90 research outputs found

    Testing of susceptibility to industrial noise

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    Autori su izradili svoj prema ranijim testovima potpuno originalni test, u kojem su za opterećenje upotrebili namjesto čistih tonova i bijelog šuma, kao što je to bilo kod prijašnjih testova, standardnu industrijsku buku jačine 100-116 decibela kroz 5 minuta. Rezultat opterećenja promatrali su prema ponašanju Carhartova testa odumiranja tona na pragu (treshold tone decay test). Na nizu normalnih slučajeva i različnih grupa oštećenog sluha provedeno je ispitivanje po tom testu, pa su autori konačno zaključili, da ni njihov test nema indikativnu vrijednost, ali su unatoč tome došli do idućih važnih činjenica: Pogrešno je misliti, kako se to dosad radilo, da kratka zvučna opterećenja, koja su upotrebljavana u indikativnim testovima, moraju imati direktne kauzalne veze s nastajanjem oštećenja sluha i da pitanje uzročnog nastajanja profesionalnih oštećenja sluha treba tražiti i u nekim drugim elementima, a ne samo u onima, koji su dosad uzimani u obzir. Baš zbog toga nisu ni sva dosadašnja nastojanja za pronalaženje pouzdanih indikativnih testova bila uspješna, pa će trebati najprije podvrći reviziji patofiziološki studij nastajanja profesionalnih industrijskih oštećenja sluha, a tek onda treba na potpuno novim osnovama prići pronalaženju pouzdanog indikativnog testa.With the increase of occupational damages of hearing it has proved desirable to find a test indicative of the susceptibility of workers to the damaging effect of industrial noise. In 1940. Payser introduced a test which did not prove reliable. Wilson, Kilm and Theilgaard tried to modify Payser\u27s test, but without satisfactory results. The authors have developed their original test in which instead of pure tones and white noise they use standardized industrial noise at the level of 100-116 decibels during 5 minutes, and assess the results obtained in relation to the results of Carhart\u27s threshold tone decay test. Experience has shown that this test is not fully indicative either. The authors point out that further studies of the pathophysiology of the damaging effect of industrial noise are to be carried out, before a reliable test of the susceptibility to industrial noise can be developed

    Audiological analysis of workers in the shipyard »3th may« in Rijeka

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    Izvršena je audiološka analiza kod 439 brodogradilišnih radnika, koji su radili na 13 raznih bukom ugroženih radnih mjesta. Analiza se vršila u tri pravca: vršena su mjerenja intenziteta i kvaliteta buke na pojedinim mjestima. Buka je zatim snimana na magnetofonske vrpce i kasnije spektroskopski analizirana. Svima radnicima je audiometrijski ispitan sluh, pa je ustanovljeno, da kod polovice pregledanih postoje teža i teška oštećenja sluha. Samo kod 3 slučaja ustanovljene su svježe akustične traume, a u četiri slučaja potpuna refrakternost na štetno djelovanje buke. Analiza komponiranih audiograma pokazuje veliku fluktuaciju težine oštećenja sluha prema pojedinim radnim mjestima, što opet ovisi o intenzitetu buke, u kojoj pojedine grupe radnika rade. Komparativna analiza audiometrijskih nalaza i spektroskopskih analiza buke pokazala je usku povezanost oblika i težine oštećenja sluha radnika sa pojedinih radnih mjesta s frekventnim i intenzitetskim karakteristikama buke odnosnih radnih mjesta. Analiza je dokumentirana sa 31 audiogramom, sa 16 fotospektrograma buke, sa 9 komponiranih audiograma i sa 27 tablica. Iznijeti su glavni principi medikolegalne problematike profesionalnih traumatskih oštećenja sluha bukom i kratke smjernice za definitivnu kodifikaciju. Kod preventivnih i profilaktičkih mjera medicinskog karaktera iznijet je prijedlog osnivanja audioloških kartona za sve radnike po fabrikama, gdje se radi uz jaču buku, a osim toga obvezatan pregled svih novih radnika. Izloženi su principi individualne zaštite od buke pomoću antifona, te ukazano na potrebu uključivanja gluhih ljudi na rad u tvornicama, gdje vlada jaka buka.Audiological analysis of 439 workers in the shipyard was performed. The workers worked in 13 different noisy places. The analysis was done in three ways: The intensity and quality of noise in different places was measured. Afterwards the noise was recorded on a tape recorder and then spetroscopically analysed. All workers were audiometrically examined and it was stated that 50 per cent had severe reduction of hearing. A fresh acoustic trauma was found in only 3 cases and complete unsusceptibility to noise in 4 cases. The analysis of composed audiograms shows great fluctuation of the severity of the damage of hearing depending on noise in working places. The comparative analysis of audiometric curves and spectroscopic pictures reveals a close connection between the severity of the loss of hearing and the frequencies and intensity of noise in different places of work. The main medicolegal principles are pointed out with a brief indication concerning codification. The establishment of audiological cards for all factory workers is· proposed, as well as the use o antiphons for individual protection. The authors suggest that deaf people should be employed in all the factories with extremely noisy working places. The advantages of such a policy are strongly emphasized

    Hearing damage of nontraumatic and nonacoustic genesis in relation to normal audiogram

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    Iznijeti su osnovni elementi osjetnog sustava koji igraju ulogu u percepciji zvuka. Sustavno su prikazani različiti poremećaji uslijed kojih dolazi do oštećenja funkcije sluha te je izložen mehanizam zavisnosti funkcionalnih poremećaja sluha i uzroka tih poremećaja. Raspravlja se o značenju odstupanja normalne audiometrijske krivulje.The essential elements of the hearing system which are involved in the perception of sound are presented. Various disturbances which may damage hearing function are systematically dealt with; so is the dependence of functional impairments of hearing on their causes. The significance of deviation of the normal audiometric curve is discussed

    Audiological analysis in a textile factory

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    Audiološki je obrađena jedna tekstilna tvornica, koja upošljava oko 800 radnika. Elektroakustička mjerenja su dala razinu buke od 102-105 din-fona. Spektroskopska frekventna analiza pokazala je ascendentnu krivulju, koja se u području od 1.600-2.000 Hz penje do 93 din-fona. U dvoranama se nalazi maksimalno mogući broj tkalačkih strojeva, pa je uz jaku buku prisutna i snažna vibracija. Pregledano je ukupno 609 radnika i radnica. Samo kod 51 radnika je. pronađen uredan sluh, tj. kod 8°/o, dok je kod 53 radnika pronađena prevelika osjetljivost na buku. Kod ovih radnika je uz kratki radni staž registrirano jače oštećenje sluha. Audiološka slika je veoma šarolika, pa su uz tipične akustičke traume registrirane atipične, unilateralne i nesimetrične. Kod 27 radnika s kr-o n ič n im supurativnim otitidama nisu registrirana nikakva oštećenja sluha unatoč dugom radnom stažu, pa se čini da je proces u srednjem uhu djelovao u protektivnom smislu na razvijanje akustičke traume. Razmotreno je i pitanje prevencije i profilakse, pa je prikazan plan sistematskih audioloških pregleda svega radništva, a napose novih radnika prije stupanja na posao.Audiological analysis in a textile factory with 800 workers was carried out. Electroaccoustical measurement showed the values of 102-105 din-phons. Spectroscopical analysis gave an ascendent curve with the top 93 din-phons in the area of 1 600-4 000 Hz. 609 workers were audiometrically examined. Only 51 workers, i. e. 8%, were found to have normal hearing and in 53 workers excessive susceptibility to noise with severe lesions of hearing, in spite of a very short stay in the factory was found. The analysis has shown many different types of lesions of hearing (assimetric, unilateral and atypic). In a special group there were workers with active or adhesive otitis media but normal hearing, in spite of the long period of time spent in the factory, so that it semed that otitis had played a protecting role in the appearance of accoustic trauma. As regards preventive and prophylactic measures, a system of audiological examination is set forth

    Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activity of bark of Gardenia latifolia

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    Gardenia latifolia (Rubiaceae) is commonly known as Indian boxwood or Ceylon boxwood, is a densely foliaceous small tree that occurs throughout the greater parts of Indian common in deciduous forests along the streams. The stem bark and fruits are reported to be used in the treatment of various ailments such as snake bite, skin diseases, stomach pains, caries in humans and ephemeral fever in live stocks. Many beneficial medicinal products are used to treat various serious diseases and disorders like diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases without side effects. Hence our study focused to investigate the phytochemical analysis, quantification of bioactive compounds, in vitro free radical scavenging activity (DPPH radical method), anti-inflammatory activity (Carrageenan induced hind paw oedema ), in vitro anti-diabetic activity by enzyme inhibition activity of bark of Gardenia latifolia (hydroalcoholic extract) which has boundless medicinal properties. The results of this study showed the evidence that the extracts when tested for their phytochemicals and free radical scavenging activity were found to have considerable antioxidant potential. This plant also exhibit better in vitro enzyme inhibitory activity and anti-inflammatory activity. The results of this study indicate that the hydroalcoholic extract of Gardenia latifolia bark has significant pharmacological properties. Keywords: Gardenia latifolia, Phytochemical analysis, DPPH radical method, Anti-inflammatory activity, Anti-diabetic activit

    European fitness landscape for children and adolescents: updated reference values, fitness maps and country rankings based on nearly 8 million test results from 34 countries gathered by the FitBack network

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    Objectives (1) To develop reference values for health-related fitness in European children and adolescents aged 6–18 years that are the foundation for the web-based, open-access and multilanguage fitness platform (FitBack); (2) to provide comparisons across European countries. Methods This study builds on a previous large fitness reference study in European youth by (1) widening the age demographic, (2) identifying the most recent and representative country-level data and (3) including national data from existing fitness surveillance and monitoring systems. We used the Assessing Levels of PHysical Activity and fitness at population level (ALPHA) test battery as it comprises tests with the highest test–retest reliability, criterion/construct validity and health-related predictive validity: the 20 m shuttle run (cardiorespiratory fitness); handgrip strength and standing long jump (muscular strength); and body height, body mass, body mass index and waist circumference (anthropometry). Percentile values were obtained using the generalised additive models for location, scale and shape method. Results A total of 7 966 693 test results from 34 countries (106 datasets) were used to develop sex-specific and age-specific percentile values. In addition, country-level rankings based on mean percentiles are provided for each fitness test, as well as an overall fitness ranking. Finally, an interactive fitness platform, including individual and group reporting and European fitness maps, is provided and freely available online (www.fitbackeurope.eu). Conclusion This study discusses the major implications of fitness assessment in youth from health, educational and sport perspectives, and how the FitBack reference values and interactive web-based platform contribute to it. Fitness testing can be conducted in school and/or sport settings, and the interpreted results be integrated in the healthcare systems across Europe

    Ceramic Microbial Fuel Cells Stack: Power generation in standard and supercapacitive mode

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    © 2018 The Author(s). In this work, a microbial fuel cell (MFC) stack containing 28 ceramic MFCs was tested in both standard and supercapacitive modes. The MFCs consisted of carbon veil anodes wrapped around the ceramic separator and air-breathing cathodes based on activated carbon catalyst pressed on a stainless steel mesh. The anodes and cathodes were connected in parallel. The electrolytes utilized had different solution conductivities ranging from 2.0 mScm-1 to 40.1 mScm-1, simulating diverse wastewaters. Polarization curves of MFCs showed a general enhancement in performance with the increase of the electrolyte solution conductivity. The maximum stationary power density was 3.2 mW (3.2 Wm-3) at 2.0 mScm-1 that increased to 10.6 mW (10.6 Wm-3) at the highest solution conductivity (40.1 mScm-1). For the first time, MFCs stack with 1 L operating volume was also tested in supercapacitive mode, where full galvanostatic discharges are presented. Also in the latter case, performance once again improved with the increase in solution conductivity. Particularly, the increase in solution conductivity decreased dramatically the ohmic resistance and therefore the time for complete discharge was elongated, with a resultant increase in power. Maximum power achieved varied between 7.6 mW (7.6 Wm-3) at 2.0 mScm-1 and 27.4 mW (27.4 Wm-3) at 40.1 mScm-1

    Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents’ growth and development

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    Optimal growth and development in childhood and adolescence is crucial for lifelong health and well-being1–6. Here we used data from 2,325 population-based studies, with measurements of height and weight from 71 million participants, to report the height and body-mass index (BMI) of children and adolescents aged 5–19 years on the basis of rural and urban place of residence in 200 countries and territories from 1990 to 2020. In 1990, children and adolescents residing in cities were taller than their rural counterparts in all but a few high-income countries. By 2020, the urban height advantage became smaller in most countries, and in many high-income western countries it reversed into a small urban-based disadvantage. The exception was for boys in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa and in some countries in Oceania, south Asia and the region of central Asia, Middle East and north Africa. In these countries, successive cohorts of boys from rural places either did not gain height or possibly became shorter, and hence fell further behind their urban peers. The difference between the age-standardized mean BMI of children in urban and rural areas was <1.1 kg m–2 in the vast majority of countries. Within this small range, BMI increased slightly more in cities than in rural areas, except in south Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and some countries in central and eastern Europe. Our results show that in much of the world, the growth and developmental advantages of living in cities have diminished in the twenty-first century, whereas in much of sub-Saharan Africa they have amplified