75 research outputs found

    Electrochemical processes and systems: application for tutors

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    The features of redox reactions and the principles of their balancing according to the medium composition are considered. The basic representations about electrochemical processes and systems are outlined. The reactions and principles of chemical sources of electric energy and electrolysis systems functioning are analyzed. A general idea is given about the chemical properties of metals, corrosion resistance in environments of various aggressiveness, and the protection principles are given. Multivariate tasks and exercises for students, and PhD student’s classroom and independent work are offered. For teachers, PhD students and students of universities of specialties "Chemical technologies and engineering", "Biotechnologies and bioengineering", "Oil and gas engineering and technologies".Розглянуто особливості окисно-відновних реакцій і принципи їх балансування залежно від складу середовища. Викладено фундаментальні уявлення про електрохімічні процеси і системи. Проаналізовано перебіг реакцій і принципи функціонування хімічних джерел електричної енергії та систем електролізу. Узагальнено уявлення щодо хімічних властивостей металів, корозійної стійкості у середовищах різної агресивності та наведено принципи організації захисту від руйнування. Запропоновано багатоваріантні завдання та вправи для аудиторної та самостійної роботи студентів і аспірантів. Розраховано на викладачів, аспірантів і студентів вищих навчальних закладів спеціальностей "Хімічні технології та інженерія”, "Біотехнології та біоінженерія", "Нафтогазова інженерія та технології"

    III-nitride based heterostructures on silicon for optics and electronics applications

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    Automated control system for a mashing process

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    The goal of this paper is to describe a system for a mashing process, which is the first part of brewing beer. The mashing is a procedure where the fermentable (and some non-fermentable) sugars are extracted from malts. The program part based on LabVIEW, which is used to control NI CompactRIO. The main target of the project is to reach a predefined levels of the temperatures and maintain it during the pauses. When the necessary break time is ended the system is ready to go to the new value. The precise control of the temperatures during the breaks is one of the critical factors that define the texture and alcohol content of the beer. The system has two tanks with resistors PT100 in both of them, heat exchanger (coil), heater and pump. The first tank has heating element in order to rise the temperature in the other one. This project has practical solution with all explanations and graphs which are proven working ability of this control system

    CPVMatch - Concentrating photovoltaic modules using advanced technologies and cells for highest efficiencies

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    This paper presents the project Concentrating Photovoltaic modules using advanced technologies and cells for highest efficiencies (CPVMatch), which is funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. V multi-junction solar cells and CPV modules. Concerning cells, novel wafer bonded four-junction solar cells made of GaInP/GaAs//GaInAs/Ge are optimized with the target of reaching 48% efficiency under concentration at the end of the project. Moreover, multi-junction solar cell technologies with advanced materials - like ternary IV element mixtures (i.e. SiGeSn) and nanostructured anti-reflective coatings - are investigated. Concerning CPV modules the project focuses on both Fresnel-based and mirror-based technologies with a target efficiency of 40% under high concentrations beyond 800x. Achromatic Fresnel lenses for improved light management without secondary optics are investigated. In addition, smart, mirror-based HCPV modules are developed, which include a new mirror-based design, the integration of high efficiency, low cost DC/DC converters and an intelligent tracking sensor (PSD sensor) at module level. A profound life-cycle and environmental assessment and the development of adapted characterization methods of new multi-junction cells and HCPV modules complete the work plan of CPVMatch

    Results on MOVPE SiGeSn deposition for the monolithic integration of III-V and IV elements in multi-junction solar cells

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    Abstract In order to produce a step forward towards the monolithic integration of III-V and IV compounds in multijunction solar cells, a first assessment of SiGeSn deposition in a metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) chamber also used for III-V growth has been carried out. The study brings insights on several aspects of the MOVPE SiGeSn growth in order to get a better control of SiGeSn composition and to obtain epitaxial layers with improved morphology. In particular, it is shown that the gas source Si2H6 is more influenced by the growth temperature compared to GeH4 and SnCl4, moreover, its competition with SnCl4 makes it difficult to incorporate Si in SiGeSn, as SnCl4 partial pressure is increased. SiGeSn morphology is shown to be strongly dependent on temperature, As carry-over and growth rate. A new growth model is introduced in order to explain the importance of the adatom bond lengths in inhibiting tin segregation when SiGeSn is grown at relatively high growth temperatures (>480 °C). In order to investigate the photovoltaic behaviour of SiGeSn, a single-junction GaAs/InGaP/SiGeSn/Ge functional device has been manufactured and characterized by external quantum efficiency (EQE) and current-voltage measurements. The experimental and the simulated EQE show the higher absorption coefficient of SiGeSn with respect to Ge, which allows using SiGeSn layers with a thickness three times lower than Ge to produce the same photovoltaic current

    Optical and laser properties of the ZnSe/ZnMgSSe multiple quantum well heterostructures

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    Study of porous monolithic sio2 prepeared by sol-gel method

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    For applications as catalyst supports in flow reactors, porous silica monoliths require a combination of connected pores of micron-scale and nm-scale pores. We have synthesised a range porous silica monoliths, characterised their nm-scale pores and measured their permeability coefficients k. It can be controlled by adjustment of the polymer/silane concentration ratio, whilst maintaining the specific surface area and nm-scale porosity approximately constant

    Экспериментальное определение тепловых потерь теплопроводов при применении сверхтонкой тепловой изоляции.

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    Объектом исследования является тонкопленочный теплоизоляционный материал торговой марки – «Корунд», Цель работы – Анализ тепловых потерь и исследование теплотехнических характеристик тонкопленочного теплоизоляционного материала торговой марки «Корунд». В результате исследования были найдены коэффициенты теплопроводности тонкопленочного теплоизоляционного материала при различных температурах поверхности ТЭНа.The object of study is the thin-film insulating material of the trademark "Emery", The work purpose – the Analysis of thermal losses and investigation of thermal characteristics of thin film insulating material of the trademark "Emery". The study was found the thermal conductivity of thin film insulating material at different temperatures the heating element surface