28 research outputs found

    Psicología Y educación a distancia : una revisión de la literatura

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    O presente estudo investigou as contribuições da Psicologia para a educação a distância – EAD. Para isso, realizou-se revisão bibliográfica de publicações nacionais, entre 1999 e 2009, nas bases de dados SciELO, Lilacs, PsycINFO, BVS e Google Acadêmico. Foram selecionados 69 estudos, dos quais se excluíram 15, por não serem compatíveis com a pesquisa. Os resultados evidenciaram nove eixos temáticos: (1) tecnologia educacional a distância com fundamentos psicológicos, (2) afeição, (3) papel do tutor/professor, (4) teorias psicológicas, (5) interatividade, (6) evasão, (7) relatos de experiências, (8) avaliação de treinamento, desenvolvimento e educação a distância e (9) outros. Os temas tecnologia educacional a distância com fundamentos psicológicos e afeição obtiveram maior frequência nas publicações. Neste estudo, registrou-se, também, que, embora em ascensão desde 2006, os anos de maiores publicações da Psicologia na educação a distância foram 2008 e 2009. Sugere-se que estudos futuros ampliem esta pesquisa para incluir bases de dados internacionais.This study investigated the contributions of Psychology to Distance Learning. A literature review of national publications between 1999 to 2009 was made in the electronic databases SciELO, LILACS, PsycINFO, BVS and Google Scholar. From the 69 studies selected, 15 were excluded because they were not compatible with the research. The results showed nine themes: (1) the distance learning technology with psychological grounding, (2) affection, (3)the role of the tutor/professor, (4) psychological theories, (5) interactivity, (6) dropout, (7) reports of experiences, (8) assessment of distance training, development and education and (9) others. The topics distance education technology with psychological grounding and affection had a larger frequency in the publications. Since 2006, there was an increasing number of publications in psychology distance education, but the years of major publications were from 2008 to 2009. It is suggested that future studies expand this research including international databases.El presente estudio investigó las contribuciones de la Psicología para la Educación a Distancia – EAD. Para eso, fue realizada una revisión bibliográfica de publicaciones nacionales, entre 1999 y 2009 en las bases de datos SciELO, Lilacs, PsycINFO, BVS y Google Académico. Fueron seleccionados 69 estudios, de los cuales se excluyeron 15, por no ser compatibles con la pesquisa. Los resultados evidenciaron nueve ejes temáticos (1) tecnología educacional la distancia con fundamentos psicológicos; (2) afección; (3) papel del tutor/profesor; (4) teorías psicológicas; (5) interactividad; (6) evasión; (7) relatos de experiencias, (8) evaluación de entrenamiento, desarrollo y educación distancia y (9) otros. Los temas tecnología educacional a distancia con fundamentos psicológicos y afección obtuvieron mayor frecuencia en las publicaciones. En ese estudio se registró, también, que, aunque en ascensión desde 2006, los años de mayores publicaciones de la psicología en la educación a distancia, fueron 2008 y 2009. Se sugiere que estudios futuros amplíen esa pesquisa para incluir bases de datos internacionales

    Perfil do calouro odontologia

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    Na tentativa de traçar um perfil atual do calouro da FOUFRGS, realizou-se um questionário com os ingressantes no semestre 91/92, na disciplina Higiene Bucal, do Departamento de Odontologia Preventiva e Socia

    Sexual stages of the female portion in the scallop Nodipecten nodosus (Linn\ue9, 1758) and astaxanthin quantity in each stage

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    This work describes the gametogenic cycle of the scallop Nodipecten nodosus kept in a culture system. To this end, during one year, samples were taken from the broodstocks every 30 days to be submitted to macroscopic and microscopic analyses and to measure the amount of astaxanthin. To perform the microscopic evaluation, 5 μ slices from the median portion of the female part of the gonad were submitted to the pattern methodology for histological analyses with paraffin and HE coloration. The remaining portion of the female gonad was lyophilised to extract and quantify the levels of astaxanthin using HPLC. The microscopic analyses revealed four well defined stages for the reproductive cycle. Analyses of data taken throughout the year indicated preferential spawning periods from December to January and from July to September. The astaxanthin analyses showed higher amounts of this carotenoid during the advanced pre-spawning and the initial spawning periods than during gametogenesis, initial pre-spawning, advanced spawning, and the spent stages. According to these results, it was possible to establish a descriptive table of the sexual stages of the female portion of the gonad and the amount of astaxanthin in the sexual stage of the scallop Nodipecten nodosus