1,345 research outputs found

    Languaging and Emergent Scapes of the Intelligible: Thinking through an Experiment in Affective Mapping

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    What would it mean to explore questions of translation and linguistic diversity from within an ecological approach that foregrounds the constitutive entanglement of languaging patterns with place-making behaviours, whereby language-use signals the affective import of belonging as much as its precarious hold within cosmopolitan urban contexts characterized by extensive phenomena of displacement, mobility and migration? Drawing on insights brought about by contemporary research in ecolinguistics, affect theory and science and technology studies, this paper explores the potential value of such an approach by means of discussing an art project designed as an experiment in affective mapping of a central artery of the city of Toronto, called Transitions in Progress. Making Space for Place (2015).¿Cómo explorar cuestiones de traducción y diversidad lingüística a partir de un acercamiento ecológico que resalte los entramados entre el lenguajear y las formas de construcción de un lugar, en los cuales el uso del lenguaje, en especial en contextos urbanos cosmopolitas marcados por fenómenos de desplazamiento, mobilidad y migración, revela el sentido de pertenencia, tanto en su carga afectiva como en su condición de precariedad? Con base en perspectivas desde la ecolinguïstica, la teoría del afecto y los estudios de tecnología, este artículo explora el valor potencial de este tipo de acercamiento a partir de una reflexión sobre un proyecto artístico titulado Transitions in Progress. Making Space for Place (2015), diseñado como una cartografía afectiva de una vía arteria central de la ciudad de Toronto. Pourrait-on envisager des questions de traduction et de diversité linguistique dans une perspective écologique qui met de l’avant l’entrelace des concepts de mise en mots et des comportements d’insertion – l’utilisation de la langue témoignant tout autant de l’importance affective de l’appartenance que de sa fragilité dans des contextes cosmopolites urbains marqués par des phénomènes profonds de déplacement, de mobilité et de migration? Cet article, qui s'appuie sur de récentes recherches en écolinguistique, en théorie des affects et en études scientifiques et technologiques, explore la valeur potentielle d'une telle perspective, en présentant un projet artistique, Transitions in Progress. Making Space for Place (2015), conçu comme une expérience de cartographie affective d'une artère principale de la ville de Toronto.O que significaria explorar questões de tradução e diversidade linguística através de uma abordagem ecológica que ressaltasse o entrelaçamento constitutivo entre os padrões de linguajamento e os comportamentos de constituição de lugar? São questões por meio das quais o uso da linguagem sinaliza o significado afetivo do pertencimento e de sua precariedade em contextos urbanos cosmopolitas caracterizados por grandes fenômenos de deslocamento, mobilidade e migração. Com base em pesquisas contempoâneas na ecolinguística, teoria do afeto e nos estudos de ciência e tecnologia, este este trabalho explora o valor potencial desta abordagem através da discussão de um projeto artístico desenvolvido como um experimento em mapeamento afetivo em uma  artéria da cidade de Toronto, denominado Transitions in Progress. Making Space for Place (2015)

    Love's Interests

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    Building a General Knowledge Base of Physical Objects for Robots

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    Poster paperInternational audienceIn this paper we present an ongoing work on building a repository of knowledge about objects typically found in homes, their usual locations and usage. We extract an RDF knowledge base by automatically reading text on the Web and applying simple inference rules. The obtained common sense object relations are ready to be used in a domestic robotic setting, e.g. " a frying pan is usually located in the kitchen "

    Building a General Knowledge Base of Physical Objects for Robots

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    Poster paperInternational audienceIn this paper we present an ongoing work on building a repository of knowledge about objects typically found in homes, their usual locations and usage. We extract an RDF knowledge base by automatically reading text on the Web and applying simple inference rules. The obtained common sense object relations are ready to be used in a domestic robotic setting, e.g. " a frying pan is usually located in the kitchen "

    Cicatrices lingüísticas que pican : pensamientos sobre traducción como una poética de curación cultural

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    Este artículo examina el concepto de la traducción como herramienta que facilita los procesos de contusión cultural. En particular, la autora analiza cómo algunas poetas feministas con experiencias de des/plazamiento lingüístico y cultural hacen uso de la traducción como instrumento que tanto expone las violaciones sistemáticas de las economías socio-simbólicas androcéntricas, coloniales y heteronormativas; como también activa un proceso de contusión cultural desde las heridas históricas y prefigura así las emergencias de nuevas formaciones culturales. Este artículo se centra en dos textos canadienses: el poema colaborativo Mauve (1985) de Nicole Brossard y Daphne Marlatt, un experimento interlingüístico de "tranformance"; y Diction Air (1988) de Jam Ismail, un texto híbrido que inscribe la traducción como re-escritura paródica. Ambos textos se basan en una lógica que se desliza entre los significantes de una política molecular de la lengua que rompe la ficción de los distintos sistemas lingüísticos/culturales explorando la fuerza significante de las "cicatrices". Éstas se encuentran en la formación histórica a través del cruce cultural de palabras que hace emerger nuevos significados entre las líneas de los palimpsestos culturales saturados.This paper explores what it means to think about translation as a tool for facilitating processes of cultural healing. Specifically, it analyses how feminist poets with experiences of linguistic and cultural displacement make use of translation as a tool that both exposes the systemic violations of androcentric, colonial and heteronormative socio-symbolic economies, and enables a process of cultural healing from their historical wounds, prefiguring thus the emergence of new cultural formations. The essay focuses on two Canadian texts, which address these issues: Nicole Brossard and Daphne Marlatt's collaborative poem Mauve (1985), an experiment in inter-linguistic "transformance," and Jam Ismail's Diction Air (1988), a hybrid text that inscribes translation as parodic rewriting. Both these texts are sustained by a logic that slips between signifers in a molecular politics of language that disrupts the fiction of distinct language/cultural systems by exploring the signifying force of "scars" left on their historical formation by the cross-cultural traveling of words, thus allowing for new meanings to emerge between the lines of saturated cultural palimpsests

    Measuring Frame Instance Relatedness

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    Argument Mining on Italian News Blogs

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    International audienceThe goal of argument mining is to extract structured information, namely the arguments and their relations, from un-structured text. In this paper, we propose an approach to argument relation prediction based on supervised learning of linguistic and semantic features of the text. We test our method on the CorEA corpus of user comments to online newspaper articles, evaluating our system's performances in assigning the correct relation, i.e., support or attack, to pairs of arguments. We obtain results consistently better than a sentiment analysis-based base-line (over two out three correctly classified pairs), and we observe that sentiment and lexical semantics are the most informative features with respect to the relation prediction task.L'estrazione automatica di argomenti ha come scopo recuperare informazione strutturata, in particolare gli argomenti e le loro relazioni, a partire da testo semplice. In questo con-tributo proponiamo un metodo di predizione delle relazioni tra argomenti basato sull'apprendimento supervisionato di feature linguistiche e semantiche del testo. Il metodò e testato sul corpus di commenti di news CorEA, edèed`edè valutata la capacità del sistema di classificare le relazioni di supporto ed attacco tra coppie di argomenti. I risultati ottenuti sono superiori ad una baseline basata sulla sola analisi del sentimento (oltre due coppie di argomenti su trè e classificata correttamente) ed osserviamo che il sentimento e la semantica lessicale sono gli indicatoripì u informativi per la predizione delle relazioni tra argomenti
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