110 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Phenomena of Ultracold Atomic Gases in Optical Lattices: Emergence of Novel Features in Extended States

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    The system of a cold atomic gas in an optical lattice is governed by two factors: nonlinearity originating from the interparticle interaction, and the periodicity of the system set by the lattice. The high level of controllability associated with such an arrangement allows for the study of the competition and interplay between these two, and gives rise to a whole range of interesting and rich nonlinear effects. This review covers the basic idea and overview of such nonlinear phenomena, especially those corresponding to extended states. This includes "swallowtail" loop structures of the energy band, Bloch states with multiple periodicity, and those in "nonlinear lattices", i.e., systems with the nonlinear interaction term itself being a periodic function in space.Comment: 39 pages, 21 figures; review article to be published in a Special Issue of Entropy on "Non-Linear Lattice

    Analisa Restrukturisasi Basic Salary Karyawan Paramedis dan Nonmedis Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process - Point System (Studi Kasus di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Ummu Hani Purbalingga)

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    Job evaluation is used to determine the value of a job / position in the form of basic salary is given. Basic salary is one of the components of remuneration that have contributed to the increase employee\u27s motivation and productivity. A total of 94.3% paramedical and nonmedical Employee\u27s Hospital Mother and Child (RSIA) Ummu Hani Purbalingga expressed dissatisfaction with the basic salary given. 20 employees from a total of 39 employees earn below the minimum wage. One of the reason is the lack amount of basic salary structure equivalent components among employees. Methods point system used to evaluate the work in RSIA Ummu Hani. To avoid different scoring system, Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process is used to determine the valuation factors. There are 4 factors and subfactors 7 which will be used for the job evaluation process. In determining the amount of the basic salary component to be received, the value of the final evaluation of the post will be adjusted to the desired base salary and compa-rati

    Flouxetine Improved Intravaginal Ejaculatory Latency TIME Through Decreased Levels of Interferon-gamma and Increased Levels of Serotonin in Patient with Premature Ejaculation

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    Pathophysiology of premature ejaculation (PE) is very complex because it is associated with many factors, which can be grouped into biological factors and psychological factors. Various diseases have been found correlate between psychological factors and biological factors through cytokines, one of which is IFN-g (IFN-g). IFN-g affect indolamine dioxygenase enzyme (IDO) and decrease levels of serotonin. Low levels of serotonin leads to PE. The purpose of this study was to prove the relationship of serotonin and IFN-g in pathophysiology of PE. This study was designed as a pretest-posttest double-blind cross-over control group design. Patients with PE were divided into 2 groups: control group and treatment group. Treatment group received flouxetine 20 mg for 30 days. Then the control and treatment groups were crossed after passing a 14-days washout period. Previously as a control group to treatment group and received flouxetine 20 mg per day for 30 days. Before and after treatment in each group was examined the levels of serotonin and IFN-g. Of the 26 subjects, each group there was 13 subjects. Flouxetine 20 mg per day for 30 days increased serotonin levels were significantly (p < 0.05), and decreased levels of IFN-g were significantly (p < 0.05). Increased levels of serotonin and decreased levels of IFN-g was significantly associated with improvements (intravaginal ejaculatory latency time) ejaculation in PE patient. From these results it can be concluded that PE occurs because decreased levels of serotonin. Decreased levels of serotonin are associated with increased levels of IFN-g

    Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Menggunakan Citra Satelit Dan Survey Lapangan Untuk Tanaman Asparagus Di Desa Pelaga Kabupaten Badung

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji pemanfaatan Citra satelit dan Survey lapangan untuk menentukan lokasi kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman Asparagus.Terdapat dua tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini.Tujuan pertama adalah mengevaluasi kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman Asparagus di Desa Pelaga Kecamatan Petang Kabupaten Badung.Tujuan kedua adalah Membuat peta kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman Asparagus di Desa Pelaga Kecamatan Petang Kabupaten Badung.Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Pelaga Kecamatan Petang Kabupaten Badung dengan batas adaministrasi Desa sebagai batas daerah penelitiannya. Penentuan lokasi kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman asparagus dilakukan dengan metode evaluasi lahan yang menggunakan citra satelit sebagai sumber data, didukung dengan kerja lapangan dan data sekunder.Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Lokasi pengambilan sampel ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling berdasarkan jumlah satuan lahan dengan mempertimbangkan aspek keterwakilan unit analisis dan keterjangkauan.Penetuan kesesuaian lahan dilakukan dengan teknik pengharkatan (scoring) masing-masing karakteristik lahan.Kesesuaian lahan mewakili kecocokan fisik lahan untuk suatu macam Peruntukan dan penggunaan lahan mewakili ketersediaan lahannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa citra Spot 6 dan citra SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) dapat digunakan untuk perolehan sebagian besar informasi karakteristik lahan yang digunakan untuk evaluasi kesesuaian lahan tanaman asparagus. Desa Pelaga memiliki sebagian besar lahan yang sangat sesuai (S1) untuk tanaman asparagus dengan luas 2506.80 Ha atau 78,21 % dari luas total Desa Pelaga, dan lahan yang cukup sesuai (S2) untuk tanaman asparagus dengan luas 698.23 Ha atau 21,79 % dari luas total Desa Pelaga

    Neraca Air Di Mintakat Perakaran Pada Berbagai Sistem Tanam Di Desa Pecatu, Badung, Bali Selatan

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    The actual crop evapotranspiration can be calculated by using equation of soil moisture balance at the experimental plot under different cropping system. Field research was conducted during October 2010 up to June 2011 on drylands of Pecatu village, Badung. Cassava is planted simultaneously at the rainy season, groundnut is planted at the first dry season after harvest time of maize. The measurement of soil moisture content used the gravimetry method and by using tools of The Neutron Probe Type IH2 DIDCOT Wallingford, England. Total of soil moisture storage was calculated until the soil depth of 45 cm. Deep percolation was assumed as zero and surface run-off was estimated by using the method of SCS-USDA. Evapotranspiration of intercropping system was higher than monoculture system. Total of rainfall (P) on the cassava cropping (UK)Â was 2,416.50 mm and run-off (R) was 507.96 mm, and the gradient of soil moisture storage (DS) was 821.20 mm, so cropping water requirement (ET) of cassava was 1,087.34 mm. Rainfall (P) and run-off (R) in the casava cropping on the UKJ and UKJKT were the same, but DS on UKJ treatment was 819.65 mm and on UKJKT treatment was 798.55. Rainfall in groundnut cropping on UKJKT treatment was 1,169.40 mm, run-off (R) was 250.52 mm, and DS was 439.14 mm, so crop water requirement of groundnut with UKJKT treatment was 479.74 mm. Tuber yield of cassava on UK treatment was 24.19 ton/ ha, on UKJ treatment was 23.94 ton/ ha, and on UKJKT treatment was 22.54 ton/ ha. Grain yield of maize on UKJ and UKJKT treatments were 5.44 ton/ ha. However grain yield of groundnut on UKJKT treatment was 0.17 ton/ ha. Results of this research suggest that intensity of dryland use can be improved by optimizing the soil moisture storages.


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    Objective: Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of dental support tissue caused by certain groups of microorganisms, resulting in progressive destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone, with pocket formation, recession, or both. Snail slime contains beta-agglutinin (antibody) in plasma (serum), achacin protein, glycoconjugate and sulphate acting, which play a role in the wound healing process by assisting blood clotting process and fibroblast proliferation. This study aims to prove that the provision of snail slime can cure pocket in wistar rats with periodontitis. Methods: This type of research is an experimental test with pre and post test control group design and involves three treatment groups, each group with five subjects. The first group of debridement, the second group of debridement and orally snail slime and the third group of debridement and topically snail slime, previously rats as subjects were conditioned to periodontitis by the installation of silk ligature in the cervical area of ​​the incisors and injection with actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans bacteria. The pocket depth is checked with a periodontal probe. Examination on day 11 occurs chronic periodontitis. The eighth day after treatment was examined on the periodontal pocket. Results: The first group occurred a reduction in pocket depth from 3 mm to 1,00 mm, while in the second group periodontitis healing was characterized by the absence of a pocket, the third group still had pockets with a depth of 0.5 mm. Analysis of significance data using Kruskal-Wallis test, then Mann-Whitney test to know the differences between groups, The average pocket depth in group 1 was 0.00±1.00, while in group 2 was 0.00±0.00, and group 3 was 0.00±0.5 p-value = 0.001 this mean different healing significantly (p<0.05). Conclusion: Provision of peroral snail slime more quickly cure pocket in wistar rats with periodontitis

    Tourism and water inequity in Bali: A social-ecological systems analysis

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    This paper is a social-ecological systems (SES) analysis of tourism and water inequity in Bali. It uses Elinor Ostrom’s SES model to look at the particular niche of Bali’s tourism and water nexus. Re-analysis of previous qualitative research revealed that the vulnerability of the SES was due to numerous characteristics. In particular, user groups are highly diverse, transient and stratified, thereby inhibiting communication and knowledge sharing. This, in combination with weak governance systems and the economic power of the tourism industry, interact to affect declining water resources and the iniquitous impact of this. Whilst there are obvious indications that Bali’s water resources are over stretched, there is no feedback loop to the institutional structures that would help enable appropriate responses from the user groups or governance system

    Antimicrobial consumption and resistance in adult hospital inpatients in 53 countries:results of an internet-based global point prevalence survey

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    Summary: Background: The Global Point Prevalence Survey (Global-PPS) established an international network of hospitals to measure antimicrobial prescribing and resistance worldwide. We aimed to assess antimicrobial prescribing and resistance in hospital inpatients. Methods: We used a standardised surveillance method to collect detailed data about antimicrobial prescribing and resistance from hospitals worldwide, which were grouped by UN region. The internet-based survey included all inpatients (adults, children, and neonates) receiving an antimicrobial who were on the ward at 0800 h on one specific day between January and September, 2015. Hospitals were classified as primary, secondary, tertiary (including infectious diseases hospitals), and paediatric hospitals. Five main ward types were defined: medical wards, surgical wards, intensive-care units, haematology oncology wards, and medical transplantation (bone marrow or solid transplants) wards. Data recorded included patient characteristics, antimicrobials received, diagnosis, therapeutic indication according to predefined lists, and markers of prescribing quality (eg, whether a stop or review date were recorded, and whether local prescribing guidelines existed and were adhered to). We report findings for adult inpatients. Findings: The Global-PPS for 2015 included adult data from 303 hospitals in 53 countries, including eight lower-middle-income and 17 upper-middle-income countries. 86 776 inpatients were admitted to 3315 adult wards, of whom 29 891 (34·4%) received at least one antimicrobial. 41 213 antimicrobial prescriptions were issued, of which 36 792 (89·3%) were antibacterial agents for systemic use. The top three antibiotics prescribed worldwide were penicillins with β-lactamase inhibitors, third-generation cephalosporins, and fluoroquinolones. Carbapenems were most frequently prescribed in Latin America and west and central Asia. Of patients who received at least one antimicrobial, 5926 (19·8%) received a targeted antibacterial treatment for systemic use, and 1769 (5·9%) received a treatment targeting at least one multidrug-resistant organism. The frequency of health-care-associated infections was highest in Latin America (1518 [11·9%]) and east and south Asia (5363 [10·1%]). Overall, the reason for treatment was recorded in 31 694 (76·9%) of antimicrobial prescriptions, and a stop or review date in 15 778 (38·3%). Local antibiotic guidelines were missing for 7050 (19·2%) of the 36 792 antibiotic prescriptions, and guideline compliance was 77·4%. Interpretation: The Global-PPS showed that worldwide surveillance can be accomplished with voluntary participation. It provided quantifiable measures to assess and compare the quantity and quality of antibiotic prescribing and resistance in hospital patients worldwide. These data will help to improve the quality of antibiotic prescribing through education and practice changes, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries that have no tools to monitor antibiotic prescribing in hospitals. Funding: bioMérieux