309 research outputs found

    A review on most important herbal and synthetic antihelmintic drugs

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    Parasites and parasitic diseases are widely spread in the world. Their adverse effects on health and social economic society cause tremendous public health problems. Parasitic infections in different ways (water, soil, food and vegetables) can affect humans and induce other complications such as gastrointestinal disorders, malnutrition, anemia and allergies and sometimes even life threatening. Medicinal plants are being widely used, either as a single drug or in combination with synthetic drugs. These medicinal plants are considered as a valuable source of unique natural products and drugs for development of medicines against various disorders and diseases. In this article the recently published papers about medicinal plants and parasites were reviewed, using scientific sites such as Medline, PubMed and Google Scholar. The used terms included: herbal medicine, medicinal plants, and antihelmintic drugs, antinematoda, anticestoda, antitrematoda. From the above collected literature it might be concluded that these plants are promising potential sources for preparation of new drugs or for pharmacological and therapeutic applications

    Volatile Composition and Outgassing in C/2018 Y1 (IWAMOTO): Extending Detection Limits for High-Resolution IR Cometary Spectroscopy at the NASA-IRTF

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    We used iSHELL, the powerful high-resolution ( /~ 40,000) cross-dispersed IR spectrograph at the NASA-IRTF to measure the native ice composition and outgassing of moderately bright, long-period comet C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto) (hereafter Y1) within weeks of its discovery. We measured production rates for H2O, and production rates and abundance ratios relative to H2O for eight trace molecules, including the most complete measure of cometary CH4 achieved to date. Compared with mean abundances measured among comets, our study revealed enriched CH3OH and C2H6 yet depleted CO and C2H2, perhaps indicating highly efficient H- atom addition on interstellar grains prior to their incorporation into the nucleus. The combined high spectral resolving power and broad spectral coverage of iSHELL allowed characterizing cometary composition using only three instrument settings, and its long-slit coverage allowed comparing the spatial distributions of molecular emissions and dust continuum

    Prurit après prise de chloroquine et filarioses

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    Une étude des rapports entre le prurit après prise de chloroquine et l'infection par #Mansonella perstans filaire sanguine fréquente dans certaines régions mais passant inaperçue car peu pathogène et par #Onchocerca volvulus filaire dermique fréquente et aux conséquences pathologiques parfois graves a été menée dans deux villages de Côte d'Ivoire. Il n'est pas possible de mettre en évidence un rapport entre l'existence de ce prurit et l'infection par ces deux filaires. (Résumé d'auteur

    Prevalence of yaws and syphilis in the Ashanti region of Ghana and occurrence of H. ducreyi, herpes simplex virus 1 and herpes simplex virus 2 in skin lesions associated with treponematoses

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    Yaws affects children in tropical regions, while syphilis primarily affects sexually active adults worldwide. Despite various campaigns towards the eradication of yaws and elimination of syphilis, these two diseases are still present in Ghana. The aetiological agents of both diseases, two Treponema pallidum subspecies, are genetically similar. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of these treponematoses and the occurrence of pathogens causing similar skin lesions in the Ashanti region of Ghana. A point-of-care test was used to determine the seroprevalence of the treponematoses. Both yaws and syphilis were identified in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Multiplex PCR was used to identify treponemes and other pathogens that cause similar skin lesions. The results indicated that the seroprevalences of T. pallidum in individuals with yaws-like and syphilis-like lesions were 17.2% and 10.8%, respectively. Multiplex PCR results showed that 9.1%, 1.8% and 0.9% of yaws-like lesions were positive for Haemophilus ducreyi, herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) and T. pallidum respectively. Among syphilis-like lesions, 28.3% were positive for herpes simplex virus -2 (HSV-2) by PCR. To our knowledge, this is the first time HSV-I and HSV-2 have been reported from yaws-like and syphilis-like lesions, respectively, in Ghana. The presence of other organisms apart from T. pallidum in yaws-like and syphilis-like lesions could impede the total healing of these lesions and the full recovery of patients. This may complicate efforts to achieve yaws eradication by 2030 and the elimination of syphilis and warrants updated empirical treatment guidelines for skin ulcer diseases

    Enhanced cycling stability in the anion redox material P3-type Zn-substituted sodium manganese oxide

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    Funding: Faraday Institution (Grant Number(s): FIRG018), Diamond Light Source (Grant Number(s): SP14239), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant Number(s): EP/L017008/1, EP/R023751/1, EP/T019298/1), SPRing8 (Grant Number(s): 2021A1425).Sodium layered oxides showing oxygen redox activity are promising positive electrodes for sodium‑ion batteries (SIBs). However, structural degradation typically results in limited reversibility of the oxygen redox activity. Herein, the effect of Zn‑doping on the electrochemical properties of P3-type sodium manganese oxide, synthesised under air and oxygen is investigated for the first time. Air‑Na 0.67 Mn 0.9 Zn 0.1 O 2 and Oxy‑Na 0.67 Mn 0.9 Zn 0.1 O 2 exhibit stable cycling performance between 1.8 and 3.8 V, each maintaining 96% of their initial capacity after 30 cycles, where Mn 3+ /Mn 4+ redox dominates. Increasing the voltage range to 1.8‑4.3 V activates oxygen redox. For the material synthesised under air, oxygen redox activity is based on Zn, with limited reversibility. The additional transition metal vacancies in the material synthesised under oxygen result in enhanced oxygen redox reversibility with small voltage hysteresis. These results may assist the development of high‑capacity and structurally stable oxygen redox‑based materials for SIBs.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Long-range antiferromagnetic order in the S=1 chain compound LiVGe2O6

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    The phase transition in the compound LiVGe2O6 has been proposed as a unique example of a spin-Peierls transition in an S=1 antiferromagnetic chain. We report neutron and x-ray diffraction measurements of LiVGe2O6 above and below the phase transition at T=24 K. No evidence is seen for any structural distortion associated with the transition. The neutron results indicate that the low temperature state is antiferromagnetic, driven by ferromagnetic interchain couplings.Comment: 4 pages, 4 ps figures, REVTEX, submitted to PR

    Spectral Diversity and Regulation of Coral Fluorescence in a Mesophotic Reef Habitat in the Red Sea

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    The phenomenon of coral fluorescence in mesophotic reefs, although well described for shallow waters, remains largely unstudied. We found that representatives of many scleractinian species are brightly fluorescent at depths of 50–60 m at the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences (IUI) reef in Eilat, Israel. Some of these fluorescent species have distribution maxima at mesophotic depths (40–100 m). Several individuals from these depths displayed yellow or orange-red fluorescence, the latter being essentially absent in corals from the shallowest parts of this reef. We demonstrate experimentally that in some cases the production of fluorescent pigments is independent of the exposure to light; while in others, the fluorescence signature is altered or lost when the animals are kept in darkness. Furthermore, we show that green-to-red photoconversion of fluorescent pigments mediated by short-wavelength light can occur also at depths where ultraviolet wavelengths are absent from the underwater light field. Intraspecific colour polymorphisms regarding the colour of the tissue fluorescence, common among shallow water corals, were also observed for mesophotic species. Our results suggest that fluorescent pigments in mesophotic reefs fulfil a distinct biological function and offer promising application potential for coral-reef monitoring and biomedical imaging

    Palomar discovery and initial characterization of naked-eye long period comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)

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    Long-period comets are planetesimal remnants constraining the environment and volatiles of the protoplanetary disc. We report the discovery of hyperbolic long-period comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), which has a perihelion \sim1.11 au, an eccentricity \gtrsim1 and an inclination \sim109^{\circ}, from images taken with the Palomar 48-inch telescope during morning twilight on 2022 Mar 2. Additionally, we report the characterization of C/2022 E3 (ZTF) from observations taken with the Palomar 200-inch, the Palomar 60-inch, and the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility in early 2023 February to 2023 March when the comet passed within \sim0.28 au of the Earth and reached a visible magnitude of \sim5. We measure g-r = 0.70±\pm0.01, r-i = 0.20±\pm0.01, i-z = 0.06±\pm0.01, z-J = 0.90±\pm0.01, J-H = 0.38±\pm0.01 and H-K = 0.15±\pm0.01 colours for the comet from observations. We measure the A(0^\circ)fρ\rho (0.8~μ\mum) in a 6500~km radius from the nucleus of 1483±\pm40~cm, and CN, C3_3, and C2_2 production of 5.43±0.11×\pm0.11\times1025^{25}~mol/s, 2.01±0.04×\pm0.04\times1024^{24}, and 3.08±0.5×\pm0.5\times1025^{25}~mol/s, similar to other long period comets. We additionally observe the appearance of jet-like structures at a scale of \sim4,000 km in wide-field g-band images, which may be caused by the presence of CN gas in the near-nucleus coma.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS:L, 9 pages, 6 figures, 2 table