18 research outputs found

    The Extracellular Domain of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Elicits Atypical Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in Rat and Species

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    Atypical models of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) are advantageous in that the heterogeneity of clinical signs appears more reflective of those in multiple sclerosis (MS). Conversely, models of classical EAE feature stereotypic progression of an ascending flaccid paralysis that is not a characteristic of MS. The study of atypical EAE however has been limited due to the relative lack of suitable models that feature reliable disease incidence and severity, excepting mice deficient in gamma-interferon signaling pathways. In this study, atypical EAE was induced in Lewis rats, and a related approach was effective for induction of an unusual neurologic syndrome in a cynomolgus macaque. Lewis rats were immunized with the rat immunoglobulin variable (IgV)-related extracellular domain of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (IgV-MOG) in complete Freundñ€ℱs adjuvant (CFA) followed by one or more injections of rat IgV-MOG in incomplete Freundñ€ℱs adjuvant (IFA). The resulting disease was marked by torticollis, unilateral rigid paralysis, forelimb weakness, and high titers of anti-MOG antibody against conformational epitopes of MOG, as well as other signs of atypical EAE. A similar strategy elicited a distinct atypical form of EAE in a cynomolgus macaque. By day 36 in the monkey, titers of IgG against conformational epitopes of extracellular MOG were evident, and on day 201, the macaque had an abrupt onset of an unusual form of EAE that included a pronounced arousal-dependent, transient myotonia. The disease persisted for 6ñ€“7 weeks and was marked by a gradual, consistent improvement and an eventual full recovery without recurrence. These data indicate that one or more boosters of IgV-MOG in IFA represent a key variable for induction of atypical or unusual forms of EAE in rat and Macaca species. These studies also reveal a close correlation between humoral immunity against conformational epitopes of MOG, extended confluent demyelinating plaques in spinal cord and brainstem, and atypical disease induction

    “Hot standards” for the thermoacidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus

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    Within the archaea, the thermoacidophilic crenarchaeote Sulfolobus solfataricus has become an important model organism for physiology and biochemistry, comparative and functional genomics, as well as, more recently also for systems biology approaches. Within the Sulfolobus Systems Biology (“SulfoSYS”)-project the effect of changing growth temperatures on a metabolic network is investigated at the systems level by integrating genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic and enzymatic information for production of a silicon cell-model. The network under investigation is the central carbohydrate metabolism. The generation of high-quality quantitative data, which is critical for the investigation of biological systems and the successful integration of the different datasets, derived for example from high-throughput approaches (e.g., transcriptome or proteome analyses), requires the application and compliance of uniform standard protocols, e.g., for growth and handling of the organism as well as the “–omics” approaches. Here, we report on the establishment and implementation of standard operating procedures for the different wet-lab and in silico techniques that are applied within the SulfoSYS-project and that we believe can be useful for future projects on Sulfolobus or (hyper)thermophiles in general. Beside established techniques, it includes new methodologies like strain surveillance, the improved identification of membrane proteins and the application of crenarchaeal metabolomics


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    Crigler-Najjar (CN) disease is classified into two subtypes, type I and II. The molecular basis for the difference between these types is not well understood. Several mutations in the bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (B-UGT) gene of six CN type I and two CN type II patients were identified. Recombinant cDNAs containing these mutations were expressed in COS cells. B-UGT activity was measured using HPLC and the amount of expressed protein was quantitated using a sandwich ELISA. This enabled us to determine the specific activities of the expressed enzymes. All type I patients examined had mutations in the B-UGT1 gene that lead to completely inactive enzymes. The mutations in the B-UGT1 gene of patients with CN type II only partially inactivated the enzyme. At saturating concentrations of bilirubin (75 mu M) CN type II patient A had 4.4+/-2% residual activity and CN type II patient B had 38+/-2% residual activity. Kinetic constants for the glucuronidation of bilirubin were determined. The affinities for bilirubin of B-UGT1 expressed in COS cells and B-UGT from human liver microsomes were similar with K-m of 5.1+/-0.9 mu M and 7.9+/-5.3 mu M, respectively. B-UGT1 from patient B had a tenfold decreased affinity for bilirubin, K-m = 56+/-23 mu M. At physiological concentrations of bilirubin both type II patients will have a strongly reduced conjugation capacity, whereas type I patients have no B-UGT activity. We conclude that CN type I is caused by a complete absence of functional B-UGT and that in CN type II B-UGT activity is reduced


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    Crigler-Najjar (CN) disease is classified into two subtypes, type I and II. The molecular basis for the difference between these types is not well understood. Several mutations in the bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (B-UGT) gene of six CN type I and two CN type II patients were identified. Recombinant cDNAs containing these mutations were expressed in COS cells. B-UGT activity was measured using HPLC and the amount of expressed protein was quantitated using a sandwich ELISA. This enabled us to determine the specific activities of the expressed enzymes. All type I patients examined had mutations in the B-UGT1 gene that lead to completely inactive enzymes. The mutations in the B-UGT1 gene of patients with CN type II only partially inactivated the enzyme. At saturating concentrations of bilirubin (75 mu M) CN type II patient A had 4.4+/-2% residual activity and CN type II patient B had 38+/-2% residual activity. Kinetic constants for the glucuronidation of bilirubin were determined. The affinities for bilirubin of B-UGT1 expressed in COS cells and B-UGT from human liver microsomes were similar with K-m of 5.1+/-0.9 mu M and 7.9+/-5.3 mu M, respectively. B-UGT1 from patient B had a tenfold decreased affinity for bilirubin, K-m = 56+/-23 mu M. At physiological concentrations of bilirubin both type II patients will have a strongly reduced conjugation capacity, whereas type I patients have no B-UGT activity. We conclude that CN type I is caused by a complete absence of functional B-UGT and that in CN type II B-UGT activity is reduced