17 research outputs found

    Sequence variation of Epstein-Barr virus: viral types, geography, codon usage and diseases

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    138 new Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genome sequences have been determined. 125 of these and 116 from previous reports were combined to produce a multiple sequence alignment of 241 EBV genomes, which we have used to analyze variation within the viral genome. The type 1/type2 classification of EBV remains the major form of variation and is defined mostly by EBNA2 and EBNA3, but the type 2 SNPs at the EBNA3 locus extend into the adjacent gp350 and gp42 genes, whose products mediate infection of B cells by EBV. A small insertion within the BART miRNA region of the genome was present in 21 EBV strains. EBV from saliva of USA patients with chronic active EBV infection aligned with the wild type EBV genome, with no evidence of WZhet rearrangements. The V3 polymorphism in the Zp promoter for BZLF1 was found to be frequent in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cases both from Hong Kong and Indonesia. Codon usage was found to differ between latent and lytic cycle EBV genes and the main forms of variation of the EBNA1 protein have been identified.IMPORTANCE Epstein-Barr virus causes most cases of infectious mononucleosis and post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease. It contributes to several types of cancer including Hodgkin's lymphoma, Burkitt's lymphoma, diffuse large B cell lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma and gastric carcinoma. EBV genome variation is important because some of the diseases associated with EBV have very different incidences in different populations and geographic regions - differences in the EBV genome might contribute to these diseases. Some specific EBV genome alterations that appear to be significant in EBV associated cancers are already known and current efforts to make an EBV vaccine and antiviral drugs should also take account of sequence differences in the proteins used as targets

    Higher risk of gastrointestinal parasite infection at lower elevation suggests possible constraints in the distributional niche of Alpine marmots

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    Alpine marmots Marmota marmota occupy a narrow altitudinal niche within high elevation alpine environments. For animals living at such high elevations where resources are limited, parasitism represents a potential major cost in life history. Using occupancy models, we tested if marmots living at higher elevation have a reduced risk of being infected with gastrointestinal helminths, possibly compensating the lower availability of resources (shorter feeding season, longer snow cover and lower temperature) than marmots inhabiting lower elevations. Detection probability of eggs and oncospheres of two gastro-intestinal helminthic parasites, Ascaris laevis and Ctenotaenia marmotae, sampled in marmot feces, was used as a proxy of parasite abundance. As predicted, the models showed a negative relationship between elevation and parasite detectability (i.e. abundance) for both species, while there appeared to be a negative effect of solar radiance only for C. marmotae. Site-occupancy models are used here for the first time to model the constrains of gastrointestinal parasitism on a wild species and the relationship existing between endoparasites and environmental factors in a population of free-living animals. The results of this study suggest the future use of site-occupancy models as a viable tool to account for parasite imperfect detection in ecoparasitological studies, and give useful insights to further investigate the hypothesis of the contribution of parasite infection in constraining the altitudinal niche of Alpine marmots

    Strategies for preventing group B streptococcal infections in newborns: A nation-wide survey of Italian policies

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    MRI activity and neutralising antibody as predictors of response to interferon beta treatment in multiple sclerosis.

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    Objective: To prospectively validate MRI activity and neutralising anti-interferon antibody (NAb) during the first 6 months of interferon β ;treatment as response indicators in multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods: Patients with relapsing-remitting MS were followed during the first 2 years of treatment. Neurological assessments were performed every 3 months or when a relapse was suspected. MRI scans performed at baseline and at 3, 4, 5 and 6 months after the start of treatment were assessed centrally for disease activity: new T2 or gadolinium enhancing T1 lesions. NAb were assessed using the MxA protein assay; positivity was defined as two consecutive titres ≥20 NU/ml. We evaluated the predictivity of an active scan, NAb positivity, or both, during the first 6 months of treatment, on the occurrence of clinical disease activity in the following 18 months. Results: 147 patients were assessed at 16 centres. Predictivity parameters (with confidence intervals) were as follows: active scan, sensitivity (SN) 52% (34-69%), specificity (SP) 80% (65-91%), negative predictive value (NPV) 73% (58-77%), positive predictive value (PPV) 62% (42-79%), p = 0.002; NAb positivity, SN 71% (45-88%), SP 66% (55-76%), NPV 92% (82-97%), PPV 29% (16-45%), p = 0.01; active scan and NAb positivity, SN 71% (38-91%), SP 86% (73-94%), NPV 94% (86-98%), PPV 50% (29-70%), p = 0.0003. Conclusions: MRI activity and NAb occurrence during the first 6 months of interferon β treatment were reliable predictors of long term clinical response, particularly when combined. Patients with negative predictors showed a less than 10% risk of developing clinical activity. Patients with positive predictors showed a 50% risk of further clinical activity. These patients need to be followed carefully with further MRI and NAb tests