130 research outputs found

    Tree species driving functional properties of mobile organic matter in throughfall and forest floor solutions of beech, spruce and pine forests

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    The chemical nature of mobile organic matter is a prerequisite for advancing our understanding of the C and nutrient cycling and other forest ecosystem processes. Tree species differ in leaf composition (e.g. nutrient, polyphenol content) and leaf litter quality, which in turn affects a variety of ecosystem processes. However, the composition of OM derived from living plant material via throughfall (TF) and its compositional fate traversing the forest floor (FF) is insufficiently understood. Are there tree-species specific differences in functional properties (e.g. aromaticity) of OM in TF and FF solutions collected from pine, spruce and different beech stands? And if yes- how do functional properties change with tree species and ecosystem compartment (throughfall vs. forest floor)? We addressed these questions by applying solid-state C-13 NMR spectroscopy to TF and FF solutions from European beech forests of the three DFG “Biodiversity Exploratories”, from Norway spruce sites of the Hainich-DĂŒn-Exploratory and Scots pine stands in East-Thuringia. C-13 NMR spectroscopy revealed a homogeneous composition of TF-DOM under beech between the three Exploratories and exhibited remarkable tree-species related differences in DOM composition: Compared to spruce and pine, TF-DOM under beech showed higher intensities of aromatic and phenolic C (beech > pine > spruce) and lower ones of alkyl-C (pine ≈ spruce > beech). Consequently, beech TF exhibited higher aromaticity values and lower alkyl/O-alkyl ratios (i.e. extent of decomposition) in comparison to coniferous TF-DOM. FF-DOM under beech was very similar between the three “Biodiversity Exploratories” and surprisingly analog to FF-DOM under spruce, while under pine higher intensities of aromatic and phenolic C and alkyl-C (pine > beech ≈ spruce) and lower O-alkyl-C signals were observed. Thus, pine FF-DOM exhibited the highest values for both aromaticity (28%) and decomposition (0.87). In essence, tree-species effects became most notable for the composition and functionality of DOM in TF exhibiting consistently the highest aromatic and phenolic C signals for the beech sites. In view of the allelopathic effectiveness of phenolic compounds, the results might point to an increased allelopathic potential of beech TF, which successfully impairs competing plants and organisms and hence alter ecosystem processes and functioning. In the end, the ecological functions of DOM in ecosystems are still imperfectly understood

    Reviewing the Carbonation Resistance of Concrete

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    The paper reviews the studies on one of the important durability properties of concrete i.e. Carbonation. One of the main causes of deterioration of concrete is carbonation, which occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) penetrates the concrete’s porous system to create an environment with lower pH around the reinforcement in which corrosion can proceed. Carbonation is a major cause of degradation of concrete structures leading to expensive maintenance and conservation operations. Herein, the importance, process and effect of various parameters such as water/cement ratio, water/binder ratio, curing conditions, concrete cover, super plasticizers, type of aggregates, grade of concrete, porosity, contaminants, compaction, gas permeability, supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs)/ admixtures on the carbonation of concrete has been reviewed. Various methods for estimating the carbonation depth are also reported briefl

    Einfluss der Insektenherbivorie auf den Kreislauf fester und gelöster organischer Substanzen in einem Grasslandökosystem - eine Mesokosmenstudie

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    Insektenmassenvermehrungen können durch die Reduktion von oberirdischer Biomasse (z.B. Blattverlust) und Koteintrag Einfluss auf den Kreislauf der organischen Substanz in Ökosystemen nehmen und dadurch zeitlich und rĂ€umlich begrenzte massive VerĂ€nderungen biogeochemischer Reaktionsraten hervorrufen. Um die Auswirkungen auf den C- und N-Kreislauf in GraslĂ€ndern im System Herbivore-Pflanze-Boden zu quantifizieren, wurde ein Mesokosmenexperiment (D: 50 cm, H: 100 cm) mit KnĂ€uelgras (Dactylis glomerata) und Heuschrecken (Chorthippus dorsatus) durchgefĂŒhrt. Mit Hilfe von C-13-O2-Gas und N-15 markiertem Kot (ÎŽN-15: 58‰) wurde der C- und N-Pfad in den Kompartimenten Blatt, Wurzel, GrashĂŒpfer, Kot, Boden und in der Eintrags- und Bodenlösung verfolgt. Es wurden folgende vier Varianten durchgefĂŒhrt (n=3): Kontrolle; C-13-O2; C-13-O2+20_GrashĂŒpfer; C-13-O2+20_GrashĂŒpfer+N-15-markierter Kot (+9.2 ”g N*cm-2). Innerhalb einer 5-Tage-Inkubation wurden die Kosmen bewĂ€ssert (13 mm/5d). Nach fĂŒnf Tagen wurden die Bodenlösungen und die Kaltwasser- sowie mikrobielle Biomasse-Extrakte (CFE) (0-4, 4-12 cm) auf gelösten OC, OÎŽC-13 und N untersucht. Ebenfalls wurden TOC, ÎŽC-13, TN sowie ÎŽN-15 Werte aller Kompartimente bestimmt. Nach fĂŒnf Tagen waren sowohl die GrashĂŒpfer, der Kot als auch die Eintragslösung des Kotes signifikant mit C-13 angereichert. C-13 wurde stĂ€rker in Wurzeln als in BlĂ€tter eingebaut (anhand ÎŽC-13-Werten). Erhöhte DOC-13 Werte im Boden weisen auf einen schnellen Blatt-C-Kreislauf ĂŒber GrashĂŒpfer, Kot bis in die Bodenlösung, die Bodenorganismen und die Graswurzeln hin. Dies wird ebenfalls durch den zugegebenen N-15 Kot deutlich, welcher um 91% seines Gesamt-N-Gehaltes reduziert wurde. Es scheint eine schnelle N-Freisetzung durch Auswaschung und Wurzelaufnahme (-0.82±0.28‰ vs -1.54±0.12‰) stattgefunden zu haben. N-15 war im frisch produzierten Kot (0.62±0.4‰ vs -0.14 ±0.27‰) aber nicht in den BlĂ€ttern angereichert. Die Herbivorie hatte keinen Einfluss auf die N-Menge in der Bodenlösung und in den Extrakten, was eine schnelle Pflanzenaufnahme des freigewordenen N vermuten lĂ€sst. Die geringe N-Konzentration des Mineralbodens (0.14%) und der Bodenlösungen (1-2.3 mg*L-1) weisen im Allgemeinen auf eine geringe Pflanzen-N-VerfĂŒgbarkeit hin. Wir schließen daraus, dass innerhalb des kurzen zeitlichen Umfanges (5d) N-limitierte Weidesysteme robust auf starken Insektenbefall reagieren und nicht zu signifikanten, ökosystemaren N-Auswaschungsverlusten neigen

    Sorption and fractionation of dissolved organic matter and associated phosphorus in agricultural soil

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    Molibility of dissolved organic matter (DOM) strongly affects the export of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from oils to surface waters. To study the sorption an mobility of dissolved organic C and P (DOC, DOP) in soil, the pH-dependent sorption of DOM to samples from Ap, EB, and Bt horizons from a Danish agircultural Humic Hapludult was investigated and a kinetic model applicable in field-scale model tested. Sorption experiments of 1 to 72 h duration were conducted at two pH levels (pH 5.0 and 7.0) and six initial DOC concentrtions (0-4.7 mmol L-1). Most sorption/desorption occurred during the first few hours. Dissolved organic carbon and DOP sorption decreased strongly with increased pH and desorption dominated at pH 7, especially for DOC. Due to fractionation during DOM sorption/desorption at DOC concentrations up to 2 mmol L-1, the solution fraction of DOM was enriched in P indicating preferred leaching of DOP. The kinetics of sorption was expressed as a function of how far the solution DOC or DOP concentrations deviate from "equilibrium". The model was able to simulate the kinetics of DOC and DOP sorption/desorption at all concentrations investigated and at both pH levels making it useful for incorporation in field-scale models for quantifying DOC and DOP dynamics

    Dissolved organic matter characteristics of deciduous and coniferous forests with variable management: different at the source, aligned in the soil

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    This dataset contains the data to the article: "Dissolved organic matter characteristics of deciduous and coniferous forests with variable management: different at the source, aligned in the soil" published in BiogeosciencesDFG/108154260/ElementkreislĂ€ufe in GrĂŒnland- und Waldökosystemen der BiodiversitĂ€tsexploratorien in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von LandnutzungsintensitĂ€t und damit verknĂŒpfter BiodiversitĂ€t/BECycle

    Does plant diversity affect the water balance of established grassland systems like in manipulative biodiversity experiments?

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    Land-use intensification and biodiversity loss are known drivers of the water cycle but their interactions are unclear. We investigated how evapotranspiration (ETa), downward water flux (DF), and capillary rise (CR) in topsoil and subsoil are related to land-use and plant diversity in established, commercially managed grassland and compared these results to findings from an experiment in which plant diversity was manipulated. In three Central European regions (“Biodiversity Exploratories”), we studied 29 grassland plots (50 m x 50 m; 9-11 plots per region). Land-use intensity increases in the order, pasture < mown pasture < meadow. In 2010-2015, we measured soil moisture, meteorological conditions, plant species richness, number of species in the functional groups of grasses, herbs, and legumes, and root biomass. ETa, DF, and CR were calculated for two soil layers with a soil water balance model. Land-use and biodiversity effects on water fluxes were analyzed with repeated-measures analysis of variance. Land-use intensity did not affect water fluxes. Species richness did not influence DF and CR. ETa from topsoil decreased with increasing species richness while ETa from subsoil increased. Opposing effects on ETa in the two soil layers were also observed for the number of herbs and legumes. In manipulative biodiversity experiments, such opposing effects were explained by higher biomass in species-rich mixtures, which increases shading of topsoil and reduces evaporation. In subsoil, deeper roots in species-rich mixtures increased transpiration. In the commercially managed grasslands, biomass and species richness correlated negatively because fertilizer application increased biomass and decreased species richness. Thus, similar effects of biodiversity on water fluxes in commercially managed and experimentally manipulated grassland had different reasons. We speculate that improved infiltration and enhanced bioturbation in species-rich grassland explained our observations

    Peak grain forecasts for the US High Plains amid withering waters

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This paper stems from discussions during the Ettersburg Ecohydrology Workshop in Germany (October 2018), with the corresponding manuscript preparation ensuing in subsequent months. The workshop was funded by the UNIDEL Foundation, Inc. and the University of Delaware. Accordingly, partial support for this paper derived from funding for the workshop. A.M. was supported by the US NSF (Grants NSF-AGS-1644382 and NSF-IOS-175489).Peer reviewedPublisher PD
