2,266 research outputs found

    Analysis of Intended Farmers’ Response to CAP Scenarios: Environmental considerations

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    This research is a result of the CAP-IRE project which objective is the understanding farmer’s reactions under CAP scenarios by 2020. In particular this research aims to analyze the role of the current CAP design on the farmer’s decision process focusing on several environmental issues. The analysis is based on 2,360 observations of household farmers across 11 cases study in 9 EU countries. Intended responses of farmers to the CAP reforms are analyzed by logistic model regression. According to the results CAP scenarios would influence farmer’s decision on fertilizers and pesticides, as well as water use, while the highest effect is found for decisions on number of animal rearing on the farm. Factors determining reaction to the CAP scenario are monetary and non-monetary, as well as structural and spatial. CAP role appears to be non univocal and strongly case-specific, as it substantially differs across regions according to their socio-economic structureEnvironmental sustainability, Farmer’s intended behaviour, Logistic regression, Agricultural policy, Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Q18,

    The microeconomics of water demand under deficit irrigation: a case study in Southern Spain

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    This contribution presents an exploratory analysis of the microeconomics of deficit irrigation (DI) as a technique with growing prevalence in water scarce areas, as it is the case of southern Spain. We analyze farmer decisions based upon their subjective beliefs about water production function that farmers could attribute to this technology. The dynamic nature of water policy means that these technologies, which can be labelled as water saving techniques, have a relevant impact on the farmers’ decision process about the applied water doses and the structure of the water demand.Secretaría General de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación MINECO AGL2014-53417-

    The microeconomics of water demand under deficit irrigation: a case study in Southern Spain

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    This contribution presents an exploratory analysis of the microeconomics of deficit irrigation (DI) as a technique with growing prevalence in water scarce areas, as it is the case of southern Spain. We analyze farmer decisions based upon their subjective beliefs about water production function that farmers could attribute to this technology. The dynamic nature of water policy means that these technologies, which can be labelled as water saving techniques, have a relevant impact on the farmers’ decision process about the applied water doses and the structure of the water demand.Secretaría General de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación MINECO AGL2014-53417-

    Extreme events

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    Working paper, Dpto Economia Agraria, Universidad de Córdoba, presented at CIRCLE-2 SHARE Workshop. Responses to Extreme Water related Events (Madrid, Nov 2012

    Impact of Policy Scenarios in Irrigated Agriculture of River Guadalquivir Basin (Southern Spain)

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    This paper integrates indicators of environmental, social and economic impact of a range of policy scenarios through the use of Multicriteria and Multiperiod Programming. The case study is irrigated agriculture in the basin of the River Guadalquivir, and the policy scenarios combined Common Agricultural Policy and Water Framework Directive implementation in the period 2001-2010. The model is applied to a representative number of farming systems that attempt to offer a satisfactory description of the productive diversity of the basin. Results indicate that there are significant differences in the impact in the three dimensions (environmental, social and economic), according to the possible evolution of policy, market and technical futures. We believe that the integration of indicators into multicriteria models is a powerful system for building policy support tools for sounder decision making in the implementation of a future normative which will affect agricultural production in Europe, and that these tools can be used to deal with new questions that face agriculture (genetically modified organisms, new CAP, etc.)agricultural scenarios, indicators of sustainability, multicriteria models, multiperiod programming, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Anàlisi de l’evolució i situació actual de les escoles de música i/o dansa reconegudes a les Illes Balears

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    Aquest article pretén analitzar la repercussió i l’abast que les escoles de música i/o dansa reconegudes tenen sobre l’ensenyament de la música, en l’àmbit dels estudis de règim especial, a la Comunitat Autònoma de les Illes Balears, amb la finalitat de donar una sèrie de recomanacions per millorar-ne la situació futura, a partir de l’anàlisi de l’evolució i la situació actualEste artículo pretende analizar la repercusión y el alcance que las escuelas de música y/o danza reconocidas están produciendo sobre la enseñanza de la música, dentro del ámbito de los estudios de régimen especial, en la Comunidad Autónoma de las Illes Balears, con la finalidad de dar una serie de recomendaciones para mejorar su situación futura, a partir del análisis de su evolución y situación actualThis article tries to examine the impact that legal music schools and/or dance studios have on music teaching within the special education system in the Balearic Islands. Moreover, it aims at giving some clues to improve their situation in the near future taking the analysis of their evolution along with their current situation as referenc

    Liderazgo y género : análisis de las divergencias conceptuales y sus efectos en la teoría y práctica feminista

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    Since women have been incorporating to decision-making positions, there has been an in-creasing interest in their behavior at organizational and group level, as well as the effi-ciency in their function development and, above all, its possible differences with predomi-nant male roles. My goal in this article is to show some of the concepts derived from these researches and focus on the mutual and constant influence between feminism and acade-micism (especially in relation to leadership, women empowerment, glass ceiling and leak-ing pipe), the divergences emerged between psychological and feminist studies and, final-ly, its final incidence in current feminist practices.A medida que las mujeres han ido incorporándose a puestos de dirección ha aumentado el interés por su comportamiento en grupos y organizaciones, la eficacia en el desempeño de sus funciones y, sobre todo, sus posibles diferencias con los roles masculinos predominantes hasta la actualidad. En este artículo me propongo mostrar algunos de los conceptos deriva-dos del auge de estas investigaciones, la mutua y constante influencia entre feminismo y academicismo (especialmente en relación al liderazgo, empoderamiento femenino, techo de cristal y abandono de puestos directivos), las divergencias aparecidas entre los estudios psicológicos y los feministas, así como su incidencia final en las prácticas feministas actua-les