7,440 research outputs found

    Avoidable flaws in observational analyses: an application to statins and cancer

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    The increasing availability of large healthcare databases is fueling an intense debate on whether real-world data should play a role in the assessment of the benefit–risk of medical treatments. In many observational studies, for example, statin users were found to have a substantially lower risk of cancer than in meta-analyses of randomized trials. Although such discrepancies are often attributed to a lack of randomization in the observational studies, they might be explained by flaws that can be avoided by explicitly emulating a target trial (the randomized trial that would answer the question of interest). Using the electronic health records of 733,804 UK adults, we emulated a target trial of statins and cancer and compared our estimates with those obtained using previously applied analytic approaches. Over the 10-yr follow-up, 28,408 individuals developed cancer. Under the target trial approach, estimated observational analogs of intention-to-treat and per-protocol 10-yr cancer-free survival differences were −0.5% (95% confidence interval (CI) −1.0%, 0.0%) and −0.3% (95% CI −1.5%, 0.5%), respectively. By contrast, previous analytic approaches yielded estimates that appeared to be strongly protective. Our findings highlight the importance of explicitly emulating a target trial to reduce bias in the effect estimates derived from observational analyses

    Temperature-Induced Phase Shift of Daily Rhythm of Serum Prolactin in Gulf Killifish

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    Daily variations in circulating levels of the pituitary hormone prolactin have been reported in several vertebrates, including fishes. In some animals, the 24-h rhythm changes seasonally with respect to the time of day that maximum and minimum prolactin levels occur. It has been hypothesised that this seasonal change in phase of prolactin rhythm is an important component of the mechanism controlling seasonality in vertebrates. Because water temperature is generally considered the principal environmental regulator of seasonal changes in reproduction and metabolism in many fishes, including the gulf killifish Fundulus grandis, we determined the daily rhythm of serum prolactin concentrations in fish held at temperatures that are stimulatory (20 °C) or inhibitory (28 °C) for reproductive development. We found that an increase in water temperature from 20° to 28 °C phase shifts the daily variation of serum prolactin with respect to the daily photoperiod in F. grandis

    Neutrino masses from new generations

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    We reconsider the possibility that Majorana masses for the three known neutrinos are generated radiatively by the presence of a fourth generation and one right-handed neutrino with Yukawa couplings and a Majorana mass term. We find that the observed light neutrino mass hierarchy is not compatible with low energy universality bounds in this minimal scenario, but all present data can be accommodated with five generations and two right-handed neutrinos. Within this framework, we explore the parameter space regions which are currently allowed and could lead to observable effects in neutrinoless double beta decay, μ−e\mu - e conversion in nuclei and μ→eγ\mu \rightarrow e \gamma experiments. We also discuss the detection prospects at LHC.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures. Version to be published. Some typos corrected. Improved figures 3 and

    Coordination of opposing sex-specific and core muscle groups regulates male tail posture during Caenorhabditis elegans male mating behavior

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    Background To survive and reproduce, animals must be able to modify their motor behavior in response to changes in the environment. We studied a complex behavior of Caenorhabditis elegans, male mating behavior, which provided a model for understanding motor behaviors at the genetic, molecular as well as circuit level. C. elegans male mating behavior consists of a series of six sub-steps: response to contact, backing, turning, vulva location, spicule insertion, and sperm transfer. The male tail contains most of the sensory structures required for mating, in addition to the copulatory structures, and thus to carry out the steps of mating behavior, the male must keep his tail in contact with the hermaphrodite. However, because the hermaphrodite does not play an active role in mating and continues moving, the male must modify his tail posture to maintain contact. We provide a better understanding of the molecular and neuro-muscular pathways that regulate male tail posture during mating. Results Genetic and laser ablation analysis, in conjunction with behavioral assays were used to determine neurotransmitters, receptors, neurons and muscles required for the regulation of male tail posture. We showed that proper male tail posture is maintained by the coordinated activity of opposing muscle groups that curl the tail ventrally and dorsally. Specifically, acetylcholine regulates both ventral and dorsal curling of the male tail, partially through anthelmintic levamisole-sensitive, nicotinic receptor subunits. Male-specific muscles are required for acetylcholine-driven ventral curling of the male tail but dorsal curling requires the dorsal body wall muscles shared by males and hermaphrodites. Gamma-aminobutyric acid activity is required for both dorsal and ventral acetylcholine-induced curling of the male tail and an inhibitory gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor, UNC-49, prevents over-curling of the male tail during mating, suggesting that cross-inhibition of muscle groups helps maintain proper tail posture. Conclusion Our results demonstrated that coordination of opposing sex-specific and core muscle groups, through the activity of multiple neurotransmitters, is required for regulation of male tail posture during mating. We have provided a simple model for regulation of male tail posture that provides a foundation for studies of how genes, molecular pathways, and neural circuits contribute to sensory regulation of this motor behavior

    Identification of Combinatorial Patterns of Post-Translational Modifications on Individual Histones in the Mouse Brain

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    Post-translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins are biochemical processes required for cellular functions and signalling that occur in every sub-cellular compartment. Multiple protein PTMs exist, and are established by specific enzymes that can act in basal conditions and upon cellular activity. In the nucleus, histone proteins are subjected to numerous PTMs that together form a histone code that contributes to regulate transcriptional activity and gene expression. Despite their importance however, histone PTMs have remained poorly characterised in most tissues, in particular the brain where they are thought to be required for complex functions such as learning and memory formation. Here, we report the comprehensive identification of histone PTMs, of their combinatorial patterns, and of the rules that govern these patterns in the adult mouse brain. Based on liquid chromatography, electron transfer, and collision-induced dissociation mass spectrometry, we generated a dataset containing a total of 10,646 peptides from H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4, and variants in the adult brain. 1475 of these peptides carried one or more PTMs, including 141 unique sites and a total of 58 novel sites not described before. We observed that these PTMs are not only classical modifications such as serine/threonine (Ser/Thr) phosphorylation, lysine (Lys) acetylation, and Lys/arginine (Arg) methylation, but also include several atypical modifications such as Ser/Thr acetylation, and Lys butyrylation, crotonylation, and propionylation. Using synthetic peptides, we validated the presence of these atypical novel PTMs in the mouse brain. The application of data-mining algorithms further revealed that histone PTMs occur in specific combinations with different ratios. Overall, the present data newly identify a specific histone code in the mouse brain and reveal its level of complexity, suggesting its potential relevance for higher-order brain functions

    Validação conceitual das características definidoras de diagnósticos de enfermagem respiratórios em neonatos

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    OBJECTIVE:To develop and validate conceptual and operational definitions for the defining characteristics of the respiratory nursing diagnoses, ineffective breathing pattern, impaired gas exchange and impaired spontaneous ventilation, in newborns.METHODS:This was a methodological study of conceptual validation of the defining characteristics of three respiratory nursing diagnoses, by consensus analysis of a committee of five specialist nurses, and then a group of five non-nursing professionals, using the Delphi technique.RESULTS:After two rounds of evaluation, consensus was obtained that was equal to or greater than 80% on all of the definitions, which were then considered validated.CONCLUSION:The definitions developed for the defining characteristics of three nursing diagnoses were validated with a high level of consensus.OBJETIVO:Elaborar e validar definições conceituais e operacionais para as características definidoras dos diagnósticos de enfermagem respiratórios, Padrão Respiratório Ineficaz, Troca de Gases Prejudicada e Ventilação Espontânea Prejudicada em recém-nascidos.MÉTODOS:Estudo metodológico, de validação conceitual das características definidoras dos três diagnósticos de enfermagem respiratórios por meio da análise de consenso de um comitê de cinco enfermeiras especialistas e de cinco profissionais não enfermeiros, utilizando a técnica Delphi.RESULTADOS:Após duas rodadas de avaliação, obteve-se consenso igual ou superior a 80% na totalidade das definições, sendo consideradas validadas.CONCLUSÃO:As definições elaboradas para as características definidoras dos três diagnósticos de enfermagem foram validadas com elevado grau de consenso.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de EnfermagemUNIFESP, EPESciEL

    Spatio-temporal optimization of sampling for bluetongue vectors (<em>Culicoides</em>) near grazing livestock

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    BACKGROUND: Estimating the abundance of Culicoides using light traps is influenced by a large variation in abundance in time and place. This study investigates the optimal trapping strategy to estimate the abundance or presence/absence of Culicoides on a field with grazing animals. We used 45 light traps to sample specimens from the Culicoides obsoletus species complex on a 14 hectare field during 16 nights in 2009. FINDINGS: The large number of traps and catch nights enabled us to simulate a series of samples consisting of different numbers of traps (1-15) on each night. We also varied the number of catch nights when simulating the sampling, and sampled with increasing minimum distances between traps. We used resampling to generate a distribution of different mean and median abundance in each sample. Finally, we used the hypergeometric distribution to estimate the probability of falsely detecting absence of vectors on the field. The variation in the estimated abundance decreased steeply when using up to six traps, and was less pronounced when using more traps, although no clear cutoff was found. CONCLUSIONS: Despite spatial clustering in vector abundance, we found no effect of increasing the distance between traps. We found that 18 traps were generally required to reach 90% probability of a true positive catch when sampling just one night. But when sampling over two nights the same probability level was obtained with just three traps per night. The results are useful for the design of vector monitoring programmes on fields with grazing animals
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