827 research outputs found

    Avatares de las familias argentinas: evidencias a partir del censo 2010

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    En este trabajo nos valemos de los datos del Censo Nacional de Población de 2010, recientemente publicados, para examinarlos cambios recientes en torno a la situación conyugal de la población Si bien reconocemos que los datos censales no constituyen la fuente más apropiada para dar cuenta de los distintos estados y cambios conyugales debido a su carácter transversal, (particularmente en lo que respecta a la incidencia de convivencias no matrimoniales a lo largo del curso de vida de los individuos)esla única fuente de carácter nacional. En este sentido, aporta una oportunidad para evaluar en qué medida hallazgos previos vinculados al incremento de uniones no matrimoniales mayoritariamente restringidos a la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, o a los grandes aglomerados urbanos se replican cuando se contempla al conjunto de la población, incluyendo a quienes residen en áreas rurales o urbanas más pequeñas. Seguidamente, y teniendo en cuenta que los cambios familiares acarrean consecuencias y cambios en los arreglos familiares, se analiza cómo se conforman hoy los hogares en Argentina, y en qué medida se han transformado en las últimas décadas.Fil: Binstock, Georgina. Centro de Estudios de Poblacion; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    2nd Place Contest Entry: Loneliness as a Predictor of Physical and Mental Health Problems in University Students

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    This is Jolie Binstock\u27s submission for the 2021 Kevin and Tam Ross Undergraduate Research Prize, which won first place. It contains her essay on using library resources, a three-page sample of her research project on the association between loneliness and mental and physical health in university students, and her works cited list. Jolie is a sophomore at Chapman University, majoring in Health Science. Her faculty mentor is Dr. Julia Boehm

    An explicit form of the Mie phase matrix for multiple scattering calculations in the I, Q, U, and V representation

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    An explicit expression is obtained for the phase matrix in the I, Q, U, and V Stokes vector representation for a system containing a polydispersion of spherical particles. All of the symmetry relations derived by Hovenier using general arguments are established explicitly. Convenient algorithms are given for the computation of the phase matrix for a spherical polydispersion. Since this theory is so vitally important in radiative transfer, many researchers will need to compute these functions for realistic aerosols distributions. Therefore, results are presented for a haze L distribution so that other researchers will have a way of checking their programs which compute these quantities

    Intellectual Property—Patents: The United States Supreme Court Clarifies the Test for Patent Eligibility of Processes

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    Bilski v. Kappos, 130 S. Ct. 3218 (2010)In Bilski v. Kappos, the United States Supreme Court clarified the threshold test of patent eligibility under 35 U.S.C. § 101, holding the machine-or-transformation test was not the sole test to determine whether a process invention was eligible for patent. The machine-or-transformation test is an important and useful clue in determining whether a process invention is patent eligible, but should not be used as a bright-line test. The Court interpreted the statutory language of “process” with its ordinary, contemporary, and common meaning, which did not require a tie to a machine or transformation of an article, and the Court thus concluded the machine-or-transformation test could not be the sole test of patent eligibility for processes. The Court further held 35 U.S.C. § 101 similarly did not preclude business methods from being patent eligible as processes. Because “method” may include methods of doing business—as there is no ordinary, contemporary, and common meaning of “method” that excludes business methods—and federal law explicitly contemplates the existence of some business method patents in a defense to patent infringement within 35 U.S.C. § 273(b)(1), business methods are not precluded under § 101 from patent eligibility. Nonetheless, the Court concluded the claimed invention was not patent eligible because it was an abstract idea. Bilski attempted to bring clarity to the determination of patent eligibility for processes, but the decision may have made the patent eligibility determination more nebulous

    Anticoncepción y maternidad: Hallazgos de un estudio cuanti-cualitativo con adolescentes de 18 y 19 años de cuatro provincias argentinas

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    El artículo analiza los factores que favorecen o dificultan el acceso a los métodos de anticoncepción y a su uso efectivo por parte de adolescentes residentes en las ciudades de Resistencia (Chaco), Posadas (Misiones) y Santiago del Estero (Santiago del Estero) y en las regiones sanitarias V y VII (Buenos Aires). Los datos provienen de una encuesta aplicada a una muestra intencional de 480 adolescentes de 18 y 19 años (sin hijos, con un hijo y con más de un hijo), y de 21 entrevistas semiestructuradas con población de similares características. El 74,2% de las encuestadas reportó usar un método anticonceptivo “siempre” y un 12,2% “la mayoría de las veces”. Los métodos más utilizados fueron la píldora (40,7%) y el preservativo (37,0%). Solo el 13,2% utilizaba un método de mediana o larga duración (inyectable o dispositivo intrauterino). Los principales motivos reportados por quienes “nunca” usaban métodos (13,6%) fueron estar buscando un embarazo (27,6%) y la oposición de la pareja (27,6%). Las entrevistas revelaron dificultades con el uso de los métodos y déficits en la consejería anticonceptiva.The article analyzes the factors that facilitate or hinder access and effective use of contraception by 18- and 19-year-olds living in the cities of Resistencia (province of Chaco), Posadas (province of Misiones) and Santiago del Estero (province of Santiago del Estero) as well as the health regions V and VII of the province of Buenos Aires. Data comes from a survey applied to a purposeful sample of 480 adolescent females (including respondents without children, with one child, and with more than one child) and 21 semi-structured interviews with a population of the same profile. In response to the survey, 74.2% reported using contraception “always” and 12.2% “most of the time.” The pill and condoms were the most widely used methods (41.7% and 37.0% respectively). Only 13.2% used a mid- to long-term method (intrauterine device or injectable contraceptive). The main reasons reported by those who “never” use a method (13.6%) were: wanting to become pregnant (27.6%) and partner refusal (27.6%). The interviews revealed difficulties in the use of contraception methods and deficits in contraception counseling

    Euthanasia in alzheimer's disease?

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    Journal ArticleOught euthanasia be practiced for persons with advanced dementia? Although the issue of euthanasia is a topic of increasingly heated social debate, already tending to polarize those who support it as voluntary "aid-in-dying" and those who reject it as medical "killing," what is said about active euthanasia in Alzheimer's disease

    Sexual initiation among women from vulnerable social sectors in four Argentinean provinces

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    El artículo examina el calendario y contexto en el que ocurre la iniciación sexual en base a una encuesta a 1571 mujeres adolescentes y jóvenes en tres capitales provinciales y el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. En primer lugar, se analiza la edad a la que ocurre el debut sexual para las diferentes generaciones. Seguidamente, el rol que juegan el contexto de crianza, la escolaridad y el inicio de relaciones románticas en precipitar o retrasar la iniciación sexual. Finalmente, se describen las circunstancias en que ocurre la iniciación, incluyendo el vínculo con la pareja, el uso de anticoncepción, y el lugar que cumplen la escuela, la familia y el grupo de pares como fuente de información respecto de la sexualidad y los métodos anticonceptivos. El análisis compara la experiencia de las adolescentes con las de las jóvenes para identificar cambios generacionales en el calendario y circunstancias al debut sexual.O artigo examina o calendário e o contexto em que ocorre a iniciação sexual com base em uma pesquisa com 1.571 mulheres adolescentes e jovens em três capitais provinciais e na área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Em primeiro lugar, analisa-se a idade em que acontece a estreia sexual para as diferentes gerações. Em seguida, aborda-se o papel que representam o contexto de criação, a escolaridade e o início de relações românticas em precipitar ou atrasar a iniciação sexual. Finalmente, descrevem-se as circunstâncias em que ocorre a iniciação, incluindo o vínculo com o parceiro, o uso de anticoncepcional, e o lugar que cumprem a escola, a família e o grupo de pares como fonte de informação em relação à sexualidade e aos métodos anticoncepcionais. A análise compara a experiência das adolescentes com as das jovens para identificar mudanças entre gerações nas circunstâncias relativas à estreia sexual.The article examines the timing and context of sexual initiation based on a survey of 1571 female adolescents and young women (18 to 24 y.o.) in three Argentinean provinces and the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. Firstly, we describe the age at which sexual debut took place for different generations. Then, we analyze the role played by family, school and romantic relations in precipitating or delaying sexual initiation. Finally, we describe the circumstances of debut, including type of relation with partner, use of contraception, and the role played by school, family and peers regarding information on sexuality and contraception. We compare the experience of adolescents and young women to identify generational changes in the timing and context of the transition to sexual initiation.Fil: Binstock, Georgina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro de Estudios de Población; ArgentinaFil: Gogna, Monica Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género; Argentin

    La Educación Sexual Integral en la Argentina. Balances y desafíos de la implementación de la ley (2008-2015)

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    Desde el Programa Nacional de Educación Sexual Integral se llevaron a cabo durante el año 2014 dos líneas de evaluación cuyos resultados se presentan en los siguientes informes. Uno a cargo de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Salta "Evaluación de acciones de capacitación del Programa Nacional de Educación Sexual Integral" y el otro a cargo de la Dra Eleonor Faur "La educación sexual integral en la Argentina. Balances y desafíos de la implementación de la Ley 26.150"

    e-Sem: Dynamic Seminar Management System for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education

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    This paper describes the dynamic seminar management system named 'e-Sem', developed according to the opensource software philosophy. Due to its dynamic management functionality, it can equally adapt to any education environment (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary). The purpose of the proposed dynamic system is ease of use and handling, by any class of users, without the need of special guidance. Also, students are given the opportunity to: a) register as users; b) enroll in seminars in a simple way; c) receive e-learning material at any time of day any day of week, and d) be informed of new announcements concerning the seminar in which they are enrolled . In addition, the administrator and the tutors have a number of tools such as : management seminars and trainees in a friendly way, sending educational material as well as new announcements to the trainees; the possibility of electronic recording of presence or absence of the trainees in a seminar, and direct printing of a certificate of successful attendance of a seminar for each trainee. The application also offers features such as electronic organization, storage and presentation of educational material, overcoming the limiting factors of space and time of classical teaching, thus creating a dynamic environmen