156 research outputs found

    An Explainable Model for Fault Detection in HPC Systems

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    Large supercomputers are composed of numerous components that risk to break down or behave in unwanted manners. Identifying broken components is a daunting task for system administrators. Hence an automated tool would be a boon for the systems resiliency. The wealth of data available in a supercomputer can be used for this task. In this work we propose an approach to take advantage of holistic data centre monitoring, system administrator node status labeling and an explainable model for fault detection in supercomputing nodes. The proposed model aims at classifying the different states of the computing nodes thanks to the labeled data describing the supercomputer behaviour, data which is typically collected by system administrators but not integrated in holistic monitoring infrastructure for data center automation. In comparison the other method, the one proposed here is robust and provide explainable predictions. The model has been trained and validated on data gathered from a tier-0 supercomputer in production

    Valorization of byproducts of hemp multipurpose crop: Short non-aligned bast fibers as a source of nanocellulose

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    Nanocellulose was extracted from short bast fibers, from hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) plants harvested at seed maturity, non-retted, and mechanically decorticated in a defibering apparatus, giving non-aligned fibers. A chemical pretreatment with NaOH and HCl allowed the removal of most of the non-cellulosic components of the fibers. No bleaching was performed. The chemically pretreated fibers were then refined in a beater and treated with a cellulase enzyme, followed by mechanical defibrillation in an ultrafine friction grinder. The fibers were characterized by microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray diffraction after each step of the process to understand the evolution of their morphology and composition. The obtained nanocellulose suspension was composed of short nanofibrils with widths of 5–12 nm, stacks of nanofibrils with widths of 20–200 nm, and some larger fibers. The crystallinity index was found to increase from 74% for the raw fibers to 80% for the nanocellulose. The nanocellulose retained a yellowish color, indicating the presence of some residual lignin. The properties of the nanopaper prepared with the hemp nanocellulose were similar to those of nanopapers prepared with wood pulp-derived rod-like nanofibrils

    Effect of vessel wettability on the foamability of "ideal" surfactants and "real-world" beer heads

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    The ability to tailor the foaming properties of a solution by controlling its chemical composition is highly desirable and has been the subject of extensive research driven by a range of applications. However, the control of foams by varying the wettability of the foaming vessel has been less widely reported. This work investigates the effect of the wettability of the side walls of vessels used for the in situ generation of foam by shaking aqueous solutions of three different types of model surfactant systems (non-ionic, anionic and cationic surfactants) along with four different beers (Guinness Original, Banks’s Bitter, Bass No 1 and Harvest Pale). We found that hydrophilic vials increased the foamability only for the three model systems but increased foam stability for all foams except the model cationic system. We then compared stability of beer foams produced by shaking and pouring and demonstrated weak qualitative agreement between both foam methods. We also showed how wettability of the glass controls bubble nucleation for beers and champagne and used this effect to control exactly where bubbles form using simple wettability patterns

    Biochemical and structural characterization of a novel thermophilic esterase EstD11 provide catalytic insights for the HSL family

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    19 pags., 12 figs., 2 tabs.A novel esterase, EstD11, has been discovered in a hot spring metagenomic library. It is a thermophilic and thermostable esterase with an optimum temperature of 60°C. A detailed substrate preference analysis of EstD11 was done using a library of chromogenic ester substrate that revealed the broad substrate specificity of EstD11 with significant measurable activity against 16 substrates with varied chain length, steric hindrance, aromaticity and flexibility of the linker between the carboxyl and the alcohol moiety of the ester. The tridimensional structures of EstD11 and the inactive mutant have been determined at atomic resolutions. Structural and bioinformatic analysis, confirm that EstD11 belongs to the family IV, the hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) family, from the α/ÎČ-hydrolase superfamily. The canonical α/ÎČ-hydrolase domain is completed by a cap domain, composed by two subdomains that can unmask of the active site to allow the substrate to enter. Eight crystallographic complexes were solved with different substrates and reaction products that allowed identification of the hot-spots in the active site underlying the specificity of the protein. Crystallization and/or incubation of EstD11 at high temperature provided unique information on cap dynamics and a first glimpse of enzymatic activity in vivo. Very interestingly, we have discovered a unique Met zipper lining the active site and the cap domains that could be essential in pivotal aspects as thermo-stability and substrate promiscuity in EstD11.We thank the staff from ALBA synchrotron facility (Barcelona, Spain) for support during crystallographic data collection. This work was funded by the UE through the HotDrops Project (FP7- PEOPLE-2012-IAPP, project number 324439). Additionally, this work was supported by the BFU2017-90030-P grant to J.A.H. from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovatio

    Molecular, anatomical and physiological properties of a genetically modified soybean line transformed with rd29A:AtDREB1A for the improvement of drought tolerance.

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    We evaluated the molecular, anatomical and physiological properties of a soybean line transformed to improve drought tolerance with an rd29A:AtDREB1A construct. This construct expressed dehydration- responsive element binding protein DREB1A from the stress-inducible rd29A promoter. The greenhouse growth test included four randomized blocks of soybean plants, with each treatment performed in triplicate. Seeds from the non-transformed soybean cultivar BR16 and from the genetically modified soybean P58 line (T2 generation) were grown at 15% gravimetric humidity for 31 days. To induce water deficit, the humidity was reduced to 5% gravimetric humidity (moderate stress) for 29 days and then to 2.5% gravimetric humidity (severe stress). AtDREB1A gene expression was higher in the genetically modified P58 plants during water deficit, demonstrating transgene stability in T2 generations and induction of the rd29A promoter. Drought-response genes, including GmPI-PLC, GmSTP, GmGRP, and GmLEA14, were highly expressed in plants submitted to severe stress. Genetically modified plants had higher stomatal conductance and consequently higher photosynthetic and transpiration rates. In addition, they had more chlorophyll. Overexpression of AtDREB1A may contribute to a decrease in leaf thickness; however, a thicker abaxial epidermis was observed. Overexpression of AtDREB1A in soybean appears to enhance drought tolerance
