36 research outputs found

    Native and Non-Native Plants Provide Similar Refuge to Invertebrate Prey, but Less than Artificial Plants

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    Non-native species introductions are widespread and can affect ecosystem functioning by altering the structure of food webs. Invading plants often modify habitat structure, which may affect the suitability of vegetation as refuge and could thus impact predator-prey dynamics. Yet little is known about how the replacement of native by non-native vegetation affects predator-prey dynamics. We hypothesize that plant refuge provisioning depends on (1) the plant’s native status, (2) plant structural complexity and morphology, (3) predator identity, and (4) prey identity, as well as that (5) structurally similar living and artificial plants provide similar refuge. We used aquatic communities as a model system and compared the refuge provided by plants to macroinvertebrates (Daphnia pulex, Gammarus pulex and damselfly larvae) in three short-term laboratory predation experiments. Plant refuge provisioning differed between plant species, but was generally similar for native (Myriophyllum spicatum, Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton perfoliatus) and non-native plants (Vallisneria spiralis, Myriophyllum heterophyllum, Cabomba caroliniana). However, plant refuge provisioning to macroinvertebrate prey depended primarily on predator (mirror carp: Cyprinus carpio carpio and dragonfly larvae: Anax imperator) and prey identity, while the effects of plant structural complexity were only minor. Contrary to living plants, artificial plant analogues did improve prey survival, particularly with increasing structural complexity and shoot density. As such, plant rigidity, which was high for artificial plants and one of the living plant species evaluated in this study (Ceratophyllum demersum), may interact with structural complexity to play a key role in refuge provisioning to specific prey (Gammarus pulex). Our results demonstrate that replacement of native by structurally similar non-native vegetation is unlikely to greatly affect predator-prey dynamics. We propose that modification of predator-prey interactions through plant invasions only occurs when invading plants radically differ in growth form, density and rigidity compared to native plants

    Wat de vis eet, zal hij zaaien : Zaadverspreiding van water- en oeverplanten door vis

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    Het is essentieel voor planten om hun zaden te verspreiden over groteafstanden. Daarvoor maken ze gebruik van diverse vectoren zoals water,wind en dieren. Recent onderzoek laat zien dat ook vissen hierbij eenbelangrijke rol spelen

    Verspreiding van de Bittervoorn langs de Maas in Noord-Limburg: Incidaties voor een regionale metapopulatiestructuur.

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    In dit artikel wordt de verspreiding van de Bittervoorn (Rhodeus sericeus amarus Bloch 1782) in 15 uiterwaardplassen langs de Maas in Noord-Limburg beschreven. Deze werden gedurende de jaren 2010 en 2011 vijfmaal bemonsterd. De Bittervoorn is in tien van de 15 plassen aangetroffen. In negen ervan zijn tijdens schepnetbemonsteringen ook grote zoetwatermosselen opgeschept, wat doet vermoeden dat deze algemeen in de uiterwaarden voorkomen. De aanwezigheid van zoetwatermosselen is, door de unieke paarsymbiose tussen beide soorten, een voorwaarde voor succesvolle voortplanting van de Bittervoorn. Op basis van vangsten van kleine pas uit het ei gekomen vissen blijkt dat de Bittervoorn zich in 2011 in vijf uiterwaardplassen heeft voortgeplant. Tot slot wordt inzichtelijk gemaakt dat de Bittervoornpopulaties in de uiterwaarden een aantal kenmerken vertonen die karakteristiek zijn voor een metapopulatie

    The experimental study of seed dispersal by fish (ichthyochory)

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    1.The last few years have seen an increased interest in the experimental study of seed dispersal by fish (ichthyochory). This paper reviews such experiments, aiming to determine what functional aspects of ichthyochory have been investigated, what experimental designs have been used and what the potential pitfalls are. 2.The process of seed dispersal by fish can be divided into six discrete stages, each with its own probability of occurrence and each individually quantifiable in seed feeding trials: (i) seed uptake, (ii) ingestion, (iii) retention time, (iv) survival, (v) germination probability and (vi) germination rate after gut passage. 3. Inter- and intraspecific variation in seed traits (e.g. size, coat hardness, coat morphology, colour, presence and chemical composition of fruit pulp) and characteristics of fish (e.g. gape width, jaw morphology, presence of teeth, length of the digestive tract and digestive capability) can significantly affect the probability of one or more of the six stages of ichthyochory, thereby affecting the probability and distance of seed dispersal by fish. 4. To date only seven studies, which together investigated a total of nine fish species and 25 plant species, have used feeding experiments to study one or more of these quantifiable stages in the ichthyochory process. There is a clear bias in the research questions towards assessing seed survival during passage through the gut and subsequent viability. Only a few studies focus on seed retention in the digestive tract and germination rate, and even fewer address seed ingestion. 5. There is also considerable variation in experimental design among studies: Some have used groups of fish, while others used fish that are individually housed; some have fed seeds to hungry fish, while others used sated fish; some studied germination of seeds dissected from the alimentary tract, rather than seeds recovered from the faeces. 6. I present a number of recommendations for a more standardised protocol for future experimental studies of zoochory in general, and ichthyochory in particular, and highlight areas of interest for future research.

    Verspreiding van de Bittervoorn langs de Maas in Noord-Limburg: Incidaties voor een regionale metapopulatiestructuur.

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    In dit artikel wordt de verspreiding van de Bittervoorn (Rhodeus sericeus amarus Bloch 1782) in 15 uiterwaardplassen langs de Maas in Noord-Limburg beschreven. Deze werden gedurende de jaren 2010 en 2011 vijfmaal bemonsterd. De Bittervoorn is in tien van de 15 plassen aangetroffen. In negen ervan zijn tijdens schepnetbemonsteringen ook grote zoetwatermosselen opgeschept, wat doet vermoeden dat deze algemeen in de uiterwaarden voorkomen. De aanwezigheid van zoetwatermosselen is, door de unieke paarsymbiose tussen beide soorten, een voorwaarde voor succesvolle voortplanting van de Bittervoorn. Op basis van vangsten van kleine pas uit het ei gekomen vissen blijkt dat de Bittervoorn zich in 2011 in vijf uiterwaardplassen heeft voortgeplant. Tot slot wordt inzichtelijk gemaakt dat de Bittervoornpopulaties in de uiterwaarden een aantal kenmerken vertonen die karakteristiek zijn voor een metapopulatie

    On the occurrence of the Asiatic cyprinid Pseudorasbora parva in the Netherlands

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    A large scale inventory along the Meuse River (the Netherlands), showed that floodplain lakes function as spawning, nursery and adult habitats, while the main river channel merely serves as a dispersal corridor for adult Pseudorasbora parva, one of the most successful invasive fish species that have colonized Europe