72 research outputs found

    Code-Switching in the Frequently Used English Vocabularies among College Students of Non-Native Speaker

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    Code-switching is a common linguistic phenomenon that occurs because of the need for two or more languages when communicating directly in general or specific expressions in the world’s multilingual society. The research aimed to find out and to describe code-switching in the frequently used English vocabularies among college students of non-native speaker.  The research used qualitative focuses on phenomenological research. The research involved the first until third-year students of the English Language Education Department of STKIP PGRI Trenggalek in the 2021/2022 academic year as the subject. The research instruments were questionnaires and documentation was analyzed using Likert scale and qualitative descriptive way. Research findings show students mostly agree with the use of code-switching in their daily communication and their social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. From 95 vocabularies presented in the questionnaire, 85 vocabularies are the most frequently used in students’ daily communication. Moreover, given the findings, discussions, and conclusion elaborated above, it is suggested for college students, lecturers, college and next researchers may find benefits in this research

    Investigating English Teachers’ Teaching Activities During Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Teaching and learning is an interaction between teachers and students, which is the teacher provides explanations or knowledge to students, while students do something according to the instructions given by the teacher. The research was aimed to find out and describe the English Teachers of Senior High School teaching activities in Trenggalek during the covid-19 pandemic. The research used qualitative focusing on phenomenological research. The research involved the English teachers of Senior High School in Trenggalek as a subject. The research instruments are questionnaires that were analysed using Likert scale and qualitative descriptive way. Research findings show English teacher teaching activities, it shows that English teachers continue to carry out their obligations to teach students during the Covid-19 pandemic, despite the many obstacles they face. They utilize technology-based learning media to support the teaching-learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, given the findings, discussions, and conclusion elaborated above, it is suggested for the government, schools, and next researchers may find benefits of this research


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    Urbanisasi pada suatu kota meningkat dalam beberapa dekade tahun terakhir. Tingkat urbanisasi yang tinggi pada suatu kota menyebabkan pertumbuhan kota menjadi tidak terkendali. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk suatu kota yang secara signifikan dapat menyebabkan perubahan bentuk dan struktur kota. Selain itu, dapat menimbulkan masalah sosial dan lingkungan seperti pertumbuhan kawasan permukiman informal

    Penilaian Tingkat Eco-Driving pada Trans Sarbagita Koridor II untuk Mendukung Konsep Transportasi Berkelanjutan di Provinsi Bali

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    Dewasa ini, lebih banyak masyarakat yang memilih untuk bermukim di kawasan perkotaan karena alasan ekonomi, teknologi, sosiologi ataupun politik. Hal ini menjadi penyebab meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan kepadatan penduduk di perkotaan. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk yang drastis dapat menimbulkan berbagai masalah. Salah satu masalah terpenting yang dapat ditimbulkan yaitu kemacetan lalu lintas serta meningkatnya emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan. Masyarakat perkotaan memiliki mobilitas yang sangat dinamis dan dalam bermobilitas mereka lebih memilih menggunakan kendaraan pribadi daripada angkutan umum yang ada. Kawasan Bali Selatan atau lebih sering disebut dengan kawasan Sarbagita yang merupakan kawasan metropolitan pusat pemerintahan sekaligus pariwisata di Provinsi Bali. Seiring dengan kedatangan wisatawan yang semakin meningkat, tingkat kemacetan di Kawasan Sarbagita semakin tinggi

    Enhancing Medical Record Students’ Accessibility in Learning Medical Vocabulary Materials with A Web-Based Application

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    The rise of online learning during the pandemic era has changed the educational field. Through e-learning, learning is no longer limited by space and time. In response to significant demand, many free online learning platforms emerge in supporting teaching and learning in the virtual classroom. Realizing this phenomenon and based on the needs of the students, the researchers conducted a study aimed at enhancing students’ access to learning medical vocabulary materials through a web-based application, namely Wix-Site.  The research design was RD, with five steps or stages namely need analysis, studying recent theories, developing the product, validating the product to experts, and field testing the product. The subject in this study was medical records students in the first semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. The data collection method was implemented by distributing questionnaires to the students and then analyzed quantitatively. The finding of this research indicated that the implementation of the Wix-site as a means to facilitate students’ access to learning English medical vocabulary was considered effectiv


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    BRT merupakan salah satu sarana angkutan massal yang memiliki fungsi utama yaitu untuk melayani pergerakan manusia. Adanya BRT juga dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif sebagai sarana transportasi selain angkutan pribadi. Untuk menjaga keberlanjutan BRT perlu untuk menerapkan eco driving dalam berkendara. Selain menjaga keberlanjutan armada, penerapan eco driving juga dapat mengurangi emisi gas yang dikeluarkan dan untuk menghemat konsumsi bahan bakar. Emisi gas yang dikeluarkan dapat memberik an dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan dalam jangka panjang sedangkan penggunaan bahan bakar yang berlebih dapat memberikan dampak terhadap ekonomi jika bahan bakar mulai susah untuk didapatkan

    Integrating Local Contents into Junior High School Student's English Learning Material

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    This study aimed at developing English local content material for seventh grade students of junior high school in SMPN 1 Trenggalek. Trenggalek local values were integrated into particular topics being addressed in the form of a textbook based on the 2013 curriculum.  The data were gained through interview, observation and questionnaire. The result revealed that the locally – based developed material was successful to fulfill Trenggalek local content. For teacher, it was applied easily to achieve contextual learning and promote students’ interests. For students, it motivated them and their interest in learning English better and improved their ability to talk about their own area and environment

    2013 Curriculum: The Challenges Based on Vocational English Teachers’ Perspectives

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    This study aimed at describing and identifying the challenges faced by vocational English teachers in implementing the 2013 curriculum. This study used qualitative research approach conducted in four vocational high schools in Trenggalek and Kediri town, East Java, Indonesia. The data were collected by conducting interview and questionnaire. The results of this study was a number of challenges faced by English teachers dealt with designing the lesson plan, preparing and implementing the materials, learning assessment and classroom management. These challenges, therefore, need more attentions and solutions to succeed teaching and learning process and give better impacts for the English teachers in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum

    VIVOICE: An Effort to Promote EFL Learners’ Self-Regulated Learning during the COVID-19 Outbreak

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    COVID-19 is a new pandemic affecting every sector worldwide including in educational environment. Thus, a mixture of various e-learning is required in order to make TLP possible. Besides, having self-regulated learning is beneficial for each student to survive during study from home because of the pandemic. Thus, most students need a media and teaching instruction that motivate them better than the existed media. In this way, this research is aimed at developing VIVOICE (Virtual Vocabulary Voice) to promote EFL learners’ self-regulated vocabulary learning. The research design is R&D completed with quasi-experimental research design to prove the effectiveness of the developed product. A set of questionnaire and interview are used to collect the data of the research. The finding of need analysis showed that most students need a better media of TLP during the outbreak. However, the product was developed based on the result of the students’ need analysis, Buku Ajar Vocabulary 1 (@televocabot) (@televocabot), evaluation and suggestion from the expert validators. More importantly, the findings of the field testing showed that product gets supportive support from the students and proved practical enough during the outbreak. The quasi-experimental in field testing done to prove the effectiveness of the developed product resulted the mean score of experimental groups is increased from 75.9 to 80.8 while control group is also increased 76.1 to 76.7. Then, after the analysis by using SPSS version 25, the value of Sig. (2-tailed) in independent sample t-test was 0.035 (<0.05) meaning that there is a significance difference between experimental group and control group. Meanwhile from paired sample t-test result, the value of Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.005 (<0.05) that mean there is an improvement of self-regulated learning level in the experimental group after using VIVOICE during the outbreak. In conclusion, VIVOICE (Virtual Vocabulary Voice) is an effective audio-visual application to promote EFL learners’ self-regulated learning during the outbreak

    Trip Rate Model of Attraction in Higher Education Zone

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    Land use and transportation have a very close relationship. As the first stage in the four-step trip demand model that trip generation can explain the relationship between the two variables. In the analysis of trip generation and attraction it can be predicted how many movements result from a certain land use. One of the land uses that have a fairly high number of perch is in the higher education zone. Sultan Agung Islamic University (Unissula) Semarang is a campus located on Jalan Kaligawe km. 4. The rise arising from the existence of the tertiary education area is a high enough tourist attraction, causing problems such as traffic jams and traffic accidents during busy times morning and evening. This study aims to analyze the trip generation of Unissula Semarang higher education which has a total building area of 102,754.40 m2 with activities in and out of vehicles both two-wheeled and four-wheeled from morning to evening. The approach used in this research is quantitative descriptive. The analytical method used is trip-rate analysis. The results of this study indicate that vehicles entering the type of car experience peak hours at 08.00 - 08.30 as many as 210 pcu / hour while motorbikes at 07.30 - 08.00 as many as 94 pcu / hour. However, cumulatively, the highest trip rate occurred at 07.30-08.00. in the amount of 0.3 pcu / hour. While the provisions of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) states that the trip rate for tertiary institutions is 0.11 pcu / hour. Thus the need for efforts to distribute vehicles so that the traffic volume density can be decomposed
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