9,492 research outputs found

    (M-theory-)Killing spinors on symmetric spaces

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    We show how the theory of invariant principal bundle connections for reductive homogeneous spaces can be applied to determine the holonomy of generalised Killing spinor covariant derivatives of the form D=∇+ΩD= \nabla + \Omega in a purely algebraic and algorithmic way, where Ω:TM→Λ∗(TM)\Omega : TM \rightarrow \Lambda^*(TM) is a left-invariant homomorphism. Specialising this to the case of symmetric M-theory backgrounds (i.e. (M,g,F)(M,g,F) with (M,g)(M,g) a symmetric space and FF an invariant closed 4-form), we derive several criteria for such a background to preserve some supersymmetry and consequently find all supersymmetric symmetric M-theory backgrounds.Comment: Updated abstract for clarity. Added missing geometries to section 6. Main result stand

    4D visualization of embryonic, structural crystallization by single-pulse microscopy

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    In many physical and biological systems the transition from an amorphous to ordered native structure involves complex energy landscapes, and understanding such transformations requires not only their thermodynamics but also the structural dynamics during the process. Here, we extend our 4D visualization method with electron imaging to include the study of irreversible processes with a single pulse in the same ultrafast electron microscope (UEM) as used before in the single-electron mode for the study of reversible processes. With this augmentation, we report on the transformation of amorphous to crystalline structure with silicon as an example. A single heating pulse was used to initiate crystallization from the amorphous phase while a single packet of electrons imaged selectively in space the transformation as the structure continuously changes with time. From the evolution of crystallinity in real time and the changes in morphology, for nanosecond and femtosecond pulse heating, we describe two types of processes, one that occurs at early time and involves a nondiffusive motion and another that takes place on a longer time scale. Similar mechanisms of two distinct time scales may perhaps be important in biomolecular folding

    Detecting solar chameleons through radiation pressure

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    Light scalar fields can drive the accelerated expansion of the universe. Hence, they are obvious dark energy candidates. To make such models compatible with tests of General Relativity in the solar system and "fifth force" searches on Earth, one needs to screen them. One possibility is the so-called "chameleon" mechanism, which renders an effective mass depending on the local matter density. If chameleon particles exist, they can be produced in the sun and detected on Earth exploiting the equivalent of a radiation pressure. Since their effective mass scales with the local matter density, chameleons can be reflected by a dense medium if their effective mass becomes greater than their total energy. Thus, under appropriate conditions, a flux of solar chameleons may be sensed by detecting the total instantaneous momentum transferred to a suitable opto-mechanical force/pressure sensor. We calculate the solar chameleon spectrum and the reach in the chameleon parameter space of an experiment using the preliminary results from a force/pressure sensor, currently under development at INFN Trieste, to be mounted in the focal plane of one of the X-Ray telescopes of the CAST experiment at CERN. We show, that such an experiment signifies a pioneering effort probing uncharted chameleon parameter space.Comment: revised versio

    Nonthermal Emission Associated with Strong AGN Outbursts at the Centers of Galaxy Clusters

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    Recently, strong AGN outbursts at the centers of galaxy clusters have been found. Using a simple model, we study particle acceleration around a shock excited by an outburst and estimate nonthermal emission from the accelerated particles. We show that emission from secondary electrons is consistent with the radio observations of the minihalo in the Perseus cluster, if there was a strong AGN outburst >~10^8 yrs ago with an energy of ~1.8x10^62 erg. The validity of our model depends on the frequency of the large outbursts. We also estimate gamma-ray emission from the accelerated particles and show that it could be detected with GLAST.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Optimal eigenvalues estimate for the Dirac operator on domains with boundary

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    We give a lower bound for the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator on a compact domain of a Riemannian spin manifold under the \MIT bag boundary condition. The limiting case is characterized by the existence of an imaginary Killing spinor.Comment: 10 page

    Quasars, their host galaxies, and their central black holes

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    We present the final results from our deep HST imaging study of the hosts of radio-quiet quasars (RQQs), radio-loud quasars (RLQs) and radio galaxies (RGs). We describe new WFPC2 R-band observations for 14 objects and model these images in conjunction with the data already reported in McLure et al (1999). We find that spheroidal hosts become more prevalent with increasing nuclear luminosity such that, for nuclear luminosities M_V < -23.5, the hosts of both radio-loud and radio-quiet AGN are virtually all massive ellipticals. Moreover we demonstrate that the basic properties of these hosts are indistinguishable from those of quiescent, evolved, low-redshift ellipticals of comparable mass. This result kills any lingering notion that radio-loudness is determined by host-galaxy morphology, and also sets severe constraints on evolutionary schemes which attempt to link low-z ULIRGs with RQQs. Instead, we show that our results are as expected given the relationship between black-hole and spheroid mass established for nearby galaxies, and apply this relation to estimate the mass of the black hole in each object. The results agree very well with completely-independent estimates based on nuclear emission-line widths; all the quasars in our sample have M(bh) > 5 x 10^8 solar masses, while the radio-loud objects are confined to M(bh) > 10^9 solar masses. This apparent mass-threshold difference, which provides a natural explanation for why RQQs outnumber RLQs by a factor of 10, appears to reflect the existence of a minimum and maximum level of black-hole radio output which is a strong function of black-hole mass. Finally, we use our results to estimate the fraction of massive spheroids/black-holes which produce quasar-level activity. This fraction is \~0.1% at the present day, rising to > 10% at z = 2-3.Comment: Revised version accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 46 pages, the final 19 of which comprise an Appendix. 15 figures in main text. A further 14 4-panel greyscale plots and 14 line plots which appear in the Appendix have been reproduced here with reduced quality due to space limitations. A full resolution copy of the manuscript can be obtained via ftp://ftp.roe.ac.uk/pub/jsd/dunlop2002.ps.g

    Causal Fermion Systems: A Quantum Space-Time Emerging from an Action Principle

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    Causal fermion systems are introduced as a general mathematical framework for formulating relativistic quantum theory. By specializing, we recover earlier notions like fermion systems in discrete space-time, the fermionic projector and causal variational principles. We review how an effect of spontaneous structure formation gives rise to a topology and a causal structure in space-time. Moreover, we outline how to construct a spin connection and curvature, leading to a proposal for a "quantum geometry" in the Lorentzian setting. We review recent numerical and analytical results on the support of minimizers of causal variational principles which reveal a "quantization effect" resulting in a discreteness of space-time. A brief survey is given on the correspondence to quantum field theory and gauge theories.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures, footnote added on page

    Assessment of genetic diversity for some Iraqi date palms (Phoenix dactylifera L.) using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) markers

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    Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) were used to evaluate the genetic diversity between 18 date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) varieties (11 females and 7 males) collected from the center of Iraq. Six primer pairs were applied to detect polymorphism between varieties. A total of 83 polymorphic AFLP fragments were detected with an average of 13.8 polymorphic fragments/primer combination. Genetic distance was estimated using Jaccard’s genetic similarity index and was ranged from 0.07 to 0.75. Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean UPGMA ordered date palm varieties into two main clusters independently of their origin and sex. The first cluster consisted of three sub-clusters. The first one consisted of five female varieties and one male, while the second sub-clusters consisted of five male varieties. The third one consisted of five varieties; four were females and one male. The second main cluster consisted of the remaining two female varieties. Moreover, all primer combinations contributed to the discrimination of date palm varieties, suggesting the efficiency of AFLP method in assessing genetic diversity in date palm. A large range of genetic diversity characterized Iraqi date palm germplasm.Key words: Genetic diversity, amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) polymorphisms, molecular characterization, Phoenix dactylifera L

    Probing Ionization Energies for Trace Gas Identification: The Micro Photo Electron Ionization Detector (PEID)

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    Micro gas sensors detect the presence of substances, but can hardly identify them. We developed a novel approach of probing referenceable ionization energies. It extends the photoionization principle towards tunable energies via replacement of photons by accelerated photo electrons. The device comprises UV-LED illumination, an atmospherically stable photoelectron emission layer with a nano-vacuum electronics accelerator realized in thin film technology and charged particle measurement. A voltage variation at the accelerator provides electrons of tunable energies. We were able to prove that variable electron energies can be used for substance detection. The resulting system reaches ambient conditions operability. The actual limitations and challenges are discussed

    Learning from Minimum Entropy Queries in a Large Committee Machine

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    In supervised learning, the redundancy contained in random examples can be avoided by learning from queries. Using statistical mechanics, we study learning from minimum entropy queries in a large tree-committee machine. The generalization error decreases exponentially with the number of training examples, providing a significant improvement over the algebraic decay for random examples. The connection between entropy and generalization error in multi-layer networks is discussed, and a computationally cheap algorithm for constructing queries is suggested and analysed.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, multicol, epsf, two postscript figures. To appear in Physical Review E (Rapid Communications
