320 research outputs found

    Efficient Anodically Grown WO3 for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting

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    Abstract The potentiostatic anodization of metallic tungsten has been investigated in different solvent/electrolyte compositions with the aim of improving the photoelectrochemical performances of the tungsten oxide layer. Among the explored electrolytes, the anodization in the NMF/H2O/NH4F solvent mixture was found to produce the most efficient WO3 photoanodes, which, combining spectral sensitivity, high electrochemically active surface and improved charge transfer kinetics, outperform, under simulated solar illumination, most of the reported nanocrystalline substrates produced by anodization in aqueous electrolytes and by sol gel methods. While the preparation of the photoelectrodes is a slow process at room temperature (20 °C), it could be greatly accelerated (x 10) by carrying out the anodization at 40-50 °C, thus proving to be a fast and convenient approach to the production of high performing WO3 photoactive substrates directly connected to a metal electron collector

    Molecular model of geopolymers with increasing level of disorder in the atomic structure

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    Concrete is the most used building material on Earth, but the production of its main binding component, cement, is responsible for 8% of worldwide CO2 emissions. A greener alternative cementitious material is provided by geopolymers, which can be synthetized from calcined clays and industrial by-products. A key issue, that limits the applicability of geopolymers in the construction sector, is an insufficient understanding of the relationship between their chemistry and development of long-term properties. Reducing these uncertainties requires an integrated approach combining modelling and experimentation. The binding phase of geopolymers often consists of sodium-alumino-silicate-hydrates (N-A-S-H), obtained through the reaction of a sodium silicate solution with an alumino-silicate source. Theoretical models describe this structure at the molecular scale as “pseudo-crystalline” [1] but, the existing models, based on solely amorphous or crystalline structures, are not always in agreement with this definition and with experimental results. For this reason, a defective crystalline structure is proposed here as a baseline geopolymer cell, featuring both amorphous and crystalline attributes (Figure 1). This new structure is created by creating vacancies in a sodalite crystalline cage, which is then stress-relaxed and reorganised to achieve full polymerisation of Al and Si tetrahedra while respecting the Loewenstein\u27s principle. Results are compared with experimental data and with other simulation results for amorphous and crystalline molecular models, showing that the newly proposed structures better capture important structural features with impact on mechanical properties, reconciling experiments with the “pseudo-crystalline” model. Specifically, the comparison with the experiments addresses the effect of Si:Al molar ratio and water content on a range of structural and mechanical properties such as skeletal density, ring structure, bong-angle distribution, X-ray diffraction (Figure 1) and X-ray pair distribution function. The simulation results confirm the necessity of a defective structure able to detect both order and disorder in geopolymers experiments. The proposed defective molecular model provides a starting point for the multiscale understanding of geopolymer cements, as well as for investigating the molecular interactions between geopolymer cements and various adsorbates, e.g. for applications in environmental engineering and nuclear engineering. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    LH supplementation of ovarian stimulation protocols influences follicular fluid steroid composition contributing to the improvement of ovarian response in poor responder women.

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    Abstract In this prospective study, we evaluated the steroid levels in 111 follicular fluids (FF) collected from 13 women stimulated with FSH monotherapy and 205 FF collected from 28 women stimulated with FSH + LH because of a previous history of hypo-responsiveness to FSH. Steroid levels were measured by HPLC/MS–MS and related to ovarian stimulation protocol, oocyte maturity, fertilization and quality of blastocysts, after individually tracking the fate of all retrieved oocytes. 17-Hydroxy-Progesterone, Androstenedione, Estradiol and Estrone were significantly higher in the FSH + LH protocol. Progesterone, 17-Hydroxy-Progesterone and Estradiol were more expressed in FF yielding a mature oocyte (p < 0.01) in the FSH + LH protocol. FF Progesterone concentration was correlated with the rate of normal fertilization in the FSH protocol. None of the FF steroids measured were associated with blastocyst quality and achievement of pregnancy. Our results indicate that LH supplementation in hypo-responsive women modifies ovarian steroid production, mimicking physiological production better and likely contributing to an improved ovarian response. Employing a correct methodological procedure to evaluate the relationship between FF steroid hormones and assisted reproduction outcomes, our study reveals that some steroids in single follicles may be helpful in predicting oocyte maturity and fertilization

    Affordable dye sensitizer by waste

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    Abstract The development of dye sensitizer is growing in line with the increasing demand for renewable energy. A research to obtain a dye sensitizer that is economical, safe, and produces a great value of DSSC efficiency is a challenge unresolved. On the other hand, the efforts for waste reduction are also intensively conducted to create better environment. In this paper, the variation of synthetic dye wastes from batik industries have been successfully applied as dye sensitizer and fabricated on DSSC cells. Congo red (1.0133%) yielded higher efficiency than rhodamine B (0.0126%), methyl orange (0.7560%), and naphthol blue black (0.0083%). The divergence of the efficiency of DSSC is very dependent upon the chromophore group owned by dye. This study has proven that the more chromophore group possessed by dye, the higher the efficiency of DSSC generated. This research concludes that the dye wastes have a bright future to be implemented as dye sensitizer on solar cells

    The Improvement of Durability of Reinforced Concretes for Sustainable Structures: A Review on Different Approaches

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    The topic of sustainability of reinforced concrete structures is strictly related with their durability in aggressive environments. In particular, at equal environmental impact, the higher the durability of construction materials, the higher the sustainability. The present review deals with the possible strategies aimed at producing sustainable and durable reinforced concrete structures in different environments. It focuses on the design methodologies as well as the use of unconventional corrosion-resistant reinforcements, alternative binders to Portland cement, and innovative or traditional solutions for reinforced concrete protection and prevention against rebars corrosion such as corrosion inhibitors, coatings, self-healing techniques, and waterproofing aggregates. Analysis of the scientific literature highlights that there is no preferential way for the production of “green” concrete but that the sustainability of the building materials can only be achieved by implementing simulta-neous multiple strategies aimed at reducing environmental impact and improving both durability and performances

    RILEM TC 247-DTA round robin test: sulfate resistance, alkali-silica reaction and freeze–thaw resistance of alkali-activated concretes

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    The RILEM technical committee TC 247-DTA ‘Durability Testing of Alkali-Activated Materials’ conducted a round robin testing programme to determine the validity of various durability testing methods, originally developed for Portland cement based-concretes, for the assessment of the durability of alkali-activated concretes. The outcomes of the round robin tests evaluating sulfate resistance, alkali-silica reaction (ASR) and freeze–thaw resistance are presented in this contribution. Five different alkali-activated concretes, based on ground granulated blast furnace slag, fly ash, or metakaolin were investigated. The extent of sulfate damage to concretes based on slag or fly ash seems to be limited when exposed to an Na2SO4 solution. The mixture based on metakaolin showed an excessive, very early expansion, followed by a dimensionally stable period, which cannot be explained at present. In the slag-based concretes, MgSO4 caused more expansion and visual damage than Na2SO4; however, the expansion limits defined in the respective standards were not exceeded. Both the ASTM C1293 and RILEM AAR-3.1 test methods for the determination of ASR expansion appear to give essentially reliable identification of expansion caused by highly reactive aggregates. Alkali-activated materials in combination with an unreactive or potentially expansive aggregate were in no case seen to cause larger expansions; only the aggregates of known very high reactivity were seen to be problematic. The results of freeze–thaw testing (with/without deicing salts) of alkali-activated concretes suggest an important influence of the curing conditions and experimental conditions on the test outcomes, which need to be understood before the tests can be reliably applied and interpreted
