure resulted in the lowest robot perceived safety. Post-hoc analysis revealed that increased perceived stress predicted reduced human disclosure, user satisfaction, robot likability, and future robot use. Negative attitudes toward robots also predicted reduced intention for future robot use. This work informs on the possible design of robot disclosure, as well as how individual attributes, such as perceived stress, can impact human robot interaction in a mental health context

    Anger without Agency: Exploring the Experiences of Stress in Adolescent Girls

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    Although a great deal of research has measured stressful life events and stress-related symptoms in adolescents, little research has qualitatively examined the experience of stress in teens. The purpose of this study was to utilize thematic analysis to explore how teen girls described their experiences of stress. Thirty-one girls, ages 14–18, were recruited for a study examining stress and stress-related symptoms. As part of this study, they participated in an open-ended, qualitative interview about their personal experiences of stress. Themes included the mind of stress, emotionally shutting out others, and “growing out of it.” The overarching finding was that all teen girls described anger in relation to stress. Most concerning was the predominant theme of a lack of agency in relation to affecting change or management of stress in their lives

    Building for Sustainable Ventilation and Air Quality

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    Most legislations concerning ventilation are based on perceived air quality criteria, but ventilation is also important for the health of the occupants. The perceived air quality criteria can be viewed as a pragmatic tool to achieve an adequate ventilation for precautionary health measures. From a comfort and health perspective, the ventilation rate and an efficient air distribution are both important for achieving a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. Yet, most legislative requirements focus on the ventilation rate. This is not enough, and it is recommended that legislation also address the air distribution with the same zeal. In particular, the efficient distribution of fresh air to the occupied zones or lowering the concentrations of pollutants in the occupied zones. Because there are clear links between ventilation and health, it is extremely worrying that the “energy efficiency first” principle advocated in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) has led to decreasing ventilation requirements in the European Union legislations, at the same time as the objective is to aggressively tighten the envelopes of the building stock. A second consequence of EPBD is probably that many naturally ventilated buildings will be retrofitted with mechanical ventilation systems. It is not clear that this would be the more sustainable solution in the long run

    Dags att förändra den svenska utnämningspolitiken! En idéanalys

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    This paper discuss the possibilities to improve the Swedish political nomination system. It brings up some of the values and norms that can be used to change the existing system. Values as openness, the demand of responsibility and also if there is values from the American spoils system that can be used in the Swedish system. A minor purpose is to discuss the part of the parliament within the nomination process. To investigate this I have some theoretical starting points and a self constructed analysis tool. In my analysis I have applied the analysis of ideas. My information consists of contributions to different debates. The conclusion of this paper is that, if the suspicions of using the nomination system as a reward is true, we have parts of the spoils system in the Swedish system. Another is that the only part of the spoils system that has support in the Swedish debate is to coordinate the term of office between the politicians and the civil servants. To keep the nomination system a democratic process openness is needed both for the nomination process itself and for demand of responsibility. The last conclusion is that the parliament has to have possibility to influence the government in its nomination process

    Oosporbildning av Phythophthora infestans i potatis och bägarnattskatta

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    Potato late blight is one of the most important potato diseases worldwide. The disease is caused by an oomycete called Phytophthora infestans. The host range of P. infestans includes potato (Solanum tuberosum) and hairy nightshade (Solanum physalifolium). Hairy nightshade has recently established itself as an important weed in the southernmost part of Sweden. The work presented here is based on a greenhouse and laboratory study, and aims to compare the formation of oospores in potato resp. hairy nightshade. The results shows that oospore formation is higher in isolates coming from nightshade compared to isolates from potato. This indicates that hairy nightshade might enhance the problems with potato late blight in potato

    Plasmodiophora brassicae – host and environment interactions

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    In this thesis, three separate experiments have been performed on different aspects of the interaction between the causal agent of clubroot, Plasmodiophora brassicae, and its hosts. In the first experiment the pathotype of the P. brassicae single spore isolate, which is currently used to construct a reference genome, has been classified using the ECD bioassay. The disease severity of infected plants was scored according to two different scales and the pathotype was determined according to three previously published guidelines. The results were compared to previous published studies describing the e3 isolate. The life cycle of P. brassicae is not well understood. A small-scale cultivation system was tested to study the early interactions between P. brassicae and host plants on a molecular basis using DNA and RNA analyses from plant roots and rhizosphere. Infection rates were determined by quantification of P. brassicae DNA in root samples. DNA and RNA extractions from plant roots were successful but the system did not provide consistent infection. Disease development rates and gene expression analyses did not generate reliable results. The third experiment was a pilot study to investigate the influence of root exudates from inoculated and non-inoculated plants on P. brassicae resting spore germination behaviour. Root exudates of several host and non-host plants are known to stimulate resting spore germination under experimental conditions but the effect of non-host plants is often diminished under field conditions. It was tested if the infection of the plant roots by P. brassicae could influence the germination of resting spores in the environment. The results indicated that infected roots may increase resting spore germination. The effect seemed to vanish as the P. brassicae infection reached later stages in its lifecycle.Klumprotsjuka är en allvarlig sjukdom som angriper oljeväxter. Den orsakas av den obligata och biotrofa patogenen Plasmodiophora brassicae. I detta examensarbete ingår tre separata experiment som alla syftar till att undersöka olika aspekter av interaktionen mellan P. brassicae och dess värdväxter. I det första experimentet undersöktes aggressiviteten av ett P. brassicae enkelsporisolat, e3, på 15 olika värdväxter som odlades i växthus. Aggressiviteten av isolatet bedömdes genom att gradera symptomen på värdväxternas rötter för att bestämma isolatets patotyp. Informationen var av särskilt stor betydelse eftersom isolatet använts i flera tidigare och pågående studier, bl.a. för utvecklingen av ett referensgenom. Alla 15 värdväxterna utvecklade mer eller mindre kraftiga symptom vilket visar att e3 isolatet är ett aggressivt isolat med vid värdkrets. Det andra experimentet utfördes för att studera interaktionen mellan patogenen och värdväxten på gennivå med hjälp av kvantitativ PCR–teknik. Att mäta vilka gener som uttrycks under infektionsförloppet är en vanlig teknik för att studera processer och regulatoriska nätverk under sjukdomsförloppet. Kunskap inom området är en nyckel i forskning och utvecklingen av nya sätt att kontrollera sjukdomen. För att studera genuttrycket under infektionsprocessen utvecklades ett enkelt odlingssystem där växter kunde odlas och inokuleras med P. brassicae under standardiserade förhållanden. DNA och RNA extraherades ur växternas rötter och ur jorden. DNA och RNA från växternas rötter höll tillräckligt god kvalitet för att analyseras. Patogenens tillväxt mättes i förhållande till växtens genom via kvantifiering av DNA. Analysen indikerar ojämn sjukdomsutveckling mellan individuella replikat vilket tyder på att odlingssystemet inte fungerade optimalt. Resultaten av genuttrycksanalysen bedömdes inte som tillförlitliga. P. brassicae bildar långlivade vilsporer vilket gör att smittan kan finnas kvar i marken under lång tid efter ett sjukdomsutbrott även i avsaknad av värdväxter. Flera studier har visat att groningen av vilsporer sker spontant, men att ett flertal biotiska och abiotiska faktorer kan påverka sporernas groning. Att utnyttja mekanismen som styr groningen för att stimulera denna utan att patogenen ges möjlighet att slutföra sin livscykel efter groningen är en av två huvudsakliga strategier som har föreslagits för biologisk kontroll av P. brassicae. Ett flertal försök med att använda olika växter för att inducera sporgroning har tidigare utförts med blandade resultat. I den tredje delen av det här examensarbetet genomfördes en pilotstudie för att undersöka om rotexudat från inokulerade rötter har större groningsstimulerande effekt på vilsporer jämfört med rotexudat från friska plantor. Resultaten visar att rotexudat från inokulerade rötter stimulerar vilsporgroningen mer än friska rötter och att den stimulerande effekten varierar beroende på vilket stadium av sjukdomen som förekommer i växtrötterna när rotexudaten utsöndras. Ytterligare forskning inom området behövs för att nå en djupare förståelse för vilka faktorer som styr groningen hos vilsporerna och hur dessa kan utnyttjas för att utveckla nya produkter för sjukdomsbekämpning

    In the Procedural Surroundings of Consumer Protection: Online Dispute Resolution, the Adversarial Principle, and Tendencies toward Settlement

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    The article builds on a pluralistic perspective on law and the understanding that legal research must take into account the procedural and institutional landscape where legal rights are enforced. In relation to online dispute resolution (ODR), two procedural mechanisms, namely the adversarial principle and the tendency toward settlements, are studied and discussed. The adversarial principle (argued to be integral to most ODR procedures) and tendencies toward settlements (also argued to be integral to most ODR procedures) are considered in relation to the overarching (and possibly contradictory) objectives of protecting individual consumer rights and the interest of increasing economic efficiency within the EU’s internal market

    Sköra stadslandskap: planeringsmetoder för att öppna urbaniseringens rumsliga inlåsningar

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    Spatial lock-ins may hinder the physical environment from adapting to new conditions and thereby risk to inhibit necessary change in society and reproduce current structures. This process reinforces uneven geographic development and urban interpretive prerogative. The study aims to strengthen the ability of planning practice to open spatial lock-ins caused by urbanisation and to confront challenges generated by uneven geographic development. Focus is set on how planning practice can establish and activate relevant local-regional contexts for specific planning situations, and clarify and enable combinations of resources that are made invisible when economic growth dominates planning objectives. The research is conducted through a design-based research process where participation in planning practices has enabled an active interplay between practice and theory. Through architectural thinking, spatial alternatives have been modelled to test theoretical argumentation, and has made visible and problematized spatial situations and their structural conditions. The research has been developed and made operative through the work in two empirical contexts: In-depth comprehensive plan Mariestad – Tidanpromenaden and Structural image Skaraborg as research tools. The study develops a theoretical and methodological framework constituted by three interacting conceptual tools. The first conceptual tool, fragile urban landscapes clarifies how spatial lock-ins cause fragile social, political, economic and ecological processes. It makes visible how the interplay between spatial conditions and structural transformations create lock-ins as combinations of scarcity of resources, competence, decision mandate and rigidity in current spatial structures and planning organisation. The second conceptual tool, urban ecologies, makes visible the urban landscape as layered complex productive material and discursive configurations. Urban ecologies can thereby be used as a tool to reveal how topographies, infrastructures and resources both enable and constrain transformation and change in society. The third conceptual tool, urban key projects, relates to situation-oriented interventions that combine resources from different urban ecologies in order to trigger local-regional transformation. The research demonstrates how the three conceptual tools together can support planning practice to implement material and discursive changes in order to break reproduction of spatial lock-ins and support re-negotiations of the urban landscape. This implies a process of reading and mapping material and discursive compositions, re-valuing and combining resources and potential related to the planning situation, problematizing ongoing transformation processes, formulating alternative directions of development and an incremental, coupled and long-term implementation. Hereby the developed theoretical and methodological framework can be used to open spatial lockins and expand local-regional acting space for planning practice

    Vad ersätter den tidigare revisorns funktion och kostnad i små aktiebolag?

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