29 research outputs found

    U-Pb dating of the Paimán Granite, Sierra de Paimán, Chilecito, La Rioja

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    Se da a conocer los resultados de la datación U-Pb convencional en circones del Granito Paimán, uno de los componentes del flanco oriental del Sistema de Famatina. Fueron analizadas cinco fracciones de cristales de circón de un granito porfiroide, característico de la unidad. Los resultados son coherentes entre sí y proveen una edad de 477,6 ± 4,1 Ma, que ubican la edad de cristalización y emplazamiento en el Ordovícico Temprano. La datación corrobora su asignación a la fase magmática oclóyica y específicamente al cinturón famatiniano. El análisis del presente y otros datos U-Pb previos de otras rocas graníticas del cinturón famatiniano entre los 28º y 33º S, permiten delimitar un estrecho lapso (alrededor de 20 Ma) de actividad ígnea, sin poderse determinar ninguna polaridad en la producción del magmatismo.Conventional U-Pb zircon ages for the Paimán Granite are presented. The magmatic unit crops out in the eastern border of the Famatina range. Five zircon fractions were analysed from a coarse porphyritic granitoid, the major component in the Paimán-Chilecito area. Results are concordant for the five fractions and the mean 206Pb/238U age of 477.6 ± 4.1 Ma is Early Ordovician. This age confirms that the Paimán Granite is part of the Ocloyic magmatic phase and Famatinian belt. The present age together with the previous U-Pb ages from granitoids of the Famatinian belt between 28º and 33º S suggest that the magmatic activity occurred over a short time span of about 20 Ma, following no noticeable internal polarity within the belt.Centro de Investigaciones Geológica

    U-Pb dating of the Paimán Granite, Sierra de Paimán, Chilecito, La Rioja

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    Se da a conocer los resultados de la datación U-Pb convencional en circones del Granito Paimán, uno de los componentes del flanco oriental del Sistema de Famatina. Fueron analizadas cinco fracciones de cristales de circón de un granito porfiroide, característico de la unidad. Los resultados son coherentes entre sí y proveen una edad de 477,6 ± 4,1 Ma, que ubican la edad de cristalización y emplazamiento en el Ordovícico Temprano. La datación corrobora su asignación a la fase magmática oclóyica y específicamente al cinturón famatiniano. El análisis del presente y otros datos U-Pb previos de otras rocas graníticas del cinturón famatiniano entre los 28º y 33º S, permiten delimitar un estrecho lapso (alrededor de 20 Ma) de actividad ígnea, sin poderse determinar ninguna polaridad en la producción del magmatismo.Conventional U-Pb zircon ages for the Paimán Granite are presented. The magmatic unit crops out in the eastern border of the Famatina range. Five zircon fractions were analysed from a coarse porphyritic granitoid, the major component in the Paimán-Chilecito area. Results are concordant for the five fractions and the mean 206Pb/238U age of 477.6 ± 4.1 Ma is Early Ordovician. This age confirms that the Paimán Granite is part of the Ocloyic magmatic phase and Famatinian belt. The present age together with the previous U-Pb ages from granitoids of the Famatinian belt between 28º and 33º S suggest that the magmatic activity occurred over a short time span of about 20 Ma, following no noticeable internal polarity within the belt.Centro de Investigaciones Geológica

    U-Pb dating of the Paimán Granite, Sierra de Paimán, Chilecito, La Rioja

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    Se da a conocer los resultados de la datación U-Pb convencional en circones del Granito Paimán, uno de los componentes del flanco oriental del Sistema de Famatina. Fueron analizadas cinco fracciones de cristales de circón de un granito porfiroide, característico de la unidad. Los resultados son coherentes entre sí y proveen una edad de 477,6 ± 4,1 Ma, que ubican la edad de cristalización y emplazamiento en el Ordovícico Temprano. La datación corrobora su asignación a la fase magmática oclóyica y específicamente al cinturón famatiniano. El análisis del presente y otros datos U-Pb previos de otras rocas graníticas del cinturón famatiniano entre los 28º y 33º S, permiten delimitar un estrecho lapso (alrededor de 20 Ma) de actividad ígnea, sin poderse determinar ninguna polaridad en la producción del magmatismo.Conventional U-Pb zircon ages for the Paimán Granite are presented. The magmatic unit crops out in the eastern border of the Famatina range. Five zircon fractions were analysed from a coarse porphyritic granitoid, the major component in the Paimán-Chilecito area. Results are concordant for the five fractions and the mean 206Pb/238U age of 477.6 ± 4.1 Ma is Early Ordovician. This age confirms that the Paimán Granite is part of the Ocloyic magmatic phase and Famatinian belt. The present age together with the previous U-Pb ages from granitoids of the Famatinian belt between 28º and 33º S suggest that the magmatic activity occurred over a short time span of about 20 Ma, following no noticeable internal polarity within the belt.Centro de Investigaciones Geológica

    O magmatismo alcalino Neoproterozóico na Ilha do Cardoso, Sudeste do Estado de São Paulo

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    This work focuses on the geology and geochronology of rocks cropping out on Cardoso Island, on the southeastern coast of São Paulo State, close to the boundary with Paraná State. The island, with an area of about 151 km² is a protected area administered by the Forest Institute of the Secretariat for the Environment of the State of São Paulo. It is mountainous, with a peak at 814 m, and is covered by dense"Atlantic Forest" vegetation. The island is made up mainly of an igneous complex with light grey leucocratic, inequigranular, medium to coarse-grained syenites. The Três Irmãos Syenite (STI), composed of pyroxene, hornblende, and perthitic to mesoperthitic microcline, predominates has magmatic flow structures, and is cut by the pinkish grey, leucocratic medium-grained Cambriú alkali-feldspar granites (GC). Geochemical analysis of STI and GC demonstrate their metaluminous alkaline nature and late orogenic to anorogenic character. The bodies formed between 620 and 570 Ma according to U-Pb dating of zircons and cooled between 597 and 531 Ma (K-Ar in amphiboles). Whole rock Sm-Nd analyses yield Meso - and Paleoproterozoic TDM ages (1,500 - 2,200 Ma). A belt of low-grade metasedimentary rocks occurs in the northern part of the island. Quartz schist, quartz-mica schist and mica-quartz schist, often-containing andalusite and cordierite, predominate.Geochemical and geochronological data suggest that the sources of the metasediments were continental arc andesites of whose protoliths separated from the mantle between 1,800 and 2,200 Ma during the Paleoproterozoic. These metasediments probably continue on the continent in the Taquari region and extend southwards in narrow strips between the granitoids of the Paranaguá Domain.O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo geológico e geocronológico da Ilha do Cardoso, localizada no litoral sudeste do Estado de São Paulo, divisa com Estado do Paraná. Trata-se de uma área com aproximadamente 151 km2, de proteção ambiental (APA), administrada pelo Instituto Florestal da Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo. Seu relevo é montanhoso atingindo a cota máxima de 814 metros, sendo recoberta por uma densa vegetação de mata atlântica. Os terrenos pertencentes a Ilha do Cardoso, são constituídos em grande parte por um complexo ígneo, representado principalmente por rochas sieníticas de cor cinza clara, leucocráticas, inequigranulares e de granulação média a grossa. Composicionalmente predominam sienitos constituídos por piroxênios, hornblendas, e microclíneo pertítico a mesopertítico, exibindo estruturas típicas do fluxo magmático e denominado de Sienito Três Irmãos (STI). Este é cortado por um álcali-feldspato granito com hornblenda e biotita, de cor cinza-rosada, leucocrático de granulação média, denominado de Granito Cambriú (GC). As análises geoquímicas efetuadas nos STI e GC, permitiram atribuir-lhes uma filiação alcalina e meta-aluminosa sugestivas de granitos anorogênicos a tardi orogênicos. Os dados geocronológicos indicam para a formação desses corpos um intervalo de idades entre 620-570 Ma (método U-Pb em zircões), e com o resfriamento entre 597-531 Ma (dados K-Ar em anfibólios). Análises Sm-Nd em rocha total, realizadas nestas rochas, indicaram idades (TDM) situadas entre o Mesoproterozóico - GC - e o Paleoproterozóico - STI - (1.500 - 2.200 Ma). Na porção setentrional da Ilha ocorre uma faixa de rochas metassedimentares de baixo grau metamórfico, estruturadas segundo a direção geral E-W. Predominam quartzo xistos, mica-quartzo xisto e quartzo-mica xistos muitas vezes com andaluzita e cordierita. Os dados geocronológicos, Sm-Nd (TDM), sugerem rochas fontes derivadas do manto durante o Paleoproterozóico (1.800-2.200 Ma). Rochas similares ocorrem a oeste, no continente, na região de Taquari, estendendo-se para sul como faixas relativamente estreitas, em meio aos granitóides do Domínio Paranaguá

    Dating minerals by ID-TIMS geochronology at times of in situ analysis: selected case studies from the CPGeo-IGc-USP laboratory

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    Since 1964, the Center for Geochronological Research - CPGeo, one of the interdepartmental centers of the Instituto de Geociências (IG) of São Paulo University, has developed studies related to several geological processes associated with different rock types. Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Isotopic Dilution (ID-TIMS) has been the technique widely used in the CPGeo U-Pb Laboratory. It provides reliable and accurate results in age determination of superposed events. However, the open-system behavior such as Pb-loss, the inheritance problem and metamictization processes allow and impel us to a much richer understanding of the power and limitations of U-Pb geochronology and thermochronology. In this article, we present the current methodology used at the CPGeo-IGc-USP U-Pb laboratory, the improvements on ID-TIMS method, and report high-precision U-Pb data from zircon, monazite, epidote, titanite, baddeleyite and rutile from different rock types of several domains of the Brazilian south-southeast area, Argentina and Uruguay.O Centro de Pesquisas Geocronológicas (CPGeo), um dos centros interdepartamentais do Instituto de Geociências (IG) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), desde 1964 desenvolve estudos relacionados a diversos processos geológicos que se associam a diferentes tipos de rochas. A técnica amplamente utilizada no Laboratório U-Pb é a diluição isotópica por espectrometria de massa termo ionizada (ID-TIMS). Esta sistemática proporciona resultados bastante confiáveis e precisos na determinação das idades de eventos geológicos superpostos. Entretanto, o comportamento de sistema aberto como perda de Pb, problemas de herança isotópica e processos de metamictização, nos permite o entendimento do poder e limitação da geocronologia e termocronologia U-Pb. Neste artigo apresentamos a metodologia atualmente utilizada no Laboratório U-Pb do CPGeo-IGc-USP, as melhorias atingidas na técnica ID-TIMS e alguns dados obtidos em zircão, epídoto, titanita, baddeleyita e rutilo de diferentes tipos de rochas de alguns domínios da região sul-sudeste brasileira e da Argentina e Uruguai.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Petrography descriptions and U-Pb zircon datasets from the Archean Pavas Block, Precambrian of Uruguay

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    International audienceThis database is a geological and geochronological compilation made to study a small Archean/Paleoproterozoic block located in the centre of the Precambrian rock exposition of Uruguay. Petrographic and field outcrops data supporting the samples from which the zircons for textural analysis and U-Pb dating (LA-ICP-MS) come are presented at first with their descriptions. The first table (1) contains the new U-Pb isotopic data. The second table (2) presents a correlation of textures from different zircon samples. The last table (3) contains an inventory of different U-Pb ages found in antecedents. All these data are associated with the paper entitled: "The Archean Pavas Block in Uruguay: extension and tectonic evolution based on LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages and airborne geophysics"

    U-Pb evidence for late Neoarchean crustal reworking in the Southern São Francisco Craton (Minas Gerais, Brazil)

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    The Passa Tempo Metamorphic Complex is one of several metamorphic complexes that form the Archean sialic crust of the southern São Francisco Craton. It encompasses hypersthene-bearing gneissic rocks, with subordinateNW- or EW-trending mafic-ultramafic bodies and granodioritic to alkali-granitic, weakly foliated, and light-colored granitoids. These granitoids are the product of generalized migmatization that followed granulite-facies metamorphism. To determine the ages of the granulite-facies metamorphism and granitoid genesis, we obtained U-Pb ages on zircon extracted from the mesosome and leucosome of the migmatitic gneisses. For the mesosome, a discordia that intercepts Concordia at 2622 ± 18 Ma is interpreted as a minimum age for granulite-facies metamorphism. For the leucosome, the upper intercept of discordia at 2599 ± 45 Ma corresponds to migmatization and granitoid genesis. Contemporaneous metamorphism and magmatism have been documented elsewhere in the São Francisco Craton, especially in the southern portion, demonstrating vast and vigorous reworking of sialic crust by the end of the Neoarchean

    Zircon provenance in meta-sandstones of the São Roque Domain : Implications for the Proterozoic evolution of the Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil

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    Detrital zircons from quartzites of the São Roque Domain were subject of studies of crystal growth and stratigraphy, using in situ LA-ICPMS trace element geochemistry and U–Pb dating to deduce their provenance and contribute to understand the tectonic evolution of the Proterozoic metasedimentary successions of southeast Brazil. Trace element chemistry of most detrital cores indicates derivation from plagioclase-rich felsic rocks (e.g., tonalites to granodiorites); however, a small proportion may derive from gabbroic sources, as indicated by a combination of features (strong positive Ce anomaly, high LuN/SmN, low U/Yb; concave-down shape of the intermediate REE patterns). Thin metamorphic overgrowths are chemically distinct (e.g., enriched in several trace elements, especially the LREE), and were dated at 584 ± 47 Ma, reflecting the Ediacaran metamorphism and granite magmatism that affected the São Roque Domain. The detrital zircon U–Pb ages for five quartzite samples from different stratigraphic positions within the São Roque Domain are restricted to the Paleoproterozoic and Archean (∼1730–3440 Ma). A striking feature of the dataset is a main peak at ∼2.2 Ga which is characteristic of all samples; the age and abundance of Archean peaks allow distinguish two groups of samples: Jaraguá and Japi, with 41–43% Archean zircons and a peak at 2.6–2.7 Ga; and Voturuna, Pirucaia and Serra da Viúva, with 16–21% Archean zircons and a peak close to the Archean-Paleoproterozoic boundary (2.4–2.5 Ga). A limited contribution of late Paleoproterozoic (Statherian) sources places an upper limit for the deposition of the sedimentary successions that is consistent with the estimated age of the metaconglomerate-metarkose rift sequence of the São Roque Group (Boturuna Formation), based on U–Pb dating of interlayered meta-trachydacites (1.75 Ga). Our data demonstrate that the different sedimentary successions of the São Roque Domain have an essentially continental (cratonic) provenance which is very similar to those of other sequences in the Ribeira Belt (Açungui and possibly also Embu Domain). The ∼2.2 Ga age of the volumetrically most important sources, also indicated by the age of granite pebbles in metaconglomerates, is a diagnostic signature, consistent with the age of regional basement (e.g., orthogneisses from few basement nuclei in the Açungui Domain). Similarities in provenance and tectonic evolution of the metasedimentary sequences are consistent with the interpretation that the Ribeira Belt is part of the reworked border of the São Francisco Paleoplate, displaced southwestward as a result of significant dextral orogen-parallel tectonics during the Neoproterozoic collision, and may imply that a suture zone between this paleoplate and another stable continental area to the SW lies below the Phanerozoic sediments of the Paraná Basin