98 research outputs found

    La formación de un francotirador solitario: Lecturas filosóficas de Louis Althusser (1945-1965)

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    El libro que presentamos pretende dar cuenta del acontecimiento histórico «Althusser», contemplando simultáneamente la historia y el universo teórico francés, pero desde los ojos del individuo Althusser. De este modo contemplamos un Althusser desconocido, seducido sucesivamente por Hegel, de cuya mano se convertirá al comunismo, por Feuerbach, con quien descubre la superioridad moral del ateísmo; y por la filosofía política francesa del XVIII, especialmente Helvétius, en la que descubre los fundamentos teóricos necesarios para su lectura antihumanista de Marx. Mas vemos también a un Althusser embarcado en una verdadera lucha política en el interior del Partido Comunista casi desde su ingreso en éste; y cómo esta lucha política aconseja a Althusser correr riesgos y buscar unos aliados (Bachelard y Lacan, especialmente) cuyo resultado será la forma epistemológica que adopta su discurso a mediados de los años sesenta

    Cultivar la cultura : Apuntes a 30 años de una restauración

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    With this paper I respond to the kind invitation to share my own experience about the restoration of a copy of the painting La Virgen con el niño by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. The purpose of this work is to share the actions carried out in order to recover the aesthetic value of certain pieces of art that occupy a merely ornamental place in modern offices. Celebrating the interest that this type of action places in rescuing the value that many pieces have by themselves, I am pleased to detail the procedure used in our intervention, namely: diagnosis, cleaning, choice of materials, painting, color composition and finishing. All this gives us the opportunity to finally reflect on art and its mission to transcend the useful and the new just because it is new.Con este trabajo pretendo responder a la amable invitación de compartir mi experiencia en la restauración de una copia del cuadro La Virgen con el niño de Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. La finalidad de este relato es dar a conocer las acciones realizadas en orden a recuperar el valor estético de  determinadas piezas de arte que, en ambientes administrativos, ocupan un lugar meramente ornamental. Celebrando el interés que este tipo de acciones pone en rescatar el valor que por sí mismas tienen muchas piezas, me gratifica referir el procedimiento utilizado en nuestra intervención, a saber: diagnóstico, limpieza, elección de materiales, pintura, composición de colores y acabado. Todo ello, nos da pie para reflexionar finalmente sobre el arte y su misión de trascender lo útil y lo nuevo por ser nuevo

    Datos moleculares y morfológicos resucitan la olvidada Carex laxula (Cyperaceae) y aumentan su área de distribución en la cuenca mediterránea occidental

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    Carex sylvatica subsp. paui is a poorly studied taxon considered endemic from a few places in the western Mediterranean. It has been frequently misidentified as C. sylvatica subsp. sylvatica. To date, it has been reported only from the NE Iberian Peninsula and the NW Africa. We use molecular —nuclear ribosomal and plastid sequences— and morphological data to shed light on the taxonomic circumscription and distribution of this taxon, especially regarding its distinction from the type subspecies. The genetic data support the recognition of C. sylvatica subsp. paui as an independent taxon, and confirm new records from the Balearic and Tuscan archipelagos. It implies a considerable increase in its range and a new taxon for the Italian flora. Strikingly, the morphometric analyses revealed that the Sicilian type specimen ofC. laxula identifies this species with C. sylvatica subsp. paui. We consider that the taxon should be ranked at the species level. Based on the priority of the name C. laxula over C. paui, we subsume C. sylvatica subsp. paui in C. laxula. We also provide notes on the ecology of the species.Carex sylvatica subsp. paui es un taxon poco estudiado considerado endémico de unos pocos lugares del oeste del Mediterráneo. Ha sido frecuentemente confundida con C. sylvatica subsp. sylvatica. Hasta la fecha, se ha citado solo del noreste de España y el noroeste de África. Utilizamos datos moleculares —secuencias nucleares y plastiales— y morfológicos para estudiar la delimitación taxonómica y distribución de este taxon, especialmente en relación con la subespecie tipo. Los datos genéticos apoyan el reconocimiento de C. sylvatica subsp. paui como un taxon independiente y confirman su presencia en los archipiélagos baleárico y toscano. Esto implica un considerable aumento de su área de distribución y un nuevo taxon para la flora italiana. Sorprendentemente, los análisis morfométricos han mostrado que el espécimen siciliano y tipo de C. laxula es C. sylvatica subsp. paui. Consideramos que este taxon debería ser reconocido al nivel de especie. Dada la prioridad del nombre C. laxula sobre C. paui, sinonimizamos C. sylvatica subsp. paui a C. laxula. Además, proporcionamos información sobre la ecología de esta especie

    Simple and Sustainable Preparation of Cathodes for Li−S Batteries: Regeneration of Granular Activated Carbon from the Odor Control System of a Wastewater Treatment Plant

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    To obtain a wide variety of green materials, numerous investigations have been undertaken on industrial waste that can act as sustainable resources. The use of hazardous wastes derived from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), especially the activated carbon used in odor control systems, is a highly abundant, scalable, and cost-effective strategy. The reuse of waste materials is a key aspect, especially for the sustainable development of emerging energy storage systems, such as lithium-sulfur (Li−S) batteries. Herein, granular active carbons from two WWTP treatment lines were regenerated in air at low temperature and utilized as the sulfur host with micro-/mesoporous framework. The resulting regenerated carbon and sulfur composites were employed as cathodes for Li−S cells. The SL-ACt3@S composite electrode with 60 wt% loaded sulfur exhibited a remarkable initial capacity of 1100 mAh g−1 at C/10 rate and higher than 800 mAh g−1 at C/2. Even at a rate of 1C, it maintained a high capacity of almost 700 mAh g−1 with a capacity retention of 85.4 % after 350 cycles, demonstrating a very low capacity fading of only 0.042 % per cycle. It is essential to note that the coulombic efficiency was always higher than 96 % during all the cycles. In this proposal, the only used source material was expired carbon from WWTP that was obtained with a simple and effective regeneration process. This “trash into treasure” strategy leads to a new way for using hazardous waste material as high-performance and environmentally safe electrodes for advanced Li−S batteries

    An Evolutionary Study of Carex Subg. Psyllophorae (Cyperaceae) Sheds Light on a Strikingly Disjunct Distribution in the Southern Hemisphere, With Emphasis on Its Patagonian Diversification

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    Carex subgenus Psyllophorae is an engaging study group due to its early diversification compared to most Carex lineages, and its remarkable disjunct distribution in four continents corresponding to three independent sections: sect. Psyllophorae in Western Palearctic, sect. Schoenoxiphium in Afrotropical region, and sect. Junciformes in South America (SA) and SW Pacific. The latter section is mainly distributed in Patagonia and the Andes, where it is one of the few Carex groups with a significant in situ diversification. We assess the role of historical geo-climatic events in the evolutionary history of the group, particularly intercontinental colonization events and diversification processes, with an emphasis on SA. We performed an integrative study using phylogenetic (four DNA regions), divergence times, diversification rates, biogeographic reconstruction, and bioclimatic niche evolution analyses. The crown age of subg. Psyllophorae (early Miocene) supports this lineage as one of the oldest within Carex. The diversification rate probably decreased over time in the whole subgenus. Geography seems to have played a primary role in the diversification of subg. Psyllophorae. Inferred divergence times imply a diversification scenario away from primary Gondwanan vicariance hypotheses and suggest long-distance dispersal-mediated allopatric diversification. Section Junciformes remained in Northern Patagonia since its divergence until Plio-Pleistocene glaciations. Andean orogeny appears to have acted as a northward corridor, which contrasts with the general pattern of North-to-South migration for temperate-adapted organisms. A striking niche conservatism characterizes the evolution of this section. Colonization of the SW Pacific took place on a single long-distance dispersal event from SA. The little ecological changes involved in the trans-Pacific disjunction imply the preadaptation of the group prior to the colonization of the SW Pacific. The high species number of the section results from simple accumulation of morphological changes (disparification), rather than shifts in ecological niche related to increased diversification rates (radiation).Fil: Benítez Benítez, Carmen. Universidad Pablo de Olavide; EspañaFil: Otero, Ana. Field Museum of Natural History; Estados UnidosFil: Ford, Kerry A.. Manaaki-Whenua Landcare Research; Nueva ZelandaFil: García Moro, Pablo. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; EspañaFil: Donadío, Sabina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Botánica Darwinion. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Botánica Darwinion; ArgentinaFil: Luceño, Modesto. Universidad Pablo de Olavide; EspañaFil: Martín Bravo, Santiago. Universidad Pablo de Olavide; EspañaFil: Jiménez-Mejías, Pedro. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Españ

    The fortified metallurgical settlement from the Middle-Late Chalcolithic in Puente de Santa Bárbara (Huércal-Overa, Almería)

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    El poblado fortificado calcolítico de Puente de Santa Bárbara (Huércal-Overa, Almería), de 1,5 ha, está situado a 3 km de las minas de cobre de Cerro Minado, explotadas al menos durante el Calcolítico Final, y presenta mineral en bruto, escorias parcialmente procesadas y nodulillos de cobre. Un 4% de todos los fragmentos cerámicos corresponde a fragmentos de vasijas de reducción y crisoles, distribuidos espacialmente por los tres sectores excavados del yacimiento y sugieren la generalización de la metalurgia dentro del hábitat. El porcentaje de evidencias metalúrgicas solo podría equipararse en el sudeste de la Península Ibérica a los poblados calcolíticos de Parazuelos (Lorca, Murcia) y Agua Amarga (Lorca, Murcia), otro pequeño poblado de 0,25 ha. Estos datos permiten plantear la hipótesis de si ya en el Calcolítico Final pudieron surgir en el sudeste de la Península Ibérica pequeños asentamientos especializados en la producción de útiles o pequeños lingotes metálicos elaborados en crisoles rectangularesThe fortified chalcolithic settlement in Puente de Santa Bárbara (Huércal-Overa, Almería), with 1.5 ha, located 3 km away from the Cerro Minado copper mines, and exploited at least during the Late Chalcolithic, presents copper ores, crucible smelting and melting debris such as slags, casting prills, reduction vessels and crucibles. 4% of all the ceramic fragments correspond to reduction vessel and crucible fragments, spatially distributed in the three excavated sectors and suggest the generalization of the metallurgy within the habitat. The percentage of metallurgical evidences could only be compared in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula to the Copper Age settlements of Parazuelos (Lorca, Murcia) and Agua Amarga (Lorca, Murcia), another minor site of 0.25 ha. These data suggest the hypothesis of small settlements specialized in the production of tools or small metallic ingots made in rectangular crucibles during the Late Chalcolithic in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsul

    Molecular and morphological data resurrect the long neglected <em>Carex laxula</em> (Cyperaceae) and expand its range in the western Mediterranean

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    Carex sylvatica subsp. paui is a poorly studied taxon considered endemic from a few places in the western Mediterranean. It has been frequently misidentified as C. sylvatica subsp. sylvatica. To date, it has been reported only from the NE Iberian Peninsula and the NW Africa. We use molecular —nuclear ribosomal and plastid sequences— and morphological data to shed light on the taxonomic circumscription and distribution of this taxon, especially regarding its distinction from the type subspecies. The genetic data support the recognition of C. sylvatica subsp. paui as an independent taxon, and confirm new records from the Balearic and Tuscan archipelagos. It implies a considerable increase in its range and a new taxon for the Italian flora. Strikingly, the morphometric analyses revealed that the Sicilian type specimen ofC. laxula identifies this species with C. sylvatica subsp. paui. We consider that the taxon should be ranked at the species level. Based on the priority of the name C. laxula over C. paui, we subsume C. sylvatica subsp. paui in C. laxula. We also provide notes on the ecology of the species

    Efficacy and safety of universal (TCRKO) ARI-0001 CAR-T cells for the treatment of B-cell lymphoma

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    Autologous T cells expressing the Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) have been approved as advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) against several hematological malignancies. However, the generation of patient-specific CART products delays treatment and precludes standardization. Allogeneic off-theshelf CAR-T cells are an alternative to simplify this complex and timeconsuming process. Here we investigated safety and efficacy of knocking out the TCR molecule in ARI-0001 CAR-T cells, a second generation aCD19 CAR approved by the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS) under the Hospital Exemption for treatment of patients older than 25 years with Relapsed/Refractory acute B cell lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL). We first analyzed the efficacy and safety issues that arise during disruption of the TCR gene using CRISPR/Cas9. We have shown that edition of TRAC locus in T cells using CRISPR as ribonuleorproteins allows a highly efficient TCR disruption (over 80%) without significant alterations on T cells phenotype and with an increased percentage of energetic mitochondria. However, we also found that efficient TCRKO can lead to on-target large and medium size deletions, indicating a potential safety risk of this procedure that needs monitoring. Importantly, TCR edition of ARI-0001 efficiently prevented allogeneic responses and did not detectably alter their phenotype, while maintaining a similar anti-tumor activity ex vivo and in vivo compared to unedited ARI-0001 CAR-T cells. In summary, we showed here that, although there are still some risks of genotoxicity due to genome editing, disruption of the TCR is a feasible strategy for the generation of functional allogeneic ARI-0001 CAR-T cells. We propose to further validate this protocol for the treatment of patients that do not fit the requirements for standard autologous CAR-T cells administration.Spanish ISCIII Health Research FundEuropean Commission PI15/02015 PI18/00337 PI21/00298Red TerAv RD21/ 0017/0004 PI18/ 00330 PI17/00672CECEyU and CSyF of the Junta de Andalucia FEDER/European Cohesion Fund (FSE) for Andalusia 2016000073391-TRA 2016000073332-TRA PI-57069 PAIDIBio326 CARTPI-0001- 201 PECART-0031-2020 PI0014-2016 PEER-0286-2019Spanish Government 00123009/SNEO-20191072 PLEC2021-008094regional Ministry of Health 0006/2018 C2-0002-2019Spanish Government FPU16/05467 FPU17/02268 FPU17/04327Junta de Andalucia PECART-00312020Consejeria de Salud y Familias PECART-0027-2020 MCI DIN2018-010180 DIN2020-01155

    Chorological news for Carex (Cyperaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Se presentan diversas notas corológicas del género Carex para la península ibérica, que incluyen novedades provinciales para cuatro especies (C. elata subsp. elata, C. demissa subsp. demissa, C. oedipostyla, C. sylvatica subsp. sylvatica) así como la confirmación provincial (no indicada en Flora iberica) de la presencia de tres taxónes. Proporcionamos asimismo la segunda cita nacional para Portugal de C. reuteriana subsp. mauritanica. Otras tres citas poseen interés corológico al constituir novedades comarcales y/o de sector biogeográfico, o bien segunda cita provincial. Cinco de las novedades revisten interés conservacionista por tratarse de especies o poblaciones amenazadas, incluidas en Listas Rojas y/o protegidas a nivel legal. Por último, hacemos referencia a la posible naturalización de C. pendula.Various chorological notes for the genus Carex in the Iberian Peninsula are presented, including new provincial records for four species (C. elata subsp. elata, C. demissa subsp. demissa, C. oedipostyla, C. sylvatica subsp. sylvatica), as well as provincial confirmations (not indicated in Flora iberica) for the presence of three taxa. We also provide the second national report for Portugal of C. reuteriana subsp. mauritanica. Three additional reports have chorological interest by constituting new regional and/or biogeographic records, or the second provincial report. Five of the novelties are of conservation concern because they imply endangered species or populations, included in Red Lists and/or legally protected. Finally, we refer to the possible naturalization of C. pendula