219 research outputs found

    A indexação do conhecimento científico: a necessidade do conhecimento a serviço do desenvolvimento comunitário e da proteção da natureza

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    The pandemic, the economic crisis, and climate change impose new development models of scientific production, as we suggest in this perspective study. The authors propose “new ways of evaluating academic performance,” which means stopping exclusively rewarding researchers who publish in indexed journals and valuing work with communities and applied interdisciplinary research, aimed at understanding socioenvironmental problems and proposing possible solutions that improve academic performance, improve quality of life of the population, and protect nature.A pandemia, a crise econômica e as mudanças climáticas impõem novos modelos de desenvolvimento da produção científica. Propomos “novas formas de avaliar o desempenho acadêmico”, o que significa deixar de premiar exclusivamente pesquisadores que publicam em periódicos indexados, mas valorizar o trabalho com comunidades e a pesquisa interdisciplinar aplicada, visando compreender problemas socioambientais e sugerir possíveis soluções que melhorem o desempenho acadêmico, a qualidade de vida da população e a proteção da natureza

    Desarrollo de un prototipo de sistema para la captura de informacion vitivinicola en la Region Libertador Bernardo O' Higgins

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    93 p.Este proyecto tiene como objetivo principal el desarrollo de un prototipo que permita capturar y mostrar información relevante, de villas pertenecientes a la región del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins. Además se pretende promover las villas de la región a nivel internacional, atrayendo recursos financieros a la región mediante las relaciones comerciales que pueden surgir entre las villas e inversionistas extranjeros. Para desarrollar el sistema se utiliza el lenguaje de programación PHP y el gestor de base de datos MySql, además de utilizar el servidor web APACHE, que es gratuito

    Creative Thinking in eXtreme Programming

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    Agile methods such as eXtreme Programming have achieved an explosive interest in the software development community. They can be seen as a reaction to the more traditional and control-oriented methods, agile methods handle changes in design and requirements and they open up for creativity during the whole project lifecycle. The knowledge management in agile methods is also agile, it means that knowledge creation and sharing processes are simplified in comparison with other more comprehensive development methodologies. This paper is developed under the idea that agile software development can be enhanced by a better understanding of knowledge management and creativity. eXtreme Programming is analyzed from the perspective of the creativity, we believe that concepts related to creative teams (roles, structure, performance and purposes) are important insights about the use of agile methods in general and eXtreme Programming in particular.Keywords/Index Terms: Knowledge Management; Creativity; Software Engineering; Agile Methods; User-centered innovation

    Local Knowledge, Community Experiences, Nature, Collaboration, and Resilience in Times of Pandemic, Uncertainty, and Climate Change in the Anthropocene Era

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    The pandemic afflicting the world is accompanied by a social, economic, political, cultural, and climatic multi-crisis. It is the crisis of the Anthropocene Era and modern paradigms. Modern society is in a complex situation. The responses to the multicrisis, including the pandemic, will probably come from the revalorization and resignification of experiences and socioecological knowledge of communities. Their historical experiences, currently fragmented by modernization processes, will be able to intercommunicate and, with resilient energy, open new possibilities for human and planetary life. It will be a great transformation, in which old and new models of development will be in tension. These tensions will also be expressed in the form of social and political radicalization and result in conflicts over natural resources, especially water, natural forests, ecosystems, and productive land. Human and planetary life is seriously threatened. Intellectual and scientific activity must connect with the ecological knowledge of local communities to defend human and natural life

    Prevalencia de caries en niños de 6 años en la comuna de San Pedro de Atacama

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    Objective: To assess the prevalence of Caries in 6-year-old children of San Pedro of Atacama commune in 2019.   Material and methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted from January to December 2019 in which 6-year-old children from the E-26 school in San Pedro of Atacama and schools in the nearby towns of the commune were examined. All examinations were performed by the same operator using the ICDAS scale. Parents were asked for informed consent before the clinical dental examination took place. The data obtained were analyzed using the Stata v.15 statistical program. Results: There was a statistically significant difference (p <0.005) found between both surveys, with an increase of correct answers in the second survey. Conclusion: The prevalence of caries in 6-year-old children in the commune of San Pedro of Atacama is high, therefore, the efforts of the dental team should be centered on education and oral hygiene instruction of children, parents, and teachers.Objetivo: Consiste en determinar la prevalencia de caries en niños de 6 años en la comuna de San Pedro de Atacama en el año 2019. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional de corte transversal desde enero a diciembre del año 2019 en donde se examinaron a los niños de 6 años de la escuela E-26 de San Pedro de Atacama y escuelas de las localidades del interior de la comuna como Peine, Socaire y Toconao. Todos los niños fueron examinados por un mismo operador utilizando escala ICDAS. A los padres se les entrego consentimiento informado para poder realizar el examen clínico odontológico. Los datos obtenidos y análisis de estos se realizaron con programa estadístico Stata v.15.Resultados: El análisis de los resultados demuestra que existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p<0.005) entre ambas encuestas, con un aumento de respuestas correctas en la segunda encuesta. Conclusión: La prevalencia de caries en niños de 6 años en la comuna de San Pedro de Atacama es alta y se deben orientar los esfuerzos del equipo Odontológico en educación e instrucción higiene oral de los niños, padres y profesores

    Speaker Diarization Features: The UPM Contribution to the RT09 Evaluation

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    Two new features have been proposed and used in the Rich Transcription Evaluation 2009 by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, which outperform the results of the baseline system. One of the features is the intensity channel contribution, a feature related to the location of the speaker. The second feature is the logarithm of the interpolated fundamental frequency. It is the first time that both features are applied to the clustering stage of multiple distant microphone meetings diarization. It is shown that the inclusion of both features improves the baseline results by 15.36% and 16.71% relative to the development set and the RT 09 set, respectively. If we consider speaker errors only, the relative improvement is 23% and 32.83% on the development set and the RT09 set, respectively

    Translating bus information into sign language for deaf people

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    This paper describes the application of language translation technologies for generating bus information in Spanish Sign Language (LSE: Lengua de Signos Española). In this work, two main systems have been developed: the first for translating text messages from information panels and the second for translating spoken Spanish into natural conversations at the information point of the bus company. Both systems are made up of a natural language translator (for converting a word sentence into a sequence of LSE signs), and a 3D avatar animation module (for playing back the signs). For the natural language translator, two technological approaches have been analyzed and integrated: an example-based strategy and a statistical translator. When translating spoken utterances, it is also necessary to incorporate a speech recognizer for decoding the spoken utterance into a word sequence, prior to the language translation module. This paper includes a detailed description of the field evaluation carried out in this domain. This evaluation has been carried out at the customer information office in Madrid involving both real bus company employees and deaf people. The evaluation includes objective measurements from the system and information from questionnaires. In the field evaluation, the whole translation presents an SER (Sign Error Rate) of less than 10% and a BLEU greater than 90%

    Evaluación regional de sustancias tóxicas persistentes

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    El Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente por intermedio de la División de Sustancias Químicas desarrolla un proyecto que servirá para dar las bases del estado de conocimiento de sustancias tóxicas persistentes en Sudamérica.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse