1,112 research outputs found

    Non-Resident Expert Testimony on Local Hospital Standards

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    This issue deals with the question of whether a medical expert witness need be a resident of the particular community in order to testify as to local hospital standards in that community. Generally, in cases involving medical malpractice, the courts have held that the expert witness must have practiced in the same or similar locality as the defendant doctor in order that his testimony be held admissible to establish the standard of medical care against which the defendant is to be held

    Non-Resident Expert Testimony on Local Hospital Standards

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    This issue deals with the question of whether a medical expert witness need be a resident of the particular community in order to testify as to local hospital standards in that community. Generally, in cases involving medical malpractice, the courts have held that the expert witness must have practiced in the same or similar locality as the defendant doctor in order that his testimony be held admissible to establish the standard of medical care against which the defendant is to be held

    Journal Staff

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    Discoba (Excavata) is an ancient group of eukaryotes with great morphological and ecological diversity. Unlike the other major divisions of Discoba (Jakobida and Euglenozoa), little is known about the mitochondrial DNAs(mtDNAs) of Heterolobosea. We have assembled a complete mtDNA genome from the aggregating heterolobosean amoeba, Acrasis kona, which consists of a single circular highly AT-rich (83.3%) molecule of 51.5 kb. Unexpectedly, A. kona mtDNA is missing roughly 40% of the protein-coding genes and nearly half of the transfer RNAs found in the only other sequenced heterolobosean mtDNAs, those of Naegleria spp. Instead, over a quarter of A. kona mtDNA consists of novel open reading frames. Eleven of the 16 protein-coding genes missing from A. kona mtDNA were identified in its nuclear DNA and polyA RNA, and phylogenetic analyses indicate that at least 10 of these 11 putative nuclear-encoded mitochondrial (NcMt) proteins arose by direct transfer from the mitochondrion. Acrasis kona mtDNA also employs C-to-U type RNA editing, and 12 homologs of DYW-type pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins implicated in plant organellar RNA editing are found in A. kona nuclear DNA. A mapping of mitochondrial gene content onto a consensus phylogeny reveals a sporadic pattern of relative stasis and rampant gene loss in Discoba. Rampant loss occurred independently in the unique common lineage leading to Heterolobosea + Tsukubamonadida and later in the unique lineage leading to Acrasis. Meanwhile, mtDNA gene content appears to be remarkably stable in the Acrasis sister lineage leading to Naegleria and in their distant relatives Jakobida

    Precision cluster mass determination from weak lensing

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    Weak gravitational lensing has been used extensively in the past decade to constrain the masses of galaxy clusters, and is the most promising observational technique for providing the mass calibration necessary for precision cosmology with clusters. There are several challenges in estimating cluster masses, particularly (a) the sensitivity to astrophysical effects and observational systematics that modify the signal relative to the theoretical expectations, and (b) biases that can arise due to assumptions in the mass estimation method, such as the assumed radial profile of the cluster. All of these challenges are more problematic in the inner regions of the cluster, suggesting that their influence would ideally be suppressed for the purpose of mass estimation. However, at any given radius the differential surface density measured by lensing is sensitive to all mass within that radius, and the corrupted signal from the inner parts is spread out to all scales. We develop a new statistic Ï’(R; R0) that is ideal for estimation of cluster masses because it completely eliminates mass contributions below a chosen scale (which we suggest should be about 20 per cent of the virial radius), and thus reduces sensitivity to systematic and astrophysical effects. We use simulated and analytical profiles including shape noise to quantify systematic biases on the estimated masses for several standard methods of mass estimation, finding that these can lead to significant mass biases that range from 10 to over 50 per cent. The mass uncertainties when using the new statistic Ï’(R; R0) are reduced by up to a factor of 10 relative to the standard methods, while only moderately increasing the statistical errors. This new method of mass estimation will enable a higher level of precision in future science work with weak lensing mass estimates for galaxy cluster

    Minimizing the stochasticity of halos in large-scale structure surveys

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    In recent work (Seljak, Hamaus and Desjacques 2009) it was found that weighting central halo galaxies by halo mass can significantly suppress their stochasticity relative to the dark matter, well below the Poisson model expectation. In this paper we extend this study with the goal of finding the optimal mass-dependent halo weighting and use NN-body simulations to perform a general analysis of halo stochasticity and its dependence on halo mass. We investigate the stochasticity matrix, defined as Cij≡<(δi−biδm)(δj−bjδm)>C_{ij}\equiv<(\delta_i -b_i\delta_m)(\delta_j-b_j\delta_m)>, where δm\delta_m is the dark matter overdensity in Fourier space, δi\delta_i the halo overdensity of the ii-th halo mass bin and bib_i the halo bias. In contrast to the Poisson model predictions we detect nonvanishing correlations between different mass bins. We also find the diagonal terms to be sub-Poissonian for the highest-mass halos. The diagonalization of this matrix results in one large and one low eigenvalue, with the remaining eigenvalues close to the Poisson prediction 1/nˉ1/\bar{n}, where nˉ\bar{n} is the mean halo number density. The eigenmode with the lowest eigenvalue contains most of the information and the corresponding eigenvector provides an optimal weighting function to minimize the stochasticity between halos and dark matter. We find this optimal weighting function to match linear mass weighting at high masses, while at the low-mass end the weights approach a constant whose value depends on the low-mass cut in the halo mass function. Finally, we employ the halo model to derive the stochasticity matrix and the scale-dependent bias from an analytical perspective. It is remarkably successful in reproducing our numerical results and predicts that the stochasticity between halos and the dark matter can be reduced further when going to halo masses lower than we can resolve in current simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, matched the published version in Phys. Rev. D including one new figur

    Chronology of dune development in the White River Badlands, northern Great Plains, USA

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    Aeolian dune field chronologies provide important information on drought history on the Great Plains. The White River Badlands (WRB) dunes are located approximately 60 km north of the Nebraska Sand Hills (NSH), in the western section of the northern Great Plains. Clifftop dunes, sand sheets, and stabilized northwest-southeast trending parabolic dunes are found on upland mesas and buttes, locally called tables. The result of this study is a dune stabilization history determined from samples collected from stratigraphic exposures and dune crests. Thirty-seven OSL ages, from this and previous investigations, show three periods of dune activity: 1) ~21,000 years ago to 12,000 years ago (a), 2) ~9 to 6 ka, and 3) post-700 a. Stratigraphic exposures and low-relief dune forms preserve evidence of late Pleistocene and middle Holocene dune development, while high-relief dune crests preserve evidence of late Holocene dune development. Results of 12 OSL ages from the most recent dune activation event indicate that Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) droughts and Little Ice Age (LIA) droughts caused dune reactivation on the tables. Dune reactivation was accompanied by other drought-driven geomorphological responses in the WRB, including fluvial incision of the prairie and formation of sod tables. Regional significance of the MCA and LIA droughts is supported by similarities in the aeolian chronologies of the NSH at 700–600 a and some western Great Plains dune fields at 420–210 a. Aerial photographs of the WRB show little activity during the Dust Bowl droughts of the 1930s

    Cosmology with phase statistics: parameter forecasts and detectability of BAO

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    We consider an alternative to conventional three-point statistics such as the bispectrum, which is purely based on the Fourier phases of the density field: the line correlation function. This statistic directly probes the non-linear clustering regime and contains information highly complementary to that contained in the power spectrum. In this work, we determine, for the first time, its potential to constrain cosmological parameters and detect baryon acoustic oscillations (hereafter BAOs). We show how to compute the line correlation function for a discrete sampled set of tracers that follow a local Lagrangian biasing scheme and demonstrate how it breaks the degeneracy between the amplitude of density fluctuations and the bias parameters of the model.We then derive analytic expressions for its covariance and show that it can be written as a sum of a Gaussian piece plus non-Gaussian corrections.We compare our predictions with a large ensemble of N-body simulations and confirm that BAOs do indeed modulate the signal of the line correlation function for scales 50–100 h−1Mpc and that the characteristic S-shape feature would be detectable in upcoming Stage IV surveys at the level of ∼4σ.We then focus on the cosmological information content and compute Fisher forecasts for an idealized Stage III galaxy redshift survey of volume V ∼ 10 h−3 Gpc3 and out to z = 1. We show that combining the line correlation function with the galaxy power spectrum and a Planck-like microwave background survey yields improvements up to a factor of 2 for parameters such as σ8, b1 and b2, compared with using only the two-point information alone
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