1,227 research outputs found

    A new design for the CERN-Fr\'ejus neutrino Super Beam

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    We present an optimization of the hadron focusing system for a low-energy high-intensity conventional neutrino beam (Super-Beam) proposed on the basis of the HP-SPL at CERN with a beam power of 4 MW and an energy of 4.5 GeV. The far detector would be a 440 kton Water Cherenkov detector (MEMPHYS) located at a baseline of 130 km in the Fr\'ejus site. The neutrino fluxes simulation relies on a new GEANT4 based simulation coupled with an optimization algorithm based on the maximization of the sensitivity limit on the θ13\theta_{13} mixing angle. A new configuration adopting a multiple horn system with solid targets is proposed which improves the sensitivity to θ13\theta_{13} and the CP violating phase δCP\delta_{CP}.Comment: 11 pages, 18 figures, 2 table

    Investigating rubidium density and temperature distributions in a high-throughput 129Xe-Rb spin-exchange optical pumping polarizer

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    Accurate knowledge of the rubidium (Rb) vapor density, [Rb] , is necessary to correctly model the spin dynamics of 129 Xe-Rb spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP). Here we present a systematic evaluation of [Rb] within a high-throughput 129 Xe-Rb hyperpolarizer during continuous-flow SEOP. Near-infrared (52S1/2→52P1/2 (D1)/52P3/2 (D2)) and violet (52S1/2→62P1/2 /62P3/2) atomic absorption spectroscopy was used to measure [Rb] within 3.5 L cylindrical SEOP cells containing different spatial distributions and amounts of Rb metal. We were able to quantify deviation from the Beer-Lambert law at high optical depth for D2 and 62P3/2 absorption by comparison with measurements of the D1 and 62P1/2 absorption lines, respectively. D2 absorption deviates from the Beer-Lambert law at [Rb]D2>4×1017 m−3 whilst 52S1/2→62P3/2 absorption deviates from the Beer-Lambert law at [Rb]6P3/2>(4.16±0.01)×1019 m−3. The measured [Rb] was used to estimate a 129 Xe-Rb spin exchange cross section of γ′=(1.2±0.1)×10−21 m3 s−1, consistent with spin-exchange cross sections from the literature. Significant [Rb] heterogeneity was observed in a SEOP cell containing 1 g of Rb localized at the back of the cell. While [Rb] homogeneity was improved for a greater surface area of the Rb source distribution in the cell, or by using a Rb presaturator, the measured [Rb] was consistently lower than that predicted by saturation Rb vapor density curves. Efforts to optimize [Rb] and thermal management within spin polarizer systems are necessary to maximize potential future enhancements of this technology

    OSETI with STACEE: A Search for Nanosecond Optical Transients from Nearby Stars

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    We have used the STACEE high-energy gamma-ray detector to look for fast blue-green laser pulses from the vicinity of 187 stars. The STACEE detector offers unprecedented light-collecting capability for the detection of nanosecond pulses from such lasers. We estimate STACEE's sensitivity to be approximately 10 photons per square meter at a wavelength of 420 nm. The stars have been chosen because their characteristics are such that they may harbor habitable planets and they are relatively close to Earth. Each star was observed for 10 minutes and we found no evidence for laser pulses in any of the data sets.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrobiolog

    New results on pushdown module checking with imperfect information

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    Model checking of open pushdown systems (OPD) w.r.t. standard branching temporal logics (pushdown module checking or PMC) has been recently investigated in the literature, both in the context of environments with perfect and imperfect information about the system (in the last case, the environment has only a partial view of the system's control states and stack content). For standard CTL, PMC with imperfect information is known to be undecidable. If the stack content is assumed to be visible, then the problem is decidable and 2EXPTIME-complete (matching the complexity of PMC with perfect information against CTL). The decidability status of PMC with imperfect information against CTL restricted to the case where the depth of the stack content is visible is open. In this paper, we show that with this restriction, PMC with imperfect information against CTL remains undecidable. On the other hand, we individuate an interesting subclass of OPDS with visible stack content depth such that PMC with imperfect information against the existential fragment of CTL is decidable and in 2EXPTIME. Moreover, we show that the program complexity of PMC with imperfect information and visible stack content against CTL is 2EXPTIME-complete (hence, exponentially harder than the program complexity of PMC with perfect information, which is known to be EXPTIME-complete).Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2011, arXiv:1106.081

    Resummation of Running Coupling Effects in Semileptonic B Meson Decays and Extraction of Vcb|V_{cb}|

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    We present a determination of Vcb|V_{cb}| from semileptonic B decays that includes resummation of supposedly large perturbative corrections, originating from the running of the strong coupling. We argue that the low value of the BLM scale found previously for inclusive decays is a manifestation of the renormalon divergence of the perturbative series starting already in third order. A reliable determination of Vcb|V_{cb}| from inclusive decays is possible if one either uses a short-distance b quark mass or eliminates all unphysical mass parameters in terms of measured observables, such that all infra-red contributions of order 1/mb1/m_b cancel explicitly. We find that using the MS\overline{\rm MS} running mass significantly reduces the perturbative coefficients already in low orders. For a semileptonic branching ratio of 10.9%10.9\% we obtain Vcb(τB/1.50ps)1/2=0.041±0.002|V_{cb}|(\tau_B/1.50\,{\rm ps})^{1/2}= 0.041\pm 0.002 from inclusive decays, in good agreement with the value extracted from exclusive decays.Comment: 37 pages + 4 figures, final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Entanglement can increase asymptotic rates of zero-error classical communication over classical channels

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    It is known that the number of different classical messages which can be communicated with a single use of a classical channel with zero probability of decoding error can sometimes be increased by using entanglement shared between sender and receiver. It has been an open question to determine whether entanglement can ever increase the zero-error communication rates achievable in the limit of many channel uses. In this paper we show, by explicit examples, that entanglement can indeed increase asymptotic zero-error capacity, even to the extent that it is equal to the normal capacity of the channel. Interestingly, our examples are based on the exceptional simple root systems E7 and E8.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figur

    Updated Analysis of a_1 and a_2 in Hadronic Two-body Decays of B Mesons

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    Using the recent experimental data of BD()(π,ρ)B\to D^{(*)}(\pi,\rho), BD()Ds()B\to D^{(*)} D_s^{(*)}, BJ/ψK()B\to J/\psi K^{(*)} and various model calculations on form factors, we re-analyze the effective coefficients a_1 and a_2 and their ratio. QCD and electroweak penguin corrections to a_1 from BD()Ds()B\to D^{(*)}D_s^{(*)} and a_2 from BJ/ψK()B\to J/\psi K^{(*)} are estimated. In addition to the model-dependent determination, the effective coefficient a_1 is also extracted in a model-independent way as the decay modes BD()hB\to D^{(*)}h are related by factorization to the measured semileptonic distribution of BD()νˉB\to D^{(*)}\ell \bar\nu at q2=mh2q^2=m_h^2. Moreover, this enables us to extract model-independent heavy-to-heavy form factors, for example, F0BD(mπ2)=0.66±0.06±0.05F_0^{BD}(m_\pi^2)=0.66\pm0.06\pm0.05 and A0BD(mπ2)=0.56±0.03±0.04A_0^{BD^*}(m_\pi^2)=0.56\pm0.03\pm0.04. The determination of the magnitude of a_2 from BJ/ψK()B\to J/\psi K^{(*)} depends on the form factors F1BKF_1^{BK}, A1,2BKA_{1,2}^{BK^*} and VBKV^{BK^*} at q2=mJ/ψ2q^2=m^2_{J/\psi}. By requiring that a_2 be process insensitive (i.e., the value of a_2 extracted from J/ψKJ/\psi K and J/ψKJ/\psi K^* states should be similar), as implied by the factorization hypothesis, we find that BK()B\to K^{(*)} form factors are severely constrained; they respect the relation F1BK(mJ/ψ2)1.9A1BK(mJ/ψ2)F_1^{BK}(m^2_{J/\psi})\approx 1.9 A_1^{BK^*}(m^2_{J/\psi}). Form factors A2BKA_2^{BK^*} and VBKV^{BK^*} at q2=mJ/ψ2q^2=m^2_{J/\psi} inferred from the measurements of the longitudinal polarization fraction and the P-wave component in BJ/ψKB\to J/\psi K^* are obtained. A stringent upper limit on a_2 is derived from the current bound on \ov B^0\to D^0\pi^0 and it is sensitive to final-state interactions.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures. Typos in Tables I and IX are corrected. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Constraints on R-parity violating supersymmetry from leptonic and semileptonic tau, B_d and B_s decays

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    We put constraints on several products of R-parity violating lambda lambda' and lambda' lambda' type couplings from leptonic and semileptonic tau, B_d and B_s decays. Most of them are one to two orders of magnitude better than the existing bounds, and almost free from theoretical uncertainties. A significant improvement of these bounds can be made in high luminosity tau-charm or B factories.Comment: 14 pages, latex. A few references added, two typos corrected. Version to be published in Physical Review

    Research applications of primary biodiversity databases in the digital age

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    Our world is in the midst of unprecedented change-climate shifts and sustained, widespread habitat degradation have led to dramatic declines in biodiversity rivaling historical extinction events. At the same time, new approaches to publishing and integrating previously disconnected data resources promise to help provide the evidence needed for more efficient and effective conservation and management. Stakeholders have invested considerable resources to contribute to online databases of species occurrences. However, estimates suggest that only 10% of biocollections are available in digital form. The biocollections community must therefore continue to promote digitization efforts, which in part requires demonstrating compelling applications of the data. Our overarching goal is therefore to determine trends in use of mobilized species occurrence data since 2010, as online systems have grown and now provide over one billion records. To do this, we characterized 501 papers that use openly accessible biodiversity databases. Our standardized tagging protocol was based on key topics of interest, including: database(s) used, taxa addressed, general uses of data, other data types linked to species occurrence data, and data quality issues addressed

    Spontaneous CP Violating Phase as The CKM Matrix Phase

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    We propose that the CP violating phase in the CKM mixing matrix is identical to the CP phases responsible for the spontaneous CP violation in the Higgs potential. A specific multi-Higgs model with Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry is constructed to realize this idea. The CP violating phase does not vanish when all Higgs masses become large. There are flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) interactions mediated by neutral Higgs bosons at the tree level. However, unlike general multi-Higgs models, the FCNC Yukawa couplings are fixed in terms of the quark masses and CKM mixing angles. Implications for meson-anti-meson mixing, including recent data on DDˉD-\bar D mixing, and neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) are studied. We find that the neutral Higgs boson masses can be at the order of one hundred GeV. The neutron EDM can be close to the present experimental upper bound.Comment: 16 pages, RevTex. Several typos corrected, and one reference adde