36 research outputs found


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    Fish waste (“ikan rucah”) is part of discarded fishing product, which is composed by non-food categorized fish (NFC-fish). Quality of NFC-fish meal that was made by dipping in extract of fermented vegetable’s waste has been reported better than commercial fish meal, but the effect after storing remained in question. Experiment was conducted to study the effect of different time of storing on physic-organoleptical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of the acidified NFC-fish meal that was made by dipped in extract of fermented vegetable’s waste (FVW-exctract). The NFC-Fish was soaked in the FVW-exctract by the ratio 1:1 (w/v) for 4 hours, and then it was dripped out and dried. The dried fish was ground passed through 20 mesh, kept into plastic bags and stored at the room temperature (23-25 °C and 70-80% RH) for 0, 1, 2 and 4 months. Physic-organoleptical, chemical and biologycal characteristics were parameters observed. Experiment was conducted by completely randomized design (CRD). Data were analysed by the GLM of SAS. Actual number of moisture, crude protein, extract ether, and proteolytic bacteria of fish meal were significantly influenced by time of storing (P<0.05). Dipping NFC-fish in the FVW-exctract effectively maintain the physical characteristics, pH, moisture, crude protein, extract ether and the number of proteolytic bacteria of fish meal up to 2 months of storage. Dipping NFC-fish in the FVW-exctract provide better characteristics on physical, chemical and microbiologycal than the commercial fish meal at the same condition of storage

    Physical and Microbiological Perfomances of Acidified Fish Meal Made by Dipping Into Extract Solution of Sauerkraut

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    An experiment was conducted to examine the influence of soaking time into extract solution ofSauerkraut on physic and microbial performances of acidified fish meal. Sauerkraut extract (LPS'ssollution) was made by fermentation of wastes vegetable market for 6 days. The LPS-extract was used toacidify " ikan rucah" by the method of dipping for 0, 4 and 8 hours. Changes in pH, the total number ofbacteria, fungi and proteolytic bacteria, moisture content, odor, colour and texture were parametersobserved. Results of experiment showed that total bacteria, fungi and proteolytic bacteria of acidifiedfish meal significantly influenced by soaking time (p <0.05). No significantly effect was shown to thephysically performance. LPS-extract in the soaking effectively reduced content of total bacteria, fungiand proteolytic's bacteria in fish meal

    Effect Of Different Techniques Of Acidification By Sauerkraut Extracts To Physical Performance Of Acidified Fish Meal

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    Abstract Research to obseme effect of diferent techniques o/ acidification by sauerkraut extracts to physicorganoleptically performance of acidified fish meal has been conducted in the Laboratory of Feed Technologt Faculty of Animal Science Diponegoro University. Extract of Sauerkraut is made by fermenting wastes of vegetable market (LPS) for 6 days, which is Etarting by molasses. Acidification of Wish by extract solution of LPS was conduct by dipping/or 0, 4 and 8 hours, and dippingfollowed by ensilingfor l0 days. Changes in pH, odor, color, texture and moisture content of acidified fish meal is parameters obsemed. Results of research indicate that the extract LPS can be used in the acidification of "Ikan rucah" by providing the value of pH j,4-4,9. Value of pH decreased with the soaking time, pH of fish in the form of post-acidification for 0, 4 and 8 hours, and soahngfollowed ensiling is 3,8; 4,0; 4.0 and 9.8. Acidified fish meal product of soaking 0 and 4 hours are characterized by typical smell ofextracl LPS, with a rather bright reddish color.  While soaking in 8 hours of extract of LPS provide typical smell of extract a bit Jlshy, with garnet color, and the Fish that was soakedfollowed by fermentationfor l0 days the smell is Fleshy fish with the color dark brown. The texture of the fish soaked Intact and slightly chewy, while the texture of fish that fermented to be soggt such as porridge. After drying the fish meal is made with lechniques of dipping smelly of fish meal and slightly sour smell, wilh light brown to brown color, while fish meal made withfermentation smell a bit rotten v,ith black brown color. Content of Moisture offish meal decreased in line with the time of soaking. It can be concluded that physical- organoleptically performance of Jish meal made with the dipping technique is better than that was made with ensiling. Keywords: acidifiedfish meal, dipping, ensiling, extracts Sauerkrau

    pH, Total Bacteria and Total Fungi Litter Fermentation at Different Ripening Durations

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    This study aims to examine the effect of fermentation time on pH levels, total bacteria and total fungi litter chicken fermented. The research method was carried out by collecting various chicken litters from 16 closed house cages in Semarang City, Demak Regency and Kendal Regency, then combined and fermented. The study used a completely randomized design in the direction of 4 treatments and 4 replications, the treatments were T0 = 0 week litter curing; T1 = 3 weeks litter curing; T2 = 6 weeks of litter curing; T3 = 9 weeks litter curing. The parameters observed were pH value, total bacteria and total litter fungi in broiler chickens. The results showed that there was a significant effect (P 0.05) on all treatments. The conclusion of this research is the best chicken litter fermentation at 6 weeks duration of ripening. Produce a total of bacteria and fungi as much as 0.25 x 103 CFU/g and indicated that they were not pathogenic bacteria and fungi

    Evaluasi Kandungan Coliform dan Salmonella Pelet Limbah Penetasan dengan Aditif Zeolit pada Lama Penyimpanan Berbeda

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    Penelitian untuk menguji kemampuan zeolit dalam menekan pertumbuhan Coliform dan Salmonella pada pelet limbah penetasan selama penyimpanan dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknologi Pakan, Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian, Universitas Diponegoro. Zeolit telah dilaporkan memiliki kemampuan khusus untuk menyerap zat, menukar ion dan sebagai katalisator. Zeolit ini diharapkan dapat menekan pertumbuhan bakteri patogen sehingga dapat memperpanjang masa simpan serta mempertahankan kualitas pelet. Dalam proses peleting, limbah penetasan ditambahkan dengan 0 dan 3% zeolit, kemudian pelet disimpan selama 4, 8, dan 12 minggu, dengan 3 ulangan dari masing-masing kombinasi perlakuan. Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa penambahan zeolit dalam proses peleting limbah penetasan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kandungan Coliform dalam pelet selama penyimpanan dan Salmonella negatif. Jumlah rata-rata bakteri Coliform berada pada kategori kritis standar keamanan bahan pakan yaitu 105 cfu/g. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan peleting efektif menekan pertumbuhan bakteri Coliform dan Salmonella, namun penambahan zeolit tidak efektif dalam menekan pertumbuhan patogen pada pelet limbah penetasan selama penyimpanan


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    ABSTRAK  Tujuan kegiatan adalah untuk membentuk/mengembangkan sekelompok masyarakat yang mandiri secara ekonomis, membantu menciptakan ketentraman, kenyamanan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir, dan manajemen pemeliharaan dan pengolahan pakan ternak kambing secara simultan sehingga dunia peternakan menjadi basis kegiatan masyarakat desa yang ramah lingkungan dan bernilai ekonomis.  Bagi staf pengajar dengan adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya wawasan dan wacananya yang dapat digunakan sebagai bekal dalam memberikan kuliah pada mahasiswa.  Secara umum kegiatan IbM di Kelompok tani ternak Kambing Sedayu berhasil dan mampu memotivasi dan menggiatkan semangat untuk maju dan berkembang melalui usaha ternak kambing.  Indikator keberhasilan program ditunjukkan dengan adanya kemampuan masyarakat/kelompok tani dalam penguasaan  teori,  teknik,  ketrampilan serta manajemen pembuatan pakan high protein bentuk pellet untuk pakan kambing.  Peserta  IbM diharapkan siap menjadi calon wirausahawan baru (WUB) dan mampu membuat perencanaan usaha (bisnis) yang sederhana. Indikator pencapaian tujuan yang lain terlihat dari kegiatan peserta IbM berhasil dengan baik dalam penguasaan teori  maupun praktek dengan komposisi penguasaan teori 25% dan ketrampilan/praktek 75%.  Respon positif dalam kegiatan ini tidak hanya untuk kelompok tani ternak kambing Sedayu, namun untuk peternak kambing se Kecamatan Dawe Kabupaten Kudu

    Characteristics, Stability and Antimicrobial Activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria (Leuconostoc SP) Isolated From Broiler\u27s Caecum During Storage

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    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is one of the natural microbe which widely used as fermentation agents.The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics, stability and antimicrobial properties oflactic acid bacteria (Leuconostoc sp) isolated from broiler\u27s caecum during storage. This research wasconducted by the Complete Randomized Design with 4 treatments (time of storage: 0, 2, 4 dan 6 weeks)with 12 replications. Parameters observed were total number and stability properties of Leuconostoc spisolate which known as lactic acid bacteria. The results obtained total number of Leuconostoc sp isolatewere significantly (P<0.05) decreased from 8 x 107 to 1 x 103 Colony Forming Unit (CFU)/mL duringstorage. Stability properties of Leuconostoc sp isolate were not affected by the time of storage.Antimicrobial activity of Leuconostoc sp were significantly (P<0.05) decreased from 9.94 to 8.68, 7.23and 6.14 mm during storage at 2, 4 and 6 weeks

    Kandungan Coliform dan Salmonella Pelet Limbah Penetasan dengan Penambahan Bentonit dan Lama Penyimpanan yang Berbeda

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    Penelitian untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan bentonit pada proses peleting limbah penetasan terhadap kandungan Coliform dan Salmonella dari produk pelet setelah penyimpanan pada waktu yang berbeda dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknologi Pakan, Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian, Universitas Diponegoro. Bentonit memiliki khasiat zat pengabsorpsi dan memiliki ukuran pori partikel lebih besar daripada bakteri sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya absorpsi bakteri ke dalam struktur bentonit dan menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan bisa memperpanjang umur produk pelet selama penyimpanan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan pola faktorial 2×3. Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah tingkat bentonit 0 dan 3%, serta waktu penyimpanan 4, 8 dan 12 minggu dengan 3 ulangan dari masing-masing kombinasi perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan bentonit 0 dan 3% tidak berpengaruh nyata (P0,05) terhadap jumlah Coliform pada pelet limbah penetasan setelah penyimpanan. Salmonella dalam pelet limbah penetasan pasca-peyimpanan negatif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses peleting mampu menekan kandungan Coliform dan Salmonella pada pelet limbah penetasan sampai pada ambang batas aman, namun penambahan bentonit belum efektif menekan pertumbuhan bakteri patogen selama peyimpanan