431 research outputs found

    Penerapan Konsep Transformasi pada Fasad Bangunan Kampus Itenas 2030

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    In an effort to run and ITENAS campus development plan in accordance with the potential , required the provision of facilities and infrastructure that support life in society , which include educational facilities , and health . Means of education to be one of the main priorities to be implemented within dekat.Adapun goal of this project is to provide a facility to the community , particularly the provision of an institute that can be qualified educational institutions and also realize the vision and mission of ITENAS by designing buildings that save energy , safe and comfortable , as well as the icon institute of technology . Theme campus planning and design concept is ITENAS Transformation In The facade of the building as a whole aims to achieve energy -saving function and iconic in a campus -based technology . Creating a vision of the future campus buildings , responsive to the environment and can also accommodate all of its activities are exclusively and conveniently to carry out lectures and student activities

    A Comparative Study Between Introvert and Extrovert Students Personality in Listening Achievement

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki (1) apakah terdapat perbedaan antara siswa introvert dan ekstovert dalam pencapaian kemampuan mendengarkan, dan (2) Tipe kepribadian siswa manakah yang memiliki pencapaian yang lebih baik dalam kemampuan mendengarkan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas satu di SMA Kartikatama Metro yang terdiri dari 58 siswa. Penelitian ini termasuk kuantitatif bernama desain faktorial. Kuesioner diberikan untuk mengelompokkan siswa kedalam grup introvert dan ekstrovert. Mean dari nilai pretest pada grup introvert adalah 65.60, sedangkan pada grup ekstrovert 72.60. Lalu, mean dari nilai postest pada grup introvert adalah 64.20, sedangkan grup ekstrovert 69. Hasil penghitungan menunjukkan bahwa t-ratio lebih tinggi dari t-table dimana t-ratio 2.076 dan t-table 2.060. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis diterima. Kesimpulannya, terdapat perbedaan antara siswa introvert dan ekstrovert dalam pencapaian kemampuan mendengarkan dan siswa introvert memiliki pancapaian yang lebih baik dalam mendengarkan. This research aims to investigate (1) whether there is a difference between the introvert and extrovert students in listening achievement, and (2) which one of the two that has better achievement in listening. The population was the first grade students of SMA Kartikatama Metro consisting of 58 students. This research is quantitative namely factorial design. The questionnaire was given to classify the students into introvert and extrovert group. The mean of the pretest of the introvert group was 65.60, while the extrovert was 72.60. Then, the mean of postest of introvert group was 64.20, while the extrovert was 69. The result showed that t-ratio was higher than the t-table where the t-ratio was 2.076 and the t-table was 2.060. It means that the hypothesis was accepted. In conclusion, there is a difference between the introvert and extrovert students personality in listening achievement and the introvert students have better achievement in listening.                                                                  Â

    The Chemical Contents of the Starch of Palado Seed (Aglaia sp) with Pregelatinization, Cross-linking, and Acetylation Modifications

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    Indonesia has a great potential of raw materials for the production of starches. One of which is palado seed that has a fairly-high carbohydrate content which is potential to be developed into starches. The utilization of the native starch is still very limited due to lack of physical and chemical properties for widely use. It is related to the low level of retrogradation, stability and resilience of the pasta. This is the reason in conducting starch modification in order to obtain suitable properties for a particular application. The starch modification methods used in this study are pregelatinization, cross-linking, and acetylation. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of modification method on the chemical contents of the modified starch of palado seed. The research was conducted in three stages; the first stage is making the starch, the second stage is starch modification and the third stage is the proximate analysis, as well as the chemical properties of the starch of palado seed. The results showed the proximate analysis of the modified starch of palado seeds on the water content ranged from 10,1

    Improving road safety knowledge in Africa through crowdsourcing. The African Road Safety Observatory

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    Africa is the worst performing continent in road safety: the fatality rate, 26.6 per 100.000 inhabitants, is almost three times that of Europe's and fatalities per capita are projected to double from 2015 to 2030 (WHO, 2015). This is mainly due to the fact that Emerging Economies are experiencing increases in traffic, for which their traffic systems are not sufficiently prepared. On one hand, there is a significant demand for data and knowledge to be used for road safety-related decision making. On the other hand, there is a substantial lack of a reliable and detailed knowledge on road casualties in terms of the number of road accidents and fatalities occurring and, on the factors, leading to road accidents or affecting their consequences. When official data are poor or missing these could be integrated with other sources. The objective of this paper is to describe the African Road Safety Observatory (African RSO), a participative web portal developed in the field of the "SaferAfrica-Innovating dialogue and problems appraisal for a safer Africa" project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 program. The African RSO combines traditional functions of analyzing and sharing road safety performance data and provide knowledge and information, with the more innovative ones: a Dialogue Platform and the crowdsourcing tool. The Dialogue Platform is dedicated to experts and stakeholders and aims at encouraging and facilitating a constructive engagement and dialogue on road safety in Africa, producing knowledge to inspire road safety funding, policies and interventions in Africa and providing recommendations to update the African Road Safety Action Plan and the African Road Safety Charter. The crowdsourcing tool allows African citizens to report and highlight road safety needs, to share opinions as well as to discuss solutions in their own Countries

    Exposure to the Chinese Famine in Early Life and the Risk of Hyperglycemia and Type 2 Diabetes in Adulthood

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    OBJECTIVE: Early developmental adaptations in response to undernutrition may play an essential role in susceptibility to type 2 diabetes, particularly for those experiencing a “mismatched rich nutritional environment” in later life. We examined the associations of exposure to the Chinese famine (1959–1961) during fetal life and childhood with the risk of hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes in adulthood. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We used the data for 7,874 rural adults born between 1954 and 1964 in selected communities from the cross-sectional 2002 China National Nutrition and Health Survey. Hyperglycemia was defined as fasting plasma glucose ≥6.1 mmol/l and/or 2-h plasma glucose ≥7.8 mmol/l and/or a previous clinical diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. RESULTS: Prevalences of hyperglycemia among adults in nonexposed, fetal exposed, early-childhood, mid-childhood, and late-childhood exposed cohorts were 2.4%, 5.7%, 3.9%, 3.4%, and 5.9%, respectively. In severely affected famine areas, fetal-exposed subjects had an increased risk of hyperglycemia compared with nonexposed subjects (odds ratio = 3.92; 95% CI: 1.64–9.39; PP = 0.002); this difference was not observed in less severely affected famine areas (odds ratio = 0.57; 95% CI: 0.25–1.31; P = 0.185). The odds ratios were significantly different between groups from the severe and less severe famine areas (PP for interaction = 0.001). In severely affected famine areas, fetal-exposed subjects who followed an affluent/Western dietary pattern (odds ratios = 7.63; 95% CI: 2.41–24.1; PP = 0.0005) or who had a higher economic status in later life experienced a substantially elevated risk of hyperglycemia (odds ratios = 6.20; 95% CI: 2.08–18.5; PP = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Fetal exposure to the severe Chinese famine increases the risk of hyperglycemia in adulthood. This association appears to be exacerbated by a nutritionally rich environment in later life

    Phase I/II study of first-line irinotecan combined with 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid Mayo Clinic schedule in patients with advanced colorectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: This multicentre phase I/II study was designed to determine the maximum tolerated dose of irinotecan when combined with 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid according to the Mayo Clinic schedule and to evaluate the activity of this combination as first-line therapy in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. METHODS: Sixty-three patients received irinotecan (250 or 300 mg/m(2), 30- to 90-minute intravenous infusion on day 1), immediately followed by folinic acid (20 mg/m(2)/day) and 5-fluorouracil (425 mg/m(2), 15-minute bolus infusion) days 1 to 5, every four weeks. RESULTS: Diarrhoea was dose limiting at 300 mg/m(2 )irinotecan in combination with 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid, and this was determined to be the maximum tolerated dose. Grade 3–4 neutropenia was the most frequently reported toxicity. The recommended dose of irinotecan for the phase II part of the study was 250 mg/m(2). The response rate for the evaluable patient population was 36% (13/36), and 44% (16 patients) had stable disease (including 19% of minor response). For the intention-to-treat population, the response rate was 29% (14/49) and 35% (17 patients) stable disease (including 14% of minor response). The median time to progression was 7.0 months and the median survival was 12.0 months. Grade 3–4 non-haematological drug-related toxicities included delayed diarrhoea, stomatitis, fatigue, and nausea/vomiting. There were three deaths due to septic shock that were possibly or probably treatment-related. CONCLUSIONS: This regimen of irinotecan in combination with the Mayo Clinic schedule of bolus 5-fluorouracil/folinic acid every four weeks showed activity as first-line therapy in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. In keeping with other published results of studies using bolus 5-fluorouracil combined with irinotecan, the use of this regimen is limited by a relatively high rate of grade 3–4 neutropenia, and the combination of irinotecan and infusional 5-fluorouracil / folinic acid should remain the regimen of first choice