60 research outputs found

    Existence of nodal solutions for Dirac equations with singular nonlinearities

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    We prove, by a shooting method, the existence of infinitely many solutions of the form ψ(x0,x)=e−iΩx0χ(x)\psi(x^0,x) = e^{-i\Omega x^0}\chi(x) of the nonlinear Dirac equation {equation*} i\underset{\mu=0}{\overset{3}{\sum}} \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \psi- m\psi - F(\bar{\psi}\psi)\psi = 0 {equation*} where Ω>m>0,\Omega>m>0, χ\chi is compactly supported and \[F(x) = \{{array}{ll} p|x|^{p-1} & \text{if} |x|>0 0 & \text{if} x=0 {array}.] with p∈(0,1),p\in(0,1), under some restrictions on the parameters pp and Ω.\Omega. We study also the behavior of the solutions as pp tends to zero to establish the link between these equations and the M.I.T. bag model ones
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