318 research outputs found

    State-Space Feedback Linearization for Depth Positioning of a Spherical URV

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    Variable ballast, a common mechanism in underwater vehichle, is utilized as vertical motion actuator of a spherical URV in order to control its depth positiong. Since the model of this system is nonlinear and controllable therefore state-space feedback linearization is utilized in this depth positioning. The idea of state-space feedback linearization is to algebraically transform all state variable of nonlinear systems dynamics into (fully or partly) linear ones, so that linear control techniques can be applied. This method can stabilize the equilibrium point of this system which is unstable in open loop system. From the control analysis and simulation results, it can be observed that the asymptotical stabilization is achieved by tracking the error. Hence, state-space feedback linearization can also be applied for tracking a trajectory of desired depth position. Keyword: variable ballast, spherical URV, feedback linearizatio

    Modeling and Control of a Spherical Underwater Robot Vehicle by Using a Variable Ballast Mechanism

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    A mechanism of variable ballast system which manipulates volume of water in the ballast tank is designed and modeled in this thesis. The mechanism is designed to make water always fulfill space in the variable ballast tank with varying volume. Therefore the internal dynamic that is caused by the movement of water in the tank can be avoided. The variable ballast is utilized for vertical motion actuator of a spherical URV by controlling the difference between buoyant force and gravitational force. In this thesis, the VBS can change the weight of URV body, ΔW, in range ± 9.96N in order to make URV in positive buoyancy, neutral buoyancy or negative buoyancy. The buoyancy of URV is considered as a constant value. By using this mechanism, then the URV can move in vertical plane in the range of velocity ±1.019ms−1 . Two approaches, i.e. linearized approximation and nonlinear approach, are presented to design the controller of the dynamic model which behaves as nonlinear system. In linearized approximation, the nonlinear model is linearized about the equilibrium point by using Taylor series. Since the linearized model is controllable then a linear control strategy is applied. In order to analyze the stability of the system, Lyapunov’s linearization method is used. Since the eigenvalues of the linearized model is zero, λ = 0, then the Lyapunov’s linearization method cannot determine whether the nonlinear system is stable or unstable. The second method of Lyapunov stability analysis, i.e. Lyapunov direct method, is also applied. By using this method, it can be known that the equilibrium point of this depth positioning system is unstable, furthermore, nonlinear approach, i.e. state-space feedback linearization and inputoutput feedback linearization, are also used to stabilize this system. These control strategies are then simulated in MATLAB/Simulink. All control strategies designed in this thesis can asymptotically stabilize the equilibrium point, for t →∞ , e→0 . The linearized approximation approach is the fastest to reach steady state compare to the others, but it consumes more power. For tracking a trajectory, input-output linearization gives better performance compare to the others by resulting smallest error. If the change of trajectory is constant, then error of input-output feedback linearization converges to zero. For linearized approach and state-space feedback linearization, if change of input is 0.1ms−1 then absolute error converge to 2.408m and 6.082m respectively, and if change input is 0.2ms−1 then absolute error converge to 6.361m and 12.163m respectively


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis potensi Desa Wisata Sugihwaras dan mengetahui pemahaman pemerintah desa dan BPD Desa Wisata Sugihwaras terkait BUM Desa. Populasi terdiri 14 orang yang diambil tanpa membedakan jenis kelamin, pendidikan, dan pengalaman kerja. Metode pengumpulan data, sumber data primer diperoleh dari kuesioner tertutup dengan skor penilaian jawaban 1 = benar dan 0 = salah, kepada pemerintah desa (kades dan perangkat desa) dan  Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) dengan pertanyaan pilihan ganda memilih yang tepat kemudian dijelaskan dengan statistik deskriptif (prosentase). Selain itu, data primer juga didapat dari hasil observasi dan wawancara. Sedangkan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari dokumen yang berkaitan dengan dokumen data potensi desa. Hasil penelitian yang terkait dengan Optimalisasi Desa Wisata Sugihwaras Kecamatan Ngancar dalam perspektif BUM Desa oleh pemerintah desa dan BPD selaku pembuatan kebijakan. 1. Potensi Desa Wisata Sugihwaras belum terkelola dengan standar padahal memiliki potensi. 2. Terdapat pemahaman terkait BUMDesa dengan hasil sebagai berikut:  7 % (tujuh persen) kategori sangat kurang paham; 71 % (tujuh puluh satu persen) kategori kurang paham; 14 % (empat belas persen) kategori cukup paham; dan  7 % (tujuh persen) kategori paham. Serta 0 % (nol persen) kategori sangat paham. Jadi program optimalisasi potensi desa wisata dan peran BUMDesa secara berlanjutan dan intensif perlu dilakukan oleh pihak pemerintah desa dan BUMDesa

    The Role of Innovation and Knowledge Management in Mediating the Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Organizational Performance in Koperasi UKM Savings and Loans and Sharia Financing (KSPPS)

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    Purpose - This study aims to determine the relationship between intellectual capital, innovation, knowledge management and organizational performance.Design / methodology / approach - The conceptualization model of the relationship between the three constructs is tested through structural equation modeling in a sample of 250 Sharia Savings and Loans and Financing Cooperatives (KSPPS) from the database of the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs in East Java Province.Research limitations / implications - Data is limited to a sample of one province and 250 MSME Savings and Loans and Sharia Financing Cooperatives (KSPPS).Research question:1. Does intellectual capital affect innovation positively?2. Does intellectual capital affect knowledge management positively?3. Does intellectual capital have a positive effect on organizational performance?4. Does knowledge management affect innovation positively?5. Does knowledge management have a positive effect on organizational performance?6. Does the innovation affect performance positively?7. Does innovation mediate intellectual capital and organizational performance?8. Does Innovation mediate knowledge management and organizational performance?9. Does knowledge management mediate intellectual capital and organizational performance?Originality / value - until now there are still few other studies examining the effect of HR performance on intellectual capital. Therefore, this study contributes to understanding the intellectual capital and knowledge management innovations needed to operationalize it, including its relation to HR performance. Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Innovation, Knowledge Management, Organizational Performance

    Modeling and Control of a Spherical Underwater Robot Vehicle by Using a Variable Ballast Mechanism

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    A mechanism of variable ballast system which manipulates volume of water in the ballast tank is designed and modeled in this thesis. The mechanism is designed to make water always fulfill space in the variable ballast tank with varying volume. Therefore the internal dynamic that is caused by the movement of water in the tank can be avoided. The variable ballast is utilized for vertical motion actuator of a spherical URV by controlling the difference between buoyant force and gravitational force. In this thesis, the VBS can change the weight of URV body, ΔW, in range ± 9.96N in order to make URV in positive buoyancy, neutral buoyancy or negative buoyancy. The buoyancy of URV is considered as a constant value. By using this mechanism, then the URV can move in vertical plane in the range of velocity ±1.019ms−1 . Two approaches, i.e. linearized approximation and nonlinear approach, are presented to design the controller of the dynamic model which behaves as nonlinear system. In linearized approximation, the nonlinear model is linearized about the equilibrium point by using Taylor series. Since the linearized model is controllable then a linear control strategy is applied. In order to analyze the stability of the system, Lyapunov’s linearization method is used. Since the eigenvalues of the linearized model is zero, λ = 0, then the Lyapunov’s linearization method cannot determine whether the nonlinear system is stable or unstable. The second method of Lyapunov stability analysis, i.e. Lyapunov direct method, is also applied. By using this method, it can be known that the equilibrium point of this depth positioning system is unstable, furthermore, nonlinear approach, i.e. state-space feedback linearization and inputoutput feedback linearization, are also used to stabilize this system. These control strategies are then simulated in MATLAB/Simulink. All control strategies designed in this thesis can asymptotically stabilize the equilibrium point, for t →∞ , e→0 . The linearized approximation approach is the fastest to reach steady state compare to the others, but it consumes more power. For tracking a trajectory, input-output linearization gives better performance compare to the others by resulting smallest error. If the change of trajectory is constant, then error of input-output feedback linearization converges to zero. For linearized approach and state-space feedback linearization, if change of input is 0.1ms−1 then absolute error converge to 2.408m and 6.082m respectively, and if change input is 0.2ms−1 then absolute error converge to 6.361m and 12.163m respectively

    Analisis Pendapatan USAha Ikan Mas Sistem Keramba Jaring Apung dan Pemasarannya di Kabupaten Simalungun

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    This research was aimed at estimating the level of earnings and efficiency obtained by farmer of goldfish with floating net cage system and to investigating the form of marketing channel from floating net cage system from Kelurahan Haranggaol to consumer in Kabanjahe Kabupaten Karo. This research executed in Kelurahan Haranggaol, Kecamatan Haranggaol Horisan, Kabupaten Simalungun, North Sumatera. Fourty samples of goldfish farmer with floating net cage system were slected using simple random sampling method. R/C ratio marjin marketing analysis were used to answer the research purposes. Research resulted farmer carred Rp 107.461.246,06 per season or with R/C ratio of 1,83. The marketing channel from Kelurahan Haranggaol to consumer in Kabanjahe is identified one channel pattern, that is, compiler merchant to dealers on Kabanjahe and than to Consumer in Kabanjahe. The marjin of marketing is equal to Rp 900 at merchant of compiler and Rp 1.850 at dealer.Total of marketing marjin is equal to Rp 2.750


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    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to improve the reading skills of melodic notation through singing activities for sixth grade elementary school students. Forms of this study is action research as much as 3 cycles. Each cycle consists of aempat yaity stages of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Techniques of data collection using interviews, observation, testing, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is a technical analyst interactive model of Miles and Hubberman which includes three components namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Based on the action research conducted in three cycles mentioned above it can be concluded that through singing activities to improve reading skills for elementary students melodic notation. Abstrak : Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca notasi melodi melalui kegiatan bernyanyi bagi siswa kelas VI SD. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas sebanyak 3 siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknis analis model interaktif dari Miles dan Hubberman yang meliputi tiga komponen yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus tersebut di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui kegiatan bernyanyi dapat meningkatkan keterampilan membaca notasi melodi bagi siswa SD. Kata Kunci : Membaca Notasi Melodi, Kegiatan Bernyany

    Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Based PID for Movement Control of Two-Wheeled Balancing Robot

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    Two-wheeled balancing robot is a mobile robot that has helped various human’s jobs such as the transportations. To control stability is still be the challenges for researchers. Three equations are obtained by analyzing the dynamics of the robot with the Newton approach. To control three degrees of freedom (DOF) of the robot, PIDs is tuned automatically and optimized by multivariable Modified Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO). Some parameters of the PSO process are modified to be a nonlinear function. The inertia weight and learning factor variable on PSO are modified to decreasing exponentially and increasing exponentially, respectively. The Integral Absolute Error (IAE) and Integral Square Error (ISE) evaluate the error values. The performances of MPSO and PSO classic are tested by several Benchmark functions. The results of the Benchmark Function show that Modified PSO proposed to produce less error and overshoot. Therefore, the MPSO purposed are implemented to the plant of balancing robot to control the angle, the position, and the heading of the robot. The result of the simulation built shows that the MPSO – PID can make the robot moves to the desired positions and maintain the stability of the angle of the robot. The input of distance and angle of the robot are coupling so MPSO needs six variable to optimize the PID parameters of balancing and distance control
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