1,470 research outputs found

    Local C0,αC^{0,\alpha} Estimates for Viscosity Solutions of Neumann-type Boundary Value Problems

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    In this article, we prove the local C0,αC^{0,\alpha} regularity and provide C0,αC^{0,\alpha} estimates for viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear, possibly degenerate, elliptic equations associated to linear or nonlinear Neumann type boundary conditions. The interest of these results comes from the fact that they are indeed regularity results (and not only a priori estimates), from the generality of the equations and boundary conditions we are able to handle and the possible degeneracy of the equations we are able to take in account in the case of linear boundary conditions

    Existence of weak solutions for general nonlocal and nonlinear second-order parabolic equations

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    In this article, we provide existence results for a general class of nonlocal and nonlinear second-order parabolic equations. The main motivation comes from front propagation theory in the cases when the normal velocity depends on the moving front in a nonlocal way. Among applications, we present level-set equations appearing in dislocations' theory and in the study of Fitzhugh-Nagumo systems

    Uniqueness Results for Nonlocal Hamilton-Jacobi Equations

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    We are interested in nonlocal Eikonal Equations describing the evolution of interfaces moving with a nonlocal, non monotone velocity. For these equations, only the existence of global-in-time weak solutions is available in some particular cases. In this paper, we propose a new approach for proving uniqueness of the solution when the front is expanding. This approach simplifies and extends existing results for dislocation dynamics. It also provides the first uniqueness result for a Fitzhugh-Nagumo system. The key ingredients are some new perimeter estimates for the evolving fronts as well as some uniform interior cone property for these fronts

    A short proof of the C0,αC^{0,\alpha}--regularity of viscosity subsolutions for superquadratic viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations and applications

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    Recently I. Capuzzo Dolcetta, F. Leoni and A. Porretta obtain a very surprising regularity result for fully nonlinear, superquadratic, elliptic equations by showing that viscosity subsolutions of such equations are locally H\"older continuous, and even globally if the boundary of the domain is regular enough. The aim of this paper is to provide a simplified proof of their results, together with an interpretation of the regularity phenomena, some extensions and various applications

    Continuous dependence results for Non-linear Neumann type boundary value problems

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    We obtain estimates on the continuous dependence on the coefficient for second order non-linear degenerate Neumann type boundary value problems. Our results extend previous work of Cockburn et.al., Jakobsen-Karlsen, and Gripenberg to problems with more general boundary conditions and domains. A new feature here is that we account for the dependence on the boundary conditions. As one application of our continuous dependence results, we derive for the first time the rate of convergence for the vanishing viscosity method for such problems. We also derive new explicit continuous dependence on the coefficients results for problems involving Bellman-Isaacs equations and certain quasilinear equation

    A New Stability Result for Viscosity Solutions of Nonlinear Parabolic Equations with Weak Convergence in Time

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    We present a new stability result for viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear parabolic equations which allows to pass to the limit when one has only weak convergence in time of the nonlinearities

    (Almost) Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Deterministic Control Problems in Stratified Domains

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    We revisit the pioneering work of Bressan \& Hong on deterministic control problems in stratified domains, i.e. control problems for which the dynamic and the cost may have discontinuities on submanifolds of R N . By using slightly different methods, involving more partial differential equations arguments, we (i) slightly improve the assumptions on the dynamic and the cost; (ii) obtain a comparison result for general semi-continuous sub and supersolutions (without any continuity assumptions on the value function nor on the sub/supersolutions); (iii) provide a general framework in which a stability result holds

    Uniqueness for unbounded solutions to stationary viscous Hamilton--Jacobi equations

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    We consider a class of stationary viscous Hamilton--Jacobi equations as \left\{\begin{array}{l} \la u-{\rm div}(A(x) \nabla u)=H(x,\nabla u)\mbox{in }\Omega, u=0{on}\partial\Omega\end{array} \right. where \la\geq 0, A(x)A(x) is a bounded and uniformly elliptic matrix and H(x,ξ)H(x,\xi) is convex in ξ\xi and grows at most like ξq+f(x)|\xi|^q+f(x), with 1<q<21 < q < 2 and f \in \elle {\frac N{q'}}. Under such growth conditions solutions are in general unbounded, and there is not uniqueness of usual weak solutions. We prove that uniqueness holds in the restricted class of solutions satisfying a suitable energy--type estimate, i.e. (1+|u|)^{\bar q-1} u\in \acca, for a certain (optimal) exponent qˉ\bar q. This completes the recent results in \cite{GMP}, where the existence of at least one solution in this class has been proved

    On the regularizing effect for unbounded solutions of first-order Hamilton-Jacobi equations

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    We give a simplified proof of regularizing effects for first-order Hamilton-Jacobi Equations of the form u_t+H(x,t,Du)=0u\_t+H(x,t,Du)=0 in RN×(0,+)\R^N\times(0,+\infty) in the case where the idea is to first estimate u_tu\_t. As a consequence, we have a Lipschitz regularity in space and time for coercive Hamiltonians and, for hypo-elliptic Hamiltonians, we also have an H\''older regularizing effect in space following a result of L. C. Evans and M. R. James