3,669 research outputs found

    RCSB PDB Mobile: iOS and Android mobile apps to provide data access and visualization to the RCSB Protein Data Bank.

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    SummaryThe Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) resource provides tools for query, analysis and visualization of the 3D structures in the PDB archive. As the mobile Web is starting to surpass desktop and laptop usage, scientists and educators are beginning to integrate mobile devices into their research and teaching. In response, we have developed the RCSB PDB Mobile app for the iOS and Android mobile platforms to enable fast and convenient access to RCSB PDB data and services. Using the app, users from the general public to expert researchers can quickly search and visualize biomolecules, and add personal annotations via the RCSB PDB's integrated MyPDB service.Availability and implementationRCSB PDB Mobile is freely available from the Apple App Store and Google Play (http://www.rcsb.org)

    Evaluation de la QualitĂ© de l’Eau des Milieux Lacustres Urbain et PĂ©riurbain du Moronou

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    La gestion durable de l’eau est indispensable pour permettre un dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique compatible avec un accĂšs Ă  une eau de qualitĂ©. Elle contribue Ă  la protection des milieux et de la biodiversitĂ© par l’utilisation d’un outil de gestion. Ainsi, dans le dĂ©partement de Bongouanou (CĂŽte d’Ivoire), une Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e afin de proposer une Ă©chelle de la qualitĂ© de l’eau basĂ©e sur le peuplement ichtyologique de deux lacs, urbain et pĂ©riurbain. Des pĂȘches expĂ©rimentales mensuelles de 17 heures Ă  07 heures ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  l’aide de deux batteries de filets monofilaments de maille allant de 15 Ă  60 mm, entre juillet 2017 et juin 2018. L’échelle de la qualitĂ© de l’eau de chaque lac a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©e Ă  partir de la tolĂ©rance/intolĂ©rance du pourcentage des individus et des espĂšces de poissons capturĂ©es. Ainsi, si le pourcentage d’individus tolĂ©rants est Ă©levĂ© au dĂ©triment des individus intolĂ©rants dans un lac, alors ce milieu serait de mauvaise qualitĂ©. Au total, 1305 poissons ont Ă©tĂ© capturĂ©s dont 843 dans le lac pĂ©riurbain (Ehuikro) et 462 dans le lac urbain (Kaby). Dans le lac d’Ehuikro, les individus intolĂ©rants (93,74 %), tout comme les espĂšces intolĂ©rantes (58,33 %) dominent le peuplement. Par contre, dans le lac Kaby, les individus tolĂ©rants (93,83 %) dominent et les espĂšces tolĂ©rantes reprĂ©sentent 50 % du peuplement. Ces rĂ©sultats montrent que le lac Kaby est perturbĂ© par rapport au lac d’Ehuikro. Ces rĂ©sultats pourraient s’expliquer par le drainage des eaux usĂ©es domestiques, des pneus usĂ©s et des dĂ©chets plastiques qui entrainent des perturbations telles que l’ensablement, l’érosion des berges, la sĂ©dimentation et l’eutrophisation au niveau du lac Kaby. Au niveau du lac d’Ehuikro, ces pressions sont moindres.   Sustainable water management is essential to enable economic development compatible with access to quality water. It contributes to the protection of environments and biodiversity through the use of a management tool. Thus, in the department of Bongouanou (Ivory Coast), a study was conducted to propose a water quality scale based on the fish population of two lakes, urban and peri-urban. Monthly experimental fisheries from 5 pm to 7 am were conducted using two battery of monofilament gillnets with mesh sizes ranging from 15 to 60 mm, between July 2017 and June 2018. The water quality scale for each lake was developed based on the tolerance/intolerance percentage of individuals and fish species caught. Thus, if the percentage of tolerant individuals is high at the detriment of intolerant individuals in a lake, then this environment would be of poor quality. A total of 1305 fish were caught, of which 843 in the peri-urban lake (Ehuikro) and 462 in the urban lake (Kaby). In Ehuikro Lake, intolerant individuals (93.74%) as well as intolerant species (58.33%) dominate the population. On other hand, in Kaby Lake, tolerant individuals (93.83%) dominate and tolerant species represent 50% of the population. These results show that Kaby Lake is disturbed compared to Ehuikro Lake. These results could be explained by the drainage of domestic wastewater, used tyres and plastic waste which lead to disturbances such as silting, bank erosion, sedimentation and eutrophication in Kaby Lake. At Ehuikro Lake, these pressures are lower

    Evaluation de la QualitĂ© de l’Eau des Milieux Lacustres Urbain et PĂ©riurbain du Moronou

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    La perturbation des milieux est Ă  l’origine de la destruction des habitats, elle contribue Ă  la perte de la biodiversitĂ© et est une des causes du changement de la flore dans une localitĂ©. Elle entraine par consĂ©quent la transformation des associations vĂ©gĂ©tales. L’objectif principal de cette Ă©tude est de rechercher les associations vĂ©gĂ©tales dans le parc national du Banco suite aux plantations villageoises et aux essais  sylvicoles dus Ă  la recherche d’une mĂ©thodologie propre Ă  la sylviculture africaine. Pour ce faire, la caractĂ©risation phytosociologique des anciens sites de traitements et de la rĂ©serve forestiĂšre a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. La mĂ©thode utilisĂ©e est celle de la phytosociologie synusiale. Les 91 relevĂ©s (82 dans les anciens sites de traitements sylvicoles et 9 dans la rĂ©serve forestiĂšre) ont permis de recenser  337 espĂšces de plantes rĂ©parties en 65 familles et 268 genres. Le dendrogramme issu de la classification hiĂ©rarchique ascendante des relevĂ©s a mis en Ă©vidence trois syntaxons dont deux sont constituĂ©s essentiellement des relevĂ©s des anciens sites de traitements et un des relevĂ©s de la rĂ©serve forestiĂšre. Aucun syntaxon ne renferme la totalitĂ© des espĂšces caractĂ©ristiques de l’association Turraeantho-Heisterietum. Cependant, dans deux syntaxons, la proportion des espĂšces caractĂ©ristiques de cette association est supĂ©rieure Ă  50%. 70,59% dans le syntaxon Ă  Tarrietia utilis et Cola heterophylla (syntaxon des forĂȘts secondaires), 52,94% dans le syntaxon Ă  Cola chlamydantha et Drypetes chevalieri (syntaxon de la rĂ©serve forestiĂšre). Alors que dans le syntaxon Ă  Dacryodes klaineana et Pleiocarpa mutica (syntaxon des forĂȘts secondaires), 41% de ces espĂšces caractĂ©ristiques ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©es. Les espĂšces caractĂ©ristiques des autres formations forestiĂšres sont Ă©galement peu reprĂ©sentĂ©es dans les syntaxons (moins de 40%). Il ressort donc de cette Ă©tude que le parc national du Banco demeure une forĂȘt Ă  Turraeanthus africanus et Heisteria parvifolia.   Sustainable water management is essential to enable economic development compatible with access to quality water. It contributes to the protection of environments and biodiversity through the use of a management tool. Thus, in the department of Bongouanou (Ivory Coast), a study was conducted to propose a water quality scale based on the fish population of urban and peri-urban lakes. Monthly experimental fishings were conducted from 5 pm to 7 am using two batteries of monofilament gillnets with mesh sizes ranging from 15 to 60 mm, between July 2017 and June 2018. The water quality scale for each lake was developed based on the tolerance/intolerance percentage of individuals and fish species caught. Thus, if the percentage of tolerant individuals is high at the detriment of intolerant individuals in a lake, then this environment would be of poor quality. A total of 1305 fish were caught, of which 843 were in the peri-urban lake (Ehuikro) and 462 were in the urban lake (Kaby). In Ehuikro Lake, intolerant individuals (93.74%) as well as intolerant species (58.33%) dominate the population. Conversely, in Kaby Lake, tolerant individuals (93.83%) dominate and tolerant species represent 50% of the population. These results show that Kaby Lake is disturbed compared to Ehuikro Lake. These results could be explained by the drainage of domestic wastewater, used tires, and plastic waste which led to disturbances such as silting, bank erosion, sedimentation, and eutrophication in Kaby Lake. At Ehuikro Lake, these pressures are lower

    Evaluation de la QualitĂ© de l’Eau des Milieux Lacustres Urbain et PĂ©riurbain du Moronou

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    La gestion durable de l’eau est indispensable pour permettre un dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique compatible avec un accĂšs Ă  une eau de qualitĂ©. Elle contribue Ă  la protection des milieux et de la biodiversitĂ© par l’utilisation d’un outil de gestion. Ainsi, dans le dĂ©partement de Bongouanou (CĂŽte d’Ivoire), une Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e afin de proposer une Ă©chelle de la qualitĂ© de l’eau basĂ©e sur le peuplement ichtyologique de deux lacs, urbain et pĂ©riurbain. Des pĂȘches expĂ©rimentales mensuelles de 17 heures Ă  07 heures ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  l’aide de deux batteries de filets monofilaments de maille allant de 15 Ă  60 mm, entre juillet 2017 et juin 2018. L’échelle de la qualitĂ© de l’eau de chaque lac a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©e Ă  partir de la tolĂ©rance/intolĂ©rance du pourcentage des individus et des espĂšces de poissons capturĂ©es. Ainsi, si le pourcentage d’individus tolĂ©rants est Ă©levĂ© au dĂ©triment des individus intolĂ©rants dans un lac, alors ce milieu serait de mauvaise qualitĂ©. Au total, 1305 poissons ont Ă©tĂ© capturĂ©s dont 843 dans le lac pĂ©riurbain (Ehuikro) et 462 dans le lac urbain (Kaby). Dans le lac d’Ehuikro, les individus intolĂ©rants (93,74 %), tout comme les espĂšces intolĂ©rantes (58,33 %) dominent le peuplement. Par contre, dans le lac Kaby, les individus tolĂ©rants (93,83 %) dominent et les espĂšces tolĂ©rantes reprĂ©sentent 50 % du peuplement. Ces rĂ©sultats montrent que le lac Kaby est perturbĂ© par rapport au lac d’Ehuikro. Ces rĂ©sultats pourraient s’expliquer par le drainage des eaux usĂ©es domestiques, des pneus usĂ©s et des dĂ©chets plastiques qui entrainent des perturbations telles que l’ensablement, l’érosion des berges, la sĂ©dimentation et l’eutrophisation au niveau du lac Kaby. Au niveau du lac d’Ehuikro, ces pressions sont moindres.   Sustainable water management is essential to enable economic development compatible with access to quality water. It contributes to the protection of environments and biodiversity through the use of a management tool. Thus, in the department of Bongouanou (Ivory Coast), a study was conducted to propose a water quality scale based on the fish population of two lakes, urban and peri-urban. Monthly experimental fisheries from 5 pm to 7 am were conducted using two battery of monofilament gillnets with mesh sizes ranging from 15 to 60 mm, between July 2017 and June 2018. The water quality scale for each lake was developed based on the tolerance/intolerance percentage of individuals and fish species caught. Thus, if the percentage of tolerant individuals is high at the detriment of intolerant individuals in a lake, then this environment would be of poor quality. A total of 1305 fish were caught, of which 843 in the peri-urban lake (Ehuikro) and 462 in the urban lake (Kaby). In Ehuikro Lake, intolerant individuals (93.74%) as well as intolerant species (58.33%) dominate the population. On other hand, in Kaby Lake, tolerant individuals (93.83%) dominate and tolerant species represent 50% of the population. These results show that Kaby Lake is disturbed compared to Ehuikro Lake. These results could be explained by the drainage of domestic wastewater, used tyres and plastic waste which lead to disturbances such as silting, bank erosion, sedimentation and eutrophication in Kaby Lake. At Ehuikro Lake, these pressures are lower

    Cinetique De Fermentation De Trois Methodes De Production De Ferments De Racines De Manioc

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    Fermentation plays an important role in the production of several foods. In CĂŽte.d'ivoire, the preparation of several traditional mets of the manioc requires the use of the traditional leavens. Thus, the objective of this study is to compare the evolution of some biochemical and microbiological parameters during the preparation of three types of experimental leavens starting from the roots of varieties bitter and soft of manioc. On the whole, 36 samples of roots of manioc whose 18 of the bitter variety (IAC) and 18 of the soft variety (Bonoua) were the subject of this study. The variety of manioc and the method of acquisition the leavens influence the evolution of the parameters such as the pH, sugars, the growth of the micro-organisms whatever the type of leaven. The leavens of boiled manioc are richer in total sugars while the leavens of believed manioc are it for reducing sugars

    The RCSB Protein Data Bank: views of structural biology for basic and applied research and education.

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    The RCSB Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB, http://www.rcsb.org) provides access to 3D structures of biological macromolecules and is one of the leading resources in biology and biomedicine worldwide. Our efforts over the past 2 years focused on enabling a deeper understanding of structural biology and providing new structural views of biology that support both basic and applied research and education. Herein, we describe recently introduced data annotations including integration with external biological resources, such as gene and drug databases, new visualization tools and improved support for the mobile web. We also describe access to data files, web services and open access software components to enable software developers to more effectively mine the PDB archive and related annotations. Our efforts are aimed at expanding the role of 3D structure in understanding biology and medicine

    On the design of smart parking networks in the smart cities: an optimal sensor placement model

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    Smart parking is a typical IoT application that can benefit from advances in sensor, actuator and RFID technologies to provide many services to its users and parking owners of a smart city. This paper considers a smart parking infrastructure where sensors are laid down on the parking spots to detect car presence and RFID readers are embedded into parking gates to identify cars and help in the billing of the smart parking. Both types of devices are endowed with wired and wireless communication capabilities for reporting to a gateway where the situation recognition is performed. The sensor devices are tasked to play one of the three roles: (1) slave sensor nodes located on the parking spot to detect car presence/absence; (2) master nodes located at one of the edges of a parking lot to detect presence and collect the sensor readings from the slave nodes; and (3) repeater sensor nodes, also called ''anchor'' nodes, located strategically at specific locations in the parking lot to increase the coverage and connectivity of the wireless sensor network. While slave and master nodes are placed based on geographic constraints, the optimal placement of the relay/anchor sensor nodes in smart parking is an important parameter upon which the cost and e ciency of the parking system depends. We formulate the optimal placement of sensors in smart parking as an integer linear programming multi-objective problem optimizing the sensor network engineering e ciency in terms of coverage and lifetime maximization, as well as its economic gain in terms of the number of sensors deployed for a specific coverage and lifetime. We propose an exact solution to the node placement problem using single-step and two-step solutions implemented in the Mosel language based on the Xpress-MPsuite of libraries. Experimental results reveal the relative e ciency of the single-step compared to the two-step model on di erent performance parameters. These results are consolidated by simulation results, which reveal that our solution outperforms a random placement in terms of both energy consumption, delay and throughput achieved by a smart parking network

    Changes in global ocean bottom properties and volume transports in CMIP5 models under climate change scenarios

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    Changes in bottom temperature, salinity and density in the global ocean by 2100 for CMIP5 climate models are investigated for the climate change scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. The mean of 24 models shows a decrease in density in all deep basins except the North Atlantic which becomes denser. The individual model responses to climate change forcing are more complex: regarding temperature, the 24 models predict a warming of the bottom layer of the global ocean; in salinity, there is less agreement regarding the sign of the change, especially in the Southern Ocean. The magnitude and equatorward extent of these changes also vary strongly among models. The changes in properties can be linked with changes in the mean transport of key water masses. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation weakens in most models and is directly linked to changes in bottom density in the North Atlantic. These changes are due to the intrusion of modified Antarctic Bottom Water, made possible by the decrease in North Atlantic Deep Water formation. In the Indian, Pacific and South Atlantic, changes in bottom density are congruent with the weakening in Antarctic Bottom Water transport through these basins. We argue that the greater the 1986-2005 meridional transports, the more changes have propagated equatorwards by 2100. However, strong decreases in density over 100 years of climate change cause a weakening of the transports. The speed at which these property changes reach the deep basins is critical for a correct assessment of the heat storage capacity of the oceans as well as for predictions of future sea level rise
