563 research outputs found

    Registration of Biological Pesticides in Sweden and the EU

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    The impact of high-speed railway on tourism spatial structures between two adjoining metropolitan cities in China: Beijing and Tianjin

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    This study examines the impact of HSR services on the tourism spatial interactions between Beijing and Tianjin in China. Data were collected from official statistical reports. A method of derivation was developed and several indexes, such as tourism mean center, and tourism standard distance are further applied to measure temporal-spatial changes between the two adjoining cities. The results reveal the dynamic tourism spatial interaction between Beijing and Tianjin has been influenced by a range of factors including population, destination attractiveness, disposable income and income elasticity, changes in the domestic and international spatial structure of tourist flows and how destination management organizations react to the changes. The study has implications for both the research and practice of city transportation and tourism development

    The Constructivist Approach to Mathematics Teaching and the Active Learning Strategies used to Enhance Student Understanding

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    Some mathematics educators take the constructivist approach when it comes to their idea of the perfect classroom. They believe that actively engaging students in learning is the most productive means of teaching. Active learning strategies were incorporated into the Systems of Linear Equations unit in a ninth-grade Math A classroom to show that active learning strategies would motivate and engage students in the learning process, thus resulting in an enhanced understanding of the material. Strategies included a Jigsaw activity, a Carousel activity, tickets-out-the-door and various written expression assignments. Results from an in-class quiz were used as one way to measure student understanding by comparing the results to the previous year, in which active learning strategies were not used. The greatest impact of student understanding was seen through different uses of written expression

    The global palm oil sector must change to save biodiversity and improve food security in the tropics

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    Most palm oil currently available in global markets is sourced from certified large-scale plantations. Comparatively little is sourced from (typically uncertified) smallholders. We argue that sourcing sustainable palm oil should not be determined by commercial certification alone and that the certification process should be revisited. There are so-far unrecognized benefits of sourcing palm oil from smallholders that should be considered if genuine biodiversity conservation is to be a foundation of 'environmentally sustainable' palm oil production. Despite a lack of certification, smallholder production is often more biodiversity-friendly than certified production from large-scale plantations. Sourcing palm oil from smallholders also alleviates poverty among rural farmers, promoting better conservation outcomes. Yet, certification schemes - the current measure of 'sustainability' - are financially accessible only for large-scale plantations that operate as profit-driven monocultures. Industrial palm oil is expanding rapidly in regions with weak environmental laws and enforcement. This warrants the development of an alternative certification scheme for smallholders. Greater attention should be directed to deforestation-free palm oil production in smallholdings, where production is less likely to cause large scale biodiversity loss. These small-scale farmlands in which palm oil is mixed with other crops should be considered by retailers and consumers who are interested in promoting sustainable palm oil production. Simultaneously, plantation companies should be required to make their existing production landscapes more compatible with enhanced biodiversity conservation

    Developing the accredited postgraduate assessment program for Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine

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    Introduction: Accreditation of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) as a standards and training provider, by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) in 2007, is the first time in the world that a peak professional organisation for rural and remote medical education has been formally recognised. As a consequence, the Australian Government provided rural and remote medicine with formal recognition under Medicare as a generalist discipline. This accreditation was based on the ability of ACRRM to meet the AMC's guidelines for its training and assessment program.\ud \ud Methods: The methodology was a six-step process that included: developing an assessment blueprint and a classification scheme; identifying an assessment model; choosing innovative summative and formative assessment methods that met the needs of rural and remote located medical practitioner candidates; 21 rural doctors and academics developing the assessment items as part of a week-long writing workshop; investigating the feasibility of purchasing assessment items; and 48 rural candidates piloting three of the assessment items to ensure they would meet the guidelines for national accreditation.\ud \ud Results: The project resulted in an innovative formative and summative assessment program that occurs throughout 4 years of vocational training, using innovative, reliable, valid and acceptable methods with educational impact. The piloting process occurred for 3 of the 6 assessment tools. Structured Assessment Using Multiple Patient Scenarios (StAMPS) is a new assessment method developed as part of this project. The StAMPS pilot found that it was reliable, with a generalisability coefficient of >0.76 and was a valid, acceptable and feasible assessment tool with desired educational impact. The multiple choice question (MCQ) examination pilot found that the applied clinical nature of the questions and their wide range of scenarios proved a very acceptable examination to the profession. The web based in-training assessment examination pilot revealed that it would serve well as a formative process until ACRRM can further develop their MCQ database.\ud \ud Conclusions: The ACRRM assessment program breaks new ground for assessing rural and remote doctors in Australia, and provides new evidence regarding how a comprehensive and contemporary assessment system can work within a postgraduate medical setting

    Single-grain TT-OSL bleaching characteristics: Insights from modern analogues and OSL dating comparisons

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    Previous assessments of thermally transferred optically stimulated luminescence (TT-OSL) signal resetting in natural sedimentary settings have been based on relatively limited numbers of observations, and have been conducted primarily at the multi-grain scale of equivalent dose (De) analysis. In this study, we undertake a series of single-grain TT-OSL bleaching assessments on nineteen modern and geological dating samples from different sedimentary environments. Daylight bleaching experiments performed over several weeks confirm that single-grain TT-OSL signals are optically reset at relatively slow, and potentially variable, rates. Single-grain TT-OSL residual doses range between 0 and 24 Gy for thirteen modern samples, with >50% of these samples yielding weighted mean De values of 0 Gy at 2σ. Single-grain OSL and TT-OSL dating comparisons performed on well-bleached and heterogeneously bleached late Pleistocene samples from Kangaroo Island, South Australia, yield consistent replicate age estimates. Our results reveal that (i) single-grain TT-OSL residuals can potentially be reduced down to insignificant levels when compared with the natural dose range of interest for most TT-OSL dating applications; (ii) the slow bleaching properties of TT-OSL signals may not necessarily limit their dating applicability to certain depositional environments; and (iii) non-trivial differences may be observed between single-grain and multi-grain TT-OSL bleaching residuals in some modern samples. Collectively, these findings suggest that single-grain TT-OSL dating may offer advantages over multi-grain TT-OSL dating in certain complex depositional environments

    A comprehensive database of quality-rated fossil ages for Sahul’s Quaternary vertebrates

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    Published: 19 July 2016The study of palaeo-chronologies using fossil data provides evidence for past ecological and evolutionary processes, and is therefore useful for predicting patterns and impacts of future environmental change. However, the robustness of inferences made from fossil ages relies heavily on both the quantity and quality of available data. We compiled Quaternary non-human vertebrate fossil ages from Sahul published up to 2013. This, the FosSahul database, includes 9,302 fossil records from 363 deposits, for a total of 478 species within 215 genera, of which 27 are from extinct and extant megafaunal species (2,559 records). We also provide a rating of reliability of individual absolute age based on the dating protocols and association between the dated materials and the fossil remains. Our proposed rating system identified 2,422 records with high-quality ages (i.e., a reduction of 74%). There are many applications of the database, including disentangling the confounding influences of hypothetical extinction drivers, better spatial distribution estimates of species relative to palaeo-climates, and potentially identifying new areas for fossil discovery.Marta Rodríguez-Rey, y, Salvador Herrando-Pérez, Barry W. Brook, Frédérik Saltré, John Alroy, Nicholas Beeton, Michael I. Bird, Alan Cooper, Richard Gillespie, Zenobia Jacobs, Christopher N. Johnson, Gifford H. Miller, Gavin J. Prideaux, Richard G. Roberts, Chris S.M. Turney and Corey J.A. Bradsha

    Evaluation of a learner-designed course for teaching health research skills in Ghana

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In developing countries the ability to conduct locally-relevant health research and high quality education are key tools in the fight against poverty. The objective of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel UK accredited, learner-designed research skills course delivered in a teaching hospital in Ghana.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Study participants were 15 mixed speciality health professionals from Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana. Effectiveness measures included process, content and outcome indicators to evaluate changes in learners' confidence and competence in research, and assessment of the impact of the course on changing research-related thinking and behaviour. Results were verified using two independent methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>14/15 learners gained research competence assessed against UK Quality Assurance Agency criteria. After the course there was a 36% increase in the groups' positive responses to statements concerning confidence in research-related attitudes, intentions and actions. The greatest improvement (45% increase) was in learners' actions, which focused on strengthening institutional research capacity. 79% of paired before/after responses indicated positive changes in individual learners' research-related attitudes (n = 53), 81% in intention (n = 52) and 85% in action (n = 52). The course had increased learners' confidence to start and manage research, and enhanced life-long skills such as reflective practice and self-confidence. Doing their own research within the work environment, reflecting on personal research experiences and utilising peer support and pooled knowledge were critical elements that promoted learning.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Learners in Ghana were able to design and undertake a novel course that developed individual and institutional research capacity and met international standards. Learning by doing and a supportive peer community at work were critical elements in promoting learning in this environment where tutors were scarce. Our study provides a model for delivering and evaluating innovative educational interventions in developing countries to assess whether they meet external quality criteria and achieve their objectives.</p

    The UK clinical aptitude test and clinical course performance at Nottingham: a prospective cohort study

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    Background The UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) was introduced in 2006 as an additional tool for the selection of medical students. It tests mental ability in four distinct domains (Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, and Decision Analysis), and the results are available to students and admission panels in advance of the selection process. Our first study showed little evidence of any predictive validity for performance in the first two years of the Nottingham undergraduate course. The study objective was to determine whether the UKCAT scores had any predictive value for the later parts of the course, largely delivered via clinical placements. Methods Students entering the course in 2007 and who had taken the UKCAT were asked for permission to use their anonymised data in research. The UKCAT scores were incorporated into a database with routine pre-admission socio-demographics and subsequent course performance data. Correlation analysis was followed by hierarchical multivariate linear regression. Results The original study group comprised 204/254 (80%) of the full entry cohort. With attrition over the five years of the course this fell to 185 (73%) by Year 5. The Verbal Reasoning score and the UKCAT Total score both demonstrated some univariate correlations with clinical knowledge marks, and slightly less with clinical skills. No parts of the UKCAT proved to be an independent predictor of clinical course marks, whereas prior attainment was a highly significant predictor (p <0.001). Conclusions This study of one cohort of Nottingham medical students showed that UKCAT scores at admission did not independently predict subsequent performance on the course. Whilst the test adds another dimension to the selection process, its fairness and validity in selecting promising students remains unproven, and requires wider investigation and debate by other schools