1,058 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional Packing in Prolate Granular Materials

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    We investigate the two-dimensional packing of extremely prolate (aspect ratio α=L/D>10\alpha=L/D>10) granular materials, comparing experiments with Monte-Carlo simulations. The average packing fraction of particles with aspect ratio α=12\alpha=12 is 0.68±0.030.68\pm0.03. We quantify the orientational correlation of particles and find a correlation length of two particle lengths. The functional form of the decay of orientational correlation is the same in both experiments and simulations spanning three orders of magnitude in aspect ratio. This function decays over a distance of two particle lengths. It is possible to identify voids in the pile with sizes ranging over two orders of magnitude. The experimental void distribution function is a power law with exponent −ÎČ=−2.43±0.08-\beta=-2.43\pm0.08. Void distributions in simulated piles do not decay as a power law, but do show a broad tail. We extend the simulation to investigate the scaling at very large aspect ratios. A geometric argument predicts the pile number density to scale as α−2\alpha^{-2}. Simulations do indeed scale this way, but particle alignment complicates the picture, and the actual number densities are quite a bit larger than predicted.Comment: 6 pages + 10 ps/eps figure

    Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction: An Updated Evidence-Based Approach for Enhanced Muscular Development

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    A growing body of evidence supports the use of moderate blood flow restriction (BFR) combined with low-load resistance exercise to enhance hypertrophic and strength responses in skeletal muscle. Research also suggests that BFR during low-workload aerobic exercise can result in small but significant morphological and strength gains, and BFR alone may attenuate atrophy during periods of unloading. While BFR appears to be beneficial for both clinical and athletic cohorts, there is currently no common consensus amongst scientists and practitioners regarding the best practice for implementing BFR methods. If BFR is not employed appropriately, there is a risk of injury to the participant. It is also important to understand how variations in the cuff application can affect the physiological responses and subsequent adaptation to BFR training. The optimal way to manipulate acute exercise variables, such as exercise type, load, volume, inter-set rest periods and training frequency, must also be considered prior to designing a BFR training programme. The purpose of this review is to provide an evidence-based approach to implementing BFR exercise. These guidelines could be useful for practitioners using BFR training in either clinical or athletic settings, or for researchers in the design of future studies investigating BFR exercise

    Game Refinement Relations and Metrics

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    We consider two-player games played over finite state spaces for an infinite number of rounds. At each state, the players simultaneously choose moves; the moves determine a successor state. It is often advantageous for players to choose probability distributions over moves, rather than single moves. Given a goal, for example, reach a target state, the question of winning is thus a probabilistic one: what is the maximal probability of winning from a given state? On these game structures, two fundamental notions are those of equivalences and metrics. Given a set of winning conditions, two states are equivalent if the players can win the same games with the same probability from both states. Metrics provide a bound on the difference in the probabilities of winning across states, capturing a quantitative notion of state similarity. We introduce equivalences and metrics for two-player game structures, and we show that they characterize the difference in probability of winning games whose goals are expressed in the quantitative mu-calculus. The quantitative mu-calculus can express a large set of goals, including reachability, safety, and omega-regular properties. Thus, we claim that our relations and metrics provide the canonical extensions to games, of the classical notion of bisimulation for transition systems. We develop our results both for equivalences and metrics, which generalize bisimulation, and for asymmetrical versions, which generalize simulation

    Random close packing of granular matter

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    We propose an interpretation of the random close packing of granular materials as a phase transition, and discuss the possibility of experimental verification.Comment: 6 page

    Field deployments of a self-contained subsea platform for acoustic monitoring of the environment around marine renewable energy structurea

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    The drive towards sustainable energy has seen rapid development of marine renewable energy devices, and current efforts are focusing on wave and tidal stream energy. The NERC/DEFRA collaboration FLOWBEC-4D (Flow, Water column & Benthic Ecology 4D) is addressing the lack of knowledge of the environmental and ecological effects of installing and operating large arrays of wave and tidal energy devices. The FLOWBEC sonar platform combines a number of instruments to record information at a range of physical and multi-trophic levels. Data are recorded at a resolution of several measurements per second, for durations of 2 weeks to capture an entire spring-neap tidal cycle. An upward-facing multifrequency Simrad EK60 echosounder (38, 120 and 200 kHz) is synchronized with an upward-facing Imagenex 837B Delta T multibeam sonar (120° × 20° beamwidth, 260 kHz) aligned with the tidal flow. An ADV is used for local current measurements and a fluorometer is used to measure chlorophyll (as a proxy for plankton) and turbidity. The platform is self-contained with no cables or anchors, facilitating rapid deployment and recovery in high-energy sites and flexibility in allowing baseline data to be gathered. Five 2-week deployments were completed in 2012 and 2013 at wave and tidal energy sites, both in the presence and absence of renewable energy structures. These surveys were conducted at the European Marine Energy Centre, Orkney, UK. Algorithms for noise removal, target detection and target tracking have been written using a combination of LabVIEW, MATLAB and Echoview. Target morphology, behavior and frequency response are used to aid target classification, with concurrent shore-based seabird observations used to ground truth the acoustic data. Using this information, the depth preference and interactions of birds, fish schools and marine mammals with renewable energy structures can be tracked. Seabird and mammal dive profiles, predator-prey interactions a- d the effect of hydrodynamic processes during foraging events throughout the water column can also be analyzed. These datasets offer insights into how fish, seabirds and marine mammals successfully forage within dynamic marine habitats and also whether individuals face collision risks with tidal stream turbines. Measurements from the subsea platform are complemented by 3D hydrodynamic model data and concurrent shore-based marine X-band radar. This range of concurrent fine-scale information across physical and trophic levels will improve our understanding of how the fine-scale physical influence of currents, waves and turbulence at tidal and wave energy sites affect the behavior of marine wildlife, and how tidal and wave energy devices might alter the behavior of such wildlife. Together, the results from these deployments increase our environmental understanding of the physical and ecological effects of installing and operating marine renewable energy devices. These results can be used to guide marine spatial planning, device design, licensing and operation, as individual devices are scaled up to arrays and new sites are considered. The combination of our current technology and analytical approach can help to de-risk the licensing process by providing a higher level of certainty about the behavior of a range of mobile marine species in high energy environments. It is likely that this approach will lead to greater mechanistic understanding of how and why mobile predators use these high energy areas for foraging. If a fuller understanding and quantification can be achieved at single demonstration scales, and these are found to be similar, then the predictive power of the outcomes might lead to a wider strategic approach to monitoring and possibly lead to a reduction in the level of monitoring required at each commercial site

    The Abundance of New Kind of Dark Matter Structures

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    A new kind of dark matter structures, ultracompact minihalos (UCMHs) was proposed recently. They would be formed during the radiation dominated epoch if the large density perturbations are existent. Moreover, if the dark matter is made up of weakly interacting massive particles, the UCMHs can have effect on cosmological evolution because of the high density and dark matter annihilation within them. In this paper, one new parameter is introduced to consider the contributions of UCMHs due to the dark matter annihilation to the evolution of cosmology, and we use the current and future CMB observations to obtain the constraint on the new parameter and then the abundance of UCMHs. The final results are applicable for a wider range of dark matter parametersComment: 4 pages, 1 tabl

    Microextensive Chaos of a Spatially Extended System

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    By analyzing chaotic states of the one-dimensional Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation for system sizes L in the range 79 <= L <= 93, we show that the Lyapunov fractal dimension D scales microextensively, increasing linearly with L even for increments Delta{L} that are small compared to the average cell size of 9 and to various correlation lengths. This suggests that a spatially homogeneous chaotic system does not have to increase its size by some characteristic amount to increase its dynamical complexity, nor is the increase in dimension related to the increase in the number of linearly unstable modes.Comment: 5 pages including 4 figures. Submitted to PR

    In depth analysis of kinase cross screening data to identify CaMKK2 inhibitory scaffolds

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    The calcium/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase kinase 2 (CAMKK2) activates CAMK1, CAMK4, AMPK, and AKT, leading to numerous physiological responses. The deregulation of CAMKK2 is linked to several diseases, suggesting the utility of CAMKK2 inhibitors for oncological, metabolic and inflammatory indications. In this work, we demonstrate that STO‐609, frequently described as a selective inhibitor for CAMKK2, potently inhibits a significant number of other kinases. Through an analysis of literature and public databases, we have identified other potent CAMKK2 inhibitors and verified their activities in differential scanning fluorimetry and enzyme inhibition assays. These inhibitors are potential starting points for the development of selective CAMKK2 inhibitors and will lead to tools that delineate the roles of this kinase in disease biology.252CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP465651/2014-32013/50724-5; 2014/50897-0; 2019/14275-

    Lattice Study of the Decay B^0-bar -> rho^+ l^- nu_l-bar: Model-Independent Determination of |V_{ub}|

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    We present results of a lattice computation of the vector and axial-vector current matrix elements relevant for the semileptonic decay B^0-bar -> rho^+ l^- nu_l-bar. The computations are performed in the quenched approximation of lattice QCD on a 24^3 x 48 lattice at beta = 6.2, using an O(a) improved fermionic action. Our principal result is for the differential decay rate, dGamma/dq^2, for the decay B^0-bar -> rho^+ l^- nu_l-bar in a region beyond the charm threshold, allowing a model-independent extraction of |V_{ub}| from experimental measurements. Heavy quark symmetry relations between radiative and semileptonic decays of B-bar mesons into light vector mesons are also discussed.Comment: 22 pages LaTeX-209 (dependent on settings in a4.sty), 23 PostScript figures included with epsf.sty. Complete PostScript file including figures available at http://wwwhep.phys.soton.ac.uk/hepwww/papers/shep9518
